Strange Love 82 I Do

Strange Love 82 I Do

The beautiful afternoon sun cascaded down through the sculpted architecture of the new city Jamila had snapped them to causing the pink tent of the buildings to look even brighter. Shelly spun in a full circle as she tried taking in the many different sites all at once. She'd originally thought that nothing could be more beautiful than the city Rin had grown up near, but this was even more amazing.

"Hum... seems I was slightly off. It's been a while since I last left the palaces, I'm sad to admit." Jamila thrummed her fingers against her chin as she looked around. She finally shrugged and turned back to Shelly ready to grab hold of the girl and snap them to the correct venue, but she froze in place. The absolute wonder on Shelly's face was enough to put all the fancy clothes and jewelry in the world to shame. The deep crimson material of her Saree and top was embroidered in well sown golden roses set off by a rich border of intricate patterns along the elbow-length sleeves and floor-length skirt; it was all set off by the golden embroidered matching lace headpiece and wrap that hung elegantly around her. A large ruby seat at the center of her forehead was surrounded by diamonds with several more adorning the many strands of golden chains attached to it and wrapped around her head under the lace. Her wrists were completely covered by bracelets that chimed and the lace and skirt swooshed around her as she spun. The gold of the fabrics and jewelry picked up glimmers from the sun causing her to literally gleam. The girl had not only grown into a great beauty over the years, but she had something most people in today's society lacked a beautiful soul. Despite her hardships, she'd still grown into a kind, sweet girl. Jamila smiled and stepped closer. "Pretty isn't it? Jaipur has always been Rin's favorite place in the entire country. He would vanish here often as a child."

Shelly turned shocked eyes back to Jamila, "Oh no! You must have been worried sick! It's such a massive place."

Jamila smiled as the memories replayed in her mind. "I was. He was the only one of my children to ever behave in such a way... He and his sister were the only ones I was allowed to raise of course... So I don't have too many reference points, but I imagine raising Gin children is no scarier than raising any other child." She shrugged, "They well all do thinks they shouldn't, worry you nearly to death, and love... Love like you would never imagine." She smiled wistfully up at Shelly. "There is no greater joy than your own child no matter what hells you may go through with them." She held Shelly's hands lightly. "Come now, we must go."

In another snap, Shelly found herself on the interior of a brightly colored building with even more elaborate carved arches and fancy moldings. the columns and moldings were all decorated and painted in different brightly colored ways. Her mouth fell open as she gazed around at the many different paintings and tile work around her. "Where are we?" She asked in aw.

"Amazing isn't it?" Jamila said as she walked past her. "I would always find him here just walking around, admiring it. It's the Patrika gate. We are in Jaipur, my dear." She held her hand out to Shelly, "This way, dear." She led Shelly through the grounds. "We can't leave him waiting too much longer." She stopped at a large opening and smiled. "Just through here." She gestured for Shelly to go on ahead.

As Shelly stepped around Jamila, the twinkling of lights caught her eyes. The trees had been decorated with clear lights and other brightly colored decorations. Her eyes had barely made it around the space when a crimson and gold-clad figure stepped out from behind one of the large trees. It was Rin. He had on a traditional suit with intricately detailed patterns coving the entire jacket. Her eyes traveled over him. The jacket fell right below his knees where a pair of solid silky crimson pants lay snuggly against his muscular legs. She giggled and covered her mouth as she took in his strange pointed shoes.

"What's so funny? You wanted traditional, didn't you? Well, here it is." He smiled teasingly. As he moved toward the center of the large circular area two other figures materialized. It was Rin's father with a man in a long golden robe with matching pants and pointed shoes. Rin smiled and glanced over at his father. The man was walking toward Rin and his father was making his way to the small seating area where Jamila had already sat. He nodded his head to the man and thanked him quickly before turning back to Shelly. "I have a few other surprises for you." He glanced over her shoulder and smiled.

She turned to follow his gaze and all the air left her lungs. Standing at the back of the small group of chairs was Russ and Raven. She teary eyes whipped around to Rin. "How???" She could only force out the one word pasted the joyous emotions building in her throat.

Rin's eyes twinkled as he gazed lovingly down into her eyes. "It's what you wanted wasn't it?" His

smile faded, "I'm sorry though I was unable to get Joslyn here for you. She's traveling so her location isn't exactly known right now and her phone was lost."

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she lifted onto tiptoes to kiss his lips. "Thank you so much!" She quickly turned and ran in the direction of Russ and Raven. She flung herself into her brother's waiting arms and buried her face in the white linen fabric of his shirt. "You came." She whispered a small sniffle following it.

Russ patted her head carefully not to mess up the meticulously styled and decorated hair and head garnishes. "Of course I came. You don't think I'd miss my only sister's wedding would you." He grinned mischievously as her teary eyes met his. "Besides, you're marrying my best friend." He shrugged. "It seems like I didn't have a choice but to come." He released her and walked to Rin giving the man a bro-ish hug.

Shelly hugged Raven tight. "I missed you so much!" Her eyes became worried as she gazed up at Raven. "Is Jos at least ok?"

