The Golden Gravekeeper 38 Chapter 38: The Gremory Clan

The Golden Gravekeeper 38 Chapter 38: The Gremory Clan

After much consternation, the armed escorts finally allowed me to follow them. Especially after she heard how the knight commander just charged at me instead of listening when I tried to flag them down, Princess Yuan reprimanded her guards and told them to apologize.

I didn't need the apology. I waved it away and requested that they allowed me to tag along. After all, I had nowhere else to go, and I felt a lot safer following an army of demonic knights than running around without a clue on my own.

Especially when I was being hunted by Asakura Akane and Sakaguchi Seiji.

"But your highness…" the commander protested.

"What's the problem? He's not human, is he?"

"No, but we can't let a commoner ride alongside your highness. That's…"

"Wait, sir…"

One of the demonic knights had ridden forward to converse with him.

"Doesn't this young man have the signature of a Lich Lord?"

I frowned. How did he know? Even I didn't know unless I consulted my status screen. Yet this guy was…

"Ah…you're right!"

Instead of being skeptical, the commander's face turned pale as if he realized that the guy was right. He lowered his head hastily.

"Forgive my impertinence and rudeness!"

"Uh, no, don't worry about it." I glanced at the guy who raised the topic. "How did you know?"

The knight tilted his head. "Well, my special ability allows me to recognize the individual mana signatures of demonic nobles. That's why they brought me along. I should have stepped forward earlier, but it was hard to confirm your identity during the heat of battle."

"Wait…" it was Princess Yuan this time. "If you're a Lich Lord, then where are your forces? Why are you traveling alone?"

That was a good question. If you were looking at this from Princess Yuan's point of view, of course. Why would a demon noble not have his own entourage and army? The problem was that I had obtained my title in a rather…unorthodox way.

I still remembered Sergeant Gio Vanni's words, when he informed his superior, Lieutenant Elia Kratz, of my unusual circumstances. I had become a Lich Lord surpassing a noble like Elia Kratz in rank all because I killed a hero. That was how I became a lord or demon noble – but I didn't earn any property, domain or men.

I doubted Princess Yuan and her forces would believe me, though. That said, there was no point lying about it.

"No, I don't possess any lands or forces. I recently attained this title due to uh…some weird achievement, so I haven't been assigned any domain or territory."

"What sort of achievement?" Princess Yuan asked curiously. I gulped, knowing it wouldn't be wise to tell the truth now.

"Uh…well, killing something. Something very powerful."

Princess Yuan and her knights regarded me, half skeptical and half impressed. The knights, in particular, didn't seem all that surprised. Given how I easily evaded all their attacks and got on top of the carriage without a scratch, they knew I was no ordinary warrior.

Or so it seemed.

"We're heading toward the domain of the Gremory Clan, if that's all right with you," Princess Yuan told me. I nodded profusely.

"Yeah. That's the best option for me! I need to speak to Lord Gremory and see what I can do with this uh…title. I mean, I don't need it, and I have no idea how to get rid of it…"

"Well, given how you achieved it through feat of strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to dispossess yourself of the rank," the knight commander told me. His respectful tone was in stark contrast to his earlier hostility. What a complete change in attitude.

"Ugh…oh well. Then I need some way to put this rank to good use and help in the war against the heroes."

At the mention of heroes, everyone's faces fell and the atmosphere turned gloomy. I frantically glanced around and shook my hands apologetically.

"Uh, sorry. Uh…"

"No, it's nothing."

Princess Yuan forced a smile and shook her head. As disciplined as they were, the knights also quickly recovered and stood back up straight.

I see. So the demons were demoralized by the death of the previous Demon Lord and the success of the heroes. With almost nothing to answer the unstoppable charge of the heroes, it seemed that the demons were doomed to extermination. The only thing stopping the genocide right now was the heroes' sudden break.

I was glad that my former classmates were still treating this like a game. After that final boss battle, they decided to take a vacation without caring for the momentum of the war or the morale of the human armies. After working so hard for a period of time, the heroes had abruptly demanded for a holiday because they were sick of fighting. Much like how gamers wanted an extended break after defeating a boss before getting back to the game after relaxing for a bit.

