Purple River Chapter 04 Part 02 - Before the Bloodshed

Purple River Chapter 04 Part 02 - Before the Bloodshed

**Chapter 04 Part 02 - Before the bloodshed**

"Well then, guess who would be the first one to die," Ge Ying Xing ignored Yang Ming Hua's threat: "Besides, do you really think someone as underhanded as I am would come to this conference alone?" As if someone overheard what Ge Ying Xing just said, suddenly, a massive movement (horses, soldiers, weapons) sounded from outside the Conference Hall.

One of the guards stumbled his way in, shouting in a panicked voice: "It's the Far Eastern Army! They have surrounded the Conference Hall!"

The rowdy Conference Hall instantly quieted down. Every officer shifted their startled gaze towards Ge Ying Xing who stood like a statue on the podium. Before anyone had the chance to recover from the sudden development, the same shocking realization was already coursing through their minds: "It this a coup?" It was fun and all, shouting "Yang Ming Hua – Be Gone!" but to actually be involved in a bloody street fight inside the Capital City – Di Du was another matter entirely. No one was ready for something like that. So, Fight or Flight?

Yang Ming Hua's face instantly paled: Ge Ying Xing's personal guards had arrived. Even though he still had the control of the powerful Central Army, he was not prepared for this turn of events. No matter how great an army he commanded, it was not in a position to save him now. If a conflict broke out, he would be the first one to go down.

He whispered: "If you kill me, you won't make it out of Di Du alive! My Central Army will wipe your forces out in under ten minutes!"

Ge Ying Xing sounded surprised: "Huh, you must have misunderstood me, Supreme Commander! I wouldn't dream of commiting treason! Those are my men outside. They are just worried for my well-being, and have come here to escort me back." He lowered his voice: "Besides, it wouldn't be wise to spill blood on the red carpet!"

Yang Ming Hua immediately understood Ge Ying Xing's words. It would serve no one to spill blood on the day of a big gathering of all the high ranking officers of House ZiChuan. Not only would it be bad for one's reputation, it would also forever taint one's name in the book of history.

Yang Ming Hua considered for a second; he only wanted to rally some support today, not kill everyone. Luckily, Xiao Long hadn't listened to him when the situation got out of control and caused a big bloodbath, or else, he would have started an irreconcilable feud with every armed forces of House ZiChuan. Even if he was to become the Headmaster, he wouldn't last.

Yang Ming Hua whispered back: "Very well. Then let me show you the way out, Commander – Ge Ying Xing!" With that, he stood up, face all smiles, albeit very slowly. The last thing he wanted was to cause an over-reaction from the one standing behind him and get himself killed.

"Hoho, Supreme Commander, you are too kind!" Stepping to his side, Ge Ying Xing appeared from behind Yang Ming Hua, face full of smiles as well and no one the wiser, except those few commanders sitting on the podium who had overheard every the entire exchange between Yang Ming Hua and Ge Ying Xing. Their palms were drenched in sweat, because one small misstep could have caused the situation to spin out of control. The Conference hall would have turned into a slaughter house, and the City of Di Du would have turned into Hell itself.

Fortunately, the two characters in question were both capable of weighing the pros and cons, allowing them to make calm and wise decisions. As a result, they had reached a non-agreeable agreement, prolonging the false peace for the time being.

Ge Ying Xing smiled to them: "I'm not feeling too well. May I excuse myself from the conference, Supreme Commander?"

Supreme Commander replied kindly: "Do as you may, Commander Ge. Please take good care of yourself!"

Ge Ying Xing smiled: "You have given much for the good of the House! Please take good care of yourself as well!"

The two smiled in turn, showing each other all kinds of courtesies. No one could tell they had been at each other's throat just a minute ago.

Ge Ying Xing increased his pace as he walked towards the entrance, where a large detachment of his personal guards waited. The rest of the Officers from the Far Eastern Army quickly followed without saying so much as a word. ZiChuan Xiu and Stirling exchanged a look and each led his men outside as well.

