My Multiverse Trip 273 273. Blacksmithing.

My Multiverse Trip 273 273. Blacksmithing.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of some of my favorite breakfasts. Groggily crawling out of bed I make my way towards the kitchen and the delicious smells.

There at the stove is Katarea cooking while the other two fight off a loli dragon and green dog from eating all the bacon and pancakes.

Sitting at the table practically drooling look at the food is tang hao. His diet mostly consisted of rice congee and booze for the past three years so this is a step up.

"Good morning master." Chirp out the maids.

"Good morning." I reply sitting down and pulling some milk towards me. "So are you ready for your training today?" I ask the salivating man who quickly snaps back into focus.

"Yes. I need to get back into fighting form if I want to fight against soul hall." he replies with a light in his eyes.

"Well don't go rushing off and destroying them anytime soon I have plans for them and can't have you tearing everything apart." I reply making myself a plate of bacon and pancakes dousing them with syrup.

"What kind of plans?" he asks curiously.

"I don't know maybe rob them maybe bang the leaders daughter I haven't decided." I say continuing my meal.

he just looks at me before it clicks what I said and he breaks out into mad laughter. "Hahaha *Wheeze* Wouldn't that be fucking great I can see the look on that cunts face already ahahaha!" he give me a thumbs up. "I support your plan."

"Speaking about things like that can I ask who these people are and what exactly Is going on? I mean are you really my son?" he asks curiously.

ignoring the mumbled 'Master's meat puppet' from the three dazed looking maids I tell him about what's up.

"So technically you are my son." he nods confirming it not minding about the rest as he's a simple man.

"For all intents and purposes yes I have all the memories from my birth it's just my mind kind of shifted." I tell him stuffing pancake in my mouth and pinching a panting bellatrix.

After a delicious breakfast I summon out hephaestus and start laying out forging designs on the table. Most of them are hidden weapons from the tang clan however there are also hidden weapons from sasori of the sand and some other ninjas.

"I want to see if these weapons can be upgraded with different kinds of materials." I pass the blueprints around.

"Simple enough but where are we going to get these materials I recognize some of them and they cost a fortune." Hao says looking over some of the tang sect hidden weapons.

I wave my hand and neat bars and materials pop out onto the floor. "There's no problems with materials however, these items won't be released to the public as that would cause mass chaos. We might sell some to the seven tiled clan as they are basically useless in and fight and I'm always down to earn money. however having common people be able to slaughter whoever they want is a bad omen. so most of these have safety mechanisms so they can't be taken apart by normal means if they don't try to figure out a way to implement them." I say pointing out a few tricky areas.

They nod looking over them once more. "Now normally we would do this in the kingdom but since your foundation is shaky and my body is overloaded with power we are going to be doing it out here where the energy is low. For now I'm going to be mostly working on meditation and drawing up some seals for later." I tell them pulling out some ink and seal books as I want to go through them and maybe come up with something new I'll probably invite kushina and have her help me out since my ninja body is still in stasis getting a body workover.

They nod, hephaestus kissing my forehead before going off towards the forge area. The maid girls are putting on finishing touches to the house and Gir and Ophis are watching videos on her tablet.

Soon the rythmic clanging of metal on metal, the sounds of spongebob, and page flipping and scritching of a pen can be heard through the house.

soon lunch came and went and then it was time for everyone to have a break before the next new daily activity came.

Tang Haos new combat teacher. I pulled out some popcorn and the good chairs for this.

and just as I expected he was absolutely destroyed. it didn't matter if he used his spirit rings a weapon or no weapon. He got destroyed each time.

the yard was filled with cries of pain, loud thuds and my cackle of mad laughter it hurt the old man's pride even more when I lasted against her much longer than he could just to rub salt in the wound.

a depressed tang hao moping and drawing circles in the dirt was all that was left before dinner I swear I heard mumbled sobs about not being a man anymore.

Having his skills questioned in both smithing and combat where probably too much for the man. if only I brought out tsunade she could drink him under the table and hit him with the Ole wombo combo taking away all he could be proud of.