Thanks to their complete lack of urgency or knowledge of how war worked, the momentum of the human armies had slowed to a crawl, and they were making very little headway in invading Helsreach. The demonic forces might be in disarray after that recent major defeat, but they proved to be formidable, especially against human soldiers who had no support from the heroes.

Some heroes they are…well, since it's to our advantage, I can't complain.

Whatever the case, it appeared that I had to be careful when speaking to the demons. I didn't want to hit a sore point and lose my potential allies.

"Well, we should hurry," I spoke up. "We don't want to be around when the human armies finally arrive."


"Repair the sedan!" one of the knights shouted. "And are there any spare ground wyverns?"

"Oh, if it's transport, don't worry about me." I raised a hand and summoned Matsukaze in a flash. "I have my own steed."


Everyone stared at me.

"I thought you need a ride," Princess Yuan muttered.

"Sort of…the problem is that I'm completely lost and have no idea where to go. I guess I meant I need a guide?"

The knight commander chuckled and shook his head. "I get what you mean. Don't worry, sir. We'll get you to Gremory territory safely."

"Thank you."

Sighing a breath of relief, I patiently waited for the knights to get back in order and repair the sedan. It didn't take long before I mounted up with the rest of them and began the long ride toward the Gremory Clan's domain.



The guards at the city-fortress of Helsfort stopped us before we could reach the gate. I pulled Matsukaze to a stop as I glanced up at the heavily guarded ramparts and armored walls of the fortress that stretched for miles.

Helsfort…the domain of the revered Gremory Clan, and the capital of the northern demonic lands of Morten. The largest concentration of demonic forces I had seen were gathered in one place, marshalling within the fortified city as they prepared for war.

Apparently, despite the defeat at Helsreach, the demons were planning to recover, regroup and strike back at the humans.

"The Serpenta Clan?"

The lead sentry stepped forward as he studied the banners and flags warily, and then spoke to the knight commander. After they exchanged a few words, he stepped back and nodded. The massive metal gates behind him began to groan as they creaked open, hauled by unseen machinery and gigantic gears.

The princess sat inside her sedan nervously, fidgeting as the carriage pulled into the city. I glanced up, wondering why she was nervous.

Actually, why am I even able to sense her anxiety?

I had no idea. I shouldn't be able to see Princess Yuan from down below, especially with her figure blocked off from view by the exquisite walls of the sedan, yet I could somehow picture her flushed, embarrassed face as she tightly gripped the hem of her skirt.

The procession continued into the streets of Helsfort. As we traveled across the road, citizens emerged from their homes to eagerly watch the huge army of armed soldiers and the glittering golden carriage.

"Oh, it's the procession for the Dragon Princess Yuan!"

"Oh, Yuan-sama!"

An elderly demon was smiling brightly as we trampled past her.

"Finally, the marriage with the Prince of the Gremory Clan will begin!"

Further down, we came across rows of civilians prostrating themselves at the side of the road, which took me by surprise.


"Oh, your highness…"

I gulped as I glanced at them, but one of the demonic knights pulled up alongside me and whispered.

"Keep your eyes forward. Don't face them. Acknowledge their presence if you have to, but keep your head high."

I nodded imperceptibly and followed the knight's instructions, keeping my eyes to the front. I felt uncomfortable with the reverence the commoners were showing, but this wasn't my world. I had to get used to the local culture and traditions here.

The sight of the commoners bowing down at the mere sight of a noble aristocrat wasn't something I was used to. At least they were prostrating themselves not to me but the princess of the Serpenta Clan.

Admittedly, given how beautiful the Dragon Princess of the Serpenta Clan was, I could slightly understand why they were unabashedly bowing to her. Even I couldn't help but feel charmed by her appearance and regal aura.

Those endlessly deep jade-green eyes and ruby-red lips…that smooth skin that surpassed any fine silk, and despite her childish looks, her chest had matured profoundly. Furthermore, those gorgeous curves that were outlined by her elegant dress…

Yeah, she was a goddess that most men couldn't help but worship. No wonder she was slated to be the Gremory prince's fiancée.

I wasn't surprised that the knights all devoted themselves so fiercely to her protection. She was certainly a beauty worth dying for.

The procession continued forward until we reached a huge castle in the middle of the city, where the concentration of demonic soldiers were the densest.

"Oh, Princess Yuan?"

