Stagnant Water of Apocalypse Chapter 105

Stagnant Water of Apocalypse Chapter 105

Published at 14th of January 2022 12:29:58 PM

Chapter 105
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In an apocalypse, being fully armed in the night most of the time means that those people were just going to farm. Therefore, it’s a little bit vague to tell whether the Chinese on the boat were enemies or not, if we were to judge by their appearance alone. However, the reason I decided that they were enemies was due to the sound of heartbeats.

Thump-!! Thump-!!

Since the sound was irregular, rather than on tempo, it’s clear that there are multiple murderer amongst the guys on the boat.

When Jang Won-taek heard it, he also shouted some instructions to his subordinates.

“Just leave. Remember, today is a secret from anyone.”

It seems like he really is a heavy mouthed person.

After he disappeared, I went to the shelter and got ready. Although I just said that nationality was not important, in the end, I am still a Korean. Those incoming Chinese made me remember those Chinese fishing boats which scoured through the Korean West Sea, making me feel sick.

“Their minds were clearly set.”

An ordinary Chinese would have room for compromise, but those guys were not alone but together with a murderer. Therefore, they would certainly kill to take whatever they need. I know it very well because I’ve experienced being a murderer for a while. When in that state, it’s hard to resist the urge to kill.

“In the end, I have no choice but to kill them all.”

I prepared the weapon and put it in the slot. Through my long playtime, I’ve never experienced multiple deathmatches with multiple killers. At most, it was only once or twice, with at most two murderer. The cause was simple: murderers were very rare back in the game.

“I think there are at least three murderer on their midst…” Now that they had landed on the shore, I could hear the heartbeat more vividly.

The streets of the amusement park became chaotic with the sound of numerous footsteps. I could see some people from the government shelter hiding behind the dilapidated buildings and structures. Though, the only people I know was the President’s chief of staff, and that bastard, Bae Geom-in, who grumbled something about how he wasn’t ready.

“You have to guard this place and respond if the situation gets worse.”

“I got it.”

The moment the chief of staff disappeared with a blink, his grumbling turned into abusive language.

“Fuck, I don’t even have the physical strengthening anymore, so what can I do? Can I copy Djeong’s ability?”

Obviously, if he got Djeong’s zombie domination skill, he would be stronger than now. But I don’t think Djeong would let him copy her unique skill.

By the time some Chinese shouted something in the distance, Geom-in disappeared with a blink while scratching his head. According to the chief of staff, he should be in charge of this area, but it seems like he didn’t want to do it.

“I can see why Djeong didn’t like him.” If he didn’t want to be ordered around, he should have lived alone like I did. But to be honest, I don’t know why he ran away from the fight even though he had a blink ability. Afterall, coupled with bow and arrow, he could easily dominate the battlefield.

Then, suddenly, Seokhyun, no, Rapwi appeared in the middle of the road.

Where the heck did he get that bunny headband?

As the man was only wearing panties while using the headband, it felt like poison had entered my eyes.

“Ah, seriously!!”

As I was about to leave my shelter, Seokhyun put his hand on his waist and shouted at the murderers on the boat.


The eyes of a dozen people turned to him in an instance.

The provocation effect was waaaaayyyyy too effective.


The people who gathered at the Wolmi-do’s marina went through a number of battles simultaneously. Everyone’s been through countless zombie raids and deathmatches. Therefore, they should’ve not been surprised by anything. However, as this was their very first involved in such a big battle like this, and with multiple murderers to boot, everyone was quite lost about who to fight. Should they fight the murderers? Or the zombies closing in?

However, in the midst of the confusion, there were people who could keep their composure and perform a bloody splendid performance. It was Duck Buttock Goes Kwek Kwek, Choi Djeong and Rabbit Princess, Hwang Seokhyun.

The two caused chaos while ignoring the zombie wall and stick around the murderers. Djeong, who had took her high heels off, rushed towards one particular murderer together with one of her ghoul. Though, as the murderer’s power was no joke, when the ghoul was hit by his fist, it flew away to the distance.

“Heh heh…” The murderer smiled, obviously insane. Then he launched a direct assault towards the ghoul. As he had killed dozens of people, his combat power exceeded that of a ghoul. However, the moment Djeong reached him with her eyes gleaming in red, the situation changed.

