Past Life Returner Chapter 425

Past Life Returner Chapter 425

Published at 16th of June 2023 11:50:24 AM

Chapter 425
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Chapter 425


Joshua suddenly realized that he was aging. The aging process had not been noticeable since he regained his former appearance. The feeling he had was purely due to his heightened Sense, while the actual speed of aging affecting him was incredibly slow.

He wondered how much longer his lifespan would be. Five thousand years? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? The numbers that crossed his mind were so vast that it became meaningless to think about them.

However, it was different for his subordinates. The Awakened had been aging at a rate not much different from ordinary people since they returned from the Stage of Advent. Their lives were finite. There was a high possibility that they would die before reaching the age of one hundred.


Therefore, Joshua experienced a sense of sorrow upon witnessing his followers, with whom he had shared moments from Act Two, Stage One, distancing themselves from society. Although he was reborn in this land, his people were still confined to the lonely and distressing life they had on the stage.

At that time, a beautiful aristocratic woman approached Joshua while he sat on the throne. She was ghastly pale as if she was sick and had mysterious colors in her eyes that captivated people. She politely held the hem of her dress in both hands and bent her knees.

“Would you like to dance, my lord?”

A victory party was being held.

The party was bustling with attendees, but only Joshua and his followers were from the mainland. They had no interest in how the party was going.

The party was a typical Greenwood-style event, unlike those in the areas that the Awakened had occupied. No human tunes from the mainland could be heard, nor were any plates to be found. Instead, the melodious sounds of Greenwood’s musical instruments filled the air, while the attendees joyfully danced to the rhythm. Amidst the noble dancers, the woman of aristocratic status, who Joshua had previously rejected, was present.

Joshua got up from the throne and moved to where his followers were gathered.

“Are you guys bored?”

Ever since the Stage of Advent, his people had no attachment to the mainland. Unlike other Awakened who sought wealth and sought to claim territories, Joshua’s followers were not motivated by such desires. Their sole reason for being with him was their unwavering loyalty to him.

If they wanted land or wealth, then Joshua could have easily fulfilled their wishes. However, since they lacked such ambitions, he could only satisfy their primal instincts.

Joshua began gesturing with his eyes to indicate multiple locations within the hall for his followers. He first looked at the center of the hall, where the crowd was dancing, consisting of chosen vampire nobles and city dwellers, who had undergone the selection process.

Then, he glanced at the perimeter of the hall, where the captured knights and priests were bound and stripped of their clothing, regardless of gender. He then focused on the musicians, who were solely concentrating on their performance.

Lastly, Joshua shifted his gaze toward the men and women who were trembling in fear. These individuals were the ones Joshua had handpicked for his followers from the city, although it didn’t matter if his people wanted someone else other than this group of people.

“Go ahead and pick anyone you like.”

Joshua instructed his followers to choose anyone they desired from among the attendees. With a single clap, the musicians ceased playing. When Joshua returned to his throne and sat down, his subordinates started to walk around. A startled scream and a burst of tears could be heard from different parts of the hall.

Joshua then clapped his hands again, and the music resumed. Bitterness crossed his face when his last subordinate left. Over half of his people had died during the battle against Holy Knight Caldoran, and since capturing Caldoran’s city, more than half of the remaining had died in the ongoing fights.

There were fewer than fifty followers now, and the absence of his dead subordinates was painfully apparent to Joshua.

The party resumed as if nothing had happened, and an uninvited guest arrived. He wore a battle suit with two emblems. One was the logo of the World Awakened Association, and the other was the logo of a company or agency he worked for. It was evident from the iron tag around his neck that he was a mercenary and not an Awakened.

Nonetheless, Joshua felt a strange sensation upon confronting the man, unrelated to his identity. Despite not being Awakened, the man’s gait displayed remarkable strength, and his pupils were dilated, akin to a cat’s at midnight. The blood vessels in his eyes were prominent, but there was no visible hemorrhage on his sclera.

He introduced himself to Joshua while standing beneath his throne.

“Thank you for allowing me to enter. I am Marco from TTMC[1]. I am currently stationed twenty kilometers north of Mr. Osiris’s occupied territory, and…”

The mercenary had adapted well to the laws of outer space. However, standing before Osiris and trespassing into the vampire region that everyone avoided caused unease to surface in his eyes.

Joshua asked about the source of the mercenary’s extraordinary abilities despite not being an Awakened.

“It’s Spider Web,” the man replied.

Unable to withstand Joshua’s penetrating stare, the mercenary quickly lowered his head. Then, he handed one pill to Joshua even though there was no order. The mercenary’s group had previously mentioned how expensive the drug was to him, but that did not matter at the moment.

Afterward, the mercenary divulged the true reason he had taken the risk to enter the building.

“There is a message from the Association's leadership to you, Mr. Osiris.”

