My Sister Picked up the Male Lead Chapter 22

My Sister Picked up the Male Lead Chapter 22

Legend: [ ] – quotes from a book or magic names hehe.

… If you show me that kind of face, how could I say no?

Before I noticed, this little boy has become so close to me. In terms of our current distance and our relationship. Instead of looking into his clear eyes, I nodded stupidly and soon realised one thing.

Wait. My sister now knows that this little Knox, and the Knox at night are one and the same. If we are to sleep together at night, don't we have to do it quietly to avoid her attention? Only that way, we could not get caught.

But when I thought of Knox and I sleeping together, I nervously swallowed.

… When he looks like that?

3. A Suspicious Shadow

Time flew by, whether I like it or not. Sometimes it surprised me. It felt like the vacations I had in my previous life. When I was in college we would have vacations right after midterms and before finals.

It has been 3 months since Knox came. If you asked me what happened during these 3 months, nothing much. It has wonderfully been tranquil.

The only problem was my sister. It would have been nice if she could get used to seeing Knox at night, but every night she still gets surprised…

Well, compared to the first time she seemed to have readily accepted it now.

Ah, come to think of it, there was one more problem. The fact that his cycle was now over. Knox's curse manifests itself every 15 days. This meant for 15 days a month, he retains his original appearance.

Soon after his cycle ended, my sister found out that he could maintain his Grand Duke appearance during the day.

“I don't know why this is happening. Why is he in the day…”

When she saw Knox's Grand Duke form in the morning, she became very flustered.

“So, that's the sun.”

“Knox… Have you never seen the sun before?”

“It's not that I haven't. It feels like I've seen it before I lost my memories. But after I lost them… this is the first time seeing it.”


“I've seen it in my dreams.”

I will never forget the expression he had on his face when he looked at the sun.

But he soon got used to living in the day, calmly and collectedly. He acted no different from when he was at night.

“Uhm… I'm going to do the laundry?”


“My waist, please…”1

… He was still chasing after me during the day.

Then, for the next 15 days he helped me with the chores in the appearance that I used to only see at night.

After 3 months my sister and I have gotten used to his transformations. My sister just seemed to think that he was a strange person but…

No. Being slow to the upkeep seemed to exactly match my sister's personality.

“Among the hundreds and thousands of people to exist, don't you think something like this is possible?”

She might have sounded cheerful when she said that but I knew better. She's acting cheerful to hide the things she didn't want to tell me. My sister was that kind of person. Of course, that doesn't mean she was indifferent.

“Amy. Amy! Look at this. Huh? I said look!”

She looked worried whenever she picked up herbs and asked me if it would work on Knox. I'm sorry but… it wouldn't work on the curse inflicted on him, Diana.

Of course, whenever she asked, I would just reply with a “Maybe?”. His curse has been manifesting on time this past 3 months.

Raising my head, I looked at the sunny sky.

‘The weather is nice today.'

As I was hanging the laundry, there was a boy next to me who was reading a book whilst squatting down.

‘I told him to read in the house but he didn't listen.'

The paper itself was white so it would be hard to read*. But he still didn't listen to me even when I told him to go back in the house.

T/N: It's a sunny day so it'll be hard to read on white paper. I think that's what she's trying to say.

… If I hadn't been mistaken, compared to before it looks like he's been enthusiastically chasing after me much more.

“Knox, shall we go back inside?”


Knox closed the book and placed it to his side as he rushed to follow after me. I went ahead carrying the empty laundry backet.

“… Go inside.”


The child took the laundry basket from me but it was too big for his small body to carry. Looking at him frowning, I burst out into laughter.

“It's heavy. Give it to me.”

“I can lift it…”

“No, you can't. If Knox falls down, it'll hurt me more. So, please help me prepare lunch for me instead.”

… He nodded his head.

The difference now is that this boy who was biting his lip and mumbling to himself was now being more open with his expressions and behaviour.

“… Amy.”

My sister was the first to notice this change. No. She liked this change very much*.

*T/N: If I directly TLed that line, it would've gone like “she liked it very much.” Which made little sense to me? Like is the ‘it' she's referring to Knox, his change or the fact that she was the first one to like the change? AHHH idk1

“Oh my word. Isn't our Knox the cutest kid in the entire world?”