‘She’s strong.’ Bae Geom-in, who was watching Djeong’s performance from afar, was mesmerized by her move. Djeong pulled out a long knife and unilaterally assault the murderer. It was solid proof that even in 1:1 fight without her ghouls, she was still a powerhouse.

Her movement, which was boosted by fighting instincts and frenzy, was like an arrogant queen. She didn’t fly around in the sky like Rapwi, but each and every one of her swings was heavy.

Eventually, Geom-in shut her eyes tight as Djeong’s feet hit the killer’s groin.


It must have been crushed…

Meanwhile, Rapwi engaged in a hand-to-hand battle with several murderers simultaneously. He has gotten a lot stronger lately. In particular, after fighting that murderer guy in Changwon.

Some murderers were pushed out by his stats and some were because of his skills and combat sense. The result was of course, annihilation. Seeing Rapwi was drenched in blood, Geom-in couldn’t tell who the true murderer was.

Meanwhile, far from Geom-in, Tang Zhao Long and Tang Shen Long, two siblings which was responsible to bring the murderers to this place, were astonished by what is currently happening before their eyes.

Back in the northern part of Shandong Peninsula, those murderers were anything but weaklings. It would be difficult for anyone to find people who can match their prowess. However, right now, their plan to create a bridgehead for farming on land was completely shattered.

How can those murderers got beaten by just two people?

As they rushed to board the boat to leave, someone blocked their way.

“You have to take off your dirty shoes if you visit someone’s house.” The man with a big build said.

At his words, the older one between the two, Tang Zhao Long, contorted his face.

“Is that so? Then, can I assume that Koreans consider attacking blindly as a polite act?”

“It’s natural to kill murderers, but it seems like it wasn’t so for you guys?”

“It’s not okay to touch other people’s things, mister.”

“Sorry, I hate the brainwashing unique skill the most. Bye.”

As Seongho shook the strange feeling which crept into his mind, he decided that it would be better to kill them here.

Seeing that the items of the man in front of them were quite unusual, the younger sister, Tang Shen Long stepped forward.

“I know you are displeased by us, so it would be better for you to let us leave. It was a much simpler way than spilling each other’s blood, wasn’t it?”

“I’m sorry, but you will be the only one who will spill blood.”

Realizing the atmosphere had turned colder. Zhao Long send instruction to his subordinate murderer to come forward towards the man. However, before the murderer could touch Seong-ho, a bolt slithered out of the air and pierced the murderer’s stomach, sending him to the sea.

Zhao Long’s mouth opened wide and looked into the sea where his murderer fell into.


At that moment, the man’s eyes lit up red. At the sight, Zhao Long was surprised even more.

This man even acquired the powers of a werewolf?

However, unlike her brother who stood still, Shen Long quickly moved her hands. From it, a gust of wind blew and hit Seongho. However, instead of blowing Seongho’s body away, the wind was only making Seongho fly to the sky. After that, the man spins his body and descends straight down to Shen Long.

“Uh, how?”

When her attack was interrupted, she was taken aback.

Does it make sense for someone to rotate their body in the air? There’s nothing to put their feet into!

It was her older brother, Zhao Long, who saved her. He ran towards Shen Long and tackled her to move away.


While the two were rolling on the floor, the remaining murderers rushed towards Seongho who landed on the ground, failing to meet his target.


After several exchanges, an arm and a head flew into the air. It was only then that the two siblings realized; the man in front of them was a monster. After all, he could easily kill their subordinates murderers, who can be considered strong even amongst other murderers after winning several deathmatches.

The two immediately started running away after making eye contact with him. Seongho chased after him, but he was left behind as he had to stop himself to avoid a thunderbolt running at him from the sea.

It was blocked by his dimensional wall, but it was still difficult to properly prevent the water from pouring out at him, obscuring his vision.

“Damn it.”

He got wet and stopped. He was about to shoot the ballista at the two, but the two of them disappeared around the corner.

“She can control the wind, huh?”

Seongho scratched his head and looked around. In the distance, he could see Seokhyun beating some murderer while shouting ‘Seeeeegggsss’. On the other hand, Djeong used her ghouls to hunt down some zombies.

Jang Won-taek asked him to leave it to him, but turns out, Jang Won-taek was the one who didn’t have much to do.