Seeing Ge Ying Xing leaving, Border Army Commander – Ming Hui smiled to Yang Ming Hua, and requested: "Supreme Commander, my headache is acting up, may I excuse myself as well?" Even though it sounded like a request, he didn't wait for Yang Ming Hua to answer before he began marching in the direction of the exit. Naturally, the Officers from the Border Army quickly followed their Commanding Officer and exited the hall as well.

Imperial Guard Commander – Pi Gu and Black Banner Commander – Fang Jing were the next ones to leave; they didn't even so much look Yang Ming Hua's way. Their men quickly followed suit.

In the short span of a few minutes, what was once a packed, rowdy conference hall, now only had a few hundred officers left from the Central Army, and every one of them were confused, wondering if they should leave or not.

Even though his life was no longer being threatened, glancing at the vacated Confering Hall, relief did not come to him, only senseless disappointment. Lei Xun came up to him and whispered: “Sir, We still have the Central Army! Should we close the gates, cut off their escape and kill them all?"

Yang Ming Hua scolded him angrily: "Idiot!" and spat on the exquisite red carpet.


Only until they came out of the Conference Hall, and saw the blue white sky, did Stirling and ZiChuan Xiu feel relieved and reassured. It had been a close call!

Under the protection of a large contingent of Personal Guards, Ge Ying Xing approached ZiChuan Xiu and Stirling: “Stirling, Xiu, I’m leaving for the Far East, Fort Warren tonight. Do you want to come with me? Any later Yang Ming Hua may have closed down the gates!”

ZiChuan Xiu and Stirling gave each other a look, and spoke with determination: “No Sir. We will stay.”

Ge Ying Xing wasn’t the least surprised. He had expected as much, extending his hand to the both of them: “Tonight, many heads will roll in the Capital. Take care of yourself!”

ZiChuan Xiu and Stirling held tightly onto Ge Ying Xing’s fragile but warm hands; they could feel the warmth spreading through them. Yes, it was Ge Ying Xing who saved their lives once again. That weak sickly little man was the real cornerstone holding the family together. He was irreplaceable! Now he had to return to the Far East, not for his fear of losing his own life, but to take control of his army so he could better oppose Yang Ming Hua’s forces. For the same reason, ZiChuan Xiu and Stirling chose to stay; they all did what they did out of loyalty for the House ZiChuan!

“Sir, you have a long and dangerous journey ahead of you. Take care!” ZiChuan Xiu spoke with all the sincerity in his heart.

Stirling wanted to express his gratitude as well: “Sir, I owe you my life. I have no way to repay the kindness you have shown. Please be safe!”

Ge Ying Xing smiled: “We will meet again. I’m sure of it!” His eyes turned to Bai Chuan standing beside them: “She has been incredibly brave… It’s your duty to keep her safe!”

Bai Chuan was already in tears, the sheer volume of emotions had overwhelmed her. She could only bow to Ge Ying Xing as deeply as she could, in order to show how grateful she was for what he had done.


Seeing Ge Ying Xing’s forces slowly leaving, ZiChuan Xiu asked Stirling: “Where are we going now?”

“Central Park, to see Di Lin,” Stirling answered, but his gloomy expression spoke volumes.

Along the road, numerous parties of soldiers roamed the street, fully armed, and all carrying the banner of the Central Army. The riders from the Civil Police could be seen everywhere, putting up posters: “The High Command has declared martial law! A curfew is now in effect until further notice. All citizens must remain indoors after eight o’clock. Any violators will be punished by death!”

Onlookers scattered left and right; the Capital was on the brink of war…

They looked at each other; their hearts felt incredibly heavy, being fully aware tonight was the night Yang Ming Hua would make a move. ZiChuan Xiu was even more worried for Ge Ying Xing, hoping he would leave the City swiftly and safely.

A moment later, they arrived at the Central Park. Di Lin had been waiting for them, seemingly losing his patience.