「 Dear Osiris,

This is Lee Tae-Han. Thanks to your defense of the Land of Whirlpool, the Association could concentrate on seizing the central region. We would like to express gratitude towards you for your efforts through this letter. In addition, I am writing this to tell you an important matter about Mana…」

Joshua’s eyes turned cold as he read the message.

Thanks to your defense?

He had no official responsibility, and even if there were, it wouldn’t have come from someone like Lee Tae-Han. The only one who could issue him a command was him.

Nonetheless, Lee Tae-Han was implying that Joshua should remain in the Land of Whirlpool through the letter. Although it was just one sentence, Lee Tae-Han definitely knew how Joshua would interpret the phrase.

But the reason he is still saying such a thing is…

Joshua knew that Lee Tae-Han was trying to enforce his own ideas. As the letter stated, the safety of the battlefields where Awakened was deployed was guaranteed since Joshua and his people had confronted the invading forces and Holy Knights from all over the continent.

Nonetheless, Joshua had defended the Land of Whirlpool by his own will as he wanted to contribute to his war.

He purposely refrained from requesting reinforcements even in the rapidly worsening situation where he lost his people day by day. It was only because he wanted to help him.

Lee Tae-Han…

Joshua thought to himself. Even without employing such obvious tactics, Lee Tae-Han would still get his authority over the central area. Joshua didn’t mind if he had to defend the Land of Whirlpool or expand into other regions for him, but this was…

You are in that position because of me, you arrogant fool.

Joshua crumpled the letter in his hand, and his handsome face remained contorted.

“My Lord… Is it because of the guest earlier? If you wish, I can go after him, then…perhaps teach him a lesson.”

The approaching noblewoman had noticed Joshua’s change in expression and offered him assistance.

Joshua was preoccupied with the situation that would happen from then. Whatever stupid Lee Tae-Han’s intention was, safeguarding the Land of Whirlpool and expanding into other regions was what he could do to support him. That was the only way the Awakened could quickly finish occupying the central area and advance to the outer regions.

The Greenwood Continent was immense, but it wasn’t the only continent of its size in outer space. There was still a long way to go, and that was why.

Being in a situation where he had no choice but to follow the arrogant idiot’s intentions made his rage surge up.

I can’t lose any more followers.

Therefore, the problem was finding a way to replenish the troops. There were limits to increasing the number of vampire nobles, and increasing their number did not only have advantages.

Moreover, turning townspeople into vampires also posed limits as a majority of them died from previous battles. The consequences of turning all the remaining townspeople into vampires were impossible because then, no one would be in charge of production as vampires couldn’t move during the day.

Joshua’s mind was consumed by dark thoughts.

Should I lift the restrictions?

He had prohibited hunting to prevent conflicts with other Awakened groups, but it happened often at night. It didn’t apply to him, but the circumstances were different for the nobles and ordinary people. Their thirst for blood was uncontrollable as they risked severe punishment by biting townspeople or hunting across the city. They usually targeted the lands vacant by the Awakened instead of the territories where the expeditionary forces and knights were gathered.

It was common for the Awakened to share the land they seized and leave for other battlefields. Therefore, it was an easy target for vampires.


Making the territories of other Awakened groups into their hunting grounds wasn’t something to decide impulsively.

Joshua couldn’t make up his mind because satisfying the vampires’ thirst in the battles against Lacryma's Order and capturing as many slaves as possible was better than turning other groups’ lands into their hunting grounds.

His mind was gradually leaning toward this idea. It was not only because of the Awakened or Lee Tae-Han. He just wanted to hasten the end of the war that he was fighting. Thus, if he could eliminate powerful enemies in the Lacryma’s corps in advance and find ways to expand his territory… Then, he wouldn’t have to worry about his subordinates’ hunting grounds.

Finally, Joshua decided to go on a secret mission. He was not going to bring any subordinates. Instead, he chose some insignificant aristocratic individuals whose death would mean nothing. Men and women with pale faces gathered in his bedroom at his call, then…


A fierce wind rushed in. Of course, there was only one person who could call him that way. Joshua immediately knelt down.

“Welcome, Master.”

The vampire nobles also knelt following Joshua. At that moment, he saw an old book appearing in front of him. He lowered his head and slightly brushed aside his long blonde hair. Then, he could clearly see the book.

It appeared similar to the [Book of Death Volume 2], which had turned him into a Vampire Lord.

- Seon-Hu: Raise the dead, and make them your slaves.

Joshua heard his voice through telepathy.

1. Not a typo, was TTMC in the raws ☜

Chapter 425


Joshua suddenly realized that he was aging. The aging process had not been noticeable since he regained his former appearance. The feeling he had was purely due to his heightened Sense, while the actual speed of aging affecting him was incredibly slow.

He wondered how much longer his lifespan would be. Five thousand years? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? The numbers that crossed his mind were so vast that it became meaningless to think about them.

