The Tylingariea Epic 17 Chapter 14 Adams trip into the Time Pool

The Tylingariea Epic 17 Chapter 14 Adams trip into the Time Pool

It was nearly noon when Adam awoke from his bed Kai had been up for hours reading her data pad. He got out of bed and walked into the large bathing area and took a long hot shower as Adam was taking his shower the water stopped. Adam looked at the bejeweled showerhead to see what was wrong with the showerhead. the showerhead rattled and shaked as dark black ooze jetted out of the showerhead filling the shower sparying onto the walls and covering the bathroom Adam did not know what to do he tried to turn the shower off but the ooze kept coming.

He tried to escape but the door was stuck the ooze filled the shower. Adam fell to the ground in fear the black ooze then morphed into a woman she had no face. Adam looked at this faceless woman and said " what do you want?" the woman tilted her head and said " I want your life!" the woman thrust a blade into Adams chest. Adam fell out of the shower passed out he awoke with a start his heart was pounding and his mind was racing as he said " my god what was that

his head still buzzing from what he saw in the shower. once Adam dried himself off and saw that on the dresser was a new pair of cloths that was laid out for him last night. Adam looked at the clothing and saw that they all had numbered labels on them so that he would know what they were. But Adam had never heard of any of these materials on Earth.

He looked at the numbered labels and they read 1: A Elder Dragon Skin Jacket, 2: one pair of Zarrack Boots and Zarrack Skin Gloves , 3: A Dyraveion Scale Shirt and finally 4: a Gorack Silk Cloak. Adam put on his new cloths he then saw a long blade had a golden handle with a silver chain wrapped around it and at the top of the handle was a openmouthed dragon. This Sword came with a Dragon Skin belt and a hoister. Adam picked up the sword as he did a bright blue flame appeared and began to inscribe a name on the sword.

Kai'la had gone back to her room some time in the night.

Luke sound asleep in his large comfy bed was awaken from his peaceful slumber by a loud crash, the sound of glass falling onto the floor.

" are you ok in there Nina?" Luke said there was a pause

" yeah, I am ok. I should have played that holotape of how to put on a tylingarien bra." Nina said

Luke could hear from inside " Damn this cloth shackles that hold back my breasts!" Nina cried out

Luke replied " everything ok?"

Nina put on her El'taree woven shirt and her Asa'targar Jacket "Yeah I am fine, The El'taree make woman wear that is to tight around the chest."

Nina left the room and headed towards Kai'la's room " can I come in?" Nina asked Kai'la

" yes, you can come in." Kai'la said she was dressed in her tradinal homeworld gear. " Amazing, I have never seen a Kai before. You truly are a one of a kind, Nina said

Kai'la bowed " thank you Terrain. I am sorry that you can't see the rest of my people we truly were a race to behold."

Nina replied " oh yeah I remember your race was almost killed by a unstable planet core formed over eons of decomposing in a stais state of flux."

Kai'la looked puzzeled " you confus me? You come in praise me and my race then proceed to remind me that everyone I know is dead?"

Luke walked in placing a arm around Nina " Sorry Kai'la if my sister said anything insestive she does not think before she speaks sometimes."

Kai'la paused and looked at Nina her face had turned from joyies and exitable to reserved and shy,

" No, it is fine. Nina and I were just talking about me being the last Kai." Kai'la said turning and looking at Nina who nodded

" Ok, I was just making sure Nina was being nice." Luke said as he walked away.

Nina smiled weakly " I am sorry my brother can be like that" Kai'la nodded " its perfectly ok. In fact he reminds me of my brother Silva.

Adam watched intently as the sword wrote the name Bailfire in sprailing letters of blue flames. There was a knock at Adams door and Adam said " I will be right there." He then belted Bailfire to his waist and answered the door.

A servant cloaked in a dark blue hood said to Adam " you are need in the courtyard." She motioned for him to follow her she lead him down a winding staircase made of dark red stone.

As they walked down the winding staircase, she had noticed that Adam was wearing the new cloths that were given to him and had Bailfire around his waist.

" Do you like the cloths I put out for you, Honnered guest." The servant said

Adam replied " yes, but please call me Adam. What is your name you never told me?"