Sensing Stirling’s anger from miles away, Di Lin stole the initiative and spoke first: "Hey? What is with the attitude?"

"Di Lin, you were out of line! You killed an innocent young officer!"

“If you were in my position, what would you have done?”

Both Stirling and ZiChuan Xiu froze; they had no answers.

“My only way out at the time was to kill that noisy Banner Master, or Yang Ming Hua would instantly suspect me, and all our efforts would have been for naught.”

“We were standing right there in the middle of it, between you and Bai Chuan. Why didn’t you kill us as well? That way you could have further proven your loyalty to Yang Ming Hua!” Stirling taunted him.

Di Lin sighed: “So is a young Banner Master's life more important than ours, more important than the future of House ZiChuan? For my safety and for everyone else's safety… He simply had to die!”

Stirling refuted sarcastically: “That is purely conjecture on your part. In the name of your own personal gain… you could kill just about anyone, even the ones loyal to the Family!”

Di Lin replied without hesitation: “As long as my life is at stake, I would kill the whole world!”

Neither of them could bear to look each other in the eye, both turning away in anger: “Tch!”

Even ZiChuan Xiu was at a loss, unsure which one to side with. His rational mind told him that Di Lin did what he had to, but all his emotions were telling him otherwise; it was simply hard to accept the nonchalant way Di Lin acted after killing an innocent officer in cold blood.

He could only try to downplay the situation: “Enough, this is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. Stirling, there is nothing you can say right now to bring him back. But if you insist, we can bring flowers to his grave and honor his sacrifice every year.”

ZiChuan Xiu then turned to Di Lin: “It is entirely your fault. Yang Ming Hua told you to teach De Ke a lesson. You could have stabbed his legs or even his butt you know, why the hell do you have to stab him in the chest?!”

Stirling and Di Lin began to laugh uncontrollably.

Di Lin sighed in defeat: “I could kill the whole world… except you two.” For someone as arrogant as Di Lin, that was his way of saying sorry. In fact, the three of them had often fought over matters in the past, it had always been Stirling who won the argument while the other two surrendered, because Stirling was always standing on the side of justice and truth.

Stirling sighed. Deep inside he knew, if he had been in his shoes, he probably would have done the same.

Knowing the pain and difficulties Di Lin had to face as an undercover agent, he relented: “So what is the situation?”

Di Lin immediately responded: “I brought fifty thousand soldiers from the Far Eastern Army with me. They will only answer to me. If I tell them to kill, even if it was the god himself, they would not hesitate. They are currently stationed outside the walls!”

“Is your army allowed inside?”

“Nope! Lei Xun’s Central Army is in charge of City's defence. He won’t let us in without a valid reason. In fact, Yang Ming Hua has already ordered me to chase after Ge Ying Xing and his guards! So technically, I should be on my way to the Far East right now."

Stirling seemed disappointed: “If they can’t get in… then they are of no use to us. Or can they force their way in?”

Di Lin lost his patience: “You want to try fight your way into a heavily fortified Capital City with only fifty thousand men?! The Central Army alone is hundred seventy thousand strong!”

“Wrong, they can be of use to us!” ZiChuan Xiu revealed a mysterious smile: “I have an idea, what do you think?”


“No wonder everyone says Xiu is the biggest pain in the ass!” Di Lin nodded satisfyingly: “As expected from the most cunning bastard of House ZiChuan!”

Stirling hesitated: “But this plan clashes with His Excellency, ZiChuan Shen Xing’s Lancer plan, and it is very risky; the chance of success isn’t very high either…”

“Fuck that! What is the point of holding onto a plan that won’t work? We are all going to die tonight. A shred of hope is better than none at all!”

“Fine.” Stirling had made up his mind: “Then let’s fuck them up!” Stirling rarely resorted to vulgarity, but today he would make an exception.

Di Lin continued “The moment the last light of the sun dims, when the Central Army locks down the city gates… That will be the moment of truth!”