However, it was different for his subordinates. The Awakened had been aging at a rate not much different from ordinary people since they returned from the Stage of Advent. Their lives were finite. There was a high possibility that they would die before reaching the age of one hundred.


Therefore, Joshua experienced a sense of sorrow upon witnessing his followers, with whom he had shared moments from Act Two, Stage One, distancing themselves from society. Although he was reborn in this land, his people were still confined to the lonely and distressing life they had on the stage.

At that time, a beautiful aristocratic woman approached Joshua while he sat on the throne. She was ghastly pale as if she was sick and had mysterious colors in her eyes that captivated people. She politely held the hem of her dress in both hands and bent her knees.

“Would you like to dance, my lord?”

A victory party was being held.

The party was bustling with attendees, but only Joshua and his followers were from the mainland. They had no interest in how the party was going.

The party was a typical Greenwood-style event, unlike those in the areas that the Awakened had occupied. No human tunes from the mainland could be heard, nor were any plates to be found. Instead, the melodious sounds of Greenwood’s musical instruments filled the air, while the attendees joyfully danced to the rhythm. Amidst the noble dancers, the woman of aristocratic status, who Joshua had previously rejected, was present.

Joshua got up from the throne and moved to where his followers were gathered.

“Are you guys bored?”

Ever since the Stage of Advent, his people had no attachment to the mainland. Unlike other Awakened who sought wealth and sought to claim territories, Joshua’s followers were not motivated by such desires. Their sole reason for being with him was their unwavering loyalty to him.

If they wanted land or wealth, then Joshua could have easily fulfilled their wishes. However, since they lacked such ambitions, he could only satisfy their primal instincts.

Joshua began gesturing with his eyes to indicate multiple locations within the hall for his followers. He first looked at the center of the hall, where the crowd was dancing, consisting of chosen vampire nobles and city dwellers, who had undergone the selection process.

Then, he glanced at the perimeter of the hall, where the captured knights and priests were bound and stripped of their clothing, regardless of gender. He then focused on the musicians, who were solely concentrating on their performance.

Lastly, Joshua shifted his gaze toward the men and women who were trembling in fear. These individuals were the ones Joshua had handpicked for his followers from the city, although it didn’t matter if his people wanted someone else other than this group of people.

“Go ahead and pick anyone you like.”

Joshua instructed his followers to choose anyone they desired from among the attendees. With a single clap, the musicians ceased playing. When Joshua returned to his throne and sat down, his subordinates started to walk around. A startled scream and a burst of tears could be heard from different parts of the hall.

Joshua then clapped his hands again, and the music resumed. Bitterness crossed his face when his last subordinate left. Over half of his people had died during the battle against Holy Knight Caldoran, and since capturing Caldoran’s city, more than half of the remaining had died in the ongoing fights.

There were fewer than fifty followers now, and the absence of his dead subordinates was painfully apparent to Joshua.

The party resumed as if nothing had happened, and an uninvited guest arrived. He wore a battle suit with two emblems. One was the logo of the World Awakened Association, and the other was the logo of a company or agency he worked for. It was evident from the iron tag around his neck that he was a mercenary and not an Awakened.

Nonetheless, Joshua felt a strange sensation upon confronting the man, unrelated to his identity. Despite not being Awakened, the man’s gait displayed remarkable strength, and his pupils were dilated, akin to a cat’s at midnight. The blood vessels in his eyes were prominent, but there was no visible hemorrhage on his sclera.

He introduced himself to Joshua while standing beneath his throne.

“Thank you for allowing me to enter. I am Marco from TTMC[1]. I am currently stationed twenty kilometers north of Mr. Osiris’s occupied territory, and…”

The mercenary had adapted well to the laws of outer space. However, standing before Osiris and trespassing into the vampire region that everyone avoided caused unease to surface in his eyes.

Joshua asked about the source of the mercenary’s extraordinary abilities despite not being an Awakened.

“It’s Spider Web,” the man replied.

Unable to withstand Joshua’s penetrating stare, the mercenary quickly lowered his head. Then, he handed one pill to Joshua even though there was no order. The mercenary’s group had previously mentioned how expensive the drug was to him, but that did not matter at the moment.

Afterward, the mercenary divulged the true reason he had taken the risk to enter the building.

“There is a message from the Association's leadership to you, Mr. Osiris.”

「 Dear Osiris,

This is Lee Tae-Han. Thanks to your defense of the Land of Whirlpool, the Association could concentrate on seizing the central region. We would like to express gratitude towards you for your efforts through this letter. In addition, I am writing this to tell you an important matter about Mana…」

Joshua’s eyes turned cold as he read the message.

Thanks to your defense?

He had no official responsibility, and even if there were, it wouldn’t have come from someone like Lee Tae-Han. The only one who could issue him a command was him.

