Simmering Jams at the Edge of the Forest Volume 1 Chapter 3

Simmering Jams at the Edge of the Forest Volume 1 Chapter 3


This is in Mark DeRiley's POV
Anything written in BOLD ITALICS is the heroine speaking

I think it was rather fortunate that there was nothing I find interesting. I wasn't very pleasant being the son of a concubine from the Count's Family, I who grew up outside the mansion's influence, but I was seen and despised by his wife and children, and my mother who lives around by being neglected by the man whom she cannot call her husband. But, nevertheless, I was blessed to have a financially comfortable life.

My life was controlled and restricted to a much lesser degree than theirs. Though the only time I feel free was when I was reading a book. Thanks to that, I read all the books in the mansion. Still, there was nothing I find interesting. However, I continued to read only to escape from the ruler of myself. As I grew older, the difference between me and my brothers became more prominent, for both achievements and appearance. They found me to be such a nuisance, and they started to attack foolishly. It should've escalated beyond that but I don't bother responding to it. It would have been nice to have somewhere to be able to retaliate, but it felt useless, so I left it alone.

About half a year before graduating from school. Did I want to enter a research facility somewhere or prepare to enter the House of Lords? There are days that I didn't care about my future and just spent it as I pleased. As always, the feud with my brothers continued, but I already expected that they would aim directly in my life.

I was outside. While covering the side that was stabbed by a man who seemed to have been hired by them. I was in a random back alley of the Capital City, I was fleeing to one corner of the backstreet.

"Isn't it a bad day?" 

I looked back at the surprised voice, he was just standing there a tall, slender man. He was dressed nicely, but I can't see his face because his hat was in the way.

"Certainly, it is not suitable to play outside because of the sleet of rain."

However, the words spoken to me by this elderly man were likely to be inevitable. I suddenly defended myself and the wounds weren't that deep, but it was still troublesome that I noticed that the bleeding didn't stop.

-I can hear the voices of those searching for me again. I can't afford for him to be involved. "…If you don't want to be involved, go, get out of this place…"

"Hmm, I wish I could do that, you see even if I look like this, unfortunately, I'm a doctor."

"Oh, oh… what… cough… cough…"

"It just can't seem to ignore an injured person, regardless of gender…"

Contrary to his relaxed tone, he pressed me to the ground with an impressive technique, and now I feel that there is healing magic flowing to my wound without him asking any further questions. Without hesitation and without anything, he was healing my wounds to an extent, the amount of magic absorbed in my stomach are injected without any reservations, and all of the sudden there was severe pain in my head.

"Alright now, I'm done with the first aid. Then let's get a little more involved shall we…"

My consciousness fell into darkness, I thought that he was one of their minions, but then I felt calm and sober at the same time.

I woke up in a simple but clean bed. I was by the wall with a window, and then in the room was another three beds, separated by curtains that were suspended from the ceiling. Behind the curtain were signs that there are multiple people.

My head felt heavy and hazy, but gradually I can hear voices from the other side.

"… this pain again… please… please… I hate it…"

"Ah… the season is absolute… especially the rain…"

This place looked like a clinic. Elderly women were endlessly complaining of knee pain, then it was followed by a calm soothing voice of a man. After that, there was a person with a stomachache, a sprain, and finally a child with fever. Everyone was treated by this man with a calm voice who seemed to be the doctor.

I was listening to the changing voices of the people like a lullaby, whilst I was resting.

"Oh, how do you feel?"

-Seems that the patients are gone. Outside is rainy and the time right now is somewhat ambiguous, but judging by the darkness of the room, it may have been long into the evening. He was being lit by the consultation room behind him, that this man's expression is unknown.

"Oh, you don't have to get up. Your wounds are closed but you're not fully healed yet. You are young and strong, if you continue to rest until morning, you will be able to move by then. So sleep, for now, I'll talk to you after."

The pursuers didn't get me, so I slept and let my injuries heal. I felt somebody stroke my head, just like a child's… I wondered how many years has it been since somebody patted my head. I know for sure it's the first time in years.

Is it an enemy or an ally? I doubted myself, but for some reason, I was relieved, so I closed my eyes again, while in the dimly lit room there was a swing of the curtain closing behind a man.