The Servant stopped and said " No Honnered Guest, I can't do that." Adam nodded understanding what was happening " I am sorry for offening you, I would like it if you referred to me by Adam." He said in a firm but kind tone

The Servant nodded she had in her life meet a person who was as understanding as Adam.

The Servant took Adam to a massive arcway that was over a crystal clear pool of water The Servant turned to Adam and said " My name is Aki." Removing her hood Adam saw a fuzzy cat like creature with deep sea blue eyes her fur was white and black.

" Your beatiul." Adam said to Aki. " thank you, Adam. You are the first Terrain I ever talked to." Aki said her face growing dark and sereries Aki pointed at Bailfire " Adam, I was not kidding when I said that the wepon you weild is a powerful and ancient wepon,

Its magic rivals that of the Blade Demonsong the sword used by Ryi'june to slay the mighty Lupine Riddle or so the legend goes"

they entered the huge courtyard with the crystal clear pool that Adam could see from his room. once they entered Adam saw the rest of the group was waiting for him to arrive

Kai'la was talking to Nina about her planets legends and myths, Jason sat under a tall tree reading a old worn journal, while Victor and Luke were talking

Calingar was standing next to the pool with a tall older man that was hunched over even though his face was concealed by the dark red hood he still looked older then Calingar " who is the man in the red hood" Adam asked Aki

as she lead him closer to him " that is the Grand Elder he will grant you permission to enter the Time Pool." As he approached the Grand Elder she bowed low to the ground as did everyone else expect for Adam. He was about to bow but the Grand Elder stopped him and said in a low raspy voice " stop do not bow." He motioned with two fingers " come here" Adam walked over to the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder he asked Adam " have you had visions of the future yet?" Adam thought about what happened in the shower and replied " yes I think I have."

The Grand Elder nodded and said slowly " I see." The Grand Elder then reached out two fingers and placed them on Adams forehead.

Once he did The Grand Elder could feel eminse power concelied inside of Adam waiting to burst out.

The Grand Elder gasped and said "my Gods there is a great hidden power inside of you Adam Jackson." The Grand Elder said " I will allow you to enter the Time Pool."

Everyone rose up and Jason said " while you are in the Time Pool we will train so we will be able to defeat Zargorwath the Demon Lord" Adam thanked him as he up to the pool an old staircase rose up " what ever you see in the Time Pool is a vision of what is to come and it might or might not happen." Calingar said as Adam was stepping onto the stairs

Calingar then cried out " oh just one more thing even though the visions look like they can hurt you. Do not be afraid nothing will harm you in the Time Pool!" Adam then walked down the stairs and into the Time Pool. As the walked down the stone steps and into the Time Pool the Crystal clear water opened up like a curtain reveling a long winding staircase. Without looking back Adam walked down into the Time Pool

