Pathway 9 Titan Lord Primus I

Pathway 9 Titan Lord Primus I

The Ankhora continent had never seen an atrament attack before. The attack by the lunar mountain, was the first time they witnessed it. Though, they had heard of atrament before, an energy that existed in the void.

They knew that, the void was the place from where their universe came into existence. And that, there were many unknown entities and energies in the void. They knew all these but never witnessed one before.

If left unchecked, the fear of such an attack happening again would affect the minds of the villagers. They wouldn't be able to carry on their daily lives as usual. The titan lord had decided to remove the memory of the daemon attacks from their minds. Only the nascent souls, were with the memory of the event.

Primus had used his mindvoice to transmit his words to them. His words were for the villagers to continue with their celebration. He had already notified the other titan on Terra, titan Urdith, a blue lake, many kilometers wide. He had also informed the three monarchs as well as the 'conclave', a gathering of entities in the heavenly plain.

The festivity had continued through the following two days after the demons encounter. The atmosphere was bubbly, very lively. Food and milk continued to be shared in a joyful manner. The delegates that returned from the lunar plain joined their respective villages in the celebrations. The villages had continued their celebrations without raising the issue of the demons attack.

A week later, Gaius was planning a visit to the titan lunar mountain, but before that, he decided to check on the Amynthas. He was aware that the daemons were after the Amynthas, but didn't know the reasons.

He was hoping he could learn more about what was happening from lord Primus. He sent out his divine sense and quickly came across a familiar divine sense. He sent out his words through the divine sense connection.

"Lady Reena?."

"Greetings lord Gaius. I meet you well."

"I meet you well too, lady Reena. I'm just on my way to find lord Primus. Do you mind if I stop by?"

"Not at all. You know you are always welcome in our place. I will meet you at the entrance."

"Alright then, I will see you soon."

Few minutes later, Reena was flying in the air to welcome Gaius. After landing on the ground, Gaius turned to Reena.

"The defensive arrays in this place always impress me. It would have been impossible for me to enter without you. You wouldn't even know that you already turned back. For it to always affect me thus, it's truly impressive."

"So I was told."

Reena smiled gently before continuing.

"Indeed, the one you are talking about is the divine oriental array. It's an ancestral treasure. We are just lucky to have them. Besides, they can't compare to yours, lord Gaius."

"You flatter me, lady Reena."

They entered the cave abode. The rest of the family were already waiting for them in the living chamber. They were already informed by Reena, that lord Gaius would be coming, hence they had prepared.

"My greetings master Aodh, mistress Euanthe and young master Jufeng."

"Greetings lord Gaius. We meet you well."

"I meet you well too."

He noddingly regarded them.

Aodh quickly gesturing towards a chair.

"Please have a seat and accept a little refreshment from us, we insist on this."

"Alright, please don't mind the trouble then."

After being offered the refreshments. Gaius took one bite at the millet cake and looked extremely surprised.

"Delicious, how can I even remember who I am after eating all these, when I already forgot my own name?"

They all laughed at lord Gaius' funny words. Reena waited for a moment to pass, before turning her attention towards lord Gaius.

"You said you were going to find the titan lord."

She paused to make eye contact with him, before she continued.

"I still couldn't believe that we have been living very close to a titan, a titan lord! Legends of old. Do you even know some of them existed during the great wars too?"

"Yes, lady Reena. And he's a Terra elementalist. So much I could learn from him."

"We agreed we should follow you. If he will see us that is. We want to know more about the atrament and learn everything we could."

"Let's see what he thinks then."

After a little deliberation, they all left for the lunar mountain. Shortly after, they arrived at the base of the mountain. They were very cautious in their approach, afterall, this was the dominion of a titan lord. As they moved closer, a voiced boomed out from the mountain.

"I've been expecting you."

And the next moment, they were all standing at the top of the mountain. They quickly realized they were in a dominion. Looking around they saw a huge man sitting on a meditating mat, wearing a simple yellow robe. He looked like an ordinary villager. He had already concealed his aura and his halo light too.

"I knew you will come sooner rather than later."

Realizing it was the titan lord, Primus.

