Suddenly Became A Princess One Day Volume 46 ~47Chapter 14

Suddenly Became A Princess One Day Volume 46 ~47Chapter 14


"Don't lie."

Lucas frowned at my lie. Even though I didn't expect for him to fall for it but still!

He knew every time when I played with Blackie. He says that he knows from some mana getting on to me whenever I play with Blackie.

But he said it was not too dangerous so I controlled the time I play with Blackie.

"So you are 14 now?"

"When it's after my birthday. Ah, right. Earlier, my dad..."

I told him the story. Then he made fun of me.

"Are you stupid?"

What? What did I do wrong!

"There is only one thing you should've asked for your birthday."

What? I'm more curious.

"You are always like this when its related to your dad."

And I was shocked at his words.

"Its obvious that he wants your first dance in the debutante."

......Is that some kind of joke?

Claude wanna dance with me? Why?

"Uh, I don't think you know but. You don't dance with your dad at debutante."

"Sometimes they do. Very few."

"People say that they don't because it is inelegant."

"Yeah. And your dad wants to do that inelegant thing."




"For real?!"

"See. Why do you study. When you are going to be that dumb."

He smirked at my reaction. But I didn't even fight back.

Was I an idiot?! Now that I think, Felix also gave me a hint! Then it's real? Claude wants to have my first dance for my debutante?

I was dumbfounded.

"I told you. Your dad likes you more than you think he does."


The next day, I was having a tea party with Claude. The sunlight was shading Claude's blue eyes, green.


His gaze moved to me when I called his name. I smiled to that gaze.

"It's my birthday soon."

I've thought all night after what Lucas said last night. Haha. Its not any other but 'Claude' who wants to dance with me!

"And there is my debutante."

Thinking of Claude and Felix's actions yesterday all proved that Lucas was right that I was shocked.

Claude looked at me with a gaze seeming to say 'so what'. I don't know what he's thinking through this. So I decided to get straight into it.

"So I thought about who I want escort from and my first dance with."

Suddenly Claude's gaze changed. When I glimpsed at Felix, Felix was looking at me seeming to say 'Yes princess, that's it!'.

"Since it an important day, I want to do it with someone special......."

Ah ha, so its that, huh? I really knew now what they wanted with a help from Lucas.

Heh. It's hard not to smirk at this. I continued speaking with a smile and pretended I didn't know any of this.

"Wouldn't Felix be the best fit? How does dad think about this?"


Felix let out a gasp as soon as my words were out. He was looking at me as if he was asking what I was doing. But it wasn't Felix's but other person's reaction I was interested in.


Claude finally opened his mouth setting his tea cup on the table.

"Felix. Not bad."

He acted the same as usual but I saw him twitch his eyebrow a bit. And I just smiled.


"Do whatever eay you want."

It was as Felix's opinion didn't matter. Well Felix didn't have rights to refuse an order and he would accept if I begged him anyways.

Of course if Felix really hated it, I wouldn't force him. But there were no chance he would dislike it.

"Wow. I asked yestersday and Felix said he would accept if there isn't any better person to go with."


"But I still asked for dad's opinion."

Felix was pale. I felt bad but this is nothing compared to how much oppa had done to me!

"Your majesty. I apologize but I......."

"Great. Felix mentioned your debutante a few days ago as well. Of course it had to be someone important. Then won't Felix be happy."

"Y-Your majesty."

"But why are you making that face? You don't seem too happy."

"Of course it is glory to my famil....... Gasp. Your majesty! It's not that."

Felix was sweatdropping. It was understandable that Felix was panicking because he brought it up for a different intention but flowed the wrong way.

Claude glared coldly ad Felix.

"A glory. Of course."

"I'm also happy to go in and dance with Felix! Hehe."

I didn't look at Claude but just smiled.

'Your dad likes you more than you think he does.'

Hmm. I smirked not noticably at that.

I wanted to play a luttle trick on them.


"Let's practice dancing!"


Few days later. I shouted at Lucas. He was on the floor with apples and water.

"You said you were fine alone. Why are you also pushing me in? I'm not doing it."

"Hey I feel like I'll have to dance with my dad for the debutante first dance."

I smiled as I placed my hands on my hips.

I was secretly planning stuffs deceiving Claude.

