The Azure King's Last Life 8 Pay2win

The Azure King's Last Life 8 Pay2win

"As fine a place as any, I suppose," Roland announced. They'd trekked for an hour through thick underbrush, several streams, and a bear attack that Roland casually thwarted by backhanding it across the face.

It wasn't a normal bear, mind you. It was a Great Obsidian Red-Eyes. Which had hair capable of blocking steel, flesh hard as rock, bones strong as diamond, claws long and sharp as daggers and muscles capable of making a man meat paste with a single swipe.

Roland had casually backhanded the beast and used it as his mount throughout the journey. Causing the others except Lilith quiet contemplation.

...That bear was a rare breed of magical beast on the same level as a natural disaster. None of them felt confident in a fight against one. No, rather than a fight it would be a one-sided slaughter.

And this guy made it his ride. They hadn't seen his strength in action before then. Sure enough, he was strong.

"Alright, run along now." Roland patted the beast affectionately. He gave a faint smile. " I remember i had one of these as a pet when I was young. Cute thing. So obedient."

"Define young, please," James asked.

"Oh I might've been around...Six? Seven? They're great pets after you bathe them and get rid of the whole rotting flesh smell. Make nice cuddle buddies then. Keep you real warm."

The boy's scalp went numb. These were beasts known for their bloodthirst and stubbornness. He tamed one at such a young age? A monster that made cities go on high alert if spotted nearby?

He slept with such a violent and scary creature like a trusted family pet?

Roland shook himself of the nostalgia. Immediately he heard a low growl. "Hush, you." He reached up and patted the lazy cat resting atop his head.

It's feet hung down the back of his neck and tickled him.

Reina looked on enviously. She snuck up behind Roland for the umpteenth time and sneakily tried to poke at the pads of it's feet.

"Rawr." It replied irritably, as if to say, "I tolerate you, hooman, but do not push me further." Which Roland ignored.

"Ladies first." Roland gestured. He summoned several balls of light that clung to the walls. "Wait, hold that thought. " He held up an arm. "Step back." And let loose a great stream of fire from his palm.

Followed by a light but freezing gust of air.

"Just to make sure it's clean. No need to fear cobwebs, wolves or that damp cave smell. Carry on."

Lilith gave him an odd glance, thinking this guy was using such powerful magic for such useless reasons. Those spells felt infinitely similar to the Red Monarch Origin flames that their birth father had to dip into his life's essence to just barely cast? And what was with those cold winds? That spell, whatever it was, wasn't normal either.

HIs every casual action made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

Roland, however, felt much better with the act done.

Cleanse by fire, that's his motto. He hated cobwebs. Got stuck in the hair and was a bitch to get out. And the stink of mold, shit, and piss of whatever creatures live inside caves? Yeah, no thanks.

As a man who often had to sleep in caves, Rhys was also satisfied.


"Why a cave anyway?" He asked as they traveled deeper inside.

" The laws of the world are strong in places that were formed naturally."

James, always eager to learn something new, grew even more interested after hearing something he'd never known of before.

"Laws of the world?"

Roland didn't mind explaining. "Every world has them. They govern every single move and action in nature. Take a tree leaf, for example. If one falls off a branch, is it's landing random?"

" Well, isn't it?" James replied.

Roland smirked. "Of course not. It's just being acted up by countless forces. If you can calculate the effect these forces have upon the leaf then you can know exactly where the leaf will eventually land. You can even change it. A swipe of the hand in the air, a slight blow. And it's path will differ from what it was. But then it will once again come under the world's own forces. You don't need to know your own influence, really. Only the world's. "

Something tickled their brains at his words. A faint click, as if something had been unlocked.

"It's possible to know such things?"

"Once your understanding of laws reach a certain point, yes. Not only this world, but other worlds too. You'd be able to predict a great many things. And, if you delve even deeper, use them."

"And you know how to do that?" Lilith guessed.

Roland shrugged. "A world as old as this has very stable laws. It'd be an embarrassment if I couldn't."

"Again, why a cave?"

"This is a naturally enclosed space. It means it's naturally inclined towards housing or sealing. I can use what's already here and create a stronger barrier from it. The element of earth has always had those kinds of effects. It's symbolic magic. Earth for stability and protection, water for cleansing and healing, wind for swiftness. FIre for destruction. Those aren't the only aspects the elements can symbolize to people but they are the most widespread. People believe the elements represent all these different things. And belief grants power. Why do you think Gods are worshipped and desire worship?"

