The Ability to Make Town!? ~Let's Make a Japanese Town in Different World~ Chapter 92 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 2

The Ability to Make Town!? ~Let's Make a Japanese Town in Different World~ Chapter 92 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 2

Town chapter 92: Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 2

It was when Nobuhide thought on the second floor of the government office that his strategy was flawless. Suddenly, the sounds of messy and noisy bronze drums were heard from all over the city. It is a signal notifying the visit of the enemy.

"Fast! They're already here!"

Nobuhide screamed frustratedly and immediately called 『Town Data』. His name, Era setting and current population are projected in front of him.

[Population of the town] 7153

The population is far from 10,000. Of course. Not long after immigrants entered the city. Strictly speaking, it has been about 5 hours.

The time is now 3pm. There is still grace before the enemy comes here. They have to take a rest and it's doubtful that they'll attack by the end of the day.

However, Nobuhide thought that the population of 10,000 would not be in time. Is it about seven hours per thousand people? Since there are about 2,800 people remaining, it is about nineteen hours with a simple calculation.

(Should I replenish the person in charge......)

Thinking so, No, Nobuhide shook his head left and right. If there are any errors in the documents, they will not be converted into population.

This world. Surprisingly few people can 『Read』 but 『Write』. Even the village chief Peter can read, but couldn't write. That's why it is left only to the Polo Company. The personnel are good as it is.

(Well, if we don't reach the population of 10,000, we don't have to worry. We are ready for anything other than a billion yen new weapon)

Soon, when an incoming visit was announced by a telephone-type wired communicator, Nobuhide put the communication in another location. A compartment that gathers royalty and soldiers in one place. Reina, who is currently staying there, is the communication partner. The reason for collecting the royal family and soldiers in one place is to repress them all at once. Rather than gathering those who could become rebel molecules and fostering the rebellion, it was more frightening to be confused throughout the town. After telling Reina to send a soldier here, Nobuhide took an escort and went down the stairs immediately.

On the first floor of the government office, the person in charge keeps registering the family register calmly and appeasing immigrants. This is what Nobuhide directed in advance. To keep working no matter what happens. A lot of the salary is paid.

(There is no problem inside the office, but outside......)

When Nobuhide left the government office, the outside was a different world.

"Be, Beastman!? Was it a beastman!?"

"N, No way, isn't it a signal that the beastmen attack us!?"

"Where are the soldiers of the Royal Palace! No way we were deceived!?"

Immigrants panicked about what was happening to the sound of the drums ringing from all sides. Immigrants see the beastmen on the walls in the first place. Therefore, they think that this is due to their own hands, so those people are sure they are frenzy.

For them, Nobuhide thought that it was a natural reaction because it was an unusual situation without any information. There is great power to calm down. When Nobuhide returned to the government office once again, he bought [Loudspeaker], as he did not know how many more would be behind the stairs and went out again.

『Calm down!』

A glance using the [Loudspeaker]. It means that abnormalities are abnormal. At the same time, an annoying howling phenomenon called long squealing sound occurred and the consciousness of the immigrants turned to Nobuhide.

『I´m Nobuhide Fujiwara, the lord of this city! First, calm down!』

Once again, he commands through [Loudspeaker]. The nise of the immigrants gradually subsided and eventually a system for listening to Nobuhide's thoughts was in place.

『Okay? Listen calmly. Currently, the enemy army is just around the corner――』"

In response to the word enemy forces, immigrants looked rough. However, Nobuhide spins his next words without concern.

『――But don't panic. The city is perfectly fortified. The beastmen are the guardians. Don't worry』

"Evacuate! Where should we evacuate!"

A voice is heard from the back of the crowd. Because it is someone in a position where he doesn't know his true identity, he will be able to ask questions with a strong will.

『You should hide in your own house when you have finished the family register!』

"Such! You want to continue the registering of the family register in such a situation!"

Again, another person shouted out of the crowd. Along with that, a wave of voices saying 「Yes, don't be silly!」 hit Nobuhide like a tide.

