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Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons

3 Votes
Spend life energy to infuse martial arts, and you can perform unlimited deductions. Shen Yi's mortal body only has a lifespan of less than a hundred years. Fortunately, he can gain his remaining lifespan by killing demons. In the troubled times where evil spirits are everywhere, the long sword is revealed, causing the liver and gallbladder of these creatures who have lived for thousands of years to burst! From [Eagle Claw Technique] to [Eight Desolations Splitting Heavenly Hands], from [Demon Subduing Fist] to [Golden Body Prison Suppressing Dharma Appearance]! Shen Yi occasionally ponders, how come this lifespan is getting longer with more use? He put the sword into its sheath, raised his eyes to the sky, and heard that there was a Jade Palace above the clouds. It was filled with thousands of saints, each of whom had experienced endless years. This time I came to heaven just to borrow a million years from the immortals to prove my path to immortality.
3 Votes
Spend life energy to infuse martial arts, and you can perform unlimited deductions. Shen Yi's mortal body only has a lifespan of less than a hundred years. Fortunately, he can gain his remaining lifespan by killing demons. In the troubled times where evil spirits are everywhere, the long sword is revealed, causing the liver and gallbladder of these creatures who have lived for thousands of years to burst! From [Eagle Claw Technique] to [Eight Desolations Splitting Heavenly Hands], from [Demon Subduing Fist] to [Golden Body Prison Suppressing Dharma Appearance]! Shen Yi occasionally ponders, how come this lifespan is getting longer with more use? He put the sword into its sheath, raised his eyes to the sky, and heard that there was a Jade Palace above the clouds. It was filled with thousands of saints, each of whom had experienced endless years. This time I came to heaven just to borrow a million years from the immortals to prove my path to immortality.

Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons


Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons

(3 Votes)
Fantasy;  Xuanhuan;  
Spend life energy to infuse martial arts, and you can perform unlimited deductions. Shen Yi's mortal body only has a lifespan of less than a hundred years. Fortunately, he can gain his remaining lifespan by killing demons. In the troubled times where evil spirits are everywhere, the long sword is revealed, causing the liver and gallbladder of these creatures who have lived for thousands of years to burst! From [Eagle Claw Technique] to [Eight Desolations Splitting Heavenly Hands], from [Demon Subduing Fist] to [Golden Body Prison Suppressing Dharma Appearance]! Shen Yi occasionally ponders, how come this lifespan is getting longer with more use? He put the sword into its sheath, raised his eyes to the sky, and heard that there was a Jade Palace above the clouds. It was filled with thousands of saints, each of whom had experienced endless years. This time I came to heaven just to borrow a million years from the immortals to prove my path to immortality.
Comments 3
Chapters 570
Spend life energy to infuse martial arts, and you can perform unlimited deductions. Shen Yi's mortal body only has a lifespan of less than a hundred years. Fortunately, he can gain his remaining lifespan by killing demons. In the troubled times where evil spirits are everywhere, the long sword is revealed, causing the liver and gallbladder of these creatures who have lived for thousands of years to burst! From [Eagle Claw Technique] to [Eight Desolations Splitting Heavenly Hands], from [Demon Subduing Fist] to [Golden Body Prison Suppressing Dharma Appearance]! Shen Yi occasionally ponders, how come this lifespan is getting longer with more use? He put the sword into its sheath, raised his eyes to the sky, and heard that there was a Jade Palace above the clouds. It was filled with thousands of saints, each of whom had experienced endless years. This time I came to heaven just to borrow a million years from the immortals to prove my path to immortality.
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Chapter 1
Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons ~

 500,000 words short essay

 Unknowingly, it has been more than a month since it was put on the shelves.

At that time, Xiaopujie promised to update 6,000 words three times a day. In the ten days last month, the number was about 7,000 words a day, which is considered achieved.

This month should be 186,000 words... As of today, I have completed 174,000 words, plus tomorrow's exactly 180,000 words, a shortfall of 6,000, which is equivalent to one day without updates.

 I write really slowly.

It's not like the big guys said to play games... It's been more than ten days since I bought that game, and I've only played it for 3.7 hours now.

 Why do you write so slowly?

 Because I am not a serious writer yet and do not have enough brainpower to support continuous coding...

From the time I opened the book on October 30th to today, it has been exactly three months, and I have really not updated it a day. For other authors, this is a normal thing, but for me, it is really special. Hard work.

   I'm really grateful for the support from the big guys.

I am not a great master, just an ordinary street fighter. I am learning while writing.

 Want to finish the book.

 The two previous updates are actually combined, still 6,000 words per day.

 Today is the real two updates.

 (End of this chapter)

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Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons ~
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