The man called himself Daniel Reynolds. I knew that he was a doctor who runs a clinic in Meesely, just a little far off the Capital City… I knew the name.

"Reyno… The first doctor from the Royal Palace!"

"Now, now… I'd be glad if you just call me Dr. Daniel. I'm already retired."

I was to recover, I wouldn't know anybody who would be kind and noble towards a stranger. I was thankful. The healing magic that he performed immediately after judging the right amount of mana that needs to be applied by simply looking at the wound. I don't think people are born lucky, but that day I was convinced that I was.

He said that he went to the library of the Royal Capital to return some books. There was this old bookstore that I go around that area, when I was making my way home. I found myself hiding behind an alley, and he said he is quite good at finding children who have been hiding for a long time.

It was as if I had forgotten my normal vigilance, the reason that I spoke about my background was not that I've heard of the doctor from before, but because he had this healing aura about him that I was simply swept away. It was not sweet but rather it was accepting of everything, he had this air about him that you can reject nor deny. I just can't put my finger on it…

"I see… I've heard of the DeRiley Family. I've heard that you're an excellent son, Mark. So what do you plan to do now? Do you want to kick out your brothers and find a way to replace the Count? Do you want yourself to get stabbed? Or do you want to escape?"

"I find it annoying, nothing in particular really… I don't have a feeling about my days. I'm alive because I didn't die. I not willing to die but I'm not willing to live or do anything. I guess you could see me like that."

Dr. Daniel just let out a laugh and poured warm tea into a cup. "You need time. Well, the wounds still need to be treated but it will heal soon, but I hope you can stay here for a while. For the meantime, you're still figuring things out. I'll have you work for your treatment fee." 

He said very lightly. There's no way I can afford to pay for his treatments. "Do you have enough qualifications to graduate at the school? I know some of the professors there, and I'll talk to them for you. But first, let's cure you."

"Right now I'm glad I didn't die instantly. Or else your hard work would've been useless."

I had no idea why he scrunched up his eyebrows and made a troubled face.

When patients visit the clinic, I was referred to as a student assistant from Capital City. Life in this rural town was peaceful. Standing side by side with Dr. Daniel in the daytime and following his instructions, I was helping him, and then at night, I would borrow his books. Learning the art of medicine was interesting. For the first time in my life, I was studying something and thinking to myself that it was "interesting", I was surprised.

There weren't many injuries in this village because it's quite peaceful. Why would he need to deal with patients who don't have much, as a Royal Doctor?

I know he can earn much more with the nobles at the royal capital, but why work here with nearly free consultation fee.

Why did he pick me up in the first place? Even if, as he said, he couldn't overlook an injured person. I don't know why Dr. Daniel would ask me to stay here after the treatment rather than sending me home.

"Daniel, it's been a long time. Oh my, is this your new assistant?"

I was taken to go with him for a house call, it was to a lord's mansion, the house was built at the edge of the village near the forest. There was a large dog called Buddy and the dowager Countess Adelaide Dustin, who live alone.

"Ady, aren't you the same as ever? His name is Mark DeRiley, I picked him up from the royal capital."

— I didn't know that they personally knew each other, not that I would've asked, they had a good atmosphere going. Afternoon tea was prepared as per usual and everything was calm… This house had no signs of servants. 

At the table in front of me are two types of baked sweets, all homemade and a fragrant black tea brewed by the lady. I understand that it has always been like this with my boss, who was sitting comfortably on the sofa.

I don't know what I was looking for, whether the clothes or the lifestyle. It may be true that she may look outdated, but she looks like she would fit in the setting, it looked like had time stopped in this house. Apparently, the doctor is quite familiar with the lady that they would sometimes meet and drink tea in here. They passed time peacefully, and as we were about to leave the house, both the doctor and I made a promise that we will come back for a visit. Like it was the most natural thing to do.

There was a beautiful sunset as we were walking back towards the clinic. "… doctor, you are in this village because she is here…" 

"That's right, she is my most important person." 

He stopped, then looked straight at me. 

