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Aobing Zhuan

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Based on the 2019 movie Nezha Over a thousand years, spiritual energy of the earth and heavens merged to form a Chaos Pearl. Yuanshi Tianzun refined it into a Demon Pill and a Spirit Pearl. The Spirit Pearl, which was supposed to be reincarnated into Nezhas body, was stolen by Shen Gongbao and given to the East Dragon King. As such, the Third Prince Aobing, the reincarnation of the Spirit Pearl, was born. Surrounding Aobing is a series of events about growth, and a battle against the Dragons that is beginning. [Updates on the 8th and 21st of each month]
1 Votes
Based on the 2019 movie Nezha Over a thousand years, spiritual energy of the earth and heavens merged to form a Chaos Pearl. Yuanshi Tianzun refined it into a Demon Pill and a Spirit Pearl. The Spirit Pearl, which was supposed to be reincarnated into Nezhas body, was stolen by Shen Gongbao and given to the East Dragon King. As such, the Third Prince Aobing, the reincarnation of the Spirit Pearl, was born. Surrounding Aobing is a series of events about growth, and a battle against the Dragons that is beginning. [Updates on the 8th and 21st of each month]

Aobing Zhuan


Aobing Zhuan

(1 Votes)
Action;  Adventure;  Fantasy;  Historical;  
Based on the 2019 movie Nezha Over a thousand years, spiritual energy of the earth and heavens merged to form a Chaos Pearl. Yuanshi Tianzun refined it into a Demon Pill and a Spirit Pearl. The Spirit Pearl, which was supposed to be reincarnated into Nezhas body, was stolen by Shen Gongbao and given to the East Dragon King. As such, the Third Prince Aobing, the reincarnation of the Spirit Pearl, was born. Surrounding Aobing is a series of events about growth, and a battle against the Dragons that is beginning. [Updates on the 8th and 21st of each month]
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Chapters 51
Based on the 2019 movie Nezha Over a thousand years, spiritual energy of the earth and heavens merged to form a Chaos Pearl. Yuanshi Tianzun refined it into a Demon Pill and a Spirit Pearl. The Spirit Pearl, which was supposed to be reincarnated into Nezhas body, was stolen by Shen Gongbao and given to the East Dragon King. As such, the Third Prince Aobing, the reincarnation of the Spirit Pearl, was born. Surrounding Aobing is a series of events about growth, and a battle against the Dragons that is beginning. [Updates on the 8th and 21st of each month]
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Jul 31, 2024
The series Aobing Zhuan contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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