My Boyfriend is A Dragon Chapter 1: Stepfather

My Boyfriend is A Dragon Chapter 1: Stepfather

Like a sharp knife, the cold wind slashed across pedestrians' faces, beckoning them to hasten their footsteps. In the midst of such bone-chilling weather, no one was willing to spare the slightest sympathy for those around them.

Suitcase in hand, Xu Lan collided head-first into a person rushing to work. The latter cursed while gently massaging his shoulder as he turned his body, ready to give a piece of his mind to Xu Lan who had just bumped into him.


Xu Lan - bent over while gathering documents strewn all across the floor - looked up after being shouted at. His face was blank.

"Watch your step! Next time we meet, I might not let you off the hook so easily!" Having caught sight of Xu Lan's trembling expression, the man said those words rather reluctantly, though the tone of his voice was certainly no less fierce.

Xu Lan stared at his phone. It laid there broken and shattered on the ground. He then looked at the silent silhouette of a person and smiled cynically. Nowadays, it did not matter whether he consulted the Yellow Calendar[2] before leaving home, his days were still exhausting. Moments ago, he had just been friend-zoned by his dream girl, after which the bureau chief had suspended him from his duties. Then, he received a call from his landlady[3] along the road and to make matters worse, he dropped his phone and broke it.

Along with red, dry, and heavy eyes, his despondent self had only one goal in mind — to reach home. Like all the days before, he once again resembled a puppet as he walked mechanically with a suitcase in his hand.

"Somebody! Help! Someone's drowning! Someone's drowning!" a voice shouted from the bridge up ahead, and in a short moment, the crowd made passing through the area almost impossible.

"It's a child! How did it fall in there?"

"No idea. I don't know how to swim."

People were talking amongst themselves, occasionally extending their heads over the bridge to look at the flailing child. Since the frozen surface of the ice was thin, the movements of the child shattered the ice, and the child began to sink. Soon, the child - now weak from constantly flailing - no longer had the strength to stay afloat.

As soon as Xu Lan reached the bridge and saw the situation, he immediately dropped his suitcase and removed his cotton-padded jacket. Without a second thought, he dove right into the icy river.

It did not matter that the ice-cold river water treated his body like a pincushion and pierced deep into his bones. Xu Lan thought nothing of it and merely clenched his teeth while swimming toward the child. During winter, the cold river water rapidly deprived the body of its warmth, causing limbs to stiffen and become numb. There was no way of knowing what condition the child was in, but one thing was for sure — the flailing sounds were nowhere to be heard.

With directions from the city people, Xu Lan was able to save the child and a huge crowd soon surrounded him. Many showered him with praise, while others made phone calls to local television stations. There was no doubt that this was big news.

Shivering from the cold, Xu Lan wore his cotton-padded jacket and hugged the child. He frantically asked, "Where's the one-twenty[4]? Is it not here yet?"

People looked at each other in dismay, then looked back at Xu Lan. The knife scar above Xu Lan's eyebrow appeared threatening, and the heat from his breath generated a thin layer of austerity in contrast to his cold and stiff expression which was slowly becoming somber. Underneath the jacket, Xu Lan's well-built figure and tan skin seemed dour.

"Move away!" The responses of the onlookers clearly struck Xu Lan's nerve. He hugged the child and barged out of the crowd, rushing toward the city's nearest hospital.

"Hey, that guy just now, was he a gang member or something?"

"I don't know, but he sure looked like it," the crowd was muttering amongst themselves.

Snow that fell for thousands of miles covered footprints left behind by pedestrians, erasing all traces of where they came from. No one remembered the child who fell into the water, much less the resolute man who saved that child.

Xu Lan sat on the corridor of the city hospital. The cold naturally got to him, and he shivered while chattering his teeth.

The door to the operation room creaked open. Xu Lan, stumbling, rushed in to stop the doctor.

"Doctor, how's the child?"

After squinting and casting a glance at Xu Lan, the young and handsome doctor impassively said, "At the moment, we've averted all immediate and life-threatening dangers. With that said, hospitalization is required as we will need to monitor the situation closely."

At that moment, Xu Lan breathed a sigh of relief and thought, "Thank God he's alright, thank God he's alright."

"In that case, can I go and see him now?"

"The patient is asleep." The young doctor seemed unwilling to continue dealing with Xu Lan as he pulled his mask off and handed it over to his assistant. The doctor promptly left, leaving a bewildered Xu Lan standing in the corridor.