Chapter end

264 Chapter Seven: The Arrival of Vi'hane Moonblood and Ja'ven
263 Chapter seven: Emma Dra'ghoul
262 Chapter six: Lost cub
260 Chapter One: Ten Years Later
259 Chapter three: The Son of Bane Moonblood
258 Prolouge: Ten years ago
257 Chapter one
256 Chapter 6: Revan Xendo
255 Chapter Five: The return of the fallen ranger
254 Chapter four: Rebirth
253 Chapter Five: The return of the fallen ranger
252 Chapter four: Rebirth
251 Chapter one: Nova Dra'ghoul
249 Chapter one: Nova Dra'ghoul
247 Chapter 14: The Battle Begans
246 Chapter 13: Nina's Decsion
245 Chapter 12: Dragonblood
244 Chapter 11: The Children of the Tower
243 Chapter ten: A talk with a old Friend
242 Chapter Nine: The Spirt of Az'zoul
239 Chapter Seven: Draco arrives at Howls Caves
238 Chapter six: The Na'jain
237 Chapter five: The Hollow Man
235 Chapter three: The Last of the Dragonbloods
234 Chapter two: The Fores
233 Chapter one: The Village of Nothing
232 Prolouge
229 Chapter three: Missing pieces
228 Chapter two
227 Chapter one The Transmission
225 Chapter 17: The Fight on Bloodmoon Mountain
224 Chapter 16: Redemcium of a Demon King
223 Chapter 15: The Fated fight between Blood brothers
222 Chapter 14: Jason Bloodhear
221 Chapter 13: The pill
218 Chapter 10: Adams glimspe into his future
217 Chapter nine: Great unlimited power comes with a high cos
216 Chapter 8: Ven'dra Vermillion
215 Chapter seven The Quinn Wars
214 Chapter six Vermillion City
213 Chapter Five: Nina's Dream
212 Chapter 4: Jacky Blackhear
211 Chapter three: Az'ra
209 Chapter One: Kanshiro Tenko The Last Realmwalker
208 Epiloge
207 Chapter 27 The Aftermath
206 Chapter 26 Adam battles Zargorwarth the Demon Lord in The Cosmic State
205 Chapter 25 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord transforms into his True Form
202 Chapter 23 Jason Blackhearts betrayal
201 Chapter 22 The Red Ladies finial battle with Luke
200 Chapter 21 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord summons the Army of the White Fang
199 Chapter 20 Adam becomes the Guardian of Ligh
197 The Death of King Calingar
196 Chapter 18 Mariea reaches Palingar the Elven Kingdom Capital
195 Chapter 17 The creation of Megafuse
194 Chapter 16 Kits desperate ac
193 Chapter 15 Cybore makes The Red Lady a full Cyborg
192 Chapter 14 General Savgar tells Ralingar his vision of the future
191 Chapter 13 Ralingar meets up with an old friend
189 Chapter 12 The Gatekeeper of the Forest of the Dead
188 Chapter 11 Drax the Dead King receives a message from The Beyonder
187 Chapter 10 Malgar the Boatman takes The Six down the River of the Long Forgotten
186 Chapter 9 Malgar the Boatman tells the Six the tale of Drax the King of the Dead
185 Chapter 8 The Six walk through the Blood Docks
184 Chapter 7 The meeting with Zakgar the Orc King and his adviser Winddell
183 Chapter 6 The Six are captured by Orc Scouts
182 Chapter 5 Jason makes a deal with the Devil
181 Chapter 4 The Six have a visit from the Spirt of Cailly the Last of the Ring Crafters
180 Chapter 3 Cailly the Last of the Ring Crafters creates her finial Ring
179 Chapter 2 Calingar has a vision of his future
178 Chapter 1 Ralingar gets a vision of the future
175 Chapter 36 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord meets Zinkai the Demon Wizard that is protecting the Eighth Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Pure Evil
172 Zargorwarth reachs the seventh Dark Ring Fragment of the ring of Pure Evil
171 Chapter 33 The Six of Legend reach the Desert of the Black Sands
170 Chapter 32 Adam and Victor get summand to the Bridge of all Reality by Brereck Silvertounge
168 Chapter 31 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord meets with Na'gal the Oracle of the Sky Temple of the Sky God Airagarzar
167 Chapter 30 Ralingar reasons with Zin'gar the Ice Warlock
166 Chapter 29 The Six walk through The Cursed Tomb of the Ice Warlock Zin'gar and Ralingar tells the Six the Tale of the Four Brothers
165 Chapter 28 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord attacks the Six of Legend
164 Chapter 27 The Death of the Ranger Tyran
162 Chapter 26 Adams battle with Sinzor the Destroyer