This is how a year passed with me working on getting my body stable and under control along with weapons testing, increased meditation which helped ease the chaos of my body and studying the smithing technics which were both growing in skill.

Kushina ,minato and surprisingly azazel helped me out with new seals which were currently being painted onto my back and arms by kushina. They were new and improved gravity and surpression seals used for training.

They were also painted onto hao as he was curious about them. From that point on I joined in on the training and blacksmithing. I made sure to upgrade the hot spring noble phantasm so that it could deliver herb baths needed to help body restoration and heal hidden wounds. I kept up my meditation as it helped with the cultivation of my spirits.

I didn't increase my cultivation I just made sure everything was nice and even. if I started sucking in more power I'm sure I'd ruin all my progress so it's good to take things slow.

Chapter end

462 Cinnabar part. 2
461 Cinnabar island.
460 Fixing stuff.
459 The perfect plan.
458 Bullying a bully
457 Training.
456 Winner.
455 Bikes?
454 Training tips and a change of direction?
453 Nugget bridge.
452 Dealing.
451 Boulder badge.
450 Brutal.
449 The queen has spoken
448 Adventure continues
447 A little training.
446 Viridian city.
445 Proper procedures.
444 As a god of chaos one must cause it.
443 It's not enough.
442 God of Destruction.
441 Majin Buu
440 Cell.
439 You gonna learn today.
438 Androids.
437 Hilarious.
436 100 episodes of filler?
435 Kidnapping?
434 So many wishes.
433 Training.
432 Super wish.
431 Wishes, wishes and more wishes.
430 Efficiency.
429 Personal trainer.
428 Saving a life.
427 Heavenly energy.
426 Tests.
425 Simple problem solving.
424 Bargain deals.
423 423. Abyss prison realm.
423 423. Abyss prison realm.
422 422. beast tide.
422 422. beast tide.
421 421. Changes.
421 421. Changes.
420 420. it's lit man.
420 420. it's lit man.
419 419. Alchemy association.
419 419. Alchemy association.
418 418. Ancient city and alchemy.
418 418. Ancient city and alchemy.
417 417. Stalkers?
417 417. Stalkers?
416 416. Trip.
416 416. Trip.
415 415. Godhood.
415 415. Godhood.
414 414. new housing.
414 414. new housing.
413 413. Invitation.
413 413. Invitation.
412 412. Get rich quick.
412 412. Get rich quick.
411 411. Training the noobs.
411 411. Training the noobs.
410 410. The end of the sacred family.
410 410. The end of the sacred family.
409 409. A small loan of 1 million coins.
409 409. A small loan of 1 million coins.
408 408. bad teacher.
408 408. bad teacher.
407 407. Preparation and Destination.
407 407. Preparation and Destination.
406 406. impatience.
406 406. impatience.
405 405. old school.
405 405. old school.
404 404. military upgrades.
404 404. military upgrades.
403 403. Operation.
403 403. Operation.
402 402. Karma.
402 402. Karma.
401 401. Efficient.
401 401. Efficient.
400 400. step it up.
400 400. step it up.
399 399. I see this is how it is.
398 398. Base camp upgrade.
398 398. Base camp upgrade.
397 397. Difficulty modifier.
397 397. Difficulty modifier.
396 396. Base of operations.
396 396. Base of operations.
395 395. Restocking.
395 395. Restocking.
394 394. Cmon man.
394 394. Cmon man.
393 393. Way out.
393 393. Way out.
392 392. Somethings wrong.
392 392. Somethings wrong.
391 391. What now.
391 391. What now.
390 390. Terrible idea.
390 390. Terrible idea.
389 389. The hive.
389 389. The hive.
388 388. Mansion.
388 388. Mansion.
387 387. Prep work.
387 387. Prep work.
386 386. Runners?