"Mark, neither money nor status is meaningless unless you need it. At the time I couldn't help her, that simple fact remains."

After a moment I stayed quiet, I wanted to say something but I don't know how to respond, nothing comes to my mind.

"If you can get power, it's better for you to grab it. It will be useful if you have something to protect."

"…What I want to protect…"

"I don't know what lies in the future"

His expression was bitter, but at the same time heartfelt.

"Let's start with you accepting favours given, you don't have to return it. Don't say that it's unreasonable to suddenly trust someone. Then think of your words and feelings. I'm going to gradually remind you of your humanity. You're human… Mark.
— It's because you don't treat yourself like a person that your brothers do the same. They think they can kill you off easily, and then it's a bad situation all over."

The words that he said was dyed in the setting sun and pierced deeply in my heart, and stayed there.

In the end, I stayed in Meesely for another four months. Then after returning to the Royal Capital, I graduated from school and then studied the fundamentals from the school's medical department while enrolling at the Royal Medical Centre under the guidance of Dr. Daniel.

— By entering the medical clinic the battle for succession was suspended, and furthermore, "Daniel Reynolds" served as my shield, and the obvious attack on me waned.

After I gained most of the knowledge and skills that I needed, I was too busy to keep in touch with my friends, but I do have a few individuals that I kept close with.

Then I returned to Meesely.

"You didn't call …"

"I was thinking about becoming your disciple."

With this, this long cherished doctor had accepted me again. He gave me a place where I can belong to. I wanted to live with this person, and I felt closer to him than my own parents.

"I'll take care of you until the end."

"Somehow it feels nostalgic, but I don't think I'm not going to let you do that."

He simply squinted and looked at me happily laughing, then I thanked him and give him a deep bow.


Sometimes after breakfast, I go to the forest to collect medical herbs before the clinic opens. The healing magic is more for trauma, and since it's not effective for illnesses herbal medicine is still needed. We grow some in the clinic garden, but the forest is abundant with various types of herbs so the doctor and I collect these. And we already received permission from Adelaide.

The sun was shining brightly as I approached the path close to Adelaide's mansion when I heard Buddy happily barking.

I searched from where the sound was coming from, with a basket in hand I turned and saw Margaret. Her dark hair was fluttering about her shoulders as her skirts swish about her, she was surrounded by soft glowing lights, as she danced to a piece of music she can only hear. It seems that she hadn't heard me.

I just kept watching until she squatted down and touched her ankles. That's right, she shouldn't start walking without a cane even thought the doctor treated her injuries.


— I remembered the day she came here, there was this figure lying on the grass. The injuries were bad, it was as if she had fallen from a high place, or had been hit by a carriage, and it was a mystery that she was still breathing , honestly. The doctor caught his breath looking at the severely injured leg exposed by the clothing that we've never seen before.

"This is terrible"

The doctor muttered under his breath then asked Adelaide, whom lost all colour from her face. We needed to prepare water and clean cloth and ready to move to her carefully to the mansion.

"We need to move her for now…"

The doctor was giving me instructions, so my hands got busy tending to the unconscious woman, the doctor was checking the woman's whole body for all the injuries to treat them. We don't have much time.

"What's wrong?"

"She doesn't have mana…"

For a moment, I didn't understand what he said. There was no such thing any person alive would have mana. In fact, you can see the laboured breathing and there was still a faint pulse. Besides, how can a person be alive without mana? She was emitting magic, even I could confirm that, but she has no signs of magic within her at all.

"Ady, you said that she suddenly just appeared here."

"Yes, it was Buddy that found her on the ground, I didn't even know she was here." 

The doctor was treating her injuries, he didn't stop even if he was talking, and then he paused.

"I guess it's true…"

This person suddenly appeared. With facial features that are different from ourselves, and clothes that she wore that we have never seen anywhere near here. Above all, she didn't have any mana that all living things should possess, - I've only heard stories of it but…

"A [Spirit Orison]?"

Our voices overlapped. In recent memory, there was news that a spirit had appeared in a forest near the Capital City which caused great commotion in the whole country.

"…Mark, I would need you to lift the upper body, I would need to check her back and treat it, carry her carefully, I would need to check her left leg."