"Greetings, titan lord Primus."

They said in chorus as they raised their cupped hands.

Jufeng, who was caught in the moment, suddenly became aware of his situation. He quickly raised cupped his hand too and bowed.

"Greetings, titan lord Primus."

"My greetings too fellow immortals."

He replied with a quick assessment of them from a swift glance.

"I believe you have already figured out where you are. Yes, you are in my dominion. This mountain was my mortal self before my transformation and this plain was my dominion by right of existence. It could have been a domain but the lunar stones made it a dominion. Laws of creation."

"Please, do sit down."

He indicated the mats that were in a semi-circle in front of him.

"I was born a mountain from creation, with no awareness. No mind, no thoughts and surely, no soul. Simply, a mountain. But during the rapid expansion of the universe, there was so much cosmic energy that was released. This had great effect on some things, not many, but the few recieved the powering effects of the energy."

"Billions of years ago, with the passage of time, its effects on me started to show. I slowly started to gain awareness, started to reason. I started to ask myself questions. What was I? Where was I? And, why was I? Slowly, I began to understand. Gradually, I became a sentient being."

Stopping temporarily, he looked from one face to the other before continuing.

"After gaining awareness, I continued to absorb the energy. Billions of years later, I realized that I could transform into a mortal form. This was my immortal attainment. Titans have their own way to eternal life, it takes longer time and it's very difficult but we do have titan sovereigns, titans who have reached eternity."

"We don't cultivate like you do and we don't attune to elemental affinities like you either, we are already elementals. But we do meditate to gain soul enlightenment. The more the meditation, the more the awareness. The more the awareness, the more advancement towards eternity."

He rummaged through some information in his head as he furrowed his brows.

"Many years after the great war, a titan king entered the void looking for the pollonyx black star. A black core from the void. Why? We don't know up till now. But, one thing we do know is that, there are three kinds of ultimate cores in existence. The [trucent beryl stellar] from our universe , the [formless sapphire orb] from chaos and the [pollonyx black star] from the void. The titan king was looking for the pollonyx black star in the void. He knew there were dangers in the void and he was prepared."

He paused for a second as a distant memory came into fore.

"Unfortunately, he came across one entity he couldn't properly describe. He said it was of pure black energy, in different forms. They fought for a long time but he couldn't do much damage to it. He managed to escape with his soul's avatar leaving his immortal body behind in the void but his soul's avatar was gravely injured during escape. His soul's avatar disintegrated upon entering the universe back, but not until he put the information in the memory stone. The Nefrims guarding one of the primordial gates were the one that saw him and called for the celestials since they are in charge of parading the universe checking for irregularities."

There was a rift in the space beside titan lord Primus. It was indeed a spatial dimension. They watched as a small golden jar of dew of heaven, a soul relaxing and nourishing elixir and six golden cups flew out from it. Automatically, the elixir was poured into the cups and they were served. After taking a drink, he continued.

"When the celestials saw the information on the memory stone, they quickly informed the divines. The divines quickly identified it as another threat to this universe. They called it the shimmers antramental and the black energy as antrament. That was the energy that attacked you."

This was a lot of information to process. Jufeng was thinking very fast. He knew atrament was from the void and the antramental was trying to kill him and his mother. Why? He knew a titan went into the void and died on coming back. Did he even find the core? What were the cores for?

He had so many questions to ask, he didn't even know where to start. While delibrating on the questions.

"Titan lord Primus, do you know why they are after us?"

Asked Reena concernedly.

"Unfortunately, I don't know. But whatever the reason, it must be very important to them and that's dangerously alarming."

"But, can they still come back here?"

"Oh, they can but they won't. Now they must have known more powerful people are involved. I have informed the conclave in the heavenly realm, the three monarchs and Urdath, the other titan on the Yamachi continent. They would be destroyed before they even started. You have, not too much cause for concern."

Titan lord Primus sighed before glancing at Reena.

"Lady Reena. You need to realize what you are truly capable of. You should be a powerful demigod."

"Titan lord primus, pardon me for asking this, how can we fight them?"

Asked Aodh with a little bit reservation as he quipped in.