Everyone instinctively turned towards the sun; the reddish glow of the sunset had engulfed the entire City in a shade of bloody crimson…

Stirling declared resolutely: “It is a good omen… The righteous shall prevail!”

Di Lin smiled coldly: “Whose blood, I wonder, will paint the street of Di Du in red tonight?”

ZiChuan Xiu murmured: “I don’t know whose blood it will be, but it won’t be mine. I’ve anaemia; I don’t have enough blood for them to paint the street with! Though I did hear Yang Ming Hua suffers from high blood pressure…”

Chapter end

Chapter 09 Part 01 - Prelude
Chapter 08 Part 08 – Night Raid
Chapter 08 Part 07 – Counter Attack
Chapter 08 Part 06 - Demons
Chapter 08 Part 05 - Stem the Tide
Chapter 08 Part 04 - Heaven's Fall
Chapter 08 Part 03 - Year's End
Chapter 08 Part 02 - Showdown
Chapter 08 Part 01 - Happiness
Chapter 07 Part 08 - Reunion
Chapter 07 Part 07 - Council of Elders
Chapter 07 Part 06 - Joint Council
Chapter 07 Part 05 - Justice
Chapter 07 Part 04 - Banquet
Chapter 07 Part 03 - Get Rich
Chapter 07 Part 02 - Xiu's Company fighting the Rebels
Chapter 07 Part 01 - Move Out
Chapter 06 Part 08 - Forest
Chapter 06 Part 07 - Farewell
Chapter 06 Part 06 - Far Eastern Memories
Chapter 06 Part 05 - Top Secret
Chapter 06 Part 04 - Number One Fighter
Chapter 06 Part 03 - I came, I saw, I retreated
Chapter 06 Part 02 - Army Reserve
Chapter 06 Part 01 - Tiger of ZiChuan
Chapter 05 Part 08 - How Xiu's Company Came to Be
Chapter 05 Part 07 - Victory of Warren
Chapter 05 Part 06 - Confession
Chapter 05 Part 05 - From the Red Lake to Fort Warren
Chapter 05 Part 04 - Side Story: Real Estate
Chapter 05 Part 03 - Small Rebellion
Chapter 05 Part 02 - Turmoil
Chapter 05 Part 01 - Peace
Chapter 04 Part 08 - Lamp Light
Chapter 04 Part 07 - The Great Purge
Chapter 04 Part 06 - Di Du's Bloodbath
Chapter 04 Part 05 - Di Lin Invades
Chapter 04 part 04 - Seize Power
Chapter 04 Part 03 - Assassination
Chapter 04 Part 02 - Before the Bloodshed
Chapter 04 Part 01 - Bloody
Chapter 03 Part 08 - Love
Chapter 03 Part 07 - Storm is Coming
Chapter 03 Part 06 - Love and War
Chapter 03 Part 05 - General Pervert
Chapter 03 Part 04 - ZiChuan Shen Xing
Chapter 03 Part 03 - The New Deputy Division Chief
Chapter 03 Part 02 - Falling In Love is the Worst
Chapter 03 Part 01 - Conversation
Chapter 02 Part 08 - Despicable Bastard
Chapter 02 Part 07 - Duel
Chapter 02 Part 06 - Conference
Chapter 02 Part 05 - High Command
Chapter 02 Part 04 - Deep Feeling
Chapter 02 Part 03 - Personal Affairs
Chapter 02 Part 02 - ZiChuan Ning
Chapter 02 Part 01 - Return to the Capital
Chapter 01 Part 08 - Xiu's Company
Chapter 01 Part 07 - The Past
Chapter 01 Part 06 - Promotion
Chapter 01 Part 05 - Heroic Return
Chapter 01 Part 04 - True Self
Chapter 01 Part 03 - Great Find
Chapter 01 Part 02 - The Truth Behind History
Chapter 01 Part 01 - Victory
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