Now, we just had to stop the zombie raid and it will be over.

“I will have to leave soon.”

There’s a high probability that Geom-in will come to greet the two and see me, therefore, it’s dangerous to walk around carelessly.

I opened the portal and disappeared into the transparent portal.


Meanwhile, Jang Won-taek was watching the battle with his eyes closed on the very top floor of a dilapidated three-story building. Contrary to what Djeong told Seongho, his unique skill was not telepathy, but conductor.

It was an ability to grasp all the elements in the surrounding battlefield and issue instructions to his subordinates. In other words, he could grasp the entire battlefield of Wolmido as easily as reading his own palm.

If a young man these days noticed his unique skill, they would certainly say:

It’s a maphack.

In addition to that, Jang Won-taek was also able to give buffs to the people who agreed to be his subordinates. Though, it was a pity that in the current battlefield, he had only one person which the skill saw as a subordinate.

“He didn’t even need to mobilize troops…” Jang Won-taek mumbled to himself. He was well aware that Djeong and Rapwi were such a people. However, he had never thought that I Love Gimbap would be that powerful.

One murderer died at his hand, while the other two run away. The Chinese who tried to land on Wolmido were not an ordinary bunch by any stretch of meaning, so I Love Gimbap’s display was quite a surprise for Jang Won-taek.

Moreover, the space he used as his hiding place seems to not be a normal subspace either. There must have been a lot of stockpiles inside. By the looks of things, it seems like Gimbap was the one who’s the talk of the town, the man who took all the loot in a laboratory dungeon and ran away.

“What a pity…” How great would it be if someone like him, who could use such an ability, work under him? When the time comes, he will surely inherit his authority and become someone who will lead the organization.

Jang Won-taek turned away from the battlefield and the chief of staff, Beom-seok, appeared with his blink.

“Mister President, Djeong and Rapwi had stopped the zombie raid.”

“What about I Love Gimbap? Can you see him?”

“I’m sorry Mister President, I cannot see where he has gone.”

“How about Geom-in? Where is he?”

“I’m sorry…”

Jang Won-taek sighed at his subordinate’s answer. It seems like the reason Geom-in didn’t get involved in the fight was due to him changing his unique skill. Moreover, since he brings no subordinates, he couldn’t copy anyone’s ability.

Jang Won-taek tried to talk to Djeong telepathically and then smiled bitterly.

“Djeong said that once this is over, even if the world collapses, she will leave our shelter.”

“Sorry? Then our defense…”

“The rest of us will have to work hard to do her share. She would probably go with I Love Gimbap… But it went well. She’s gorgeous, so gorgeous that it’ll attract the attention of people, so we’ll know where they are right away.”

“Will he not disguise her too?”

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“It will be difficult to hide her because of her unique skill. So, we have to make a plan for them.” Jang Won-taek said as he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Beom-seok.

Beom-seok, who checked the content, tilted his head. After all, what’s written inside was an instruction for him to prepare the method of making bullets and firepowder.

“…why does he need this?”

“I don’t know. But, what is certain is that I Love Gimbap has a gun.”

“To think such a dangerous person like him even has guns…”

“No. he’s not our enemy, so it should be fine. He might be the most reliable helper for use than anyone else. Aren’t our goals ultimately the same?”

It’s survival.

In the apocalypse, survival was the ultimate goal of anyone. The approach was the only thing that differentiate one person from another.

“I understand… I will prepare the present.”

“We can’t give it away too easily. Prepare it in English.” If they can’t interpret it, he will use that opportunity as an excuse to create a situation where they should keep in touch.

“And did you check why the Chinese in Yeongjong Island came here?”

“The Chinese in Yeongjong Island were people from the Shandong Peninsula. And since their homeland was polluted by radiation, they came to our land. However, In Yeonjeong Island, nothing was left, so they came here to loot and look for something to eat.”

“I’m sure we have told their government about the apocalypse…”

“They probably brushed it off as nonsense. Or maybe they couldn’t properly take action since their land was huge.”

Jang Won-taek took a deep breath.

“Now, on top of fighting against monsters, we have to fight against the Chinese too… What a headache.”

Not only Yeongjong Island, but all the cities in the west coast would soon fall to their hands. It would be nice if they just lived quietly, but it was simply impossible. Something like today will happen more often in the future.