"Absolute power. Or powerful elemental lights. The more powerful the light, the more powerful the attack on them. With that, you simply need to be more powerful. If you are, you won't need to fear any of that in this universe. You live in the quadrant cave, don't you? Make use of what you have."

Primus replied smilingly.

They looked at him with faces full of bewilderment.

"Senior, you know about our home?"

Euanthe asked, with her eyes and jaws, widely opened.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do. I built the place. The initial owner is a friend of mine. But he has long ascended. How do you see the place?"

"It is a perfect place. Lord Primus."

"It's an amazing place, lord Primus."

"We have been wondering about the place, all this while."

"Hm. If I don't go into secluded meditation or not too busy with stone smithing, can I come by your place to say my greetings?"

"Yes lord Primus. We would be honored to welcome you to our home."

Aodh quickly answered.

"Please do come, titan lord Primus. As a matter of fact, we insist that you come."
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Euanthe quipped in expectantly.

"Alright then. I appreciate it."

"Thank you for saving us the other day, lord Primus."

"Yes, thank you lord primus, if not for you, we would have all died."

"No need to thank me, I was simply available at the right time. It's what I'm obligated to do anyways."

Jufeng had been keeping quiet about the questions bothering him. He had been looking for opprtunity to ask lord Primus the questions. When his family were through with their questions and were preparing to leave, he decided to ask.

"Titan lord Primus sir, I have a question sir, no, two questions sir."

He bowed bending forward.

"Oh, please go on."

"The cores, what are they for? And did the titan find the pollonyx black star?"

He asked in a respectful manner.

"Titan king."

Lord Primus gently corrected before he continued.

"Nevertheless, I will tell you. They are used for absolute crafting. Absolute items can be crafted from the three core-stones. I can craft from one too. Although, there are legendary craftsmen and smith that can use two, they are extremely rare. For the three cores? None in existence as far as I'm concerned. That's why there were not many of these cores in existence."

With a slight pause, he slowly turned his head sideways to observe his guests.

"As for the core the titan king went looking for, we are not quite sure. Though, he mentioned it in the information stored in the memory stone, we don't know if he only saw it, brought it with him or lost it. But, when he came through the primordial gates, there was no black star core with him. The Nefrims confirmed this. Would that be all, young master Jufeng? Very well then."

Said titan lord Primus before turning towards lord Gaius.

"Lord Gaius, I believe you are ready to share the pointers with me?"

"I believe it's the other way round, titan lord Primus. I'm here to learn from you, titan lord Primus."

The Amynthas took their leave and riding their sword lights, quickly arrived at their home. Every one went on their work.

Jufeng went to his room. He sat in lotus position, contemplating the information he had just acquired. The atrament. The cores. The titan king. The void. Only one thing he could make from all these. He needed to become stronger, very much stronger.

From today onward, he would train extremely hard. How could he protect himself if he was weak? He remembered his grandparents defending them when the demons attacked. How his mother sent the raging inferno destroying the demons. Lord Gaius with the Terra vortex. And the titan lord with so much power.

He must become powerful!

He stood up, removed his robe, folded it to one side in his room and headed towards the training area. He started practicing the trueworld bodyweight technique and the shifting heavens hand technique at the same time.

They were ordinary techniques but quite efficient. He was practicing nonstop. No Chi energy, just the bodyweight technique. When he was feeling tired, he sat in the lotus position and switched to the soul serenity technique. After some time, he would continue the training again.

In the evening, he practiced the astral primal cultivation technique.

His training was continuing in this pattern. Trueworld bodyweight and shifting hand techniques in the morning along with the soul serenity technique. Then, he would practice the astral primal technique in the evening. Twice, he had consumed the blue crystalline during this period.

Already, his dantian was extremely large. His meridians were also enlarged hugely and his Chi quantity was monstrously massive.

Still, he continued to cultivate nonstop.

Time was flying by as he continued to train, nonstop. It was already six months when he started on this particular road. His strength had increased substantially, but it was his dantia and Chi that had almost doubled.

It was at this time, that they recieved the visit from titan lord primus.

Chapter end

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