The assistant followed suit, but turned back after walking halfway and pointed a finger at Xu Lan's face. Driven by emotion, the assistant had some strong words to say, "You. What kind of a father are you? Surely no parent, bad or good, will ever treat their child like how you did. Do you have any idea how close to death he was? If you were so much as late by two minutes, he would have been chatting with Yama[5]!"

"What? He isn't my-"

"What do you mean he isn't your child? Have you taken a DNA test yet? My God, the youngsters nowadays…"

A flurry of sidelong glances were cast immediately after Xu Lan was publicly denounced. Most of those looks were directed at Xu Lan. Murmurs began surfacing, all of them similarly denouncing him. They said that he was irresponsible and a deplorable parent, amongst other things.

"Fine then, go in and have a look at the child. Next time, please don't make light of a child's life!" said the assistant. He had seen how terrified Xu Lan was after being reprimanded. Coupled with the Xu Lan's embarrassment and unease, the assistant suddenly realized that his words were rather excessive so he let Xu Lan into the ward.

Feeling as though he had just received a decree of special pardon, he gladly entered the ward. At that time, he still remained fearful of a scenario where everyone would judge and find fault in him. There were a few occasions where he dreamt about it in his sleep, causing him to wake up dripping in sweat and distraught with anxiety.

During that frantic moment of rescuing the child, Xu Lan did not manage to take a closer look at the boy but he could now see that the kid was about three or four years old. Bruises and scars adorned the boy's pale face. It was evident that the kid was in pain as his eyebrows were tightly creased, and his frail unsettled hands were gripping tightly at the bedsheet.

"Hey, there little guy. Time to wake up." Xu Lan truly could not bear to see the child suffer so he woke the boy up. Perhaps, the sleeping child was having a nightmare.

The boy disconcertingly opened his eyes, took one look at Xu Lan and fainted out of sheer fear.

Xu Lan, who could not quite pick up on what had happened merely stood there at the edge of the bed. For a few moments, he was clueless as to what had happened. Xu Lan turned around to see the neighboring patient staring at him in horror as though he had just witnessed a homicide happen right before his eyes.

The patient nervously pressed the call button and the doctor soon rushed in with a bunch of medical interns. They stood in front of him in an overbearing manner.

"What's going on?"

"He… uh… fainted," said an embarrassed Xu Lan while scratching his head.

"Didn't I tell you that the patient was sleeping? Who let you in?" asked the doctor as he was checking on the boy. He did not look too happy.

"When I came in earlier, he looked like he was having a bad dream so I woke him up," Xu Lan hastily explained. Although he felt there was no real need to explain himself, there were too many people in the area who were looking at him with disdain.

"How did the patient collapse?"

Realistically speaking, if Xu Lan repeated the same thing again, it would only make matters worse for him. This was especially so since the crowd had already formed a negative impression of him. 

"Shh… little fella. Are you awake?"

The boy blankly opened his ruby-like eyes and darted them across the area. His gaze finally stopped on Xu Lan but seconds later, he turned toward the young doctor.

"Hello, mister."

"You're such a good boy. Are you feeling pain anywhere?" The boy shook his head.

Xu Lan had a lingering feeling that the boy's look was unbearably terrifying. When the boy looked at him, he felt as though the child was staring into the depths of his soul. It was not the kind of look a three or four-year-old would possess.

"Doctor, since the boy's awake, I'll get going. I need to find a job," said Xu Lan to the doctor, without looking at the boy.

"Excuse me? Which is more important, the child or your work? Are you thinking about making a run for it and just leaving your child here?" questioned the assistant who previously chastised Xu Lan in front of everyone.

"No, of course not! This child isn't mine. I saved him from the Sanhe[6] Bridge just this morning," Xu Lan briskly explained.

Xu Lan received a look of contempt from the young doctor, who said, "Whatever the case may be, you should first settle all the medical bills."

"What?! But doctor, I have no money. You should get in touch with the child's parents instead of extorting money from me. They are the ones who should be paying for his expenses!" As soon as Xu Lan was asked to foot the bill, he got angry. He was already behind on rent by three months, and in the morning his landlady had just informed him that he would have to pack his bags and leave if the rent was not settled!

Xu Lan's voice naturally had a powerful tone. If he raised it by even eight degrees, those who were ready to fight him would simply hiss and keep quiet.