The president closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. “Looks like it’s been sorted out. We should hold a farewell party before the Ghoul Queen leaves. Let’s go.”


“Um, so… I hear it correctly right? Seokhyun, you are going to enter the government shelter?”

Nod Nod

After wrapping up the zombie raid, I regrouped with Seokhyun as well as Djeong and heard an amazing story. I knew that Djeong would leave the government shelter right after this, but never in my wildest imagination had I thought that Seokhyun would take her place and enter the government shelter.

“Can I ask why?”

When I asked him, he replied: “If they ever show signs of hostility at you, I will kill them all.”

“For that reason?”

“Yes. It’s impossible to destroy them from the outside, So I’m going to break it from the inside.”

“I mean… the government isn’t our enemy as of now.”

“I’ll destroy them when they become an enemy then.”

How should I take this situation I wonder… Will he be able to mingle and hold back as much as Djeong?

“Just think of it as insurance. He’s someone who will be your reliable cancer insurance.”

Djeong took a chair and dragged it between me and Seokhyun before she sat down. She then placed her hands on my shoulders.

“That old man allowed it too.”

“Jang Won-taek allowed it? If it was in the past, I wouldn’t think twice before letting Seokhyun go, but now I am a bit reluctant.”

Afterall, Jang Won-taek knows that me and Seokhyun had acted together.

“That’s why I hate that old man so much! I couldn’t grasp what he’s thinking,”

“It’s fine, I’ll enter and monitor them for you.” Seokhyun said as he smiled ear to ear.

In fact, even though Seokhyun will enter what could be a lion’s den in case something goes wrong between me and the government, I don’t even have to worry about him. It was because If there’s ever an accident or someone which was powerful enough to kill him, he could just resurrect and flee.

“Thanks.” I said to Seokhyun. That was the only words I could say as he was doing it for me.

“Our trip from Changwon to Seoul was fun. Let’s play like that again next time.”

“Yeah, we will.”

Seokhyun rose to his feet after hearing my words and left the building. At that moment, Djeong inched closer to me and put her legs on my thighs.

“Now it’s time to stamp you.”

“Huh? Didn’t you say it was a joke?”

“A joke? Do I look like a joker? Be quiet and stick to me.”

“Come on, wait a minute.”

As I struggled, she giggled and pulled a piece of paper from her chest.

“I was told that if I give this to you, you would be happy.”

When I opened the paper, I was astonished. The quite long instruction was all written in English alphabet, there’s no shred of Hangul everywhere.

“…Is that old man fucking kidding me?”

At my curse, Djeong leaned on my shoulder and looked at the paper. “It’s all in English. It will be difficult to interpret.”

“It’s not that I can’t.,,”

“Oh, do you speak English, Kang Seongho?”

“I can at the very least interpret it. Though, it will be slow.”

I could just do it like back when I was interpreting the English in the MeTube video. If it doesn’t work, I just have to experiment with the scarabs and find out.

Dajeong crossed her legs and said. “I’ve heard quite a few things in government shelter. If you want to know, you should be nice to me.”

“I’m getting ready to catch tuna for you, madam.”

“Wow. I forgot about that! Then, I’ll give you this… Joo Seung-cheol told me that there are not only one or two forces who built a shelter in advance.”


Djeong tilted her head at my words. “You didn’t look worried at all. Rather, you have the look that screams you’re going to rob them all.”

“Ah damn, I got caught.” Though, as always, I wouldn’t go attack them just because I want their supply. Instead, when an opportunity arises, I’ll rob them all clean.

While I was thinking so, Djeong kept repeating ‘Tuna, Tuna, Tuna’ without stopping. Seems like she was really craving tuna.

“Ah well, since our shore was now blocked, can you really catch a tuna, though?”

“Blocked? By whom? The Chinese? They are nothing.”

“No, not them. I hear that we are being separated from the other region, like a server.”

“…are you talking about the game server?”

I don’t know what she’s talking about. However, when I was about to ask her to explain it to me, the door swung open while someone shouted a deafening scream a beat later.

“Bae Geom-in, come here!!!”

The person who slammed the door was none other than Seokhyun. At that moment, I once again realized that his direction blindness was just that severe.

Chapter end

Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 0
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