Radiant Era Chapter 86-87

Radiant Era Chapter 86-87

Chapter 86 Odin Dragon Boat

On the deck, the sailors very carefully dissected the Single-Horned Whale King with practiced efficiency. With this kind of extremely valuable treasure, wasting even a drop of blood was a pity. All parts of its body had to be preserved using a specialized magic-powered freezer. This way, nothing would be wasted.

Above all, its blood and other bodily fluids had to be preserved in a special container built by an expert in magic refinery. If they were put in an ordinary container, these bodily fluids would lose all their qualities in less than three days.

Even the nasty things inside the Whale King's large intestine, some sailors also scooped them out and stored them in an especially established cabin. These things are filthy, nasty and incomparably stinky, but who asked those alchemy masters to regard them as treasures? One shouldn't focus on how repulsive these things are, but when in luck, half a kilogram of Single-Horned Whale King's excrement could be sold for a sky-high price of several hundred gold coins.

Lin Qi and Long Cheng stood on the prow of the ship, looking at the hundreds of sailors efficiently sliced up the Whale King.

Long Cheng reclined on the mermaid statue, then suddenly grinned and said, "Do you know why I agreed to thirty percent?"

Lin Qi cast a sidelong glance at Long Cheng. He was a little resentful towards such a person who took thirty percent profit away from his own hands. He shook his head and said, "It's unlikely due to my kindness in saving your life, isn't it? That iceberg can't possibly seal you to death, I'm clear on this point. At most, I only lessened a little bit of your suffering!"

Long Cheng patted Lin Qi's shoulder. He smirked and said, "Interesting, you are a very smart little bastard. That iceberg can't possibly seal me to death, but it will certainly injure my vitality. For my gamble against my opponents to count, I have to return to the imperial capital within one year. If I wasted too much time within the iceberg, it's possible I would lose this gamble."

Sighing deeply, Long Cheng shook his head and said, "I don't have time to waste, I have to make money as soon as possible, then hurry on my journey. I don't have time to personally auction off this big guy, so I can only accept your terms! I have to return to the imperial capital as soon as possible and beautifully win this gamble!"

Lin Qi curiously looked at Long Cheng. 'What kind of gamble can make him risk so much and do such near-impossible things?'

Starting from an Eastern harbor, sailing northward into the North Sea, then traveling across Odin Ice Origin that was full of danger - one had to know, it was the old home of Frost Titans and some other extremely terrifying tribes. Legend even had it that at the center of Odin Ice Origin was a passage to the underworld where ancient evil existed, those evil beings who, according to legends, destroyed the world before the Destruction Age.

Traveling across Odin Ice Origin without dying was already an inconceivable for an ordinary human being. Yet he also had to travel across the North Sea in winter when the snowstorms were the wildest and entered the West Continent. This gamble was practically toying with death. Even if Long Cheng was stronger, it was still toying with death, what could worth doing such things?

"I don't understand, why are you doing this?" Lin Qi curiously looked at Long Cheng, "For the sake of money? Or beauties?"

Long Cheng started to laugh in ridicule. He turned his head in disdain and looked at the surface of the sea, "Money? I, Long Cheng, was born noble. I don't dare to claim the richest person, but ten of what you, savages, called noble families added together, is more or less comparable to my butler's family. When it comes to beauties, hehe, from the 108 most enchanting and alluring beauties of my Eastern imperial capital, I took the virginity of 38 of them."

With both hands behind his back, Long Cheng said with extreme heroism, "My family's wealth amounted to millions and millions, my looks unrivalled, my wisdom unparalleled. I'm a master of pen and sword. No matter if it's intelligence or wealth, few people can match me for I'm a peerless character. Money? Beauties? That kind of secular matter was also worth me risking this much?"

"Then, Honorable Sir Long Cheng, whose looks is unrivalled and wisdom unparalleled, who was a master of pen and sword, what actually did you bet?" Lin Qi's curiosity was thoroughly aroused.

Long Cheng laughed complacently. He rubbed his nose and indifferently said, "Nothing, I only gamble the magistrate one province, the governors of four prefectures and the mayors of 39 cities. The stake of this one is quite high, as for several other additional things that I gamble, like prostitution papers of those beauties on the Beauty Paintings and Name List, they are nothing."

Unexpectedly, Long Cheng suddenly started to laugh crazily. He laughed so hard his body convulsed and his saliva splashed everywhere. He smirked at Lin Qi in an exceptionally lewd way and said, "The most amusing thing is, there is a clause, hehe, if the guy who gamble with me lost, he had to sent his eight most favourite concubines to my home, to accompany me for seven days!"