386 386. Runners?
385 385. The academy.
385 385. The academy.
384 384. Revenge.
384 384. Revenge.
383 383. upset the balance.
383 383. upset the balance.
382 382. Ancestor.
382 382. Ancestor.
381 381. Wanted man.
381 381. Wanted man.
380 380. oh well.
380 380. oh well.
379 379. Deals.
379 379. Deals.
378 378. war comes.
378 378. war comes.
377 377. experimental testing.
377 377. experimental testing.
376 376. trip.
376 376. trip.
375 375. plans.
375 375. plans.
374 374. A deal?
374 374. A deal?
373 373. totally discreet.
373 373. totally discreet.
372 372. A title for you.
372 372. A title for you.
371 371. Alchemist Association.
370 370. Flame on.
370 370. Flame on.
369 369. Stuff and things.
369 369. Stuff and things.
368 368. bad kitty.
368 368. bad kitty.
367 367. Thunder wolves.
367 367. Thunder wolves.
366 366. Never learn.
366 366. Never learn.
365 365. More customers.
365 365. More customers.
364 364. The Doctor.
364 364. The Doctor.
363 363.Mercenary town.
363 363.Mercenary town.
362 362. Bounty.
362 362. Bounty.
361 361. Scary.
361 361. Scary.
360 360. Dangerous items.
360 360. Dangerous items.
359 359. Auctions?
359 359. Auctions?
358 358. Market.
358 358. Market.
357 357. Alchemy master.
357 357. Alchemy master.
356 356. smart move.
356 356. smart move.
355 355. Broken hearted.
355 355. Broken hearted.
354 354. It happened.
354 354. It happened.
353 353. A joke.
353 353. A joke.
352 352. New guests.
352 352. New guests.
351 351. Bad.
350 350. A twist.
350 350. A twist.
349 349. Scientist?
349 349. Scientist?
348 348. Plans.
348 348. Plans.
347 347. stuff.
347 347. stuff.
346 346. My inner world.
346 346. My inner world.
345 345 we are back.
345 345 we are back.
344 344. Progress and Auth note.
344 344. Progress and Auth note.
343 343. Winner.
343 343. Winner.
342 342. Surprise.
342 342. Surprise.
341 341. make a move.
341 341. make a move.
340 340. your insane.
339 339. oh well.
339 339. oh well.
338 338. Captain.
338 338. Captain.
337 337. So what now.
337 337. So what now.
336 336. Old man.
336 336. Old man.
335 335. Deals.
335 335. Deals.
334 334. Doom.
334 334. Doom.
333 333. Chaos.
333 333. Chaos.
332 332. Boom.
332 332. Boom.
331 331. War...huh...yeah. what is it good for.
331 331. War...huh...yeah. what is it good for.
330 330. simple stuff.
330 330. simple stuff.
329 329. I see it as garbage.
329 329. I see it as garbage.
328 328. so we prepare.
328 328. so we prepare.
327 327. meow?
327 327. meow?
326 326.Growing up.
326 326.Growing up.
325 325. Yours is mine.
325 325. Yours is mine.
324 324. angry waifu.
324 324. angry waifu.
323 323. scary.
322 322. Cousin?
321 321. Brushing increases.
320 320. Side operation.
319 319. new education.
318 318. How bold.
317 317. Ah the best one.
316 316. Thickens.
315 315. It begins.
314 314. The plot.
313 313. Super training.
312 312. Haha you've fallen for it.
311 311. with our powers combined.
310 310. Loot.
309 309. Emperor battle team.
308 308. Arena.
307 307. spirit bones?
306 306 compete?
305 305. forest.
304 304. turtle boy.
303 303. come at me bro.
302 302. Young masters?
301 301. Trip.
300 300. was a great movie.
299 299. Shrek basic school days.
298 298. Beautiful outside Rotten inside.
297 297. More upgrades.
296 296. Shreks upgrades.
295 295. sponsoring the school.
294 294. The other little monsters.
293 293. Recovery Time.
292 292. bullies.
291 291. With a smile.
290 290. oh?
289 289. Shrek
288 288. Pinata
287 287. Time jump.
286 286. Next ring.
285 285. School days.
284 284. Free stuff?
283 283 spirit ring.
282 282. house guests.
281 281. plans
280 280. school.
