Yuna, a 15-year-old girl, started playing the worlds first VRMMO.
She has earned billions of yen in stocks, and confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school.
Today, a major update has arrived and she obtained a non-transferable rare bear outfit.
But the equipment is so embarrassing that she cant wear it even in the game.
Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in and unknown forest in the bear outfit.
Where is this? Email from God? A different world?
If she wears the bear outfit shes a cheat, if she takes it off shes a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing whatever she wanted.
Yuna, a 15-year-old girl, started playing the worlds first VRMMO.
She has earned billions of yen in stocks, and confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school.
Today, a major update has arrived and she obtained a non-transferable rare bear outfit.
But the equipment is so embarrassing that she cant wear it even in the game.
Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in and unknown forest in the bear outfit.
Where is this? Email from God? A different world?
If she wears the bear outfit shes a cheat, if she takes it off shes a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing whatever she wanted.
Yuna, a 15-year-old girl, started playing the worlds first VRMMO.
She has earned billions of yen in stocks, and confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school.
Today, a major update has arrived and she obtained a non-transferable rare bear outfit.
But the equipment is so embarrassing that she cant wear it even in the game.
Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in and unknown forest in the bear outfit.
Where is this? Email from God? A different world?
If she wears the bear outfit shes a cheat, if she takes it off shes a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing whatever she wanted.
Comments 3
Chapters 105
Yuna, a 15-year-old girl, started playing the worlds first VRMMO.
She has earned billions of yen in stocks, and confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school.
Today, a major update has arrived and she obtained a non-transferable rare bear outfit.
But the equipment is so embarrassing that she cant wear it even in the game.
Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in and unknown forest in the bear outfit.
Where is this? Email from God? A different world?
If she wears the bear outfit shes a cheat, if she takes it off shes a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing whatever she wanted.
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The series KUMA KUMA KUMA BEAR Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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