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Everyone has a dirty secret; Sato is no different. Sato Ichiko, raised by an abusive foster father, is obsessed with torturing insects. When he was young, he would spend hours capturing insects and subjecting them to various forms of cruelty. This sadistic behavior gave him a sense of power and control, allowing him to momentarily escape the pain of his traumatic upbringing. As he grew older, Satos fascination with inflicting suffering on bugs evolved into a twisted hobby, fueling his dark desires and serving as a disturbing outlet for his pent-up anger and resentment. When he entered high school, it was no surprise that his classmates picked on him, especially four bullies at his school: Auto, the captain of the football team; Mika, the popular cheerleader; Ren, the class clown; and Hiro, the intimidating school gang leader. They saw Sato as an easy target due to his introverted nature and strange interests. Little did they know that their relentless torment only fueled his sadistic tendencies further, pushing him closer to the edge of his sanity. When the summer semester started, Sato preferred to attempt his new experiments on his tormentors rather than his insects.
2 Votes
Everyone has a dirty secret; Sato is no different. Sato Ichiko, raised by an abusive foster father, is obsessed with torturing insects. When he was young, he would spend hours capturing insects and subjecting them to various forms of cruelty. This sadistic behavior gave him a sense of power and control, allowing him to momentarily escape the pain of his traumatic upbringing. As he grew older, Satos fascination with inflicting suffering on bugs evolved into a twisted hobby, fueling his dark desires and serving as a disturbing outlet for his pent-up anger and resentment. When he entered high school, it was no surprise that his classmates picked on him, especially four bullies at his school: Auto, the captain of the football team; Mika, the popular cheerleader; Ren, the class clown; and Hiro, the intimidating school gang leader. They saw Sato as an easy target due to his introverted nature and strange interests. Little did they know that their relentless torment only fueled his sadistic tendencies further, pushing him closer to the edge of his sanity. When the summer semester started, Sato preferred to attempt his new experiments on his tormentors rather than his insects.




(2 Votes)
Miranda Hans
Delinquents;  Horror;  Thriller;  Web Novel;  
Everyone has a dirty secret; Sato is no different. Sato Ichiko, raised by an abusive foster father, is obsessed with torturing insects. When he was young, he would spend hours capturing insects and subjecting them to various forms of cruelty. This sadistic behavior gave him a sense of power and control, allowing him to momentarily escape the pain of his traumatic upbringing. As he grew older, Satos fascination with inflicting suffering on bugs evolved into a twisted hobby, fueling his dark desires and serving as a disturbing outlet for his pent-up anger and resentment. When he entered high school, it was no surprise that his classmates picked on him, especially four bullies at his school: Auto, the captain of the football team; Mika, the popular cheerleader; Ren, the class clown; and Hiro, the intimidating school gang leader. They saw Sato as an easy target due to his introverted nature and strange interests. Little did they know that their relentless torment only fueled his sadistic tendencies further, pushing him closer to the edge of his sanity. When the summer semester started, Sato preferred to attempt his new experiments on his tormentors rather than his insects.
Comments 2
Chapters 2
Everyone has a dirty secret; Sato is no different. Sato Ichiko, raised by an abusive foster father, is obsessed with torturing insects. When he was young, he would spend hours capturing insects and subjecting them to various forms of cruelty. This sadistic behavior gave him a sense of power and control, allowing him to momentarily escape the pain of his traumatic upbringing. As he grew older, Satos fascination with inflicting suffering on bugs evolved into a twisted hobby, fueling his dark desires and serving as a disturbing outlet for his pent-up anger and resentment. When he entered high school, it was no surprise that his classmates picked on him, especially four bullies at his school: Auto, the captain of the football team; Mika, the popular cheerleader; Ren, the class clown; and Hiro, the intimidating school gang leader. They saw Sato as an easy target due to his introverted nature and strange interests. Little did they know that their relentless torment only fueled his sadistic tendencies further, pushing him closer to the edge of his sanity. When the summer semester started, Sato preferred to attempt his new experiments on his tormentors rather than his insects.
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Sep 24, 2024
I hope new chspters will come faster in the future .It's interesting and I like the way story starts .I would like to give 5 star but its still early for a one chapter webnovel .Hope u can have enjoy while writing
May 09, 2024
The series QUIET KID contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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The following book you are about to read has graphic or explicit content such as gore, violence, animal abuse, body horror, explicit language, and other disturbing content. Reader discretion is advised. This book explores dark and mature themes that may be disturbing or unsettling to some readers. It contains vivid descriptions of violent acts, including scenes of animal cruelty and graphic depictions of body horror. Additionally, there are explicit sexual scenes that delve into explicit details. Please be aware of these elements before proceeding with reading this book.
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