“… To say the ‘entire world', that's called being too proud*, Diana.”

*T/N: She's saying an abbrieviation/idiom of sorts to describe how a parent brags about their child or wife lel.

My sister has been raging over how her cute little creature had gotten cuter and was growing up. Knox looked a little dissatisfied but didn't blatantly hit her like before. My sister might have been happy about it but…

“Amy, is this how I should do it?”


It was time to eat lunch. I grabbed the pot that contained our lunch and Knox followed after me. Knox looked up at me before grabbing the hems of my dress.

“What's wrong?”

“… Did I do a good job?”

“Huh? Yeah, yeah. You did well.”

Knox blinked innocently.

“… Then, can you pat my head?”1

It looks like this boy yet again barged into my heart and took control of it. You really… don't give any warnings do you?

Slowly, I lifted my hand to gently pat his head. He doesn't even take care of it so how is his hair so soft? I still felt as if I was raising a puppy.1

Although he still acted hesitant, it was Knox who wanted to change and become a different person from 3 months ago.

Poking the little boy's cheeks, I thought of the Knox in the moonlit night. Unlike this Knox who always swallowed his words, the Knox at night was straightforward.

“… I want to do it, Amy.”3

“I gave it to you, didn't I?”

His tone always seemed to deepen. He always asserted what he wants. I flinched as I was reminded of his passing silhouette. Unknowingly, I removed my hand from his head, and smiled at him awkwardly.

“T-the food's ready. Shall we have lunch now?”

Today's menu for lunch was a simple stew with a salad of assorted wild vegetables. Now that I think about it, since Knox was still growing, he shouldn't be eating food so low in nutrients. But then again, I realised that he was already a grown man.

‘When will Diana come back?'

I pointed at the living room while looking at Knox.

“Knox, why don't you go ahead. I'll clean up. Then we'll study.”


Seeing him run, I smiled warmly before quickly putting away the dishes. After doing the dishes, I sat next to Knox who had been reading for a while now. I looked at the book he had. It was the book we found from the abandoned house.

So that's where it went.

After a long time of deciphering it, for a while I forgot about it. But seeing that it remained at the place where I last left it, no one seemed to have touched it.

If I wasn't doing the chores my sister told me to do, I would be sitting next to Knox. He who was not usually interested in reading.


“Hm? Oh, I'm reading it too.”

Looking at the book, I was reminded of how Knox remained in his Grand Duke form even after sunrise.

Come to think of it, how did the wound from back heal so fast? I wondered how such a strange thing occurred.

To be honest, after it happened I had carefully and curiously scoured the book. But the only thing I understood was that the pattern that formed at the back of my hand was a magic called [Matari]. I wished I had someone who could advise me on what's going on. But it's a shame that I didn't have anyone.

As I looked at the back of my hand, I turned to Knox who was deep in the book. While focusing on teaching Knox, the sun sank lower and lower. My sister should be here soon. Just when I thought she was going to be late, the door opened and my exhausted sister returned.

“Urgh, this is killing me.”

“Welcome back. You're a little late today, aren't you?”

I ran towards her and took her sword. I frowned slightly at the black blood on her sword.

This is the blood of monsters, right?

According to their classes, monsters have bloods of different colours. Monsters with black blood were large in numbers and are very dangerous for my sister.

“Diana, did you meet a monster today? I thought you just went to collect herbs?”

“Yeah, you're right… It just happened.”

My sister, quickly searched for water, before wiping off her sweat with the back of her hand. She looked serious.

“Amy. I think the ecological system of the monsters in this forest have changed. It's strange. There's no reason for such a big change…”

Although the nature of such wild animals do not change so easily, but if there had been a big change in the forest, it is possible.

These changes can include forest fires caused by lightning, or heavy snow. But judging by my sister's words, there seemed to be another reason behind all this.

“I knew it. Look at this.”

My sister who had been walking, raised her hand. Her armoured hand gestured towards the map of the Night Forest hanging on the other side of the living room. Half of the original map had been covered in black ink. But over these 8 years, we have completed it.

“I met the Bell monsters here, you know? They're creatures that can't be found there.”

“What do you think happened?”