279 279. elder sibling.
278 278. Theory.
277 277. Grandmaster?
276 276. Knock knock.
275 275. gottem
274 274. useless spirit?
273 273. Blacksmithing.
272 272. Ooof.
271 271. Smack.
270 270. Title stuff.
269 269. it happens.
268 268. Meh.
267 267. this is madness.
266 266. More business.
265 265. businesses.
264 264. daily life.
263 263. small word. Then stuff.
262 262. it happens boys.
261 261. Kingdom updates.
260 260. second wish and a third.
259 259. vampire body one day chap.
258 258. compete?
257 257. peace talks.
256 256. peace?
255 255. ooof.
254 254. You bring me free stuff?
253 253. House guest.
252 252. artificial sacred gears?
251 251. tests.
250 250. high school.
249 249. Wah?
248 248. my grill.
247 247. Rating game.
246 246. You dare?
245 245. Peerage training.
244 244. Little chat with the boys.
243 243. First member.
242 242. Cat girls.
241 241. Destruction magic.
240 240. Young master.
239 239. Games of chance
238 238. The other continent.
237 237. Free stoof
236 236. nasty weapon.
235 235. The frozen plains
234 234. Competition
233 233. Dragon god legacy.
232 232. Wasteland of death.
231 231. Frozen Cloud of asgard.
230 230. eh?
229 229. the school.
228 228. Daily stuff and junk
227 227. blue wind empire
226 226. pheonix.
225 225. The roots.
224 224. serious mode
223 223. I must be too strong.
222 222. ooh sucks.
221 221. on with the plot my friends.
220 220. the journey continues?
219 219. so it begins.
218 218. cultivation eh?
217 217. Chat with a tiny goddess.
216 216. Private housing.
215 215. they have come.
214 214. I'm weak because I have no cultivation?
213 213. new world.
212 212. Madara.
211 211. the summit.
210 210. My apartment?!
209 209. kill the spare.
208 208. free subordinates.
207 207 shippuden
206 206. free stoof.
205 205. plots and plans continue.
204 204. rescue or helpful kidnapping?
203 203. plans for the future.
202 202. sasuke-kun?
201 201. back to konoha
200 200. one punch!!!!!
199 199. on the road again.
198 198. invasion start.
197 197. Start of the competition.
196 196. are you not entertained?
195 195. preperations.
194 194. the forest pt 2.
193 193. the forest.
192 192. exams start.
191 191. chuunin exams coming up.
190 190. The bridge.
189 189. wave village.
188 188. Zabuza
187 187. To the land of waves
186 186. missions
185 185. Academy
184 184. crummy village
183 183. tenants
182 182. not how I expected my first day
181 181. system talk
180 180. demon.
179 179. stoof
178 178. upgrading the gear.
177 177. regular days
176 176. The city
175 175. the grind
174 174. dungeon pt 2
173 173. dungeon
172 172. proper gear.
171 171. home repair
170 170. I'm a newbie
169 169. ugh it happened
168 168. time moves on.
167 167. some time
166 166. training.
165 165. Starks
164 164. winterfell
163 163. meereen and valaryia
162 162. Qarth
161 161. back of the line.
160 160. Spartans what is your profession?
159 159. days at braavos
158 158. vampire point of view
157 157. daily life
156 156. you've failed this city
155 155. the princes of dorne
154 154. onto dorne
153 153. meeting olenna tyrell
152 152. Preperations
151 151. new partners
150 150 a banque
149 149. the melee
148 148. the tourney.
147 147. Kings Landing
146 146. small things explained
145 145. you thought wrong
144 144. a feast to end all feasts.
143 143. pack member
142 142. more days pass
141 141. Days go by.
140 140 the first targets.
139 139. surprises
138 138. the life of the hollow
137 137. explanations and planning
136 136. the cullens
135 135. life and a visit to the inlaws
134 134. after purgatory
133 133. phase 2