A young man in his late twenties or early thirties stepped forward, a headband tied around his dark hair. Even though he had an insolent and condescending smile and was dressed casually in warrior clothes and a cape, from that intimidating, regal aura of his I could instinctively tell that he was a high-ranking demon noble.

"Your majesty!"
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"My king!"

Immediately, the knights who were escorting Princess Yuan bowed their heads. I also felt that compulsion to lower my head, and upon seeing my fellow travelers do so, I followed suit. There was no point sticking out like a sore thumb.

Besides, if they were right, then this man was the king of the Gremory Clan and the next, succeeding Demon Lord, Regis Gremory. If I wanted his help, I couldn't afford to offend him. And I didn't have that much pride anyway. Getting help, gathering allies and seeking shelter was more important. To that end, I didn't care if I had to lower my head.

Seemed like a small price to pay.

"I see that my son's bride has arrived."

Regis Gremory regarded the procession and then stared up at the sedan. Swallowing nervously Princess Yuan stepped out to reverently bow her head.

"My king."

"Don't be so formal. After all, from today onward, you're my daughter-in-law."

Princess Yuan hesitated for a second – just a millisecond – and then she steeled her resolve before she climbed down the carriage to approach Regis Gremory, who waited patiently at the bottom of her carriage.

"You can relax. I have no intention of eating you."

Chuckling, Regis Gremory smoothly extended a hand to Princess Yuan and helped her down like the gentleman he was. Her face flushed crimson at the physical contact, but Yuan merely nodded in acknowledgement and stepped daintily onto the floor.

"Now, then. Let's proceed in. my son is waiting for you."

The knights who escorted Yuan this far stepped back and dismounted. Evidently our job here was done and we allowed ourselves to be guided toward the barracks. I had no idea what to do so I followed the knights and dismissed Matsukaze.


"That kid over there."

Regis Gremory's deep voice floated across the courtyard. I instinctively turned and immediately felt incredible pressure when I felt the king's eyes on me.

"Why are you following the knights?"

"Uh…well…I mean, I don't know where else to go…"

"You're a lord, aren't you? You've an obligation to attend my son's wedding."

I glanced at the knight commander, who nodded subtly. Even though I didn't want to partake in such a long, boring ceremony, it didn't seem like I had a choice. Especially since I had come all this way to seek his help…yeah, it wouldn't be wise to offend the king. Furthermore, he was right. It would be strange for a noble to follow the knights and seemingly boycott the grand marriage of the current Demon Lord's son.

"Sorry, your majesty."

Gulping, I made to follow him and his entourage, who were staring strangely at me. It was clear that a large group of them were demon nobles. The royal guard, on the other hand, didn't even spare me a second glance.

They were more invested in protecting the king.

"Ah, I see. You didn't inherit your rank."

Regis Gremory suddenly turned to me, causing Princess Yuan to let go of his arm. I almost crumbled under those piercing blue eyes of his, which seemed like he saw through everything. Did he also have a special ability similar to Absolute Appraisal?

"You received it by killing a hero."

Regis Gremory made the remark in a highly amused tone, but his words caused a furor among the demon nobles. Even Princess Yuan almost toppled over from the revelation, her eyes going wide as she stared at me.

"Killed a hero…?"

"Yes. This young Lich Lord here has slain not one but three heroes. Impressive."

How the heck did he know that? Did he have something like Absolute Appraisal after all? I couldn't help but activate my own Absolute Appraisal, and watched with bated breath as Regis Gremory's information flooded the lenses of my glasses.

Name: Regis Gremory

Species: Grim

Job/Rank: Daemon Knight/Demon Lord

Titles: King of the Gremory Clan, Current Demon Lord

Special Abilities: ERROR

I blinked. What the hell? His special abilities were clouded by a single word – ERROR? What was that supposed to mean?

"I am the current Demon Lord, young man. Do you think it would be so easy to read my abilities?"

Regis Gremory chuckled with a smile. He turned away and offered a stunned Princess Yuan his arm, and she took it without thinking.

"Come in. we'll discuss this further. Now wonder you don't seem familiar with our customs and decorum…don't worry, I'll arrange for you to be educated on that."