With glittering eyes, Long Cheng said with gritted teeth, "This cuckold, I have to knock him down firmly, make him a pimp forever and ever! To contend with me, the blood-covered Long Cheng, hehe, sending him several green hats is only the beginning!"

Lin Qi was once again driven mad. 'This Long Cheng, where did he actually come from?'

To be able to gamble a province magistrate, prefecture governors, and city mayors of a grand county, he must come from a kind of top-notch aristocratic family, right?

What made Lin Qi want to vomit blood even more was, since Long Cheng had the authority to stake such important positions in a gamble, he actually also gamble concubines! Simply preposterous, practically a scum, isn't he saying those magistrates, governors are of equal value with the concubines?

Through Long Cheng's description of the gamble, Lin Qi suddenly realized, Long Cheng was a through and through silkpant son of a bitch! Compared to him, those silkpants of aristocratic families in Dunerk was really a group of country bumpkins, basically nothing among silkpants. Lin Qi and those young masters and mistresses in Dunerk merely gamble a little bit of money, but look at Long Cheng, what did he gamble?

Just when Lin Qi was inwardly estimating Long Cheng's identity, behind an iceberg not too far away, a muffled sound of drumbeat could suddenly be heard.

Lin Qi's scalp turned numb. He hastily turned his head to look at that direction.

The lookout sailor standing on the mast already started to shout, "Odin Dragon Boat, it's that fleet that belong to those alien tribes! Start the magic-powered furnace, retreat, quickly leave this place!"

'Hey, hey, ya, ho' Following the muffled shouts, following the powerful chants, a several-meter-tall carved wooden dragon boat gradually appeared from behind the iceberg, an oddly-shaped warship slowly appeared from behind the iceberg.

The dragon boat was less than five meters wide, yet longer than Big Maritime Windmill by half. With shape like a dragon, the dragon boat that was painted the color of blood went around the iceberg, changed direction, and sailed in the direction of Big Maritime Windmill with great speed.

Behind the dragon boat, three small-sized dragon boat followed closely. They were only half as long as the one in front while their width were also narrower.

On the center of every dragon boat was a wardrum made of animal skin. A giant over three-meter-tall with a strange green-grayish skin was holding huge bone hammers while slowly banging the wardrum, making a loud sound that made a man's spirit waver. 

Chapter 87 Sea-Chase

"Quick, heat up the furnace, retreat, retreat! Shit! Hoist the skull flag, hoist the skull flag!"

Lin Qi held the huge machete Enzo passed over and stood at the prow of the ship while shouting loudly. From the depth of the ship could be heard the rumbling sound of the magic-powered furnace. Big Maritime Windmill started to pick up speed, cutting a huge arc on the surface of the sea, going directly southward.

Several sailors quickly moved a huge black flag to the side of the mast and efficiently hoisted the no less than three meters square flag to the top of the mast. Sea breeze blew, the blag flag opened up. On the black flag, the white skull and two bones intersected with each other like a cross were very eye-catching. Particularly, the dagger dripping with blood held on the mouth of the white skull made the skull looked incomparably sinister and eerie.

Long Cheng raised his brows in astonishment, "Lin Qi, I thought you guys are good and obedient fishermen!"

Lin Qi raised his brows and said without guilt, "Of course we are good and obedient fishermen! This flag is a protective talisman we bought with a high price! Generally speaking, at the North Sea, as long as we hang this flag, no pirate will plunder us!"

Long Cheng was speechless. He suddenly realized that Lin Qi's skin was just as thick as his own, so he felt even more intimate with Lin Qi. He raised his head to look at the black pirate flag and softly murmured, "Good and obedient fishermen? Protective talisman? Was my head hit by a meteor when I was little?"

'Ka-ching' sound lingered in the air as the sailors of Big Maritime Windmill pulled out their gleaming swords one after another. Some also arranged a large number of arrows and power crossbows on the deck, even several small-sized ballistas was pulled out onto the deck from within the hold of the ship. Several stoves were turned on. Iron balls as big as a human head were thrown into the stoves to be burned red. These iron balls, when thrown by the catapults, would clearly have a very high destructive power.

"These things, no matter in which country in the world, are restricted goods right?" Long Cheng 'curiously' looked at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi looked at Long Cheng with incomparable solemnity and seriousness, "Sir Long Cheng, these are only scraps of the military goods. We bought them in reduced price, fixed them a little, then use them as protection. After all, although we don't intend to rob others, we can't let others rob us either!"