"If I get enough people to worship me could I become a god too, then?" Rhys wondered aloud, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"A certain level of power and understanding of heavenly laws are required, but the short answer? Yes. However you wouldn't have as strong a foundation as those who reached the level of godhood through their own effort or be as strong, and you'd be entirely dependant on people's admiration. To the point of being reduced to the same level of a mortal if you lost enough faith. Well, even if you went the proper route you likely wouldn't be as a true god born of creation itself. Those guys are so old and have been absorbing faith energy for so long. Normal deities aren't at the same level."

Roland stopped suddenly. "Alright, enough of that. This is good. We'll do it here. Everyone take a seat."

He snapped his fingers and several luxurious chairs appeared in the middle of the cave.

"What the--?" Rhys exclaimed. "Where'd those come from?"

"My Treasury." Roland said helpfully. It was one of his most convenient powers. Basically, he had his own personal realm. The entrance of which existed somewhere deep within his soul that he could freely access at his current level of power.

It was a world unto it's own. Which existed somewhere out in the vast multi-verse, though he had no idea where. Or maybe it law outside of it. Who knew? Anyway, it was really nice.

He knew from various journals of his past lifes' selves that while he always had knowledge of it's existence there were times when his power was too weak to unlock it. Thankfully that wasn't the case now.

Sadly he couldn't physically travel to this personal realm. Only spiritually. He could send anything else in and out, though, which was nice. Though living beings couldn't survive long inside, he'd learned.

This may look neat to the others but Roland wasn't impressed all TOO much if he was honest.

If it were Mercury she'd be able to create the same things out of nothing by just manipulating atoms in the air. In magic you did something similar to this pretty often but that woman took it to a whole other level. What she does, you have to know how to make yourself. Want a chair? Gotta know what you're making it out of, and how to make it from scratch.

Basically she was creating the raw materials, then shaping and assembling them in an instant. It's amazing if you think about it. She must've had to learn a vast number of production techniques.

"...I'm not even going to ask." The boy shook his head.

Roland gestured for them to sit down. "Except you." He took Reina by the shoulder. "You sit there." He pointed to a thick rug that lay on the floor.

"But before that, keep still." Without warning, Roland used a single finger and poked her in the forehead, then her throat, and heart. Next he sent a thin stream of energy towards a certain location on her spine. Finally he pressed his palm near her naval and blasted her gently with another, even stronger wave of energy.

Immediately the girl's face went flush and her eyes grew dazed.

"...Hot…" She hugged herself while hunched over, her breathing irregular.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" LIlith flipped out, rushing to her sister's side.

Roland busied himself with using one of his sharp teeth to make a prick on his finger. He watched the blood pool into one large bead and answered. "Don't worry. She's just feeling the effect of having her chakra points awakened. Those things being stimulated will make it easier for energy to flow in and out of her body. Experiencing a sense of euphoria isn't uncommon."

He held out his finger. "This drop of blood will establish a connection between us. It will also flood her with pure energy, unlike the impure energies in the air. Open up."

Roland sat the girl down and held his finger just above her head, intending to let the bead of blood fall onto her tongue.

But apparently the girl had other ideas. She unceremoniously raised her body and bit him. Her soft, warm mouth wrapped itself around his finger and lightly sucked.

Her red cheeks and dull, heated eyes, he decided, were downright erotic. She lightly bit down, her tongue licking the tip of his finger as if begging for more sweet, delicious blood.

Her chest heaved up and down.

He gave her a chop to the head.

"Ku!" She winced, lucidity coming back to her gaze. "Hey! What was that for?!"

Roland gave the others a droll look. "You all saw that, right? She came onto me, I'm innocent." He gave the guilty party another chop. "Damn kid, don't get greedy over something like this. I'll give you as much as you can handle in just a bit."

The girl sputtered. "E-Eh? What? That...that...what are you saying?!"

"Oh no, you're not giving her a damn thing." Lilith held her sister's head in her arms as if to protect her.

Roland refrained from any more chops. "I'm literally just going to give her a boost. Don't get so riled up. And you!" He cast Reina a dark look. "Save those techniques for your future boyfriend," Roland spoke forcefully. " I'm not a very good guy, you know? I can only hold back so much. Unless you want to be eaten, I suggest you try controlling yourself a bit better."

Roland did find it odd she had a reaction like that, though. It was pretty sexual, which shouldn't be the case. Feeling pleasure from the rush of energy is to be expected but this was a bit much.

He'd chalk it up to teenage hormones for now.

At Roland's words, the girl stiffened noticably and very nearly had steam coming out of her ears in absolute mortification.

"I...I…" She stammered, not knowing what to say. She remembered, then her actions just moments about.