I stammered, but seeing that Regis Gremory was no longer paying any attention to me, I hurried after him and his entourage. I couldn't help but feel chills down my spine as they stared at me. While some of them seemed truly impressed, and others held some measure of disbelief, there were more than a few who were outright hostile.

Probably because they were wary of me snatching away their ranks or territory, no doubt. Idiots. I had no desire to take away anybody's territory. I didn't even want this stupid lord title. All I wanted was allies to fight against the heroes.

Revenge, not ambition, was my overall objective. I couldn't care less about wealth, status or power unless it allowed me to kill those fucking former classmates of mine. Even though my injuries had healed, I still felt phantom pain from the wounds Asakura and Sakaguchi dealt me. Closing my eyes, I clamped down on my rage.

Focus for now.

The palace doors swung open magically to allow the king access to his own castle. If I thought there was quite the group of nobles outside, I was surprised to see the volume of people inside the castle. Rows and rows of extravagantly dressed nobles stood by the sides, mingling among themselves and chattering idly while helping themselves to wine and other expensive-looking beverages and food. At Regis Gremory's entrance, they all stopped and bowed respectfully.

"My king, you've returned."

A beautiful woman with long, curly blond hair stood at the front, her head bowed slightly as she got off her throne. Regis Gremory merely smiled at her.

"It's been a while, Diana. I've missed you."

"So have I, my love."

"We've a lot to catch up on. For now…"

Regis Gremory suddenly turned toward a young man, who had knelt by the side, his blond head bowed in supplication.

"Richard. Up, on your feet. I've brought you your wife."

"Yes, Father."

The handsome young man rose to his feet. I could see several similarities – like his father, Richard Gremory was good looking. But unlike the king, the crown prince seemed a bit frail, his limbs slender instead of muscular, and there was a trace of delicate gentleness to his expression that was missing from his father's hardened, stoic face.

Their personalities seemed almost the opposite of each other.

"Greetings, Princess Yuan. I am Richard Gremory…"

"Prince Richard. It's an honor."

The two youngsters exchanged greetings. Smiling at them, Regis Gremory left them as they were and proceeded toward the throne to reunite with his wife and daughter. The young girl by Diana's side was barely twelve, and unlike the rigid, formal nobles, she was at ease, laughing and playing at her mother's leg.

"How was Helsreach?"

"Better than I hoped. For some reason, the human offensive has stalled…I don't know what possessed Evelyn's Chosen to pull out of the assault, but thanks to that we were able to repel the human forces."

"That's good. I've been talking to the Kirin Clan, and I have convinced them to join our cause. I will be approaching the Nocturne Clan soon, but there's no guarantee that they will listen."

"The Nocturne Clan has always been a stubborn bunch. I have no idea how the previous Demon Lord managed to bring them to our fold."

"It's not just them. Ever since the previous Demon Lord succumbed in battle, the Phenex Clan, the Labolas Clan and the Rowan House have pulled away. Without their armies, we have lost a significant portion of our military forces…"

"Mama…Mama…Papa! What are you talking about?!"

While her parents discussed politics, their daughter tugged on their hands, seemingly unable to comprehend their conversation. She pouted, her cute face puffing up and causing her father to laugh and carry her.

"You're right, Denise. We shouldn't be discussing such grim matters. Today's a special day, after all. A happy occasion."

Ugh, I didn't feel like I belonged here. I so wanted to get out of this stuffy castle and joined the knights in their barracks. I preferred to be fighting than politicking. All this scheming and whatnot didn't sit well with me.

Perhaps that was why I ended up being so easily bullied, and why my entire class turned on me. I just refused to play along with their political or social games.

"What are you doing here?"

I glanced up as a huge, almost obese demon noble approached me. His ears were sharp and pointed, his skin an unnatural gray, and his mustache had been trimmed into whiskers. For some reason he was wearing sunglasses indoors. Don't ask me why. Perhaps he wanted to adopt that clichéd villainous look?

"Apparently he's a lord like us. Killed a hero or two."

"You're kidding?!"

A tall, thin noble in a tuxedo had whispered into his ear, and the fat guy almost jumped out of that flaky skin of his.

"How are we supposed to verify this? How do we know you aren't a fraud? Do you have anyone to vouch for your achievement?"

The fat noble spluttered, unable to believe it.

"Well…" I scratched my head. "I supposed Lieutenant Elia Kratz and her platoon witnessed me when I helped them out?"