Nonetheless, Lee Tae-Han was implying that Joshua should remain in the Land of Whirlpool through the letter. Although it was just one sentence, Lee Tae-Han definitely knew how Joshua would interpret the phrase.

But the reason he is still saying such a thing is…

Joshua knew that Lee Tae-Han was trying to enforce his own ideas. As the letter stated, the safety of the battlefields where Awakened was deployed was guaranteed since Joshua and his people had confronted the invading forces and Holy Knights from all over the continent.

Nonetheless, Joshua had defended the Land of Whirlpool by his own will as he wanted to contribute to his war.

He purposely refrained from requesting reinforcements even in the rapidly worsening situation where he lost his people day by day. It was only because he wanted to help him.

Lee Tae-Han…

Joshua thought to himself. Even without employing such obvious tactics, Lee Tae-Han would still get his authority over the central area. Joshua didn’t mind if he had to defend the Land of Whirlpool or expand into other regions for him, but this was…

You are in that position because of me, you arrogant fool.

Joshua crumpled the letter in his hand, and his handsome face remained contorted.

“My Lord… Is it because of the guest earlier? If you wish, I can go after him, then…perhaps teach him a lesson.”

The approaching noblewoman had noticed Joshua’s change in expression and offered him assistance.

Joshua was preoccupied with the situation that would happen from then. Whatever stupid Lee Tae-Han’s intention was, safeguarding the Land of Whirlpool and expanding into other regions was what he could do to support him. That was the only way the Awakened could quickly finish occupying the central area and advance to the outer regions.

The Greenwood Continent was immense, but it wasn’t the only continent of its size in outer space. There was still a long way to go, and that was why.

Being in a situation where he had no choice but to follow the arrogant idiot’s intentions made his rage surge up.

I can’t lose any more followers.

Therefore, the problem was finding a way to replenish the troops. There were limits to increasing the number of vampire nobles, and increasing their number did not only have advantages.

Moreover, turning townspeople into vampires also posed limits as a majority of them died from previous battles. The consequences of turning all the remaining townspeople into vampires were impossible because then, no one would be in charge of production as vampires couldn’t move during the day.

Joshua’s mind was consumed by dark thoughts.

Should I lift the restrictions?

He had prohibited hunting to prevent conflicts with other Awakened groups, but it happened often at night. It didn’t apply to him, but the circumstances were different for the nobles and ordinary people. Their thirst for blood was uncontrollable as they risked severe punishment by biting townspeople or hunting across the city. They usually targeted the lands vacant by the Awakened instead of the territories where the expeditionary forces and knights were gathered.

It was common for the Awakened to share the land they seized and leave for other battlefields. Therefore, it was an easy target for vampires.


Making the territories of other Awakened groups into their hunting grounds wasn’t something to decide impulsively.

Joshua couldn’t make up his mind because satisfying the vampires’ thirst in the battles against Lacryma's Order and capturing as many slaves as possible was better than turning other groups’ lands into their hunting grounds.

His mind was gradually leaning toward this idea. It was not only because of the Awakened or Lee Tae-Han. He just wanted to hasten the end of the war that he was fighting. Thus, if he could eliminate powerful enemies in the Lacryma’s corps in advance and find ways to expand his territory… Then, he wouldn’t have to worry about his subordinates’ hunting grounds.

Finally, Joshua decided to go on a secret mission. He was not going to bring any subordinates. Instead, he chose some insignificant aristocratic individuals whose death would mean nothing. Men and women with pale faces gathered in his bedroom at his call, then…


A fierce wind rushed in. Of course, there was only one person who could call him that way. Joshua immediately knelt down.

“Welcome, Master.”

The vampire nobles also knelt following Joshua. At that moment, he saw an old book appearing in front of him. He lowered his head and slightly brushed aside his long blonde hair. Then, he could clearly see the book.

It appeared similar to the [Book of Death Volume 2], which had turned him into a Vampire Lord.

- Seon-Hu: Raise the dead, and make them your slaves.

Joshua heard his voice through telepathy.

1. Not a typo, was TTMC in the raws ☜

Chapter end

Chapter 526.6
Chapter 526.5
Chapter 526.4
Chapter 526.3
Chapter 526.2
Chapter 526.1
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
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Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
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Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
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Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
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Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
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Chapter 411
Chapter 410
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Chapter 408
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Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
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Chapter 385
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Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363.2
Chapter 363.1
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
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Chapter 313
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Chapter 309
Chapter 308
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Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
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Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
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Chapter 265
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Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 248
Chapter 227
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Chapter 222
Chapter 221
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Chapter 219
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Chapter 217
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Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
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Chapter 210
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Chapter 208
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Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
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Chapter 200
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Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
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Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
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Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
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Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
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Chapter 133
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Chapter 130
Chapter 129
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Chapter 124
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Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
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Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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