Simmering Jams at the Edge of the Forest Volume 1 Chapter 4 part1

Simmering Jams at the Edge of the Forest Volume 1 Chapter 4 part1


We are back to Margaret's POV. Sorry for the long wait, real life got busy, I had exams and birthdays and lastly my internet was down for a couple of days. It was has been hectic. I thank you guys for the patience. And special thanks for Shokutsu-san for not abandoning me.


What wakes me up every morning isn't the electronic sound of an alarm clock, but the sound of chirping birds in the forest. If you listen to it, it's pretty nice! It's pretty noisy. Instead of saying "Well, good morning," I'm waking up to the feeling "Oh, what a fine day today…" — I want a volume control function. I want to turn on a snooze function.

I prepared the bed lightly, then got ready and then went downstairs. My destination is the kitchen. Adelaide was already awake, boiling water and preparing breakfast. I did my best to do it, but I couldn't beat Adelaide-sama. I don't think I'm oversleeping though, it's true.

That's why Adelaide prepares breakfast. Cleanup and lunch are on me. Dinner is prepared by both of us, and we naturally settled in the rotation that I would clean up. 

I knocked on the kitchen door that was always open, to let her know I was coming in, then hugged her tightly as a good morning greeting.

"Good morning, Margaret. Are you going to Daniel's place today for lunch?"

I nodded while lifting the basket lid for lunch, and I was told that I would take it for Daniel and Mark to share for the best of luck. This place made me happy and I was full of smiles.

"… I guess I should go with you today. Or would you rather go alone?"

As Adelaide was worried that I was about to go alone for a walk for the first time, I tapped my chest. I have been to the clinic once before, so I know the directions.

Apparently, both Adelaide and Daniel have a consensus that somehow to treat me as a child compared to Mark who should have been younger. Certainly, even  in my original world, Japanese can be seen as more youthful than Westerners, and I suppose it will be the same here. And regarding this world, I only read books so far, and in fact, I still have the basic knowledge comparable to that of a child. But it was to be expected.

That being said, I am already a fine 28-year old adult.

"…Okay, but don't overdo it."

Adelaide's hand gently patted my head and smiled before pulling her hand back.  Followed by saying three times " I can't help it." It's like a world-class parent talking to their child as she looked at me gently.

When that was settled, I went outside with a colander to gather eggs - yes. There are chickens! These chickens are also a member of my alarm clock. A key member - the volume control, the one I was especially looking for. I wonder if they have switches on their backs. 

On the way to the chicken coop, between the mansion and the backyard, I pulled out a couple of small green vegetables, such as komatsuna, growing on the side. I like those things.

The chickens here are not white, which are very common in Japan, but these are mostly dark brown. Their size is a little smaller and quiet close to a Chabo. However, there is the part of the feathers that feels completely different, and it's really fluffy. Slightly different from a Silkie, what is it? It was like an eagle's or more like a Goemon Ishikawa. In addition, there are a few plumes like a peacock's crown that were standing in a row, and each time they move, it shakes. The tail is also long.

Under the sun, the insects were active but the chickens were a little weak. Whenever there was an unexpected move, there was an unusual shine on the feathers around the neck. But I am already accustomed to taking care of them everyday. Like if I have to chase them down from the road, I am sure to return them.

When I entered the chicken coop, I attracted them to the back with a snack of green vegetables and then I picked up the eggs away from the place they were eating and placed them in the colander. These chickens are very helpful because they always lay their eggs on the same spot. The smaller the body of the chicken the smaller the egg. I guess it is the same as a small-sized egg in Japan?

There were four lovely eggs with light brown shells. So who took the rest?

Later, as I came out of the chicken coop and came out from cleaning, there was Buddy wagging his tail excitedly, waiting with fairies on her back. Good morning, Buddy and fairies. I placed the eggs on the garden table and stroked both of them.

The fairies are less likely to come into the room where other people can just come in, and so they appear quite often in the garden or in the veranda. And usually, they come with Buddy. They are so cute, and they are such good friends.

I have nothing to do, and so I'm happy if they won't leave for a while. They don't have any voices, I feel like they are laughing and while flying they were saying "kya", so I guess they came to play. Because they have the same faces of children that are playing "Darumsan is Falling."