Long Cheng was speechless once again. He looked at those gleaming swords that were clearly new, then looked at those high-quality powerful crossbows and arrows. He forced himself to believe that they were indeed scraps of military goods. He rubbed his own chin and softly murmured, "Fine, I've done this kind of thing before. Scraps of military goods? Right, if not for the scraps of military goods, how can I climb the beds of those beauties?"

The black flag fluttered, yet nothing changed.

The several Odin Dragon Boat chasing them from behind were still producing muffled battle sound while several red war banners were slowly hoisted up the masts. Lin Qi angrily slashed his machete at the ship railing. He roared, "Shit, it's Odin Holy Guards of Odin Temple, now is not the Land Island War time, how can they appear at sea? Shouldn't they be at their temple protecting their god who had died for god knows how long?

Long Cheng faintly asked, " Lin Qi, it seems your protective talisman is useless?"

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, Odin Holy Guards of Odin Temple don't care about us. Shit, if they are of the Great Viking Axe Gorge, after seeing this flag, they absolutely won't pursue anymore… eh?"

After mentioning 'Odin Holy Guards' and 'Great Viking Axe Gorge', Lin Qi suspiciously looked in Long Cheng's direction. This place is the trading area of those men of the Great Viking Axe Gorge. Usually, as long as a ship hung the black skull flag, those men of alien tribes would just sail past with tacit understanding. Both parties could even exchange some local products of their respective race or certain information on cargo ships.

But today the men of Great Viking Axe Gorge disappeared without a trace while the patrol vessel of Odin Holy Guards appeared at this area of the sea!

Long Cheng innocently spread out his hands. He looked up to the sky, sighed deeply and said, "Lin Qi, do you think they come to look for me? How is it possible? Of course, I ransacked Great Viking Axe Gorge, also got rid of dozens of Odin Holy Guards, with that green-skinned big guy among them, but, that thing had passed for quite a few days, they can't be looking for me right?"

Long Cheng started to laugh heartily, but it sounded a little fake. He drily said with a smile, "Look, such a boundless ocean, how can they find me so accurately? It's impossible!"

'Right, in such a boundless ocean, how can those Odin Holy Guard possibly just happen to find Long Cheng?'

Lin Qi walked around Long Cheng, carefully scrutinizing his body. Sunlight fell on Long Cheng's body, making one dot of red light flashed suddenly. Lin Qi stretched out his hand and took out a long feather the color of blood from within Long Cheng's Blue Fox skin cloak!

Throwing the long red feather at Long Cheng, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, it's the bloody curse of the Temple Magician. Unless you're 500 kilometers away from them, they will know your movements at any time. When was you cursed?"

Long Cheng looked blankly at Lin Qi. Only after a while did he said, "That thin old man I kicked into pieces, the one who wore a skull hat made of animal skin, he's their Temple Magician? I really don't know, all I know was he was quite ugly, and he also shouted something while gesticulating, so I just kicked him to death!"

'Very good, very courageous!' Lin Qi grudgingly looked at Long Cheng, then ordered for the magic-powered furnace to run at full power while fuming with rage. 'You really have guts, a magician who had a high position within Odin Temple, you kicked him to death just because he was quite ugly, it will be strange if they're not after your life.'

After grabbing the long feather and threw it into the sea, Lin Qi shouted to order the sailors to raise the sails to let the wind and the magic power of the magic-powered furnace to simultaneously propel Big Maritime Windmill. The huge ship suddenly rushed forward while its tail raised a wave one to two meters high. The speed of Big Maritime Windmill was increased by more than half.

However, a thin and incomparably ugly elderly suddenly stood on each of the four Odin Dragon Boat at the same time. They waved their bone staff at the prow of the ship while shouting and gesticulating. A gale suddenly blew from the north, blowing at the sails of the four long and narrow dragon boats.

The four Odin Dragon Boats raised their sails. The huge red sails were blown until they were bulging. The speed of the four dragon boats also increased by a lot.

Although Big Maritime Windmill was powered by magic, its build was thick and broad. Although it was very stably while sailing, its speed really couldn't compare to those extremely long and narrow Odin Dragon Boat.

One second after another went by. After two hours, the biggest dragon boat already caught up to several hundred meters behind Big Maritime Windmill.

The several hundred people of alien tribes abroad the dragon boat stood up one after another. The weapons in their hands were gleaming eye-catchingly. 

Chapter end

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