161 Chapter 25 The Six of Legend are kidnapped by the Jackalpepole
160 Chapter 24 Dusk tells the Six of Legend the tale of how the Jackalpepole came to be
158 Chapter 23 Adam gets a visit from the Realm Watcher in his Dreamscape
157 Chapter 22 The Six reach the City of Azagar and travel to the Castle of Azagar
156 Chapter 21 Ralingar tells the Six of Legend the story of the Army of the White Fang and the Amulet of the White Fang
154 Chapter 20 Ralingar tried to reason with Loreinkar the Angel Queen to give him the third Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Pure Evil
152 Chapter 18 The Six of Legend enjoy the Celesteaah Moon Festival while Ralingar talks to Loreinkar
151 Chapter 17 The Six of Legend journey to the City of Celesteaah the city of Angels
150 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord seeks aid from the Winter Vampires
148 Chapter 15 Dusk leads the Six of Legend into the Monkey Kings domain
147 Chapter 14 The death of King Mingkai
146 Chapter 13 Dusk the sister of King Mingkai leads the Six of Legend to the Forest of the Monkey King
145 Chapter 12 King Mingkai tells the Six of Legend, Ralingar and Mariea the origin of the Monkey King
144 Chapter 11 The Six of Legend enter the Kingdom of Oremossshoe
141 Chapter 9 The Six of Legend enter the Castle of King Taygar
140 Chapter 8 The Six of Legend reach the City of Bayso
139 Chapter 7 The Chamber of Azahgor the Elder Celestial
138 Chapter 6 The Six of Legend reach the Celestial Fores
137 Chapter 5 Kits sinister plot to kill the Six, Mariea, Ralingar and The Red Lady
136 Chapter 4 The Six of Legend travel towards the Celestial Fores
135 Chapter 3 The drink
132 Chapter 1 The Gathering of the Celestial Cour
128 Chapter 38 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord transforms into his Third Transformation
127 Chapter 37 The Six of Legend reach the Mountains of Valegar and enter the Ruins of the Seeker
125 Chapter 36 The Six meet with the Three Fates Kin the Fate of the past, Jinorena the Fate of the present and Minki the Fate of the future
124 Chapter 35 The Six travel through the Desert of Time
122 Chapter 34 The Six of Legend reach the Shores of Kigarzoriea
121 Chapter 33 Adam sees a glimpse what the world is like if Zargorwarth the Demon Lord links himself to the Cosmic Hourglass and rewrites Reality
120 Chapter 32 Adams journey through the Spirt Realm
119 Chapter 31 What happened to Kit the supreme leader of the Assassin League the Bleeding Hearts while Kit was in the Blood Pi
116 Chapter 29 The Six of Legend meet the Oracle of the Realm of Nightmares who is protecting the fourth Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Wrath
115 Chapter 28 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord enters the Castle of the Wraith King
114 Chapter 27 The Six of Legend journey through the Forest of Night to get to the Realm of Nightmares
113 Chapter 26 The Six of Legend battle the Giant Dark sand Dragon
112 Chapter 25 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord finds out the that the Six of Legend have the third Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Wrath
110 Chapter 24 Mariea Demonstar battles her father Dark Demon Dragon King Azah'gar Demonstar to the death
109 Chapter 23 The Six of Legend meet Marieas father the Dark Demon Dragon King Azah'gar Demonstar
107 Chapter 21 The training at the Swimming Dragon Inn
106 Chapter 20 The Six of Legend are teleported by the Oracle of the Realm of Nilgar to the nearby Kingdom of Mygoreia
104 Chapter 19 The Forever Tower
103 Chapter 18 The Six reach the Realm of Nilgar
102 Chapter 17 The Red Lady meets Kit the Supreme leader of the League of the Bleeding Hearts
101 Chapter 16 Adams Vision
100 Chapter 15 The Six of Legend battle Zargorwarth and The Red Lady at The Dancing Fairy Inn.
99 Chapter 14 What the Six of Legend saw when they exited the Secret Room
98 Chapter 13 The story of why The Red Lady is hunting Tyran and the Origen of the Red Lady
97 Chapter 12 The City of Binvorgar
96 Chapter 11 The Red Lady seeks the aide from Cybernetics specialist Cybore
94 Chapter 9 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord meets the Dark Spider King