After playing with the fairies, I came back with Buddy in tow and breakfast was already prepared and it wasn't just tea. The menu this morning is freshly baked bread with bacon and potato soup. There was also a green salad that had a beautiful colour and a half of boiled egg. There was also a small basket of baked confectioneries, like Madeleines that we made yesterday, that was right beside the tea. Oh, of course, there is also strawberry jam.

I placed the eggs on the shelf and then washed my hands and took my seat. When Buddy arrived at his designated spot, we began eating.

At the moment, the time was only 6 o'clock in the morning. I did not oversleep, alright?

This mansion was located at the edge of the village, and it takes about 15 minutes one way to the clinic near the village centre. My arm injuries have been greatly improved because of healing magic, but my legs are still recovering, so I was told to walk slowly, so it will probably take longer to get there. Yeah, most likely.

I walked with Buddy happily swinging his tail while we enjoyed the scenery around us, as I carried the basket with the lunch. It was sensible in this country that I find it hard to hear that an adult single woman would not go outside alone. So, whenever I go out, I am told to take Buddy or someone with me… I think it's fun that Buddy was recognized as a companion. No, well yeah… I guess it depends. The roads were hard-packed soil without any sign of being paved, and the trees were swaying in the breeze comfortably. And you can hear the birds singing.

As you get closer to the centre, the streets are turned into cobblestone and all the houses are built in stone, like the countryside in Europe. I don't know why the unfamiliar colours and patterns of the flowers blooming in front of private residences and also the butterflies that are mixed in, maybe because I just didn't know or maybe because this is a different world.

Some may be the same, others are different. However, this scene is where I feel nostalgic. The villagers are quite numerous. But well, because of my injury, Adelaide and I were cooped up in the mansion. We did start showing up at women's gatherings in the village, but there are only the Women's Associations and so there are only women there. Others just say greetings, and they're here to live, especially in the countryside, and the neighbours are important. That will never change even in a different world.

That's why, if I happen to meet their eyes, even if as simple as standing by the store, people smile and greet me. Everyone by now knows that I can't speak, so Ii just wave my hand with a slight nod instead of saying "good morning". Some of the villagers get embarrassed but still they give greetings, I feel that everyone has a kind temperament, just like the doctor said.

"Oh! Buddy!"

"Onee-shan did the dokter invite yoo chuday?"

The children who were playing by road saw Buddy and ran, they were approaching us in such a lively way. In no time Buddy was surrounded by a few children and like a bonus me as well. At this point, the children that are around this age haven't memorized  their letters yet so I would nod my head in reply instead of writing.

"Oh, I know! Are yoo gwoing to Dr. Taniel's pwace?"

"I know da way, I'll sho yoo!"

It seems that my helping in the clinic is already widespread. Indeed the information network of the village is impressive. The children were giving me directions. The child who was flashy lead the way who was pretty much stuck with Buddy, with another two kids closely behind.

I was very glad that these children treat me like a normal person, that it made me smile naturally.

When all of us started to walk, I noticed a little girl who was following me from behind everyone. I approached her and she gave me a little bow.

"Onee-shan, my fweet hurt… my mom…"

…Oh my heart, so I took her soft hand as my chest felt warm.

The adults greeted us as a group, it was such a pleasant surprise, they were less wary of me than before. The children who were playing started to follow me even  further. And they stayed with me until we arrived at the clinic.

The walk was densely populated, my first solo walk was so much fun, but that was thanks to the children and Buddy. I was nervous being out by myself in the village, but I was just being honest in refusing Adelaide's request of accompanying me.

 Now, I'm thankful, and thank you kiddies, for all the high fives you gave me. And I said my thanks to Buddy as I scratched his neck. He had to return home, going back on the road, there was a loud back… he's smart, with this he will pick me later, if that is that case, Buddy, I will love you more.

The clinic is made of the same stone as the other buildings in the village. Normally, houses are all one-storey, but many shops on the street have two-storey buildings with shops facing the street. It looks like a normal house and there are no business signs. The main floor is where the clinic is located, the second floor is where the doctor has his residence, Mark is renting a house close by and so only the doctor lives here.

I held on her hand  until we reached the candy-coloured wooden door, and I took a deep breath. As I opened the door the doorbell on top rang out KLANG KLANG, I said my greeting with enthusiasm then went inside. The doctor was always here, so today is my second visit to the clinic, only because the doctor usually visits me at home. I'm still not used to it. 

