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Pian Pian

4 Votes
In the world of “Pian Pian,” people are born with the initials of their soulmates on their bodies. The location of these “imprints” is unique to the individual, but the meaning behind the letters is the same. Sooha's happens to be located in a – ahem – very private location. The chances of actually uniting with one's soulmates is rather slim, but that hasn't stopped Sooha. Not only does he believes he will find his, but he has refused to enter into any other relationship until then. But lately his handsome boss chef Calix has had him feeling some feels “down there...” He thought he was alone in these feelings until the chef suddenly started showing interest in him. Could the tides be finally changing for our innocent Sooha?
4 Votes
In the world of “Pian Pian,” people are born with the initials of their soulmates on their bodies. The location of these “imprints” is unique to the individual, but the meaning behind the letters is the same. Sooha's happens to be located in a – ahem – very private location. The chances of actually uniting with one's soulmates is rather slim, but that hasn't stopped Sooha. Not only does he believes he will find his, but he has refused to enter into any other relationship until then. But lately his handsome boss chef Calix has had him feeling some feels “down there...” He thought he was alone in these feelings until the chef suddenly started showing interest in him. Could the tides be finally changing for our innocent Sooha?

Pian Pian


Pian Pian

(4 Votes)
Haesin young
In the world of “Pian Pian,” people are born with the initials of their soulmates on their bodies. The location of these “imprints” is unique to the individual, but the meaning behind the letters is the same. Sooha's happens to be located in a – ahem – very private location. The chances of actually uniting with one's soulmates is rather slim, but that hasn't stopped Sooha. Not only does he believes he will find his, but he has refused to enter into any other relationship until then. But lately his handsome boss chef Calix has had him feeling some feels “down there...” He thought he was alone in these feelings until the chef suddenly started showing interest in him. Could the tides be finally changing for our innocent Sooha?
Comments 4
Chapters 18
In the world of “Pian Pian,” people are born with the initials of their soulmates on their bodies. The location of these “imprints” is unique to the individual, but the meaning behind the letters is the same. Sooha's happens to be located in a – ahem – very private location. The chances of actually uniting with one's soulmates is rather slim, but that hasn't stopped Sooha. Not only does he believes he will find his, but he has refused to enter into any other relationship until then. But lately his handsome boss chef Calix has had him feeling some feels “down there...” He thought he was alone in these feelings until the chef suddenly started showing interest in him. Could the tides be finally changing for our innocent Sooha?
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Sep 22, 2024
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Sep 26, 2021
Love this comic!!! Hope it updates soon :)
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