132 132 everlasting pain
131 131. experiments.
130 130. other girls updates and the day
129 129. another day
128 128. everybody love video games
127 127. my own medicine
126 126. complimentary title
125 125. days move forward
124 124. cats out of the bag now. no turning back.
123 123. damsel in distress
122 122. stranger danger
121 121. everyday I'm shufflin
120 120. the beastie boys
119 119. why would anyone want to go to a cold beach?
118 118. mind games can be played both ways.
117 117 woman are confusing
116 116. ah well
115 115. big bruise
114 114. liars and beatings
113 113. hospital trip
112 112. more chats and lack of awareness of your surroundings
111 111. chit cha
110 110. destroyed over and over
109 109. training day and first summon
108 108. just living life man
107 107 life goes on
106 106. I use old spice
105 105. I wish I was a cool kid
104 104. messy chapters
103 103. slow chapters are less stress for me
102 102. arrival and upgrades
101 101 my fans are screaming
100 100 big hundred
99 99. Strike like thunder
98 98. Graveyard
97 97. a maze ing
96 96 ah yes
95 95 swimming
94 94. Show me your moves
93 93. a calamity approaches
92 92. you haven't even seen my ultimate form
91 91. here be dragons
90 90. Don't touch me in famous
89 89. what now
88 88. the chosen
87 87. fruits of my labor
86 86. flaming juice cup.
85 85. other schools
84 84. imperio
83 83. mad eye crouch
82 82. feas
81 81. are you not entertained.
80 80. Choo Choo Cachoo
79 79. year 4 begins
78 78. The next day
77 77. I am become death destroyer of worlds.
76 76. goallllllll
75 75. let's play ball
74 74. this Monday Monday Monday at the Superdome
73 73. this isn't a title it's an arms race
72 72. this is also a title
71 71. This is a title
70 70. arrival
69 69. giggidy
68 68. feelings
67 67. tips and tricks
66 66. the slow boring chapter.
65 65. now double that fear and you have me.
64 64. Tell me what do you fear most.
63 63. The Rules.
62 62. what are ya buyin stranger?
61 61 the Wizarding world in a tizzy
60 60. free money
59 59. my precious.
58 58. set things in motion.
57 57 end of the year
56 56. Serious Series Sirius Black.
55 55. darkness is coming are you prepared?
54 54. second year is rather slow, plots.
53 53. training and the farm upgrade.
52 52. scary things are scary.
51 51. Plans
50 50. I am an Adult.
49 49. classes.
48 48. back to school.
47 47. summers end.
46 46. Gues
45 45. relaxing day
44 44. exciting summer start.
43 43. This right hand of mine.
42 42. ah life.
41 41. Ryan the best friend ever.
40 40. Snape the bully? Sparta!!!
39 39. Ole Nicky boy
38 38. The mirror
37 37. fun time and farm update
36 36. christmas
35 35. The search and gifts.
34 34. Conspiracy theories
33 33. cleaning up my stats
32 32. Quidditch
31 31. friendly updates and Harry's concerns
30 30. are you trolling me?
29 29. Halloween
28 28. relaxation
27 27. no show and a puppy
26 26. fight or flight responses
25 25. second day of school
24 24. first day of school part 3
23 23. first day of school part 2
22 22. first day of school.
21 21. where we left off
20 20.sorting
19 19. the ride and the arrival
18 18. Choo choo
17 17. diagon alley pt2
16 16. diagon alley
15 15. so it begins
14 14. childhood and mild time skips
13 13. a chat about my shadow system
12 12. a chat about my Anime system
11 11. a chat about my farm system
10 10. the life of a baby king
9 9. seer pressure
8 8. playdate
7 7.changes
6 6.the quiet life
5 5.baby king of shame
4 4.days go by
3 3.Birth
-2 List of stuff.
1 The end and the beginning.
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