There no was no one in the waiting room where the chaise lounge was placed, and beyond the front door was the consultation room, and there should be a bed for hospitalization in the back, a water dispenser, and a dispensary and a resting room for the doctor. Beyond the screen, there is a staircase leading up to the residence on the second floor.

I noticed my wooden box in the reception area was I was, Mr. Daniel saw me from the break room and I waited for him to approach me.

"Hey, you're here. Oh, Mark wrote a letter, just wait here I'll be back soon."

The doctor then looked for Mark, I wanted to thank him too for carrying my wooden box, but it can't be helped.

I had some rugs and toys prepared yesterday evening, when Mark suddenly dropped by the mansion and took it with him. And when I tried to accompany him to the clinic, I was told that I don't have to go because the sun was setting soon… What a feminist handsome man. Is he a prince? Or am I getting treated like a child?

Certainly, in this village with only a few street lights, the area goes dark as soon as the sun goes down. Especially in Adelaide's mansion, as she had no neighbours close by and the forest just behind. If I would go out at night thinking that it would be similar in Japan, I am confident that I would get stuck or lost somewhere.

But If I need to go out at night, I walk with the magical version of a flashlight, but since this is the countryside where shops and the like close after the sunset, people usually don't go out at night… it would be very inconvenient. However, despite the restrictions that life revolved around the sunlight, it was still a surprisingly comfortable way to live.

After speaking with the doctor, I spread the rug nearby chaise lounge by the wall, and now I'm done. And now, Mark just returned from placing the lunch basket in the break room.

Before patients start pouring in, I need to have a talk with you, mister. Originally, I would have liked to tap his shoulder, but he was significantly taller than I was so it was hard to do, so I ended up pulling on his sleeves like a child, and said my thanks first for carrying my things. Next, was when he told the doctor about that little incident, he saw something interesting.

"Because the doctor needs to understand the patient's behaviour as the attending physician, and so as an assistant, it was a duty to report it until it's decided that you are all good."

That's true, but it was just embarrassing.

"It's better not to be ridiculous before you develop weird habits or be in pain. It's all good as long as you understand, now be obedient, it's time to meet the children."

Cho, you listen here you bastard! You pom pom head! I'm four years older than you mister!

"If you start acting like your age, then you will be treated as such, young lady!"

Yeah, you have a good smile plastered on your face. Are you also laughing now, Daniel? I started to show him bigger gestures to get him to understand my displeasure. I know it's very childish, but it can't be helped.

I was becoming frustrated with him, I held the lunch basket hostage, I told him that next time he needs to call me out when he sees me in the backyard. I made Savoury Pancakes with cheese and poppy seeds and chicken salad because the doctor said he liked them. So what would he do now? This should stop the surprise surveillance. Maybe.

While doing that, a patient came in right after the doorbells sounded KLANG.

Back in the waiting room, there was Anna who just entered with a blue face, with a baby being carried on her left arm and a three-year-old girl on her right hand. 

I just spoke with Anna, the wife of the general store owner, at the previous women's association meeting. She looked sick, so I took the baby in a hurry and asked her to sit in the waiting room.

"…Oh, diapers are here…"

After receiving the cloth bag, I hung it over my shoulder, she let out a sigh, Anna was then rushed to the consultation room. The baby was sleeping, but how about the little girl, will she be okay with her mother leaving her here? She had this anxious look on her face, I gave her a gentle smile and took her hand to guide her to where the rug was.

I saw that this cute girl with curly blonde hair, sat quietly and calmly, Mariellchan. I heard that she loves to talk, but right now she is worried, which I understand. Nevertheless, her eyes shone when I took out the doll made of cloth from the wooden box and showed it to her. Well, let's play with dolls.

So we were playing together for a while as I enjoyed the warm weight on my arm, and then Mark came.

"The check-up is done, but we gave her a pill for now so we would like her to rest. Do you think you can still wait?"

"No, Marie don't wanna go! Play More!"

Hahaha, Mariella responded cheerfully without even looking at Mark's face, which was followed by a round of laughter from everyone in the waiting room as Mark laughed and went back in the consultation room.

After that, Mrs. May and her husband, and the farmer Daisy, came to the clinic with a small child. Of course, other patients also came as it was the only clinic in the village. We were very busy.

The village life here is deeply rooted in helping out other people. Even if you are not living with your parents or relatives, you can pretty much leave your child to someone you know and come visit the clinic by yourself. But I know that everyone is busy, so I endure this minor inconvenience. I may not be able to come every day, but I hope it helps.

