Reincarnator 463 Mad Demon 1

Reincarnator 463 Mad Demon 1

Translator: Ares
Editor Group: Liber Reverie
The large explosion surprised Keldian.
'Unbelievable… Impossible! For there to be such a large amount!'
It was a mass heap of crystals that would allow him to overcome the barrier at a moment's glance.
However, John Stone gnashed his teeth after catching on to something.
'Could it be…'
The alien species outside looked as if they were being controlled.
There were thousands to millions of humans fighting against the overwhelming numbers of these beasts. What if the man had converted all of those beasts into crystals?
It wouldn't have been difficult.
'If he was able to command them to fight, then it would be easy to order the beasts to suicide.'
No, it was rather weird that he had only gathered that many crystals.
'There… might be more.'
However, John Stone realized that this was not important.
Clementine shook his head, feeling the strength flow through his body.
It wasn't that he didn't like the power, but he was discontent with how he was forced to ingest this much power.
Normally, it should have not been necessary for him to use this strength.
'Well… It's not bad.'
It was just that he needed this strength to forcefully settle matters, which was what he was discontent with.
Clementine gripped his fist and muttered as the overwhelming strength flowed through his veins, causing his whole body to be filled with energy, giving Clementine a new sense of superiority.
No matter what was in his way, it was a strength that made him feel like he could resolve any hindrances.
Now, he was able to use this power to deal with the current situation.
Clementine, with his gripped fists, looked around and looked at the tense eyes of Kangtae and Keldian.
"Yes. It's not too late," Clementine muttered.
It wasn't too late. There was still trust in their eyes.
It was just that they were suffering from his current appearance to the one that he had displayed in the last 20 years.
At that moment…
A small explosion was heard in the distance as the sound of something being crushed and smashed resonated.
He had already activated the security system of Noah to defend against intruders from those outside.
"So he's coming," Clementine mumbled, looking deep into the hallway.
The black hallway of light, which had welcomed Belphegor and the other Adventurers, was fluctuating violently as the black fluids swirled like waves before rushing to repel the intruder with its icy energy.
Hansoo grinned as he blocked the black waves that poured onto his shield.
'It seems he's not happy to see me.'
However, it wasn't bad on his part. If they really had the leeway to oppose him, they would not have bothered to utilize such a trick.
Thunder began to shoot out from Mjolnir while Hansoo swung down the hammer hard at the waves in front of him.

The huge lightning cloud that came out from the hammer dived straight into the black waves as the Exinium cubes, which could shapeshift into structures that could injure humans, was unable to cope with the powerful blows of lightning before melting away.
He burned the waves with his thunder, and the mana that shot out from the center of his body prevented the aftershocks by forming a barrier around his body.
In the meantime, there were a few wounds that appeared from his body, but it wasn't enough to slow him down.
'He's over there.'
He pushed straight toward the place where the mana was resonating at.
There was no one else other than Clementine that could emanate such mana.
If he went there, he was sure that Clementine would be at that place.
'It has been a very long time.'
Hansoo smiled while muttering to himself, smashing away the black waves with his shield in front.
To see the face of the man that had bothered him for so long, it felt refreshing for Hansoo thinking how this fiasco had reached its finale.
He wouldn't be this excited, seeing his long-awaited lover.
Hansoo, who was withstanding the waves, began to raise his speed toward the light-lit entrance far away.
After some time, he jumped inside the light after burning the black waves relentlessly before looking around.
It was the state of Florida that depicted its beauty.
It was a place that any Adventurers would dream of going to for vacation. Unfortunately, there was nothing that Hansoo wanted there.
"Huh. Look at this. Why are you alone??"
Hansoo chuckled, seeing the person in front.
The aura that surrounded the person was definitely that of a 6-Star. However, it was not Clementine that was waiting for him but someone else.
At that remark, Taehee, who was holding a halberd, chuckled as well.
"That man is busy. Isn't it my job to play around with a guy like you?"
Taehee Bang.
