Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth 73 Dragon Blood Qi Pool VI ébié

Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth 73 Dragon Blood Qi Pool VI ébié

Alex opened his eyes to a world of blood, the skies were red and in the distance a blood red moon could be seen hanging with an ominous look beyond the horizon. Alex was standing on a sea of blood, and it spread for as far as the eye could see, there were tiny patches of land spread evenly across the landscape, obviously if someone were to look at it from above, they would notice that the islands were evenly shaped to make a spiral like landmass, of which Alex was right in the middle of.

Alex wasn't really sure of where he was, the last thing he remembered was the pain and the whispers within the dragon blood Qi pool, and now he suddenly found himself here. But Alex was not as clueless, he wasn't sure, but he had a suspicion nagging at the back of his head. But his experience now was quite different from the first time, which was why he wasn't really sure about what was going on here. He took a deep breath, about to call out to someone or something, whom and which he sincerely hoped was here, however he never got to voice anything out as the sea began moving around him.

There was something big in the blood that's for sure, but Alex couldn't tell what it was. It circled around him as shark would it's prey, Alex felt afraid, because quite honestly this was completely unlike when he first met Nezha, he couldn't help the feeling that he was coming face to face with death. The blood but bled as whatever was in it decided to surface, the first thing he saw were the ridged home spines and spikes on a very long and very serpentine back. It curled and wrapped itself around the place Alex was standing, and if someone had an x-ray they would be able to see a serpentine figure over two hundred meters in length making an extra spiral around Alex's body.

With fear in his eyes, heart and bones, Alex watched as a massive heart slowly made it's way out of the water. The massive horn resting on it's snout made it's way out first, pointing to the skies like some sort of ancient battle sabre, then came the scales the nostrils, the jaws and then those scary looking yellow eyes. It had a serpentine pupil, but surrounding that was a retina that was hexagonal shaped and blazing red. Alex felt like those eyes could see deep into him, to tell and expose all of his secrets, he was paralyzed with fear, a dear unlike anything he has ever felt or experienced and he couldn't fight it, couldn't resist feeling the terror as if it's very presence commanded it.

"You do not have to be afraid of me, you made me."

Those words seemed to be the trigger that Alex needed, he fell back on his ass completely free of shock and fear, but still those emotions running rampant with his body had left him very exhausted and mentally drained. The massive dragon moved around him, forcing Alex to move his neck around the follow the form of the massive beast. Obviously the dragon as it seemed was female, the voice he had heard was feminine, but yet it still evoked a certain sense of power that Alex couldn't understand, and now that he thought about it, it didn't seem like death, though it was quite close. The dragon pulled close to Alex and then hummed to itself, before suddenly it was standing in front of Alex as a young woman.

Shocked as he might be, Alex couldn't help but compliment the figure in front of him. Hair as long as the very ocean itself (if that was possible) a fair skin covered with tiny scales with little red highlights on the edges. Two curved horns pointing backwards from her forehead, yellow eyes that looked like some sort of flower, long toned legs that left Alex's mouth watering, a full breathe that was a little on the large size and a behind that who's shape and contour could even be seen from the front, a perfect existence.

Alex's gob smacked expression along with his somewhat natural reaction to the sensual scene in front of him was almost too much for the young boy to bear. After all this was the first time Alex had ever seen the naked form of a woman and he was left rather....unsettled. the dragon seemed to realize it's folly as a pristine and ornately designed red robe suddenly covered her body, however taking a look at the edges of this robe would show Alex that the robe was actually made from blood, blood that was still dripping down into the sea below.

"Is this better?" The dragon asked, a question to which Alex could only dumbly nod his head to.

"I'm sure you must have many questions, however so do I. But I will explain what has happened as best as I can, there is a plethora of knowledge that I've inherited from when I was many, but now I'm one, so all is as one as it should be." The dragon said, leaving Alex a little bit confused with way she spoke.