The escorts behind Nobuhide, including Mira, grab their [Type 89 rifle]. It was added to the escort's equipment so that a revolt could happen at any time.

『No playfully! Good! If you want to evacuate, follow the instructions without complaining so that you can register your family register smoothly! Then one more! If you disturb the line without permission, you will be punished!』

Remarks that can be said to be domineering. It was an action that could have an influence on later governance. But now there was no other way.

Soon the soldiers of the Dryad Kingdom will come to control the line. There should be no problem here. Nobuhide took a horse parked at the government office and immediately headed to the south wall.

The beastmen on the wall were quite dismayed, if not as much as the immigrants. Anyway, they´re trying to shoot at the far away enemy that they can't reach with cannons.

"Hey! Not yet! Don't take off the curtain yet! The enemy is so far away!"

Nobuhide came to the top of the wall. If possible, he wanted to give a sudden first shot and do great damage from the condition that they thought he didn't have a cannon. That is the curtain for that. Until recently, he had been training cannons without any secrecy, so it would be inconvenient if the presence of cannons was revealed.

Nobuhide looked into [Binoculars]. Although the enemy is pulling a cannon, it's moving very fast. The reason was the working beast leading the army. A beast isolated from others. That is why the Initia Kingdom is called the starting country.

Hard scales like a huge body with a shell on the back. It has a long tail and short limbs. A creature that can never be seen in the original world――a holy beast. Although Nobuhide didn't know, it was very similar to the original world dinosaur, Ankylosaurus.

"Fu, Fujiwardono"

The chief of the Ratmen tribe who commanded this wall spoke to Nobuhide. The tribe chief, who seemed to be calm, rarely relies on a mosquito-screaming voice.

Fear. The power of the cannon's unequaled is that they handle it well. Nobuhide has already told them that their enemies have cannons, but he also taught the difference in superiority and inferiority of the range. However, the fear of humans was still imprinted on the bone marrow.

"The enemy is the strongest human army which has conquered half of the continent. If you win here, the beastmen will get everything. Or do you want the commander here to be replaced by a wolfmen?

Nobuhide said so, but there are no remaining wolfmen. If he wants to create surplus, only Mira and the other wolfmen who are currently on Nobuhide's escort can do it.

Nobuhide saw two escorts. There seems to be no regret. A strong will that comes with instructions is always transmitted. Now, what to do, Nobuhide's line of sight returned to the rat tribe chief.

In the eyes of the ratmen tribe chief, there is still something that can be called a patrol. However, Nobuhide's remarks compare with the wolfmen. In addition, the eyes of the beastmen of the northern forest in this place gathered with Ratmen tribe chief. At such times, the long-lasting will be the one who shows strength.

"No, I said something sorry. I want you to do it as it is. Let's make sure we destroy the humans"

"Is that so, I'll leave it to you. Don't let it get ahead of you

The lines of the ratmen tribe chief were quite scary to Nobuhide, who was a human, but he thought it was better than shrinking and he tried not to think deeply now.

Nobuhide looks at the enemy army again. No matter how fast the enemy is, there is still time. It will be night till they get here. Or do they set up camp somewhere once and attack at dawn?

Not just the ratmen tribe chief. Nobuhide thought that the other people's anxiety had to be removed, so he picked up a wired communicator and contacted Chief Jiharu. Because he is not enough on his own, he travels around the city walls in cooperation with Chief Jiharu.

10,000 man strong Initia army. Leading the way are the two hundred armored units led by Komatsuna, equipped with fifty cannons. A hundred or so holy beasts called armor dragons pull a number of humans on a chair tied to their backs and a cannon behind them and move forward without feeling their weight. The fact that half of this continent could be controlled at a tremendous speed was largely due to the cannons, but the existence of these dragons was also a factor. In addition to its large body, its sturdy, thick feet and low center of gravity simply advance without worrying about scaffolding.

However, no matter how good the armor dragons are, the horses of the army cannot move without a break, so they must adapt to the speed of the people. The operation of the armor dragons is the main function of independent mobility, but when today the army moves together as in today's operation, the armor dragons are only transport beasts that can carry large loads. Well, that's enough.