She was one of the owners of the Seven Soul Shards.
It was the main attribute that allowed Clementine to rule over all the zones.
Hansoo laughed from Taehee's words.
'Well… He sure has a talent in breaking people's hearts.'
It was truly difficult to see his face.
If he could, he would want to ignore the woman in front and rush out, but it looked as if that was not an option.
Taehee had another nickname.

For Clementine, it was critical for him to control and rule over the lower areas, and it was his main strategy to utilize the Seven Soul Shards to accomplish that. Of course, the owner had to be stronger than anyone and have the mentality to tackle difficult issues.
That was why Clementine had passed on all the most valuable possessions he had acquired and given them to Taehee. She had no special characteristics in combat, but she possessed all the skills that Clementine valued.
She was Clementine's most trusted aide, as well as his strongest.
That kind of subordinate had ingested crystals and had become a 6-Star.
'I'll… see you in a little while.'
Hansoo, who recollected of Clementine, began to raise all of his mana while looking at Taehee.
The moment Hansoo instilled his mana and concentration into his armor, hammer, and shield including his entire body…
Taehee, who was spinning her halberd, suddenly disappeared before appearing above Hansoo.
Hansoo raised his hammer high to block the blade of the halberd.
A large black explosion burst out with Hansoo and Taehee being in the center of that explosion.
The residential spaces in Florida began to be crushed and smashed from the collision of the two Transcendents.
'What the hell?!'
Eres had an incredulous look.
She had confirmed that Taehee had become a 6-Star. Other than Clementine, there should be no one that would be able to confront her, but for there to be a battle...
At that moment, a man passed through her mind.
'Don't tell me… it's the man that John Stone had mentioned?'
Kang Hansoo.
It was the man that had subjugated all six zones below and had provided human beings a place. It was the same man who had provided humanity that was nearing extinction with hope.
As if Clementine guessed what Eres was thinking, he smiled and spoke, "Yes. It's that guy. How amazing."
He had come and destroyed all of his plans that he had so carefully designed and crafted in the last 20 years, including his ongoing plan.
He was constantly moving to destroy his plans, and he needed to fully complete his mission before fighting him.
"There are already so many hindrances to account for," Clementine mumbled, alternating glances at the ring in his hand and Noah.
However, it couldn't be helped.
Though he had wanted his plan to proceed without difficulties, now that it had come to this, he needed to finish this through sheer force like how Eres and her friends were being directly led somewhere.
"... Clementine. Kill if you're going to kill, and spare if you're going to spare. Stop joking around. You didn't spare us since you needed spectators for your deeds?"
Keldian, who was tied up in chains, gave a cold look.
It wasn't that he was fearful of death since he had overcome dozens of crises like that, nor was it because the comrades he had trusted had backstabbed them.
He had already considered that possibility.
Humans were bound to have secrets even if they spent years together, and though he had believed him for nearly 25 years, it was only a matter of minutes before someone could backstab another at the end.
What really infuriated him was the ray of hope and belief that he had for Clementine.
The circumstances were now clear and transparent.
Clementine had deceived them and was now playing with them.
It wasn't that he was angry because he was overwhelmed in power, but rather how he was unable to give up that last strand of hope and belief for him.
Clementine smiled, seeing Keldian.
"Surely not. I'm someone that does not like to joke."
The moment he ended his sentence…
The translucent capsules that surrounded the people including Clementine released before they descended somewhere.
'This is…'
It was a space different from the control center.
Eres frowned at the place where only white space existed. Suddenly, something began to appear before them with a thud.
Seeing the figure, Eres frowned.
'... Noah?'
However, it wasn't a hologram.
When everyone frowned at the masculine, physical figure that appeared before them, Noah smiled and opened his mouth.
"If you had received the authority of control, we wouldn't have had any problems. Simple registration would give me little control."
That was right.
What was only possible at the operation center was registration.
In order to be recognized as Noah's true master, one needed to complete the recognition process in a place deeper inside Noah.
Clementine frowned.