It was hard to not laugh at Felix who grew more concerned as the says went by. Of course Claude didn't ask himself but it was obvious now.

So I was going to make him feel bad before I agree myself.

Kuckkk. A day has come where I can control myself of how I treat Claude like this.

"But your height? If you wear heels, you'd just step on people."

Mmm. I don't want my hard work to go to waste. So I'll work hard on my dance practice.

Lucas chewed on the apple as he smiled.

"So, you want me to change form into an adult and help you practice?"

"Yeah yeah!"

I'm a genius! To think of things like this.

"Oppa and my dad's height were almost the same."

I don't remember perfectly but I knew that he was tall.

"Well, even though it's not, you can just change taller?"

Lucas made a face seeming to say 'look at this, do you think I'd agree?'. I thought this would happen so I prepared this!

"The universe wide strongest and talented genius handsome wizard Lucas can do this as if you're eating a cake, right?. Right? Hmm? So can you? Huh?"

I looked at Lucas with my cute face I did to lots of other peopel. Then he made a face as if he was choking on the apple.

Then he snapped with his fingers.


"I'm busy so practice with this."

And in front of me appeared a man made of paper!

"What's this!"

"what do you mean what's this. It's your partner."

"Why is this my partner! Why do you always make me these stuffs saying you are busy when you are not!"

"I am busy everyday breathing."

You could've helped me!

Bue he didn't seem like he would dance with me. Well it wasn't suprising because this happened several times.

There was a time where he danced with me 2 years ago in ms. Pondafyu's dance class.

She said we were the perfect fit for judging my our height. That day too, Lucas complained but was forced to fldance with me because of Ms. Pondafyu's scary speech.

And I realized that the black idiot was actually really good at dancing. He disliked dancing so after a few times, he would hide himself when Ms. Pondafyu came. 

Eek. Won't he help me? It was Lucas who would usually do what I ask for but seems like dancing is not included. Sob.

"You could've at least added in the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth."

I had no choice but to hold the hands of the paper.The paper doll was just made of paper but held my hand back! Ahh! Lucas makes the weirdest things.


"Hmm hmm, hmm."

I made the rhythm myself as I hummed and now the room was filled with my foot step sounds.

Ahh, but this doll is actually really tall. It's different than when I danced with Lucas last time. It's more hard. But it's movements are too detailed even though its paper! I feel disgusted!


And I ended up falling embarrassingly.

But Lucas laughed at me which made me mad.

"Are you sweeping the floor right now? Is it fun?"

"Eek! What's this! It's too weak! It cannot stand! It can't catch me when I fall! This is weird! And he looks like an egg ghost!"

This thing gave me shame to me who was confident in dancing! To my words, Lucas looked at me with a look 'How can you say that' and spoke.

"Those are some strong mental attacks. It'll get hurt."

"Gasp. Wasn't it just a paper doll? Does he understand me?"

"Of course not."


Is it fun making fun of people?!

I stood up, angry. Lucas was just watching me while laughing.

"Do you need music? Do you want me to add music?"


Then music filled the room. T-This is a music that would win over the world best orchestra.

I don't know who made it but I knew it came out with Lucas's magic.

"It won't be heard outside so dance however you want, princess."

Ack! I don't like you! Pttt!

Then I turned around when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. It was the paper doll. Wait! Why are you suddenly grabbing my hand?! Why are you wrapping your arm around my waist! And I had to dance with this doll again.

But I can't focus because it's too flappy! A moment later, I did a turn and complained to Lucas again.

"Then can you make a doll that actually looks like a person?"

"Do you think there is something I cannot do?"


"Then a handsome oppa face."


But Lucas didn't accept.


"I don't know. I don't know why but I would not like it."

And there weren't good reasons for it. You, sometimes you are nice but you sometimes act like this. Why not help me when you can!

Ehh. I lied down on the spot after dancing 2 more times.

The paper doll would keep on flapping, and the music is so unfit, and Lucas is laughing, and I can't even focus! Eek, I quit!

Lucas saw me like this then turned the music off. Then the room turned quiet.

"Are you already giving up?"

"It's better to ask Felix to help me to do it this way."

"You are quite cruel."

Then he clicked his tongue and muttered out the words 'Do you want to kill that poor guard?'.

