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I Adopted A Villainous Dad Manga

7 Votes
I entered a novel in which the heroine who reincarnated as a saintess has to walk on a thorny path. Yeah, nope! I, who decided to walk on a flower path, abandoned the original frustrating family and adopted my bias as my dad in our first meeting. You, be my daddy! The storys final boss and villain! But now hes just my dad. Fufu. Daddy, why is your name also daddy? So cute. What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness? {a pun that im too lazy to explain} As I dream of a happy ending for Daddy, theres just one more huge obstacle… The existence of the hero who would kill the final boss. Now that its come to this, lets save my bias and the hero as an addition! If I have time, maybe the world too! However… Ill kill you if you approach my daughter. ...Daddy keeps on raising the death flags. You should take responsibility since you tamed me. Somehow the hero is also obsessed over me, just whats going on…? Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name
7 Votes
I entered a novel in which the heroine who reincarnated as a saintess has to walk on a thorny path. Yeah, nope! I, who decided to walk on a flower path, abandoned the original frustrating family and adopted my bias as my dad in our first meeting. You, be my daddy! The storys final boss and villain! But now hes just my dad. Fufu. Daddy, why is your name also daddy? So cute. What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness? {a pun that im too lazy to explain} As I dream of a happy ending for Daddy, theres just one more huge obstacle… The existence of the hero who would kill the final boss. Now that its come to this, lets save my bias and the hero as an addition! If I have time, maybe the world too! However… Ill kill you if you approach my daughter. ...Daddy keeps on raising the death flags. You should take responsibility since you tamed me. Somehow the hero is also obsessed over me, just whats going on…? Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name

I Adopted A Villainous Dad Manga


I Adopted A Villainous Dad Manga

(7 Votes)
Drama;  Fantasy;  Isekai;  
I entered a novel in which the heroine who reincarnated as a saintess has to walk on a thorny path. Yeah, nope! I, who decided to walk on a flower path, abandoned the original frustrating family and adopted my bias as my dad in our first meeting. You, be my daddy! The storys final boss and villain! But now hes just my dad. Fufu. Daddy, why is your name also daddy? So cute. What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness? {a pun that im too lazy to explain} As I dream of a happy ending for Daddy, theres just one more huge obstacle… The existence of the hero who would kill the final boss. Now that its come to this, lets save my bias and the hero as an addition! If I have time, maybe the world too! However… Ill kill you if you approach my daughter. ...Daddy keeps on raising the death flags. You should take responsibility since you tamed me. Somehow the hero is also obsessed over me, just whats going on…? Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name
Comments 2
Chapters 69
I entered a novel in which the heroine who reincarnated as a saintess has to walk on a thorny path. Yeah, nope! I, who decided to walk on a flower path, abandoned the original frustrating family and adopted my bias as my dad in our first meeting. You, be my daddy! The storys final boss and villain! But now hes just my dad. Fufu. Daddy, why is your name also daddy? So cute. What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness? {a pun that im too lazy to explain} As I dream of a happy ending for Daddy, theres just one more huge obstacle… The existence of the hero who would kill the final boss. Now that its come to this, lets save my bias and the hero as an addition! If I have time, maybe the world too! However… Ill kill you if you approach my daughter. ...Daddy keeps on raising the death flags. You should take responsibility since you tamed me. Somehow the hero is also obsessed over me, just whats going on…? Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name
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Sep 24, 2024
The only thing brighter than the moonlight is the desire I see dancing in your eyes. Perhaps we can turn up the heat a little... with a touch of something unspoken? f1nd me on ninafuller_mooo_com change _ to dot
Aug 29, 2024
The series I Adopted A Villainous Dad Manga contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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