Right on Target Chapter 51

Right on Target Chapter 51

The interrogator took the person and quickly led Wei Da. With a flushed face and a flattering attitude, he said: "Boss Wei, please, let's go together, and I will see you off."

Wei Da nodded politely. He leaned on the ground with his crutches and took two steps. When he passed by Su Heting, he touched Su Heting's leg with his crutches and said, "Female team leader, you are inhumane. Let 7-006 stand by for a long time. He is half dead, and if someone dies on the road later, whose is it?"

The eldest sister could hear Wei Da's overtones. He was saying that Su Heting would die if he couldn't reach the interrogation hall, and he passed the responsibility to her by the way. She was thinking a lot, and suddenly thought about it, and said: "Of course it is mine, but I am a 'female team leader' I am afraid I can't bear this responsibility, how about it, I will send a doctor to go with the interrogator and let him go on the way Take good care of 7-006 and make sure he makes it to the interrogation hall alive."

She intentionally made the word "alive" clear, and the interrogator immediately changed color when he heard it. He didn't want Su Heting to come to the interrogation hall alive.

The interrogator immediately retorted: "No! He is a criminal who committed arson, and he has to be accompanied by a doctor to travel? You are talking nonsense!"

"Is that so..." The corners of the elder sister's lips curled up, and she pushed the monk out, "That's right, it's not appropriate to have a doctor, so I'll send a team."

She made up her mind to insert her own people, the key is that the proposal is reasonable, she was supposed to send someone to **** Su Heting.

The interrogator is no better than Wei Da, he still has to work in the organization, so he can't refuse the elder sister without reason. He ran into a difficult situation for a while, and hated the elder sister even more in his heart.

Wei Da saw that the interrogator was timid in his work, and he didn't want to stay any longer, so as not to cause complications. He glanced at the monk, but he didn't take the monk seriously, and said in person: "That's it, let's go."

The interrogator repeatedly agreed, and led Wei Da out.

The monk waited for them to come to the end, lowered his voice, and hurriedly said, "What did you see just now? You suddenly changed your attitude."

The eldest sister smiled coldly, and said: "Weida is so cunning and cunning, who do you see over there? That is his elite army. What we killed earlier was just the accompanying bodyguards he used to test the waters."

She sensed something was wrong at that time. As an elite force, the group of men in sunglasses reacted too slowly and had no power to resist in front of the armed group. Therefore, she personally checked the monitor information of the group of men in sunglasses. Wei Da fooled it.

The monk said: "Amitabha, didn't those people all die in vain?"

The eldest sister glanced at her watch, her silver hair hanging down her ears. She said: "Weida must be scruples for keeping the elite troops as backup."

She thought of Wei Zhixin, Su Heting was able to attack Wei Zhixin in the trading market and get a gun, there must be someone helping him, but she couldn't find out who Su Heting's backup was within a few minutes.

But the eldest sister has her own way. She turned around and said to her subordinates: "Contact 'Survival News' and tell them that the stitcher who shot and killed Wei Zhixin will be transferred to the interrogation hall. My team will accept their interview. In exchange, They have to make a headline for me."

Wei Zhixin's death is big news, and any media wants it. The eldest sister couldn't get in touch, and she wouldn't contact Su Heting's backup, that would be too risky, and she might be suspected of colluding with dangerous elements, but she could pass on the news of Su Heting's transfer and put it on the city monitor for looping playback.

— This kid is dying, come and save him!

She almost wrote these words on the news.

The eldest sister patted the monk with the brochure: "I don't believe in following them. They dare to deviate from the route with the aircraft of the whole city's media chasing them."

The monk picked up his gas mask from the bench and said, "I will definitely guard against the dead, and prevent them from doing anything to the cat on the road!"

The silver bracelet on the eldest sister's head and wrist jingled. She put one hand on her hip and asked the members of the armed group who were about to leave: "What are we?"

The members replied in unison: "We are the fire of resistance that will never be extinguished in the new world!"

The elder sister had firm eyes and was not shy, she said: "That's right, let's go!"

The monk was fully armed and rushed out the door first. He made a gesture under the situation of guarding all around, and said to Wei Da and the interrogator who were about to get into the car: "7-006 is relatively dangerous. My team has applied for isolation confinement, and I will personally guard it. It's too late to talk nonsense now." Alright, get in the car, both of you!"

The interrogator said: "What's the matter with you? You are still pestering me! As I said, 7-006 is being guarded by our armed members."