"Yes, sir…"

The whole body was indeed injured, but the left leg was the most severe. It was like it was hit by a boulder or something, the broken bones can be seen from the torn muscles. The tendons were in danger, the only saving grace is that she was not bleeding that much.

"If it's this much then we can still connect it…"

The doctor casts healing magic, saying that she may not be able to walk like normal. When I laid her back down she grimaced with pain even though she was still unconscious. Her temperature was cool and the colour on her cheeks hadn't returned. The [Spirit Orison] has tremendous influence over the continent, especially in a country. If this woman was really… no, I can only guess, but my intuition tells me that this person is certainly one. 

It doesn't matter if the person is as such, right now she is no different from any other patients. This person was purple all over, I tried to keep my mind occupied with my task at hand. It's up to me on what I can do to help. I was doing the treatment according to the doctor's instructions, but right after the doctor had this puzzled expression.

"This would be possible if treatment was performed by a doctor."

It is to be expected that the wound would be painful, but it seems that it looks like she had already had undergone a perfect procedure that doesn't seem to be the first aid, and the bones seemed to have returned to their original location. It would be impossible without a doctor's intervention. But the doctor was adamant about one thing.

"No, this isn't my doing. It's something else… with this much power, I feel like that…"

Before confirming the meaning of his words, I saw Adelaide, who was holding a cloth and basin full of water, she suddenly came rushing in!-

That woman, Margaret's recovery was impressive. The wounds such as lacerations immediately closed and no traces were left, like it was never there in the first place. The speed of her recovery sets her apart from ordinary people, this attribute leads me to assume that she really was a [Spirit Orison]. I certainly hoped that the broken arm and the most severe injury with the left leg will soon get better, but that wasn't the case.

As the time passed, the healing speed slowed down, and then the effects of the healing magic ceased, then there was no trace of it left like at the beginning. Then the doctor was surprised that the recovery rate also slowed down to that of an ordinary person of this world.

The pain still remains, but now she can move about and walk around. At that point, I decided to go home to the clinic, while the doctor went to the capital and report to the Royal Palace.

I went directly to the veranda of the mansion by the forest. I'm seeing her face for the first time after a few days, Margaret was sitting down with Buddy was laying by her feet, she was surrounded with chamomile flowers, apparently, they were cut from the garden. The flowers picked were gathered on her lap, there was no expression from her face, just her hands moving slow and mechanically. In this place, I can only hear the faint sound of flowers being picked apart slowly flowing from her fingertips, the scene seemed impregnable and my feet just stopped without thinking.

I always went with the doctor whenever he does house calls every day, so I've seen her many times. But as far as I remember, she was always smiling or calm even though she was upset. Whenever I speak with her, she conveys her intentions using gestures, she is close to the doctor and Adelaide. She mostly shows an innocent expression that doesn't fit her age. I don't have an unguarded expression on me, but on the other hand, I don't show an expressionless face that she has on now. 

Margaret, who was forced into this world, with losing her voice and severe injuries, but she still smiles, I know that she is not a malicious person from the past month. But I can't deny that I seemed distant from her. After seeing that negative expression for the first time, I finally felt the existence of a living woman named "Margaret" who was apart from the [Spirit Orison].

If you stop and don't move, one can see several golden light particles flying about from the forest… fairy eggs, a proof of the [Orison]. Margaret noticed the light that was flying around herself, she raised the flower as if to offer it, and then slowly turning her palms facing up. For a moment I was captivated by the sight, as the dimly lit particles are moving about.

— With nature gathering, she eventually smiled. A smile that seems as she kept herself from crying, her expression shattered something in my chest. My expression became terrifying. Since the day that she woke up, even Adelaide had not seen her cry, not even once. There must be things that were left in the world beyond that she had wanted to do, and if she came here against her will, how can you still laugh? If she remembers these things, does she not feel great anger?


The grains of light scattered at the sound of my voice, and she swung her head slightly and looked at me, her eyes widened unexpectedly. However, as soon as she noticed my consultation bag being lowered, she seemed to understand the situation and smiled like usual. This time she again her face hides her emotions and my chest tightened, I was irritated. 