The Initia army advanced a vast distance well over ten kilometers. Although the plains continue, the ground is not flat and some streams are also in the middle. The army took many breaks and arrived 4 kilometers south of the castle city when the night sky fell completely. The army was stationed there and the city attack began the next morning.

By the way, by the time they came here, Komatsuna's eyes have clearly captured the walls of the castle. It was a form to remember nostalgia. Komatsuna's head naturally raised the question of why there was such a thing here.

"Is the castle city supposedly created by Fujiwara?"

That was the idea that ended up in his head. In this world, he has never seen such a wooden structure with a tiled roof.

After discussing with Reanis at the final stage, it was concluded that it was meaningless to think deeply. If Fujiwara has such a technique, it is a post-war story.

The next morning early morning. The sun finally came out of the eastern horizon and the sky turned white and blue. The Initia army left for the castle city, leaving their base.

The first armored unit led by Komatsuna arrives at 3 kilometers from the castle city. The extraordinary visual acuity built up by Komatsuna's ability captured the appearance of a beastman on the wall. He knows that the enemy has beastmen among his soldiers. Not surprisingly. Incorporating beastmen into the nation in Rashia is nothing but shame, but there are others on the other side who are not captured by common sense in this world.

In addition, countless cloth curtains were visible. He wondered what that was and Komatsuna was thinking. For a moment, he thought about the presence of a cannon, but the cloth curtain was strange. Komatsuna thought that it was supposed to be much larger than a cannon and probably had a weapon like a throwing machine. In reaching this idea, the fact that the existence of a cannon on the enemy side has never been confirmed in the Dryad strategy now has a major effect. Whatever the weapons of the previous era, without using gunpowder. There is no reason to stop the army.

An armored unit arrives at 2.5 km from the castle city. Now Komatsuna wondered what to do. Where to stop and where to give a surrender recommendation. The closer the approach, the more intimidating it was. The aim is a point of 1 km that is the range of the self-created cannon named 『Initia Cannon』.

And two kilometers from the castle city. Komatsuna suddenly worried about the softness of the soil. He felt a sinking as if here was dug once. When he looks closely, the color is also strange. The soil is blacker than before.

Aside from the color, he may think of the soft soil. After the cannon practice, he must level the soil. He has experienced it many times.

(No way――)

As he noticed something, Komatsuna looked over the wall. The figure of a beastman who puts a hand on the cloth curtain was reflected in his eyes. He doesn't have any time to go any further. Komatsuna takes a deep breath and tries to exhale as a voice.

"All troops――!"

As soon as the cloth curtain turned. What is revealed is a cannon. The different bulges in the cloth curtain were camouflaged with a wooden framework. However, Komatsuna ordered the soldiers with a loud voice.

"Go forward with all your energy!"

――In that moment, a roar sounded. Needless to say, the bombardment from the castle.

Along with the intense sound, a sand smoke blow up by the landing danced. The screams of soldiers are heard everywhere. However, it was only Komatsuna's order that kept the unit functioning.

On the battlefield, anyone who becomes deadly crazy is equal. However, an excellent soldier believes in the general and becomes mad at the command. Komatsuna chose to move forward rather than to retreat, with a momentary judgment. Soldiers believed that it was the way to live and moved forward.

"Enemy is shooting from the top of the wall! If we break down the wall, we will win! Just go forward! Once in range, shoot without hesitation!"

Komatsuna screamed and slashed the neck of the dragon that he was riding with a big sword. You might think that he touched it, but it is not. When Komatsuna lifted the dragon from his stomach with his terrible repulsion, he proceeded forward with a sword stabbed sideways on the belly and the back of the dragon as a giant shield.

Lifting a giant weighing several tons. From the enemy's point of view, it is a work that should be out of the impossible, how crazy is the opponent.

"Here it is! Initia Kingdom Army General Komatsuna is here!!"

Komatsuna's voice reverberates far beyond the sound of the bombardment. Many enemies have been terrified and demoralized by this huge voice.