Ha. Then make me a better doll if you worry about Felix! Who told you to give me that kinda thing? 

"Ah, I'm worn out."

I didn't focus on Lucas's words and looked up at the chandelier.

The banquet hall in Emerald palace weren't used at all so it was used to practice my dance. But it was very pretty and fancy.

Do I get to invite people and have a banquet after my debutante here?

I was blank as I stared at these pretty walls and gems but I got used to it somehow.

I was amazed that I got used to living a princess's life. Of course gems and golds are still precious. It is. It's life logic!

I just stared at the celling as no one except for Lucas in here. I had some harsh schedules these days. Ahh, my body.

Then the words Hanna told me yesterday while brushing my hair passed by my head.

"I heard Isekiel is back."

"Isekiel Alfius?"

Lucas replied right away. It was Isekiel who he saw 6 years ago and was the one who almost became my friend instead of him so he should have remembered.

And according to Hanna, the rumours of Isekiel coming back was great.

She said the young maids were also noisy from that rumours. Now that I think about it, duke Alfius visited Claude once not too long ago.

Then something came out from my memories. That memory which put me into shame 6 years ago! Crrr. Thinking I lost to a 10 year old kid, this cannot be real.

"I'm curious how he looks now."

More like how smart he became now. How much do you have to know and study to graduate as a S class? But I didn't play all the time during the past 6 years.

But to my mutter, Lucas spoke.

"Are you interested in Isekiel?"

"Don't talk about it. He always appeared in my head the past 6 years even when reading a book, eating, and sleep that annoyed and bothered me!"

My dark history! Thinking of how much I've read books and studied.

"If you are that curious, go see yourself."

Yes, exactl...... What?

What did you just say?

I turned my head to Lucas, not able to understand what he was saying.

Then I was able to look into his crimson eyes. Gasp. I know that face. This is a face the black idiot makes before making a mess!

"You should've told me in the first place. It's not that hard for me anyways."

But his gaze was a bit different than other times. He smiled pretty before I even got what he was thinking.

"It's a special service so no need to thank."



The ribbon on my head came undone and flew away from the strong wind. I was thinking what situation I was in now but soon got the idea.

"What's this?!"

Why am I in the air?! Then I heard a familiar voice above me.

"I was bored anyways. Cool."

"No, not cool! What are you doing?"

"Then have a nice time, friend."

"Hey, you...... AHHH! MOM!!"

Seeing his eyes curving which completed his smile was when I started to fall.

"You bad bast*rd!"

The long hair fell like a sparkly and shiny waterfall above me.

I cursed the black idiot a several times! You crazy bast*rd! Mean basta*rd! IDIOT! Wahh! Mom!


But today too I slowed down when I almost hit the ground and landed without my any parts hurt.

Ahh! It was scarier than 6 years ago! Is it because of my weight that effected the gravity? Wahh. I don't know. Lucas, you. You!

"......Are you okay?"

Then I heard someone's voice above me.

My hands which was covering my eyes flinched. Gasp. Did someone catch me when I fell? Really?

I looked through my fingers to see that person.

Then a man who looked strange but also familiar came into view.

The silver hair dancing in the wins and the golden eyes were familiar.

But the body, mature eyes, and his size was very different than the boy I met 6 years ago. 

I just stared at him wide eyed.

"You always surprise me whenever I meet you."

And when he smiled and spoke softly.

"I wanted to see you, Lady angel."

Lady angel. Lady angel.......

The word he lastly said proved that he is the kid I was thinking he was. 

What kind of situation is this? What am I doing?

Who is this guy? Why is he smiling at me?

And I was seriously dumbfounded in so long. But this dude was still smiling at me.

Eh, ack. Wait, my eyes! Can you give me some time? What do you want me to do when you shine so bright at me!

But the appearance and the voice, this is Isekiel right? But what. Where did the kid I know go?!

Today too, I fell due to Lucas and I landed on Isekiel's arms. It was like 6 years ago but the difference was that he held me without falling this time.

I realized that I was still in Isekiel's arms.


GAAASSP, I mean, This kind of princess holding is a bit embarrassing! And isn't this too much? We are grown up lady and a mister!

"P-Put me down please."

I struggled when I thought of that. But only my body moved, nothing moved with me.

Chapter end

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