Ah. She was finished. Kaput. She'll never live this down! She wanted to die. Someone kill her, please!

Although, if she's going to die maybe she could have just one more little taste?

As if sensing her thoughts the young man in front of her flicked her forehead and said, "Little glutton, you really want to suck me dry don't you? You're almost as bad as those fanged bastards from back then."

Reina saw that little amused grin on his face and couldn't help grow resentful. It may not look like it at all, but she was originally the daughter of a prestigious family from the Higher Planes! Although she's useless and weak, still!

He can't just talk down to her like this, okay?!

She stared at him for a good minute. He's powerful, handsome, and makes friends with gods.

Fine. Maybe he CAN talk down to her, but it's still rude! Hmph. Thinking he's all that just because the cute little kitty likes him better….how arrogant….

She's still sore about that.

Looking up at the adorable furred creature atop his head, Reina swore in her heart of hearts she'd make the animal her's. Heh. Yeah. That'd show this arrogant guy what-for!

The cat curled up and slept, completely ignoring her fiery eyes.

Its casual indifference was the greatest blow it could have dealt.

Roland tsked. He could instantly see through this girl. "Trying to steal an animal's love from me is like attempting to overturn the heavens. A kid like you has no chance."

Or at least that's what his eyes seemed to say.

The silent challenge that passed between them completely mystified the other three who had no idea what was going on.

They were staring at each other so passionately. It was weird.

Roland turned his attention to the cave. He drew brilliant runes in the air and they multiplied by the dozens before imprinting themselves onto the cave walls.

He took a glance at the boys and Lilith. He snapped a finger and three semi-solid and faintly glowing shields surrounded them.

"You're about to be pumped full of energy. It might tingle."

He then placed a hand atop her head and dug deep within himself.

The three others in the room felt their arm hair rise. Their eyes widened in shock. The man literally shone with a magnificent azure light. His hair, his skin, everything was outlined in the most beautiful shade of blue...



That was Loki's first thought when he felt the gargantuan fuck-tons on energy erupting from somewhere outside the school's barrier.

He instantly teleported to where he felt the enormous burst of power and nearly fainted when he used his divine sense to check out what was happening.

That bastard, Roland, is pumping out enough power to disrupt the world's natural laws!

Loki was excitedly munching on some popcorn as he watched. The girl was weird. Normally, she'd have exploded. But she was just absorbing all that energy like a bottomless pit. It reminded Loki of that daughter of his.

This could've been dangerous for anyone but Ro. Or Sol. Those guys were masters at energy manipulation. One wrong move and this entire area would be blown to smithereens. And Loki would be the only survivor. Well, maybe Abigail too but she'd be in a terrible state.

Anyone else and Loki would be getting the hell outta here. But this is Ro we're talking about. He's pissed off about something else entirely.

That aside, damn. How much energy does that guy have? Maybe he should say, as expected of a guy thought to be a reincarnated Primordial?

Even Apophis, that cunt, didn't have such pure energy at his disposal. Although he IS chaos given form so maybe that's also as to be expected.

Ro's power felt much more orderly incomparison to...anyone, Loki supposed. Almost transcendental in nature. Loki really had some dangerous thoughts about who he might've been in another life.
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He squinted.

Yo what the FUCK? The girl's eyes were changing! They looked exactly like Ro's now, a mesmerizing azure blue. Loki blinked. And she's...she's actually using that energy to refine her body?

This ain't funny. Mortals shouldn't be able to survive that much power, let alone USE it. Just what the heck is going on?

Loki stared in avid fascination.


Roland's face was showing signs of slight shock. He couldn't believe how much energy she was able to absorb!

The kid really is planning on sucking him dry after all, huh? Well, well, well. He's happy to let her try.

Roland watched as her body bathed in a deep blue splendor. He could tell her body was undergoing many small changes. This was a qualitive change. A moment of refinement. She was beginning to shed her mortal shackles and becoming a being closer to his own self. It was very slow and imperfect, but it was happening.

He felt it then. The connection. Not just from the blood he gave her earlier, but something more. Something deeper, more fundamental. It called to him. Here, now, and before too.

He was sure. She wasn't like the other three. She was more, like him. But how? And in what way? What was she to him, exactly? Was she also a reincarnator? Could she be a sister? A mother? Daughter?

...Or was she him, himself? Souls didn't operate under the same laws of space and time. It was possible for the same soul to exist in different bodies at the same time. But no. That didn't make sense. He'd never been a female, to begin with. And he'd never be so meek and insecure.

None of the other theories made sense either. But it had to be one of them. So then why didn't it feel right?