"I have come now so that's enough. Let's start."
Noah raised his right hand toward Clementine as if it was asking for a handshake. Clementine also extended his right hand. The moment his right hand with Nurmaha's ring touched Noah's hand, there were wild vibrations everywhere.
Hansoo smiled after seeing Taehee bounced off him.
"It's good to take it slowly…"
But, if she were to drag the fight out so openly, it was ambiguous to wait either.
Hansoo who was looking at Taehee spoke briefly, "Tell Clementine to reassemble your corpse later."
At the same time…
Hansoo's eyes began to turn red.
Mad Demon.
In order to overcome that wall, he had to abandon everything and cut everything off that bound with him.
Beginning with his conscience, he needed to let everything go. It was a skill that would transcend once all lifeforms were killed in a single flash.
A red aura began to surround Hansoo's body.

Chapter end

Chapter 473
Chapter 414.2
Chapter 414.1
- Chapter 395: Owner of the crystal (3)
- Chapter 394: Owner of the crystal (2)
- Chapter 393: Owner of the crystal (1)
Chapter 392
- Chapter 391: Flameless Land (5)
- Chapter 390: Flameless Land (4)
- Chapter 389: Flameless Land (3)
Chapter 388
- Chapter 387: Flameless Land (1)
- Chapter 386: Angkara (2)
- Chapter 385: Angkara (1)
- Chapter 384: Nerpa (7)
- Chapter 383: Nerpa (6)
Chapter 382
- Chapter 381: Nerpa (4)
- Chapter 380: Nerpa (3)
- Chapter 379: Nerpa (2)
Chapter 378
- Chapter 377: Inheritance War (7)
Chapter 376
- Chapter 375: Inheritance War (5)
- Chapter 374: Inheritance War (4)
- Chapter 373: Inheritance War (3)
Chapter 372
- Chapter 371: Inheritance War (1)
- Chapter 370: The buried natives (7)
- Chapter 369: The buried natives (6)
- Chapter 368: The buried natives (5)
- Chapter 367: The buried natives (4)
- Chapter 366: The buried natives (3)
- Chapter 365: The buried natives (2)
- Chapter 364: The buried natives (1)
- Chapter 363: Bomb (3)
- Chapter 362: Bomb (2)
Chapter 361
- Chapter 360: Breeding City (3)
Chapter 359
- Chapter 358: Breeding City (1)
- Chapter 357: A legacy from the depths (6)
- Chapter 356: A legacy from the depths (5)
- Chapter 355 : A legacy from the depths (4)
- Chapter 354 : A legacy from the depths (3)
- Chapter 353 : A legacy from the depths (2)
- Chapter 352 : A legacy from the depths (1)
- Chapter 351 : Entering (3)
- Chapter 350 : Entering (2)
- Chapter 349 : Entering (1)
- Chapter 348 : Inhabitants (3)
- Chapter 347 : Inhabitants (2)
- Chapter 346 : Inhabitants (1)
- Chapter 345 : Refinement (4)
- Chapter 344 : Refinement (3)
- Chapter 343 : Refinement (2)
- Chapter 342 : Refinement (1)
- Chapter 341 : Main Research Center (3)
- Chapter 340 : Main Research Center (2)
- Chapter 339 : Main Research Center (1)
- Chapter 337 : 5th area, Old Blue Zone (3)
- Chapter 337 : 5th area, Old Blue Zone (2)
- Chapter 336 : 5th area, Old Blue Zone (1)
- Chapter 335 : Mjölnir (4)
- Chapter 334 : Mjölnir (3)
- Chapter 333 : Mjölnir (2)
- Chapter 332 : Mjölnir (1)