The children were playing on the rug, and I declared it a great success. Everyone was waiting and playing with other children, while the other patients gave them a warm glance. I was so nervous that I almost missed it.

There were not many toys that were brought over. I had a doll made from extra cloth with simple clothes and also several bean bags filled with old beans. And a handbag that is small enough that a child can hold, there were also several handkerchiefs with various beautiful colours.

Most small children and babies  who wait need toys that are soft and light.  They just need to change the dolls clothes, stack bean bags, put something in their handbags then take them out and repeat it again. Even a sick little child's eyes grew wide with excitement and cried in delight, when I showed them some bean bags with pom poms. That's right! Play with this grandma! It was good that I came out here.

I wish I could play an instrument and sing songs though. It can't be helped since I can't speak. I know all that.

I thought that there would be picture books available, but in this country where books themselves are expensive, there are very few children's books, and only the aristocrats or the wealthy can afford them. If you ask me, books are like foundations. There are also board games like chess and backgammon, but they're for adults too. Well, there is no way to say that it would something like that it's not.

The children seemed to be pleased with the handmade toys, but I think the enjoyment is dependent on one's imagination of the children playing. You can make a king's feast with acorns and leaves, and even a wooden stick would become Excalibur.

I was going to the kitchen on the second floor, which was the doctor's home, to have tea and lunch. I was surprised by the sheer amount of books. 

"Are you surprised? More than half of it is Mark's, the amount has increased since he came on."

At this point, I wasn't sure which part of the house I was in, I don't know if this is the kitchen, the living room or the study. It would have been hard to accumulate such a large amount of books, it was a bit overwhelming. Is this all medicinal books? I can understand the passion of the doctor and Mark to their work  as the time passes by. Then we settled for lunch on the second floor.

There were dried medicinal herbs by the window on one side, and there were numerous laboratory equipment scattered. When I glanced at the stubbed paper at the table, Mark happily told me his research. Oh, Mark, I may live in a different house, but in my spare time let's do other things as well.

"Mark is a wise child, he has a lot of points of interests he focuses on. He is very well-read not only in medicine but also in various fields, so I think he will have a lot of different ideas."

Speaking of which, the medicine bath that I got while I had a  slight fever is showing signs of improvements. Like after careful checking and mixing, I also remember a mixture of tea leaves for easier consumption. Judging from the doctor's speech, I guess Mark has been devising and improving upon the healing magic in the same way. Although he has been doing everything with strong convictions, the volume of this book and the condition of the documents tells me that it was the case.

"…I am simply a disciple eager to learn."

The doctor, who  gladly grabbed the dissertation then read it with gentle eyes. 

Even though I was used to eating lunch alone, my heart hurt for Adelaide, I miss her already. After the three of us ate the pancakes for lunch we got busy again with patients. The patients kept coming in until 3:00 pm when the clinic was about to close. 

I just opened the clinic's door to ask Mark to send me home because my job for the day was done, and Buddy was already sitting there waiting. And so Mark returned to the consultation room and Buddy is already here to pick me up. What a clever boy Buddy, it's time to return home.

It has been a while since I was in elementary and had somebody pick me up. It was quite exciting and I was grinning, so I stroked his fur every time my eyes met Buddy's as we were walking side by side.

Many of the villagers that I met for the first time did not approach me directly, but  there wasn't any sign of being wary or aversion every time they looked at me playing with the children while waiting in the reception area.  Since the village doesn't have a lot of people, to begin with, I'm sure they were only purely guarded against newcomers.

I guess the doctor asked for my help to familiarize myself with the village people slowly. I'm really happy with such kind consideration, it gave me a warm and soft feeling.

And it was fun, more than anything. It has been a long time since I was in close contact with children. Yes, I did have a kindergarten teacher education in junior college. I wanted to become a teacher for a while now, but I ended up working at a department store, so I was already planning to be a kindergarten teacher.

I was studying in the early childhood education department, and already had a job offer at a private kindergarten near my home. I was surprised that neither the children nor the guardians were informed that the school closed down and so, it was all confusing for everyone.

The point was I was working hard until the very end but due to financial difficulties, I just wish that I was told sooner. The other kindergartens have already ended their recruitment and are only hiring part-time workers. And the staff of the kindergarten that was closing down naturally decided that we need to seek other jobs, and so there I was, an inexperienced person who was planning to graduate and I just lost my placement after my graduation in an instant.