"Every blood in that pool was taken from the dragons brutally killed in the most terrible of fashion. It was only in this way would there be enough energy in the blood to nurture and bring out the hidden potential in the bodies of your fellow sect disciples. I believe it's quite similar to having adrenaline flood your system, each of the dragons have to be in a state of heightened emotions, and more often than not, said emotions are fear and hatred.

Dragons are alive in every single part of their body, all the way down to the very cells that makes up there body. And even more so for dragons within the heaven gate cultivation levels where the body, soul and energy is consolidated as one. Taking blood from them also meant taking a piece of their souls and consciousness, and then going so far as to unceremoniously dump all the blood in the same pool and use arrays to stimulate them and keep them in a state of flux to prevent decay, was akin to creating hell and dumping a whole bunch of draconic souls into it. Torment does not even begin to describe the level of pain we...I felt.

And then there you were, falling into the pool without the protection of the array plate you were sitting one, obviously it was a work of Sabotage, however we didn't care. It was a chance for use to possess a new body and escape our hell. However you were protected by not just your Spirit energy and the masks, but also by your cultivation technique, which was mainly responsible for keeping us at bay.

And then your masks sensed the power of the dragons within the blood and took them in, conjoining and refining them until the horror of the old was removed and a new consciousness was born, until I was born. You are the reason for my existence master, I beseech thee, please give me a name.

The dragon moved quite close to Alex until both their heads were touching each other, Alex on the other hand was feeling flustered by how close she was to him. But none the less he understood what had happened, it was the same and get quite different from how Nezha came to dwell in the mask. The fire Ruby Alex had found had opened a doorway to the spirit realm and gave Nezha a chance to slip into the mask, or rather he chose to do so. There really was slot Alex didn't understand about the mask and the mantle, but apparently this time it had created a spirit rather than summoning one from the spirit realm and binding it and it's power to the mask.

Alex looked up at the blood dragon spirit, somehow he knew the first word that had to come out from his mouth was supposed to be her name, if not there might be consequences, how he knew this, Alex himself wasn't really sure, but he knew it none the less and that's when Alex opened his mouth and spoke.


That was a word in his father's tongue, the ancient language from the tribe his father was a part of. And it meant BLOOD!
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Chapter end