Raven let out a heavy sigh, "We haven't really had a chance to talk in a while. We only know what Orion has cared to share. She is on her way back, Though." Raven brushed away a tear on Shelly's cheek. "Now dry up those tears before you ruin your makeup." Her voice cracked with emotion as she faught back her own tears.

Shelly swallowed hard and nodded. She stepped back and looked back toward the few smiling faces that were gathered under the well-decorated trees. "How did you guys even get here?"

Rin smiled wider, "Dad and I teleported them earlier." He nodded toward the lights and chairs. "They also helped set this up."

Shelly swallowed hard fighting back tears of gratitude. "Thank you so much." She turned back around and hugged Raven again.

Raven patted her back. "You really are set on messing up that makeup aren't you." She said gruffly.

Shelly turned toward Jamila. "Is it really messed up? I'm so sorry. You worked so hard."

"You look stunning. What are you waiting for get over here so I can make you my wife." He said in a teasing tone as he held out his arms wide.

Shelly giggled and made her way to him as quickly as she could while still maintaining some semblance of grace. Rin met her halfway, taking her hand, and guided her to the man in all gold. He turned toward her and took both her hands. "Today you make me the happiest man in the world."

His smile lit his face as he gazed down into her twinkling blue eyes. "Are you ready, love?"

She gave a nervous but excited nod and gripped his hands tighter in hers.

Rin stifled a laugh and nodded toward the man in gold and the ceremony began.


"How are you enjoying yourself this evening, Mrs. Bhamer?" Rin asked as he sat a glass of champagne on the tiny garden table Shelly and their family were seated around. His father had his arm thrown over the back of his mother's chair and Raven was seated to the left of Shelly, Russ to her right with an empty seat left open for Rin.

Russ clasped him on the back, "Ah man! I can't tell you how nice it's been to have a few hours away from 'Orion the Hunter'." He deepened his voice mockingly as he said the name.

Shelly laughed, "He seemed nice enough."

Russ huffed, "Well sure when he's not being a smartass or a complete jackass!"

"Or kicking your ass?" Rin added.

Russ hit Rin in the head with a paper lantern that was in the center of the table as everyone else busted out into laughter.

Shelly sighed heavily her happy smile turning down into a sad smile, "The only thing that could have made this day better would have been Jos..." She shot a quick glance at her brother, not thinking about the hurt her name would cause him before she'd said it.

Russ sighed and patted her hand, "I know, sis. I'm sorry. I feel...I know I'm responsible." He replied.
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Rin cleared his throat, "Well as much fun as it's been to have you all here. I would like to have some time alone with my new bride."

He stood and everyone followed him up. He lifted his glass into the air and everyone clinked their glasses with his then took long drinks. Rin tipped his up and finished it and Russ narrowed his eyes. "What?"

Russ arched a brow. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with you teleporting with my sister under the

influence." He teased.

Rin busted out laughing. "You, my friend..." He set his glass down and clapped Russ on the back, "Are an idiot." Rin shook his head. He pulled Russ into a tight hug before stepping over to his parents. The three of them embraced tightly and held it for a long while as they murmured words of affection to one another.

Russ pulled Shelly into a tight hug and whispered against her hair. "Come see me whenever you guys are done honeymooning." He sent her a serious glance, "Got it?"

She nodded. As she stepped away from him she accidentally bumped into Raven who had moved close behind her, waiting her turn for a hug. Raven pulled her in tight. "Take care of yourself, dammit." She squeezed tightened before she finally loosened her grip and held her out at arm's length. "No more running off and doing crazy things ya hear!?" He tapped her knuckle lightly against Shelly's chin. "I'm proud of you, Shell... As much so as if you were my own daughter." She stepped back so Rin's now waiting parents could say their own goodbyes.

Jamila and Rudra both pulled Shelly into a tight hug as they had their son. "Welcome to the family, kiddo." Rudra said kissing her temple lightly.

"You will always have a home with us, my dear, no matter what. And you will always be loved." Jamila said as she cupped Shelly's cheeks. Jamila pulled her down to her level and kissed her cheek. "Now go make me bunches and bunches of grandchildren!"

Shelly's face reddened as everyone else laughed. Rin walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. "With pleasure, mom." He replied kissing Shelly fully on the lips as he snapped his fingers.

Russ let out a heavy sigh as they vanished. "Well back to my over-sized, overbearing babysitter." Russ huffed turning toward Jamila and Rudra.

Jamila lifted her hand, "I'll take you back now while Rudra and Raven take down the decorations. I've left the palace unprotected for far too long this evening." She sighed leaning up on tiptoe to give her husband a farewell kiss. Russ took her hand and they vanished.

Raven shrugged, "By the time this is all over, I should start a packing company." She stomped off toward the hidden boxes for the decorations.

As she handed Rudra a box she arched her brow. "So is it true what, Russ told me earlier? Something may happen to Rin soon?"

Rudra shrugged a dark cloud falling over his features. "There is no way to know for sure, but it seems very possible. The events have not been set into motion either way yet." He toyed with a paper lantern for a few minutes as a half-smile turned up one side of his lips. "But I will say, I've never seen him happier than he was today. Who would have known that tiny pink bundle from nearly 18 years ago would one day be my daughter-in-law and the mother of my first male grandchild."