"Kratz?" the fat noble frowned. "The daughter of Marquis Kratz?"

"Yes? Did anyone call?"

A tall, middle-aged demon walked forward, his dark skin and sharp ears reminiscent of a dark elf. The fat noble paled and shook his head.

"No. I mean…well, this young man claimed to know your daughter, Marquis."

"Indeed." Marquis Kratz turned to scrutinize me. "So you say that you've met my daughter in the battlefield?"

"I'm the one who let him in."

Everyone went silent when Regis Gremory spoke up. He raised his eyebrow and he scanned the people who had assembled in the room.

"I can vouch for his identity. If you have a problem, take it up with me."

Nobody dared to.


After a few seconds of silence, Diana Gremory cleared her throat and forced a smile to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Let's not stand on ceremony, everyone. Today, we're all here to celebrate the marriage of our son, Prince Richard Gremory, and the daughter of the Serpenta Clan, Dragon Princess Yuan. Let's offer a toast…"

She wasn't able to raise her wine glass high enough when Regis suddenly tackled her and sent her sprawling to the ground. As the wine glass fell and shattered against the floor, something invisible struck and hit the throne chair behind the royal couple.



Outraged cries rang through the throne room before Marquis Kratz suddenly drew his sword and hollered.



The throne room was in a sudden uproar as demon nobles either panicked or readied for battle, mana crackling in their hands. The fat noble turned his furious eyes on me, jabbing his stubby fingers at me.

"I knew it, you are…!"

"Don't be an idiot! The attack didn't come from him!"

Kratz snorted and shook his head, even as he kept his eyes peeled for the assassin.

"Are you blind? Now do something useful for once, Boare, and look for the real assassin!"

"But where is he?!"

While the demon nobles milled about, trying to locate the assassin, Regis alone remained calm. Standing up, he made sure that his wife was all right.

"Are you all right, Diana?"

"…yes. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize." He pushed her behind him while grabbing his daughter and shoving her into his wife's hands. "Take Denise and get to safety."

"It's safest to remain behind you, dear."

Regis smiled at that. "True enough," he admitted.

Meanwhile, Prince Richard was escorting Princess Yuan out of the throne room, taking care to shield her with his own body. A bunch of bodyguards had gathered, putting themselves around the royal family.

"Out of the way!" Regis ordered, but they didn't listen. Even as he drew his sword, one of them was hit by another invisible attack and dropped, blood gushing profusely from his neck.

"Fuck! Where is the assassin?!"

"I don't see him!"

While the bodyguards were cursing, I recognized the move order of the assassin. This reminded me eerily of Asakura Akane when she hunted me in the forest with her Invincible Invisibility. Damn it, did she really follow me all the way here?

What was even more terrifying was that none of us were able to even detect her presence. In other words, she tracked me all the way here without anyone even noticing her, creeping past the heavily guarded entrance and breaking into the royal palace.

Then she must have seen the current Demon Lord and thought that he and his wife were even more valuable targets than me.

Damn it! How are we supposed to fight someone we can't detect or see!?

Just when I thought that, Regis lunged forward and slashed the air with his sword.


Everyone's jaws dropped open when they heard that girly scream. Stumbling from the air, with blood spurting out of her, Asakura Akane fell to the ground while clutching at her wound. Standing over her, Regis swung his sword down, forcing her to dodge.

"I see." Despite having an assassin sneak into his royal palace, Regis was actually grinning. "So one of the esteemed Evelyn's Chosen has finally deigned to make an attempt on my life. And here I was, thinking that you weren't going to take me as seriously as you did for the previous Demon Lord."