218 Night District VI : Plans
217 Night District V : The System
216 Night District IV : Chao Xu And Chao Xing
215 Night District III : The Left Arm
214 District Of Night II : An Unwelcome Welcome
213 District Of Night I : Changes
212 Onward And Upward
211 Forging West Wind And East Cloud 2
210 Forging West Wind And East Cloud 1
209 I Love You
208 Empress Of The Empire Of Heaven
207 The Rights Of Conquest And Command
206 Debrief
205 Funeral
204 The Veil V : Sofia; The Wisdom Of Kings
203 The Veil IV : Fallen Hero
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201 chapter coming
200 Chapter coming soom
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198 Vatican City VI : Escape
197 Vatican City V : Holy Angelic Spirit Mask
196 Vatican City IV : An Angel And The Eye Of Horus
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194 Vatican City II : Golem
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191 Showdown In Sydney V : Choose!
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189 chapter coming
188 chapter coming
187 birthday hiatus
186 0 Circle Spell; One Model Three Casters
185 Mana Attributes
184 Mana attributes
183 The Ark Wars 2
182 The Ark Wars 1
181 Spiri
180 Darkness Falls IX : Molock
179 Darkness Falls VIII : The Hunt Begins
178 Darkness Falls VII : Hunt!
177 Darkness Falls VI : Wraiths Of Vengeance
176 Darkness Falls IV : Tragic
175 Darkness Falls III : Curse
174 Darkness Falls II : Misunderstanding
173 Darkness Falls I : Spirits
172 His Father's Letter
171 Geb's Garden
170 Blood Of Ancient Earth Ritual IV :
169 Blood Of Ancient Earth Ritual III : It Begins
168 Blood Of Ancient Earth Ritual II : Missions Accomplished
167 Blood Of Ancient Earth Ritual I : Fairy Spirit Devonte Bonded
166 Orcon Forest 2 X : Desperate Fight!
165 Orcon Forest 2 IX : Fairy Druid; Devonte
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163 Orcon Forest 2 VII : Advancement, Blessed By The Heavens
162 Orcon Forest 2 VI : Sky Steel And Calling The Lightning Of The Heavens
161 Orcon Forest 2 V : Five Vein Element Treasure
160 Orcon Forest 2 IV : Giant JellyFish And A Hydra
159 Orcon Forest 2 III : Crater
158 Orcon Forest 2 II : Predator
157 Orcon Forest 2 I : Missions
156 Study And The Plans For A Blood Ritual
155 You Smell!
154 Dinner
153 A Samurai, An Assassin, A Knight And An Elementalis
152 Recruitment, Louis's Big Brother
151 Tower In Dire Straits
150 House Cleaning V : Miranda
149 House Cleaning IV : 4th & 5th floor
148 House Cleaning III : 3rd & 6th Floor, Another Spirit User!
147 House Cleaning II : The Night Shroud Blanke
146 House Cleaning I : Arrival, cliche cannon fodders!
145 Making A Statement 2 : A Family Affair
144 Making A Statement 1 : Confronting The Tangs
143 Orcon Forest VII : The Power Of Black Ash
142 Orcon Forest VI : Black Ash Xeron
141 Orcon Forest V : Black Ash Salamander: Xeron
140 Orcon Forest IV : Dealing With A Bigger Snake
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136 Off To School
135 The Secret To GodHood!
134 Nezha's Descent!: Fury Of Fire
133 Dad
132 Everybody Wants To Rule The World
131 Whispers In A Hidden Place
130 Birthday Banquet X : Promises Of Treason, You Already Belong To Me
129 Birthday Banquet IX : Hidden Thorns
128 Birthday Banquet VIII : Are You Not Entertained?
127 Birthday Banquet VII : Two Elements
126 Birthday Banquet VI : Fight!
125 Birthday Banquet V : Invitation, Gif
124 Birthday Banquet IV : Two Tigers, One Mountain
123 Birthday Banquet III : Reunion
122 Birthday Banquet II : Ghosts and Rituals
121 Birthday Banquet I : Sneaky Sneaky
120 Forbidden City VI : Pawns Of Pawns
119 Forbidden City V : The Ninth Princess
118 Forbidden City IV : More Schemes
117 The Forbidden City III : Schemes
116 The Forbidden City II : Exposed
115 The Forbidden City I : Khan's Rank Up
114 Macau X : Out Of Time
113 Macau IX : The Midnight Hour
112 Macau VIII : Thriller
111 Macau VII : Corpse's Shell
110 Macau VI : Nowhere Left Run
109 Macau V : Jaws Of Evil