- Chapter 331 : The Grand Scheme (4)
- Chapter 330 : The Grand Scheme (3)
- Chapter 329 : The Grand Scheme (2)
- Chapter 328 : The Grand Scheme (1)
- Chapter 327 : Ark-Roa (6)
- Chapter 326 : Ark-Roa (5)
- Chapter 325 : Ark-Roa (4)
- Chapter 324 : Ark-Roa (3)
- Chapter 323 : Ark-Roa (2)
- Chapter 322 : Ark-Roa (1)
- Chapter 321 : Darkness (3)
Chapter 320
- Chapter 319 : Darkness (1)
- Chapter 318 : Bait (3)
- Chapter 317 : Bait (2)
Chapter 316
- Chapter 315 : Beast (2)
- Chapter 314 : Beast (1)
- Chapter 313 : Clash (2)
- Chapter 312 : Clash (1)
- Chapter 311 : Nursery (4)
- Chapter 310 : Nursery (3)
- Chapter 309 : Nursery (2)
- Chapter 308 : Nursery (1)
- Chapter 307 : Transcendent (5)
- Chapter 306 : Transcendent (4)
- Chapter 305 : Transcendent (3)
- Chapter 304 : Transcendent (2)
- Chapter 303 : Transcendent (1)
- Chapter 302 : Season 2 : Demon King's Tower - The world after 2 years (2)
- Chapter 301 : Season 2 : Demon King's Tower - The world after 2 years (1)
- Chapter 300 : Demon King's Egg (3)
- Chapter 299 : Demon King's Egg (2)
- Chapter 298 : Demon King's Egg (1)
Chapter 297 - The Great Collapse (3)
Chapter 296 - The Great Collapse (2)
Chapter 295 - The Great Collapse (1)
Chapter 294 - Transcendence (5)
Chapter 293 - Transcendence (4)
Chapter 292 - Transcendence (3)
Chapter 291 - Transcendence (2)
Chapter 290 - Transcendence (1)
Chapter 289 - Star of transcendence (5)
Chapter 288 - Star of transcendence (4)
Chapter 287 - Star of transcendence (3)
Chapter 286 - Star of transcendence (2)
Chapter 285 - Star of transcendence (1)
Chapter 284 - Train headed to destruction (3)
Chapter 283 - Train headed to destruction (2)
Chapter 282 - Train headed to destruction (1)
Chapter 281 - Egg (2)
Chapter 280 - Egg (1)
Chapter 279 - Land of the Past (6)
Chapter 278 - Land of the Past (5)
Chapter 277 - Land of the Past (4)
Chapter 276 - Land of the Past (3)
Chapter 275 - Land of the Past (2)
Chapter 274 - Land of the Past (1)
Chapter 273 - Berserk (3)
Chapter 272 - Berserk (2)
Chapter 235 -: The Great Seal (5)
Chapter 271 - Berserk (1)
Chapter 270 - Berserk (1)
Chapter 269 - Underground (3)
Chapter 268 - Underground (2)
Chapter 267 - Underground (1)
Chapter 266 - Spirit Land (3)
Chapter 265 - Spirit Land (2)
Chapter 264 - Spirit Land (1)
Chapter 263 - Golden Dragon Formation (6)
Chapter 262 - Golden Dragon Formation (5)
Chapter 261 - Golden Dragon Formation (4)
Chapter 260 - Golden Dragon Formation (3)
Chapter 259 - Golden Dragon Formation (2)
Chapter 258 - Golden Dragon Formation (1)
Chapter 257 - War Fortress (4)
Chapter 256 - War Fortress (3)
Chapter 255 - War Fortress (2)
Chapter 254 - War Fortress (1)
Chapter 253 - Power (4)
Chapter 252 -: Power (3)
Chapter 251 -: Power (2)
Chapter 250 -: Power (1)
Chapter 249 -: Ain (4)
Chapter 248 -: Ain (3)
Chapter 247 -: Ain (2)
Chapter 246 -: Ain (1)
Chapter 245 -: Unsealing (7)
Chapter 244 -: Unsealing (6)
Chapter 243 -: Unsealing (5)
Chapter 242 -: Unsealing (4)