“Well, I don't really know. But… I think there could be a different reason behind all this.”

My sister's fingers twitched.

“Look. The East of the forest is still alright, so the change is probably coming from the west? I think that there is something there that is causing this change.”

“Do you have any idea what it could be?”

“Hmm. Uh, actually, when I went to the village to buy things, I heard that they might be carrying out a monster hunting expedition.”

With her chin jutted out, my sister turned her head.

“But for people of near Imperial status, there would be no reason for them to carry out such exterminations. This is strange.”

The Empire, usually didn't care much for the Night Forest which was situated at the edge of their borders. Many suspicious individuals also gathered here.

That was how my sister, who was a fugitive, and I could live here. This was a place where we could avoid people's gaze. But the moment I heard that the Imperial Family was involved, I froze.

“I see.”

Trying not to show what I was thinking on my face, I quickly replied to my sister as naturally as possible.

“This is strange.”

I said before I imitated my sister and nodded my head too.

“But I can't be sure just yet. It could just be because of a fire in the west.”

“… Yeah.”

Afterward, maybe because she was exhausted from all the running around, my sister fell into a deep sleep. Actually, the issue that my sister brought up earlier was in fact true and currently occurring. But instead of correcting her, I agreed that it could've just been a fire in the west.

After leaving the room, I leant against the door and let out a huge sigh.

“What's going on?”

I raised my head and saw Knox. He had transformed into his Grand Duke form with the setting of the sun. He tilted his head.

“It's nothing. It looks like my sister is very tired. I came outside just in case I was disturbing her.”

“I see.”

Knox outstretched his hand. Just as I was about to leave, he naturally grabbed my waist and stared down at me.

“Anyways, today's the day you're supposed to sleep with me.”

… He's right but the close distance between us was something I still couldn't get used to even after 3 months.

“Remember. Uh, I remember.”

My eyes shook as I smiled awkwardly. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. I stiffened my waist area subconsciously.

“You're always nervous.”

I just said whatever I could while avoiding his gaze and ignoring his deep voice.

“Knox! Isn't it really hard to hold me up like this?”

“I've never thought that you were heavy.”

“But how could a person not feel anything carrying something, you know? Are you acting like I'm not heavy right now?”

“… I'm not. I'm not really sure but I think I could stay like this for an entire day.”


“If you give me permission to do so.”

… I'm not going to so it'd be best if you could stop staring at me like that.

“I'm heavy. I said I'm heavy.”

“You're not. Stop saying that, Amy.”

“… I'm going to start eating stones from tomorrow onwards.”


“Then you'll think I'm heavy, right? Right? Let me go please.”

Knox looked seriously troubled.

“… Even if you eat a little more stones, I still won't think that you're heavy. You're light.”1

This is all a joke. You're joking with me, mister.

I just said anything I could out of embarrassment but Knox sincerely answered every one of my replies. You didn't have to be sincere about something like this.

When I saw him trying to get my permission at all costs even though I said no, I could only give up.

“The floor is cold.”

I don't think I should get used to it. As he continued hugging me, I had no idea what to do so I could only lower my head gently.

“Knox. Well… There's something my sister couldn't do today; do you think you can help? Will you follow me to the garden now?”

Fortunately, Knox gave a small nod before following me to the garden. When I got out of his embrace and reached the garden, I pointed at the axe at the base of the fence.

“Actually, we need more firewood but my sister's in a bad condition.”

The axe made for my sister was really heavy. The wood that my sister was chopping was actually smaller than what was normally considered firewood. After I hurt my hand after trying it out once, she didn't let me go near it ever again.

“I want to do it but I can't.”

“I'll do it.”

Even while he was in Grand Duke form during the day, he would help out with the chores. His work mainly involved carrying heavy things. My sister used to do it all the time, saying that it wasn't hard chopping firewood.

I thought that chopping firewood wouldn't look good on him but I changed my mind once I saw him holding the axe.

A half-naked man holding an axe, with sweat dripping down his body… It left my mouth wide open.2

“… Is this okay?”

“Huh… You're so good at it though?”

In fact, isn't it possible that he had a latent gene coding for the ability to farm? My sister might have said it wasn't difficult but it must have required some kind of know-how, right? What kind of male lead knows how to chop firewood?