93 Chapter 8 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord travels to the Dark Spider Kings Realm to seek help from The Dark Spider King
90 Chapter 6 The Swamps of Balgar
89 Chapter 5 The Woods of Balgar
88 Chapter 4 The battle with the Red Lady in the Sleeping Wolf Inn
87 Chapter 3 The Sleeping Wolf Inn
86 Chapter 2 The Forest Village of Far Branch
85 Chapter 1 The Poster
81 Chapter 35 The Ruins of the Temple of the Mage Elders
78 Chapter 33 The Oracle of the Snake Guardians
77 Chapter 32 The Temple of the Snake Sorcerers
76 Chapter 31 Zargorwarth the Demon Lords second transformation
75 Chapter 30 The Bogwood Fores
71 Chapter 27 The Six meet Myiroar the King of the Mountain Kingdom of Myiora
70 Chapter 26 The Mountains of Mora
69 Chapter 25 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord enlists the aide of the master a assassin the Red Lady
67 Chapter 24 Zargorwarth the Demon Lords first transformation
66 Chapter 23 The Six battle with Time Lord
65 Chapter 22 The Kingdom of One Thousand Islands
64 Chapter 21 Dax the Wise's dark and evil secre
63 Chapter 20 The Shores of Bykar
62 Chapter 19 The Cavern of Kora
61 Chapter 18 The River Sorceress Worshipers
60 Chapter 17 The origin of Adam Jackson
58 Chapter 16 The Oracle of the Jungle of Jargar
57 Chapter 15 The Battle with Jain'gar the Jungle Guardian
56 The Jungles of Jagar
55 Chapter 13 The Kingdom of Pangar
54 Chapter 12 The battle in the Forest of the Old Elven Kings
53 Chapter 11 The Forest of the Old Elven Kings
52 Chapter 10 General Zain's Punishmen
48 Chapter 7 The journey though the Dessert of Bligh
46 Chapter 6 The Ambush
45 Chapter 5 Adams dream
44 Chapter 4 The village of Caltar the homestead of the Caltarins
43 Chapter 3 The Journey though the Swamps and Marshes of Byigarak
42 Chapter 2 The Boatman
41 Chapter 1 The Oracle
38 Chapter 34 The Temple of Light and Zargorwarth the Demon Lord confronts the Six
37 Chapter 33 Jason blackhearts journey up the Northern Ice Mountains of Icra to get the fifth Ring of Light the Ring of Ice
35 Chapter 31 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord searches for the fifth Ring of Darkness the Ring of Death
34 Chapter 30 The Northern Air Temple were the fourth Ring of Light the Ring of Air is located
33 Chapter 29 The Six encounter the Army of Darkness
32 Chapter 28 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord calls upon the Army of Darkness
31 Chapter 27 Vrina the Sea Nymph of the Northern Kings and the Keeper of the third Ring of Light the Ring of Water
30 Chapter 26 The Origen of Jason Blackhear
29 Chapter 25 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord searches for the fourth Ring of Darkness the Ring of the Bloodsword
28 Chapter 24 The Six enter the Forest of Thought were the Second Ring of Light the Ring of Earth is hidden
27 Chapter 23 The Journey though the Gorblin Caves
26 Chapter 22 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord search for the Library of Knowledge to seek the third Ring of Darkness the Ring of Forbidden Knowledge
25 Chapter 21 Victors journey into the Hades Horn to get the Ring of Fire the first Ring of Ligh
24 Chapter 20 The forging of the five Rings of Light and the creation of the eight Rings of Darkness
23 Chapter 19 The Kingdom of Deltariea
22 Chapter 18 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord's quest for the second Ring of Darkness the Ring of Shadow
20 Chapter 17 Zargorwarth the Demon Lord creates the dark realm of Moregarwraith
19 Chapter 16 The Singing Siren
18 Chapter 15 What Adam saw in the Time Pool and what the Fate Jax told Adam
17 Chapter 14 Adams trip into the Time Pool
16 Chapter 13 The Curse of Kings
14 Chapter 12 Morgone reborn
13 Chapter 11 The Journey through the Valley of the Dead
12 Chapter 10 The Gatekeeper
11 Chapter 9 Morgone meets with the Spider King
10 Chapter 8 The Journey Though the Forest of Frigh
9 Chapter 7 Morgone
6 Chapter 5 Jason Blackhear
5 Chapter 4 Luke and Nina Silverstar
4 Chapter 3 The last words of Dazor La'gar
3 Chapter two Kai'La the last princess of the planet Kai
2 Chapter 1 The Fatespinner Victor Silvertounge
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