The monk rushed forward with his people and pushed the interrogator into the car. He said: "7-006 is the terrorist you said personally. Since our team has rich experience in dealing with him, let our team bear this hardship."

The interrogator said: "Hey! Don't push people, what are you doing?! I want-"

The monk raised his voice and shouted: "What? What are you talking about?! Can't hear clearly, my gas mask is real!" He pushed the interrogator into the car, blocked the door with a submachine gun, and said to Wei Da , "Boss Wei is a big man, your legs and feet are inconvenient, may I help you?"

There are more than 200 Weida elites, and they are all on standby at the back. He is not afraid of monks. He raised his crutch and pressed it against the monk's chest. The corners of Wei Da's eyes hang slightly, and he looks fierce when he stares at people. Because he was born as a desperado, he claimed to have seen the storm, so he was very calm. He said softly: "You have a gun, and the equipment is very good. But members, guns, this thing is not a murder weapon in my eyes, it's just a toy. I advise you, and the female team leader, don't try to fight fiercely with me. Not worth it."

The aircraft of the armed group was taking off, and there were noisy calls all around. The monk was quiet and did not speak. He had only dealt with Viper before, and had never faced a big boss like Weida head-on, but this did not affect his understanding of big bosses.

The monk suddenly asked a question: "Do you think tomorrow will be better?"

Wei Da looked at the monk and laughed, as if mocking this simple greeting from the mud. After a while, he said, "Of course."

Wei Da got into the car, and before the door closed, he didn't forget to add the last sentence.

"Member, for people like us, every day is sunny."

The car drove away, leaving the monk standing there. He felt that the car was going to the sky, and "this kind of people" lived in the sky. They threw countless money and bought the special seats in the living place, and the rest could only stand or kneel.

The monk gripped the submachine gun tightly, took two steps back, turned around and led the people into the **** vehicle.

Su Heting in the car was short of breath. Although his hands and feet were weak, the stimulation signal in his head was about to explode, which made him fall into a strange hallucination, and he could neither completely faint nor wake up immediately.

The monk was holding a gun, and he took turns looking at the elite guards of the cats. He plopped down beside the stretcher without saying hello to them.

There were eight people in the car, except Su Heting, all of them had guns.

The monk thought: Each shot has to be turned around. It is really not good to protect the cat in a fight. It is easy to accidentally injure the bullets, and everyone will die.

He said, "Eat bubble gum?"

The Weida elite were all indifferent, and no one answered.

The monk took out bubble gum from his trouser pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. He also turned on his virtual screen to tune in to survival news.

Big Sister and Survival News are live-streaming. She said: "The splicer involved is a dangerous person. Our team has limited capabilities. After the interrogation, he was handed over to the interrogation hall. Now he is on his way to the interrogation hall..."

As soon as the live broadcast started, the interrogator received a call. He nodded and bowed to the person on the phone, wiped his sweat several times, and said: "Okay, okay, I will immediately notify the female team leader and ask her to stop the interview. The impact is too bad. Yes, yes, you are right, it is me I didn't think carefully, let you bother."

Wei Da remained motionless, frowning at the Survival News. When he saw Wei Zhixin's photo, he couldn't help being furious. Before the interrogator hung up the phone, he called his subordinates and said, "Let them withdraw! Just after Zhixin died, the photos were posted everywhere. What's the matter?" look?"

When the interrogator heard this, he quickly hung up the phone to appease Wei Da: "Yes, yes, yes, you are right, we should withdraw! The organization is also contacting them. Oh, look, I really didn't expect this to happen. .”

Wei Da looked ruthless and said, "The **** vehicle will stop at the intersection of fireworks, and my people will detonate it there."

The interrogator's face turned pale, and he hurriedly said: "No, no, Boss Wei, now the aircrafts of all media are following behind, and we can't do anything on the way. Let's have a long-term plan, shall we? I'll send him to the interrogation hall—"

Wei Da slammed his crutch hard, and he said sharply, "No discussion! This kid must die. When he enters the interrogation hall, can you stand up to the committee's interrogation? You are the one who gave him a tranquilizer!"

The interrogator was sweating profusely, not daring to refute Wei Da again. His phone kept ringing, but he didn't dare to answer it again. It was really hard to tell.

Wei Da's face was ashen, and he was holding his crutch tightly.

Their car is at the front, the **** car is in the middle, and the rest are armored cars. Xing Tian's aircraft was chasing the media from above, but everyone wanted first-hand information about related events, and would rather deal with Xing Tian's aircraft above than leave.