At the time, I found the job of a sales clerk by chance in the job search section in junior college. The local department store, which was accessible to my home, was hiring full-time employees, it was a place of work. It was said that the store was decided suddenly, so they were rushing for out of season recruitment.

Although it was not the field that I wanted to work in, the student loan repayment and the idea of me being a regular employee was an attractive thought. The starting salary was similar to being a teacher anyway. First of all, even if I find a job as a kindergarten teacher, I doubt that I will be hired as  a full-time employee right away, it was a bad feeling all around. What else can I do?

Normally, as a sales clerk, you get to be transferred and moved around. The sheer amount of the employee turnover in the sales department was, it was so high.  One time that I helped an elderly man near the hotel of the venue of the interview was actually the retired chairman. How was I supposed to know that?!

The grandpa with a walking stick was about to fall, and as I was next to him my arm just shot out to help him. I told him that since we were heading in the same direction anyways, I will lend him my arm. That was all.

Thanks to that for a while, there were rumours that In was a mistress or a secret child. Should have I just ignored the 80-year-old grandpa who was about to fall since we only met for the first time? You'll probably hear him retell the story over a cup of tea about the youthful heroism, but that was already over.

I could not simply resign, and my brother was about to get married so I had to get out of the house and get my own apartment. So it has been eight years since we left home and our parents were involved in that accident. 

Well now, look how far I've come. What kind of fate did I get myself into? I never thought that I would come to a different world and get myself involved with children.

When I returned to the mansion, Adelaide was sitting on the rocking chair on the veranda with her eyes closed. While she was napping, I noticed a letter on her lap that was partially covered by the blanket.

It was an indiscreet, high-quality paper with a stunning red wax seal that you would see in historical films. Today, the doctor received something similar. The seal was already broken so she probably read the contents already. I had to put away the letter, I shouldn't open a letter that was not meant for me, I'm not sure what to do now. And while I was hesitating, Buddy licked  Adelaide's hand, waking her up.

"Oh, welcome home… looks like I dozed off for a little bit…"

With that, there was sudden anxiety blooming in my chest. Somehow something doesn't feel right. It was pleasant and refreshing earlier in the day, I wonder if she caught a cold while napping. Adelaide's paler is not looking good either.

I was starting to get upset. I knelt down next to the rocking chair and stretched out my hand to touch Adelaide's pale cheeks, and in return, she gently patted my head. Her hands didn't have their usual vigour.

"Oh, I'm alright, you don't have to worry, I'm just a little tired. We start preparing dinner."

I asked her to take a rest in bed, but she wouldn't listen, so at least I got her to sit down by the kitchen table as I prepared for dinner by myself. Buddy was also being cautious and will not leave Adelaide-sama's side.

I gave her a cup of tea with honey and informed her that Daniel will be coming over in the evening. She turned away her face for a little bit… Doctor, won't you come a little sooner?

As per usual, we had dinner and talked about me helping around the clinic, and after the person we were waiting for arrived at the mansion. After the consultation with the doctor, they were talking in the living room and so I volunteered myself to prepare tea, as so I went to the kitchen alone.

Just a little tired… was what Adelaide said, but maybe not… that letter. That's probably the cause of all this. And the doctor definitely knows something about it. 

Because ever since she took me in, not once did she get any letter or visitors other than the villagers. There was no contact with the son that was living in the Capital City. Suddenly this letter arrived for Adelaide. 

Whatever news the letter brings, if this thing harms Adelaide in anyway, I will stop it with all my might. 

Buddy came to get me as I swore to the starry sky that was visible from the kitchen window. As we entered the living room, I was told to sit down and the doctor gave me that letter.

"You can read it, it's for you."

For a moment I was confused but I was gently encouraged , and so I took it and opened the very splendid  piece of paper.

There will be visitors from the royal capital to meet the [Orison]. They seem to be coming to inquire about my injuries, since I have not fully healed yet and I can not go there yet. I think I'm already fine, but the doctor hadn't given me permission to travel, and I won't for a long time. As stated there was a schedule for the envoys, and also their names.

 Hugh Townsend Secretary for the Magic Academy. And from the royal palace, Deputy Minister Walter Dustin… Dustin? 

"My son…"

I was surprised that I stood up, and Adelaide just let out a sad laugh.