The greetings we made was all right, and so we began the consultation with the guise of calmness. Margaret turns around drawing her chair in front of me, and then she raised the hem of her dress without hesitation, exposing the bandaged leg.

There was no resistance met when I touched her skin in order to pour in healing magic. Although it should be a natural attitude toward doctors, her bare feet that can't wear shoes due to swelling of the wounds seem to be unprotected and worrisome.

I expressed my findings and she nodded without changing her expression. I feel slightly annoyed by the mask of smile that hides both expectations and resignation that should be there.

"- Don't you think it's unreasonable?"

Margaret blinked a few times at the words that I spoke. She does not try to say anything, she noticed the tone of my voice, then lowers her eyebrows a little bit and then she gave me a bitter smile. She moved her index finger instead of her lips. 

"No one is bad.
I can't find anybody to complain about my current situation, and it won't change even if I blame someone. In addition, I can spell with my fingertips in my palm, even if it gets painful that I can't be satisfied with my situation. It's still good that no one was hurt, and no one is at fault."

That very idea is something I couldn't do, I don't think I can forgive people who wronged me.

"… I guess"

"For my sake"

I suddenly felt tired, so I just take it. I put medicine on my hands and then glanced at the flowers. If you think so, should I just accept it? Being satisfied with the current situation. It was just boundless.


I knew she was raising her attitude towards others, she soon returned her smile. Now I know that she was struggling in carrying such a burden to herself, now I just stroked her head without really thinking, just like the doctor does, I wondered if she would notice. Her gaze was distant, as if overlooking the situation.

Her eyes widened, as if she understood what I was doing and suddenly her cheeks were dyed pink. Margaret forgot to write down her words and simply lodged her objections, apparently, she doesn't like to be treated as the younger child. She flailed her fists about her mouth agape and her face bright red, the way she looks right now is a far cry from a 28-year old woman that she says she is.

-What should I do? 

I was struggling in wanting to stroke Margaret's head again, she was clearly dissatisfied with the situation, and raises her complaints naturally. As her mouth just opened and closed soundlessly, there was an unmistakable emotion and facial expression. That's right, just let it all out. Complain about your current situation, complain to me, tell me about what was lacking from your original world and all that nostalgia.

You can protest, but I won't take off my hand out of your hair. Are you aware of my meaning? Unless I'm satisfied, I will ignore your objections and just let my gaze wander away, then my gaze met Buddy's, whose tail was slowly wagging-


Margaret was crouching beside the field with her hands covering her ankle, a grin spills out from my face without me even noticing, but for some reason, my chest felt warm. I was about to call out and lend a hand when she stood up and with the basket in hand, she began walking slowly, as if nothing happened with Buddy trailing beside her.

I watched her back until she disappeared walking in the mansion, with this I will now return home. Back then, when she was still trying to get used to walking again, she rejected the need for a cane that the doctor recommended. In fact, her none sensed reason was if she relies on a cane, then she would no longer be cured.

Margaret chooses to stand alone without showing anxiety or confusion. I noticed it myself as my eyes kept following such a woman. 

When I met the doctor I became more human. Now, I have acquired a lot of emotions. And at last, I began to express myself, and I can see the changes around me, with just a glance and I don't even need to think back on those dark days. And with Margaret, such a carefree smile that you have with the doctor and Adelaide. That white fingertip touching the palm of my hand when you talk.

I don't know if I can give a name to this feeling. At the same time, I don't know how to express such impulse, this is the first time I have this feeling in my life. I don't want to express it in such sloppy words.

Margaret declared that the many privileges that she received as the [Spirit Orison] are completely unnecessary. What she wants seems to be not the relentless worship of many people.

I wondered how this world reflect in her two-coloured eyes? How can she always wear this calm air? How different is the world she sees from me? Would it be overflowing with light? Someday, I think it would be nice to know.


Simmering Jams Chapter 3: Mark DeRiley and Let's Get Drunk With Amber Dreams Chapter 2: Wonderful Tap Choice is now live

Chapter 2: Daniel Reynolds of Simmering Jam at the Edge of the Forest is now live. Please enjoy!

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