Wei Da said, "Call me down."

The interrogator said: "Ah?! Boss Wei, where are so many people watching!"

Wei Da emphasized his tone and repeated: "Shoot me down!"

He wasn't discussing with the interrogator at all, but was notifying the elite in the armored vehicle.

The elite received the order and exposed the muzzle of the gun. Without warning, they fired directly at the media aircraft.

The interrogator turned pale when he heard two "bang bang" gunshots from behind. Wei Da doesn't need to go to jail for killing innocent people, but he can't! He suspected that he would use himself to take the blame for such a big disturbance tonight, so he couldn't help crying, and he almost knelt down to Wei Da, begging: "Boss Wei! Boss Wei! Listen to me!"

Wei Da said, "Gag his mouth."

The bodyguard in the front seat immediately turned around and grabbed the interrogator.

The interrogator shouted: "Boss Wei—"

Just at that time, the car just arrived at the intersection, and the motorcycle man on both sides of the **** was suddenly shot dead. Immediately afterwards, a modified heavy truck rushed out from the side, crashing Wei Da's car into the traffic light.


The tires of the car scraped loudly on the ground, and all the cars behind were forced to brake, causing chaos for a while.

Wei Da said: "This kid really has backup!"

The gunshots outside had already started, and the bullets slammed into the glass of the car.

Wei Da immediately notified the rear: "Do it!"

The elite in the **** car raised his gun fiercely, and the monk was alert when the car stopped, but he didn't know that the car was forced to stop, and thought it was Wei Da's signal to the elite. When he saw the other party holding a gun, he kicked the edge of the stretcher without thinking about it.

The stretcher overturned, Su Heting rolled down, and the elite bullet hit the back of the stretcher.

The monk shouted: "Kill them!"

The two members of the armed group fired immediately, they were three against four, and the bullets "boom, boom, boom" flew inward. The monk was afraid of stray bullets, so he switched to melee combat after shooting an elite leg. He had just smashed the opponent with two fists, but his neck was trapped by someone.

This is the **** elite of Weida!

The monk hit the wall of the car and suffered severe head pain. Enduring the pain, he elbowed the opponent's face, rolled on the ground with the opponent, and fought together.

Su Heting looked in pain, his fingers unconsciously clenched his chest, his shortness of breath increased the numbness of his hands and feet, his head seemed to be overloaded, and his fingers trembled due to the stimulation signal.


Su Heting was short of breath, and his breathing became even more rapid. His chest was heavy, as if he couldn't breathe enough. There were explosions and fighting sounds in his ears, which made his half-opened eyes full of double images, and he was about to spit it out.

It hurts.

The **** car shook violently and rammed towards the side of the road. Su Heting then hit the wall of the car and suddenly vomited, but because his stomach was empty, he could only vomit acid water.

The monk bumped his head against the elite, and realized that Su Heting's situation was not good, so he kept shouting: "You brat, hold on!"

Su Heting's eyes are blurred, and he can't tell the real world from the fake world in all kinds of weird illusions.

An elite who had dealt with the members of the armed group grabbed his back and tried to lift him up.

Su Heting's face was pale, and he was not afraid at this moment. It's like someone's playing disco in his head, the stimuli are like popping candy. Because of hallucinations, he always felt bright in front of him, which made him half-close his eyes, and unconsciously murmured: "...Thank you..."

The monk was being beaten, thinking he was talking to himself, shouting: "Thank you for what—!"

The roof of the **** vehicle burst open, and someone fell in the chaotic debris. There were heavy gunshots, there was blood on Xie Zhenshu's shirt, and before his feet touched the ground, he kicked over the elite who was carrying Su Heting. Jing Rui fell to the ground and was pulled up by him again. Instead of punching, he grabbed the opponent's throat from behind and smashed the opponent's head against the car window.

The window of the car shattered, and the Xie Pillow Book kept on hitting until the other party died completely and his face was bloody. After he was done, he pulled out the gun in the holster, raised his hand and blew off the head of the elite who was fighting with the monk.

The opponent was already dead, but Xie Zhenshu remained expressionless and continued to shoot.

The monk's body was covered with blood spattered. He didn't know who was coming, so he could only cover his face so as not to be splashed with blood in his eyes. He yelled in the continuous gunshots: "The person is dead!!"

Xie Zhenshu picked up Su Heting, and held the cat tightly in his arms in this dark and **** carriage.

Chapter end

Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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