You haven't met with him for a very long time. You haven't even exchanged letters with him, have you? That's right, and Adelaide just nodded quietly.

"Until about 10 years ago, I lived in the Capital City with my son and his wife. But living in the city did not suit me. And so I retired here and my son and his wife divorced soon after… I was told that I was the one at fault."

Why? The divorce was basically the problem of the people involved.

"It seems like I was told quite a  bit without words that I was dismissed as an intrusive parent. But I came out here on my own volition, and it's not there were any bad guys, and of course, they already had problems, to begin with and it was only getting worse… But as far as I know, I don't really pay attention to the rumours of the nobles in the royal capital."

Adelaide touched the palm of her hand to her cheek as she looked sad.

"I don't know what kind of face I should make… I'm sorry, Margaret."

"You know Walter isn't a bad child, he's just has a stubborn personality.  You don't have to bother yourself with unnecessary things. But first things first, I guess , is there any lodging available in this village?"                    

Wow, he would have to stay here. That's right, this is his home after all, and there are a lot of unused rooms. I think that even if he were a stranger, this place would be chosen for lodging based on that.

But doctor you have such a mischievous streak. And Boss Walter how old are you? 35 years old, it was about the same age as my older brother… Such a bad child - Truly. No, but also yes, yes you are such a bad child, how can you treat your mother like this in your age, yeah truly a bad child.

"The other person, Hugh, is from here. But he doesn't own a house here anymore, so both of them would have to stay here… What's wrong Margaret?"

Oh no! I have to clean! I won't be working until I finish! When will they arrive? Half a month later, okay. 

Oh, what kind of would they like or dislike? They are visitors from the capital, should I need to prepare a special treat? Oh no, I need to keep up with the weeding in the front yard, with nice weather like this they will grow rapidly.

No matter how often I do them, it's better if I wash the sheets once before they arrive. We would seem to have a shortage of hands if Patty and Ted would only come every second week, I would need to hire them on a temporary basis.

I have to stock up with a lot of ingredients, oh it will be hard to collect water for the baths. We have to do it ourselves, I think we'll be fine. They're both men, they should be powerful enough to carry hot water. If they would lodge any complaints, he's free to go to the river in the back of the forest, it's almost summer anyway he won't catch a cold. Yup, that sounds like a good plan, let's do this.

"… You don't have to worry too much."

"Yeah… I feel better already"

So, somehow I feel a warm glance… Okay, Adelaide. First of all, let's prepare a good welcome for them! Let's just make all your favourite food and eat it. Huh, I crossed my arms and thought some more. Let's prepare snowball cookies with lots of powdered sugar and whole-grain biscuits with a lot of nuts, but I won't serve you any tea, let's see how it would feel in your mouth. Even if I serve you delicious food you won't be able to enjoy it. Do you know how much you made Adelaide cry? 

The doctor had to return home, he patted my head and said thanks. I'm still a little reluctant on how to receive our guests, but as long as Adelaide is fine, I'm going to be alright.


Komatsuna or Japanese mustard spinach is a leaf vegetable. It is a variety of Brassica rapa, the plant species that yields the turnip, mizuna, napa cabbage, and rapini. 

The Japanese bantam or Chabo is a breed of chicken originating in Japan. It is a true bantam breed, meaning that there are no large fowl counterparts. It has a large upright tail that often reaches over the bird's head. The wings angle down, and to the back, along the sides.

The Silkie is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. 

Ishikawa Goemon was a semi-legendary Japanese outlaw hero who stole gold and other valuables to give to the poor. He and his son were boiled alive in public after their failed assassination attempt on the Sengoku period warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. 

Darumsan is Falling (Darumsan ga koronda! だるまさんがころんだ!)  It's the equivalent of “Red Light, Green Light, 1, 2, 3!” 


T/N: This chapter hits a little close to home, I am studying early childhood education at the moment and I'm a little worried about the school strikes that are happening in my city. Hopefully, I can find a job after I graduate. (-_-)


hello everyone!I finally had the time to do my hobbies again! the last few weeks had been hectic! anyways chapter 4 part 1 of Simmering Jams is now live!

Anyways exams are finally done!!! But unfortunately, I couldn't find the time to translate the manga and LN, I'm so dissappionted with myself especially at the pages for Simmering Jams chapter 5 have been posted on pixiv… but life happens, anyways it's finally done for the mean time. I havr to work hard before my

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