While staring blankly at him, I gulped down. Under the moonlight, as I stared at his flexing muscles, my hands clenched.

… I can't believe that he's actually here. If I had just been able to watch from a distance, I would have commented on how it was nice he was to look at. But the problem was after he chopped the last piece of wood, he was coming over here.

“I've done everything you've asked me to.”

“Yes? Oh yeah… Y-you've worked hard.”

“… You praise the me during the day, don't you?”

“W-what? Are you talking about when I patted your head?”

“Pat my head.”


I could only blink as I saw him approach.

“Could you not hear me? I asked you to pat my head.”

He threw a surprising fastball. Until now, I was still flustered as he got close, so I clammed up and lowered my now sweaty face.

He tilted his head.

“Why are you embarrassed? … Have I said something I shouldn't have?”

“… It's not that. I was just flustered when you suddenly asked me to pat your head.”

If anything about the Knox at night had changed, it would be the fact the he was more sensitive to my feelings. Since he was characterised as someone who was cold and sharp like a beast preparing to hunt, when did he start considering others?

Not letting me go so easily, he lowered his gaze.

“… Then enough of the me in the day. Is there a reason why you can't pat my head now? Ah, if you have a problem patting my hair, you can pat somewhere else.”2

“No. I'll do it. I'll do it!”

I had no idea what he was about to say. I carefully placed my hand above his head. He was so tall that if he hadn't bent down, I would not have been able to reach it. According to my sister, I was generally bigger than girls the same age as me…

“Like this…?”

Day or night, his hair was really soft. This soft feeling makes me not want to take my hands off him, but once I met his gaze I removed my hands.

I was suddenly increasingly aware of my hands. I shouldn't be doing this.

But before I could bring my hands back to my chest, he snatched it and stared at me.

“Come to think of it, I've always been the one reaching out.”

His eyes remained on my hand.

His eyes slowly scanned my hand. When he met my eyes again, he lowered his head.

“Isn't it unfair to you if only I get touched?”

“… Huh?”

“Let me touch you.”4

Excuse me, you shouldn't be saying things like that. All I saw in front of my eyes was his chest that was heaving up and down from his breaths. No, no matter where I looked, I would somehow meet that man's gaze. I have nowhere to look at.

“You can just touch me wherever you want.”1

Well, mister, where do you think I can touch? In the end, I realised that I have to explain it to him at least once and closed my eyes.

“What you've just said can be easily misunderstood.”

“What kind of misunderstanding?”

“I mean, it has… more meaning to it when you say it outside here. Something like do you want to touch me and spend the night together or something…”

“What's the difference?”

He tilted his head and got closer to me. I could feel the sticky heat coming from his muscles that have yet to calm down.

Usually, at this point, I would've just let it go but why? Courageously, I raised my head only to be met with a gaze that felt different.

“I miss you all the time and I want to spend the night with you.”1

In the novel, my sister was the male lead's first love. I have taken my sister's place. So, what have I now become to Knox?

Whilst I refused to admit the truth, Knox grabbed me and forced me to face him. When I saw him looking do seriously at me, I wanted to reach out my arms and block his mouth. But my hands were still caught in his and I stopped resisting.

“Amy. Then what do you call what I feel about you?”


I couldn't bring myself to reply.


The night passed by quietly.

I didn't know what he was thinking but when he saw my pale face, he winced and let me go.

When he went back into the house, I went into my room. As usual, Knox went to wash up before coming back to hug me and fell asleep. It was an awkward night to sleep in.

The next day, I kept making simple mistakes because my sanity was being eaten up by my dazedness.



“That's sugar.”


To mess up salt and sugar or to wash the cleaning towels and mops as laundry. I kept making such mistakes until the afternoon. Young Knox strangely looked at me, but didn't comment on it.

But the problem began when my sister came back from the forest.

“Amy! Amy!”

“Diana? Why are you back so early?”

I was so surprised to see my sister back home earlier than usual. As I soon looked at what my sister was grabbing, my mouth turned agape.

“D-diana, what's that…?”

“A man. It's weird to say it out loud, but I picked him up in the forest.”+

My word. Why do you keep picking people up?

Chapter end

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