Chapter end

139 Chapter 139: Tale of Demons and Gods
138 Chapter 138: Aftermath
137 Chapter 137: Revenge
136 Chapter 136: Reinforcements
134 Chapter 134: Siege of Havia
133 Chapter 133: Knights of the Round
132 Chapter 132: Siege
130 Chapter 130: General Meeting
128 Chapter 128: Blood-soaked Battlefield
127 Chapter 127: Walkers versus Walkers
126 Chapter 126: Hammer and Anvil
125 Chapter 125: Regimental Standard
124 Chapter 124: Goddesses
122 Chapter 122: Let them figh
121 Chapter 121: The ship has sailed
119 Chapter 119: Atlantea of the Marrina Isles
117 Chapter 117: Strategic Planning
116 Chapter 116: Prisoners of War
115 Chapter 115: Departure
114 Chapter 114: After the siege
112 Chapter 112: Clash of Titans
111 Chapter 111: Glory of Heroes
110 Chapter 110: Super-heavy
109 Chapter 109: Buying time
108 Chapter 108: Engineering Revolutions
107 Chapter 107: The Great Undertaking
106 Chapter 106: Moria
105 Chapter 105: The Dwarven Kingdom
104 Chapter 104: Rules of Engagemen
103 Chapter 103: True Vampire
102 Chapter 102: The Duel part 2
101 Chapter 101: Duel
100 Chapter 100: Line of Traitors
99 Chapter 99: Secrets of the Tomb
98 Chapter 98: Inside the tomb
97 Chapter 97: Divine Angel
96 Chapter 96: Light Golem
95 Chapter 95: Defense of the Tomb
94 Chapter 94: Moving Ou
93 Chapter 93: Mobilization
92 Chapter 92: The Elders of the Haecient Council
91 Chapter 91: Representative from Haecien
90 Chapter 90: First Date
89 Chapter 89: Military Instruction
88 Chapter 88: Engagement circumstances of the Daughter of Haemorage
87 Chapter 87: Escape
86 Chapter 86: Gravekeeper Tomo
85 Chapter 85: The Eight Guardians
84 Chapter 84: Lord versus Lord
82 Chapter 82: Breakdown
81 Chapter 81: Ultimatum
80 Chapter 80: Comrade
79 Chapter 79: Elevation
78 Chapter 78: Negotiation
76 Chapter 76: Takeda Tetsuo
75 Chapter 75: Cross Castle
74 Chapter 74: The Spear Hero
72 Chapter 72: Feat of Strength
71 Chapter 71: Level 1,000
70 Chapter 70: Iron Knights versus Raijinshuu
69 Chapter 69: Return of the Spear Hero
67 Chapter 67: Waifu Wars
66 Chapter 66: The pride of House Clarence
65 Chapter 65: Bitch, please
64 Chapter 64: The wish
63 Chapter 63: Dawn of Dragons
62 Chapter 62: Rescue mission
60 Chapter 60: Attack from the wyverns
59 Chapter 59: Maximum Carnage
58 Chapter 58: Airing
57 Chapter 57: Academy Affair
55 Chapter 55: Witch Doctor
54 Chapter 54: The night before departure
53 Chapter 53: The Vampire Queen
51 Chapter 51: Dance of the Dead
48 Chapter 48: Armored Convoy
47 Chapter 47: Command
46 Chapter 46: Titan Fall
45 Chapter 45: Golem
43 Chapter 43: Hostage
42 Chapter 42: Walpurgis Nigh
41 Chapter 41: Game of Gods
40 Chapter 40: Adaptive Mutation
39 Chapter 39: Hero Slayer
38 Chapter 38: The Gremory Clan
37 Chapter 37: Demon Territory
36 Chapter 36: Desperate Escape
35 Chapter 35: Direct Counter
34 Chapter 34: First and Only
33 Chapter 33: Midgardia
32 Chapter 32: Downtown
31 Chapter 31: Match with the manticore
29 Chapter 29: Millennial Town
28 Chapter 28: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
26 Chapter 26: In hot pursui
25 Chapter 25: Tanaka the Wizard…again
24 Chapter 24: The orc arc
23 Chapter 23: Time to party!
21 Chapter 21: Tanaka the Wizard
20 Chapter 20: The Spear Hero's Spear
19 Chapter 19: The fruit of victory
18 Chapter 18: Blooming Buddha
17 Chapter 17: Lyia's Chosen
16 Chapter 16: Forbidden Garden
12 Chapter 12: Thousand Astral Graves
11 Chapter 11: Dead or Alive
10 Chapter 10: Ascension
9 Chapter 9: Fall of the Demon Lord
8 Chapter 8: Final siege
7 Chapter 7: King of the jungle
5 Chapter 5: Law of the jungle
4 Chapter 4: Reunion
2 Chapter 2: Death in another world
1 Chapter 1: Summoned to another world
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