It's the same today. Perhaps because of fear, the second bombardment concentrates on Komatsuna. However, the scales of the dragon were much harder and repelled the Fujiwara army´s bombardment.

That is not all. The aim of the bombardment is too sweet. This was an indication of how immature Fujiwara artillery was.

(You can go. If it's the enemy's level of discipline, there's no need for a single-minded force to move forward)

There is no mistake in the idea that Komatsuna asked strongly in his heart. The different colored soil under his feet. That is a landmark. Measuring the distance of landing in advance and fixing the firing angle so that the first bullet is always applied. Of course, the distance changes depending on the weather, wind, and air that change every day, but the opponent is a huge army. There is no big impact.

In other words, the castle beastmen can bombard the opponent at a fixed distance, but if you try to shoot a moving target, the aim will be slow.

(After all, there was a way to go forward)

It wasn't a well thought-out command. In other words, what should be called olfaction and instinct for victory made Komatsuna give the two letters "forward" as a command. Komatsuna saw the victory in a fierce battle――――that moment.

It's a tremendous sound that he can't describe. No, it was a wall of sound.


The stunned voice was uttered from Komatsuna's mouth. Komatsuna lost most of his thinking ability, while a temporary alert was in the midst of a battle between life and death. An unknown sound remains in the ears. The only thing that was in his mind is what happened.

Like thunder of judgment that God gives. Like putting a period in the world. ――Such a sound. Because it was such a sound, Komatsuna couldn't understand what happened with the sound alone.

Strangely enough, even the artillery fire that had been added to the army had stopped. This means that the enemy side was also surprised and it can be said that it was a trap from the viewpoint of the Initia Kingdom army.

With a little power and intention, Komatsuna peeked beyond the shield. There are soldiers that stop on the spot as if the time has stopped. Furthermore, the gap between soldiers. After that, in the smoke, there was a troop of selfish, deadly troops.

"What......this is......"

Komatsuna's lips were convulsed. He can hear the painful call of a armored dragon, but he can't feel the sign of a person. Komatsuna is just stunned by the devastation

By the way, this time on the castle just one kilometer away. There was Nobuhide who had a face opposite to Komatsuna, while saying, 「If you can't [Purchase] landmines, you can actually make one」, but because of this situation, there was no room to notice even Komatsuna with his good eyesight.

Chapter end

Chapter 102 – Four months (autumn) from the founding of the country, at that time on the continent
Chapter 101 – Four months since the founding of the country (autumn), the trial
Chapter 100 – Three months since the founding of the country (autumn), electric heater and Kotatsu
Chapter 98 – At that time other countries
Chapter 97 – The beginning of a new town
Chapter 96 – Conclusion and Coronation
Chapter 95 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 5
Chapter 94 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 4
Chapter 93 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 3
Chapter 92 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 2
Chapter 91 – Fujiwara Territory Defense Battle 1
Chapter 90 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 7
Chapter 89 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 6
Chapter 88 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 5
Chapter 87 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 4
Chapter 86 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 3
Chapter 85 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 2
Chapter 84 – From town to country, from match to electrical appliances 1 (with map)
Chapter 83 – About Potatoes and Kaoruko Yamada
Chapter 82 – Garden Party 4
Chapter 81 – Garden Party 3
Chapter 80 – Garden Party 2
Chapter 79 – Romatto
Chapter 78 – Japanese people living in the royal capital Dorisben
Chapter 77 – Garden Party 1
Chapter 76 – The arrival of winter and the beginning of spring
Chapter 75 – Intermission Komatsuna Yoshiki 2
Chapter 74 – Intermission Komatsuna Yoshiki 1
Chapter 73 – Northern Villages 3
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 67-70
Chapter 66
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 058
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 057
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 056
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 055
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 054
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 053
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 052
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 051
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 050
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 049
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 048
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 047
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 046
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 045
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 044
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 043
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 042
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 041
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 040
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 039
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 038
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 037
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 036
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 035
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 034
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 033
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 032
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 031
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 030
The Ability to make town!? ~Let’s make a Japanese Town in Different world~ 029
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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