Her brows furrowed for a second. "Ah, I had forgotten all about Rin and Shelly meeting when she was a baby." Raven laughed, "It's kind of funny to think about age differences in our world, isn't it? Jos has made such a huge deal about her and Russ's age gap, but I've known of several prominent relationships between people with nearly a millennia between them."

Rudra laughed, "Yes, but in some cases, it's a must... wouldn't you agree?" He turned his attention to Raven. "How do you think their relationship will go, even if they are able to surmount this current hurtle? They will get more time than most, but still, it is bound to end in heartache." His sad eyes turned back to the decorations and he continued folding them quietly.

Raven worked quietly as well thinking over his words for a long while before speaking again. "Even if it does end in heartache... one dying or whatever... Isn't that the normal way of the world... the more

human way of the world? That's all either of them have ever wanted, to live a normal happy life. Who are we to tell them they shouldn't because one may die of old age or illness... a freak accident... someone's hate or rage." Her stormy purple eyes met his, "In this life, there is no guarantee. You know this, you just said Rin may die soon. If an all-powerful Gin can't prolong his own death then where does that leave the rest of us?"

Rudra thought it over for a minute. "I suppose you have a valid point." He smiled at her, "You are wise and passionate, Raven of the dark fae. Your queen was wise to keep you by her side these years."

Raven sighed, "About that... Your crystal ball didn't by chance see my future did you?"

He arched a concerned brow, "Why do you ask?"

Raven focused on her hands as they worked. "Because it's been so long since I was a member of her court... and we had a bit of a fight before I left." She hung her head lower as she continued. "She wouldn't talk about it the last time we were together... I guess it still bothers her... and scares me..."

Rudra asked in a serious, questioning voice. "Do you still love her?"

Raven's head popped up to meet his gaze. "Of course I do!"

He nodded, "And you believe she still cares for you?"

Raven thought it over for a second before nodding. "Yes."

Rudra smiled, "Then I need no 'crystal ball' to tell me you will find a way to work it out, just as my son will find a way to be with the woman he loves and our dear overly dramatic Russ will find a way to be with the woman he loves."

Raven smiled, "I hope... I truly hope..."

Chapter end

124 Coming undone Trigger warning: violence and harsh conten
123 Coming together
122 Fast friends
121 Strife and Stipulation
120 Unexpected company
119 Sick of getting along
118 Baby steps
117 Final Say
116 Tentacles of love
115 Road less traveled
114 All I ever wanted
113 Falling to fate
112 Never say goodbye
111 Crime and punishmen
110 drunk punch love
109 Turbulant waters
108 Carried away
106 Fate of the future
105 audiance or no
104 Magic touch
102 Forced apar
101 Shift of plans
100 Fast cars and fallen tears
99 What's left behind
98 Snack before bedtime
97 Mask of innocenses
94 Orders to kill
93 Wrath of the Gods
92 Massacre at sunse
91 Ink and blood
90 The truth comes ou
89 The darkest nigh
88 All about timing
87 Magic in the Mountains
86 Cause and Effec
85 What lies below
84 If you've seen one... you'll want to see them all
83 Love at the springs
82 I Do
81 When in Vegas
80 Around the world in a flash
79 Stories under the stars
78 farewell kisses
77 World of love
76 Quick retrea
75 Always time for tea
74 Don't piss off the fae in apartment 13b
73 Breakfast in bed
72 Safe Haven
71 Safe in your arms
70 Party of THREE?
69 party favor
68 History of a broken hear
67 Battle for information
66 man or moster part 2
65 Man or monster
64 No business like vampire business
63 Wishing for love
62 Love me tender
61 A beautiful love
60 Only time will tell
59 Puppy love
58 Turbulant affairs
57 The end
56 Story time
55 Discovering a monster
54 Ease the burden
53 Say something
52 Getting away with love
51 Fates be sealed
50 Exotic beauty
49 Dark angel
48 Stoking the flames
47 Secret Lovers
46 Numb the pain
45 The heart can only believe what the eyes see
44 Be a tease
43 Meet the mastermind
42 Nothing without you
41 Another man's bed
40 In a new ligh
39 The great escape
38 Bedtime story
37 Concussions of love
36 Save you from the wolf
35 Picture's worth a thousand words
34 After school leasons
33 The world inbetween
32 Dominate me
31 The animal within
30 All you need to know
29 guessing games
28 A quick bite
27 Hell scorned female
26 Questions with no answers
25 Dont talk with my mouth full
24 don't play games with my mind
23 Pain in the neck
22 All eyes on the sideshow
21 Stip it down for you
20 Meeting tonights entertainmen
19 advice in a bar bathroom
18 Lets go public
17 No surface left behind
16 While you were sleeping... together
15 Fit for love
14 Pancakes and cream
13 Morning after
12 Bite me
11 Sweetest sin
10 Only tonigh
9 Slippery when we
8 One sly wolf
7 Long ride home
6 Coitus interupt-us
5 Sea of ecstasy
4 Too hot to handle
3 Did I wake up for this
2 late night intruder
1 A day like always
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