Chapter 241 -: Unsealing (3)
Chapter 240 -: Unsealing (2)
Chapter 239 -: Unsealing (1)
Chapter 238 -: The Great Seal (8)
Chapter 237 -: The Great Seal (7)
Chapter 236 -: The Great Seal (6)
Chapter 235
Chapter 230 -: God's Destruction Maul (5)
Chapter 229 -: God's Destruction Maul (4)
Chapter 228 -: God's Destruction Maul (3)
Chapter 227 -: God's Destruction Maul (2)
Chapter 226 -: God's Destruction Maul (1)
Chapter 49 - Three Gateways (1)
Chapter 47 - Tower (6)
Chapter 44 - Tower (3)
Chapter 42 - Tower (1)
Chapter 41 - Demon Lord's Castle (8)
Chapter 39 - Demon Lord's Castle (6)
Chapter 36 - Demon Lord's Castle (3)
Chapter 34 - Demon Lord's Castle (1)
Chapter 30 - Central Island (3)
Chapter 28 - Central Island (1)
Chapter 26 - Ticket (1)
Chapter 24 - Sky Road (3)
Chapter 22 - Sky Road (1)
Chapter 21 : Altar (6)
Chapter 18 - Altar (3)
Chapter 16 - Altar (1)
Chapter 13 - Otherworld's Moon (3)
Chapter 11 - Otherworld's Moon (1)
Chapter 10 - Gangnam Station (6)
Chapter 7 - Gangnam Station (3)
Chapter 5 - Gangnam Station (1)
Chapter 4 - Tutorial (3)
Chapter 2 - Tutorial (1)
Chapter 492
491 Devil
490 Species 6
489 Species 5
488 Species 4
487 Species 3
486 Species 2
485 Species 1
484 Angel 2
483 Angel 1
482 Third Life 4
481 Third Life 3
480 Third Life 2
479 Third Life 1
478 Savior 5
477 Savior 4
476 Savior 3
Chapter 475
474 Savior 1
472 Descent 4
471 Descent 3
470 Descent 2
469 Descent 1
468 Fateful Encounter 3
467 Fateful Encounter 2
466 Fateful Encounter 1
465 Mad Demon 3
464 Mad Demon 2
463 Mad Demon 1
462 Heaven 4
461 Heaven 3
460 Heaven 2
459 Heaven 1
458 Solitude 5
457 Solitude 4
456 Solitude 3
455 Solitude 2
454 Solitude 1
453 To Noah 4
452 To Noah 3
451 To Noah 2
450 To Noah 1
449 Desire Return 6
448 Desire Return 5
447 Desire Return 4
446 Desire Return 3
445 Desire Return 2
444 Desire Return 1
443 Noah 5
442 Noah 4
441 Noah 3
440 Noah 2
439 Noah 1
438 Desire Tree 3
437 Desire Tree 2
436 Desire Tree 1
435 Final Zone 4
434 Final Zone 3
433 Final Zone 2
432 Final Zone 1
431 Transition 8
430 Transition 7
429 Transition 6
428 Transition 5
427 Transition 4
426 Transition 7
425 Transition 6
424 Transition 5
423 Transition 4
422 Transition 3
421 Transition 2
420 Transition 1
419 Experiment 2
418 Experiment 1
417 A Step Towards Desolation 5
416 A Step Toward Desolation 4
415 A Step Toward Desolation 3
414 A Step Toward Desolation 2
413 A step towards Desolation 1
412 Metamorphosis 4
- Chapter 411: Metamorphosis (2)
- Chapter 410: Metamorphosis (1)
- Chapter 409: Wall (3)
- Chapter 408: Wall (2)
- Chapter 407: Wall (1)
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
- Chapter 404: The Fifth Seed (3)
Chapter 403-404
- Chapter 402: The Fifth Seed (1)
- Chapter 401: Guerrilla Warfare (2)
Chapter 400
Chapter 399-402
Chapter 398
- Chapter 397: Continental War (1)
Chapter 396-397
Chapter 395
Chapter 389
Chapter 365
Chapter 350
Chapter 328
Chapter 297
Chapter 295
Chapter 273
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