108 Macau IV : Something Evil's Lurking In The Dark
107 Macau III : Robbed
106 Macau II : Airship
105 Macao I : Yi Jin Jing
104 Childe II : Spirit Wind Peak
103 Childe I : Lost In A Mother's Embrace
102 Hell Arena VII : Basilisk
101 Hell Arena VI : The Manticore
100 Hell Arena V : The Naga King
99 Hell Arena IV : Freaky Shows And Devil's Deals
98 Hell Arena III : Khan On A Mission
97 Hell Arena II : Corpse Eater
96 Hell Arena I : Longing
95 Forge VI : Blood Dragon
94 Forge V : Sirens
93 Forge IV : Anya
92 Forge III : Testing Blades
91 Forge II : Sabers & Swords
90 Forge I : Design
89 Infernal Prison Dimension XV : Blacksmithing
88 Infernal Prison Dimension XIV : Underground River
87 Infernal Prison Dimension XII : On The Move
86 Infernal Prison Dimension XII : Safe
85 Infernal Prison Dimension XI : Dark Sylphs
84 Infernal Prison Dimension X : Khan
83 Infernal Prison Dimension IX : Forest Chase!
82 Infernal Prison Dimension VIII : Hunted
81 Infernal Prison Dimension VII : Setting A Forest On Fire
80 Infernal Prison Dimension VI : Field Of Snakes
79 Infernal Prison Dimension V : Leaving The Mountain
78 Infernal Prison Dimension IV : Alchemy
77 Infernal Prison Dimension III : Lizards
76 Infernal Prison Dimension II : Ambush
75 Infernal Prison Dimension I : Sabotage
74 Dragon Blood Qi Pool VII : Questions
73 Dragon Blood Qi Pool VI ébié
72 Dragon Blood Qi Pool V : Blood Dragon Mask
71 Dragon Blood Qi Pool IV : Sabotage
70 Dragon Blood Qi Pool III : The Pool
69 Dragon Blood Qi Pool II : Late
68 Dragon Blood Qi Pool I : Waking Up
67 Draw
66 Half Year Sect Competition X : Yun Fao
65 Half Year Sect Competition IX : Louis
64 Spirits: Divination, Apparition, Mind Sight & Manifestation
63 Going Down Memory Lane
62 Half Year Sect Competition VIII : 3rd Level
61 Half Year Sect Competition VII : Open Dantian Realm 1
60 Half Year Sect Competition VI : Red Flame Focus Pierce
59 Half Year Sect Competition V : Instant Loss
58 Half Year Sect Competition IV : Tough Opponen
57 Half Year Sect Competition III : Fierce
56 Half Year Sect Competition II : Battle Royale
55 Half Year Sect Competition I : Begins
54 Four Seasons Of The Weeping World I : Sword Of Summer
53 Gaining Knowledge 2
52 Gaining Knowledge 1
51 Scholar Fan II : 8th Stage Open Meridian Realm
50 Scholar Fan I : The Royal Family
49 Conviction
48 Fire Spirit Mask II : Knowledge
47 Fire Spirit Mask I : The Shadow Of Nezha
46 Brother II : Conflic
45 Brother I : Learning About The Sec
44 Training V : TaiChi & Down The Peak
43 Training IV : GoodByes
42 Training III : Separation
40 Training I : Stirring Shadows
39 Arrival
38 Death Warrant IV : Innocence Los
37 Death Warrant III : Paradise Los
36 Death Warrant II : Promises
35 Death Warrant I : Talen
34 Grandfather
33 Competition 2 XII : Innocence Los
32 Competition 2 XI : Flame Ruby
31 Competition 2 XI : Spiders
30 Competition 2 X : Bloodlus
29 Competition 2 IX : The Monster
28 Competition 2 VIII : The Carnage Begins
27 Competition 2 VII : Before The Carnage
26 Competition 2 VI : The Prelude To Carnage
25 Competition 2 V : The Enlightenmen
24 Competition 2 IV : Heart Like The Wind
23 Competition 2 III : Sword Arts, Movement Art, Uncle?
22 Competition 2 II : West Wind And East Cloud
21 Competition 2 I : Departure
20 Call Of The Masquerade V : The Spirit King
19 Call Of The Masquerade IV : Darkness Descends
18 Call Of The Masquerade III : Fighting Blanks
17 Call Of The Masquerade II : A Trial
16 Call Of The Masquerade I : The Killing Price
15 Competition IX : First Kill
14 Competition VIII : The Killing Move
13 Competition VII : Eliminated
12 Competition VI : Wardrobe Malfunction
11 Competition V : Essence Of A Python
10 Competition iv : Lu Yen
9 Competition iii : Rapid Advancemen
8 Competition ii : First Blood
7 Competition I : The First Figh
6 Registration ii : The Arrival And A Breakthrough
5 Registration i : The Departure
-4 History of Qi Earth
-3 Cultivation Chart Of Qi Earth
2 First Training
1 Alex Feng Matthews
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