Roland was starting to find the girl more interesting by the minute. If not a "blood relation"...perhaps a mate? Some true gods had them, these "other halves."

It wouldn't be odd for Roland to have one, he supposed. And she did fit his tastes rather well. Hm. He'd have to chew on that possibility.

Regardless, if she was or wasn't a mate then she still at the very least had SOME sort or connection with him. It'd be humiliating if someone like that was so weak.

Let's fix that, shall we?

Roland began pouring ungodly amounts of his energy into the girl's form. The mere act led his barriers to ripple and crack. As his essence began to fill her person she quivered and gasped. Every inch of skin shone with faint runes that moved around in orderly chaos. They were a different color from Roland's signature blue. These burned with gold lustre.

Roland raised a brow. He's seen those kind of runes before. He was sure of it. They gave the impression of a phoenix's cry. Which was impossible since there are only two or three true phoenixes left in all of creation. Every other clan of birds who claimed to be of it's bloodline were so watered down they could only be considered fakes.

Roland recalled he had a method of training within his Treasury that contained, for some reason, the true essense of a real phoenix's holy flames. He glanced down at her suspiciously. Don't tell me it chose to bond with the girl?

Some of the cultivation methods within him held sentience of their own so it wasn't abnormal for them to choose their own masters. Just weird she was compatible with them. Roland himself was a special existence who could recreate almost any form of energy by instinct alone. This kid, he didn't know whether she could perform the same feat but at least right now she couldn't.

Neither is she a phoenix herself. So if the method really did leave him and go into her, it was weird.

He'd have to remember to check later. If it was missing then he could be sure it went to Reina. Not that he minded but something like that would be pretty damn strange.

"Oh?" Roland watched as the girl's eyes took an azure hue. "She really is turning into a mini-me."

He felt this was enough to kickstart her potential so he broke their contact and drew in any last remnants of energy.

He felt claws digging into his skin.

He found his new feline friend standing on two legs with it's tongue sticking out. It was trying to suck up the wisps of energy floating around. And succeeding.

He shook his head, marveling. "Looks like you aren't a normal kitty, huh?"

He was ignored.

"Raaarrrr~!" It growled, moving about restlessly. The thing lost it's balance and fell into Roland's waiting arms, then stood up and started licking his face.

"Yeah...no." He pulled it away by the back of it's neck but the damn thing still tried to force it's way to him. It was too adorable. "Alright, you win." Roland was weak.

As for Lilith and the brothers, they focused on Reina who was swaying back and forth on the verge of collapsing.

"Rei!" Lilith knelt down and steadied her. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Reina's eyes, now an amazing blue, stared at her sister in a daze. "It feels...wow…" She breathed.

"She looks totally out of it," James commented, checking her forehead with a hand. "She's burning up."

"Are you sure she's fine?" Rhys asked Roland.

The man waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, she's great. Better than ever. She just needs time to settle down." He assured. " Her body's like mine, it's really high-end. She just never had enough juice in her to get it going. It's a new experience, of course she's disoriented. Give it time."

"If you say so." The boy looked put-off, not quite believing in the guy's words. But the man is, after all, the deity-level being here. So he supposed he should trust he knew what he was talking about.

Roland bent down and scooped her up. "No point staying here anymore. Come on, let's head back. My chocolate addiction demands satisfaction."

Lilith frowned at him. "I can take her."

Roland nodded easily. "Nope." He refused.

She flared up. "What do you mean, nope?!?

"It's better if I carry her. I'll be helping her regulate and refine the energy she's received while we go back. Can you do that? If so I'd be happy to have her over."

Lilith folded her arms and gave him a long stare, unsure of whether what he said was truth or bullshit.

"Hah." She sighed. "Fine."

"Great." He smiled. And they began floating in the air.

"Holy--!" Rhys cursed.

"It's getting late. We'll just fly back."

"You could have flown us here?" Rhys' face was dark. "Then why the hell did we walk?"

"I wanted to stretch my legs."

"You only walked half-way!"

"I got tired. And Cheeseburger showed up acting big and bad, so carrying me was his punishment."

"You named it?" James sounded disturbed. "And you named it...cheeseburger?"

"I'm a bit of a Far Cry fan."

"What's that?"

"RIght. You wouldn't know it. " Earth IS a great tourist spot. Lots of gods, demons and other extrnormal beings visit the place. He should take them there sometime. Jesus is a flake, but Buddha can party like no one's business. Total frat boy at heart.

"Alight, enough questions. Let's get out of here." And Roland rushed them out of the cave.

Pretty soon they were mere blips in the darkening sky.

And of course, he didn't forget to take Cheeseburger.

Chapter end

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