"We saved the boy. Then, at the final moment when we kindly ask that you settle the expenses, you turn around and say the boy isn't yours and that you have no money? Do we look like a charity to you?" the doctor calmly remarked even as he was faced with Xu Lan. Though he was a young chief physician, he was experienced and had seen countless antics by hard-headed people.

"But I don't even..."

"Papa!" exclaimed the boy, with his misty eyes fixated on Xu Lan. As he heard the boy's crisp voice call out, Xu Lan's jaw almost fell to the ground. What was that trickery? When people spoke of being a 'stepfather[1]', were they referring to this?

"Young man, you must be responsible for what you say! I am not your father, and I have no money to pay for the medical bills!" Xu Lan could no longer bear the various weird looks - mostly of disdain - that were thrown at him. He simply shrugged it off, closed his eyes, and headed for the exit.

"Papa doesn't want me anymore?"

Xu Lan's hand swiftly reached for the door, but landed on it with a thump, shocking the doctor who had just came in to check on the patients.

"Sergeant Xu? Why are you here? Are you injured again today?" asked the squinty-eyed doctor. While composing himself, he checked the medical records which he held close to his chest.

"Ah, old friend, finally I found someone who can speak on my behalf. Please come with me and try to reason for me!" Xu Lan appeared to be holding on to the last blade of grass as he grabbed and led the squinty-eyed doctor into the ward, in hopes that the doctor could rectify things for him.

"Hehe… what's this all about? This is Sergeant Xu from the public security bureau. Don't let his buff looks fool you, he's a real expert when it comes to handling cases. Not to mention his honesty! Every time there's a case, he puts himself in the front line and suffers plenty of injuries. Just look!" The squinty-eyed doctor pulled Xu Lan over and pointed at the scar above the latter's eyebrow. "I personally stitched this wound for Sergeant Xu! At the time, his supraorbital ridge was broken, and seven stitches were needed. After only half a month, he was back at work again-"

"Papa!" came a soft voice, cutting off the doctor's train of thought and non-stop babbling.

"Sergeant Xu! Your son's a big boy now? My my, you never said anything about him," the squinty-eyed doctor teased, causing Xu Lan to fly into a fit of rage.

"I've already said, he's not my son!" Xu Lan trembled in anger. He looked at the group of doctors and noticed that their expressions changed again.

"Papa doesn't want me anymore, again?" said the child in a shy and whimpering tone.

"Sergeant Xu, I used to have a lot of respect for you, but don't you think it's a little un-classy to do this sort of thing?" asked the squinty-eyed doctor as he looked at the group of physicians. Immediately afterward, some of them went along with his statement and started criticizing Xu Lan.

"Alright, alright, alright! I'll pay the damn bills. But I want to leave the hospital now, and I mean right now!" Xu Lan simply could not ignore how the others looked at him. He forced himself to cough up the money to pay the medical bills, then took the kid and rushed out of the hospital. He did not want to stay at the hospital for a second longer!

'Child? A child?!' Xu Lan looked down and saw that the young boy's bright eyes were looking back at him. Thankfully, Xu Lan was from the public security bureau; the parents of such a cute kid must be terribly anxious.

He thought about how he was just suspended from duties by the bureau chief that morning, but fast forward to later in the day, he was rushing back to his workplace to settle another mess. He seemed unwilling to accept how the whole issue turned out and deep down, he truly did not welcome what was happening. He thought about it for a moment and decided, 'Perhaps it would be better to deal with it tomorrow and head home first?'

As that thought surfaced and he began heading home, Xu Lan abruptly slapped himself on the thigh.

'Bloody hell, how could I have forgotten?'

Translator's note:

[1] 喜当爹- translated as 'stepfather', although this does not quite encompass the meaning of the word, but is the closest translation without needing to explain the term in its entirety; this phrase actually has a very curious origin, based on etymology searches, two of which seem relevant to Xu Lan's scenario. The first is described as "a cynical term coined by the internet community to describe a situation where a man hooks up with a woman and becomes the father of her unborn child. The child is fathered by someone else obviously." The other is where "A guy with mediocre credentials and limited means won the girl of his heart, but realized later on it went so easy because she was pregnant with someone else's child and desperately needed someone to assume the paternal responsibilities." The gist of it is that a man now becomes a father, but is not the actual father of the child, and does not seem to be too happy about having the child (thus ruling out the use of the word 'adoptive' to describe the term).

[2] 黄历- translated as the 'Yellow Calendar'. This is said to be the origin of 通勝 (Tung Shing) which is a Chinese divination guide and almanac; it is a calendar based on the Chinese Lunar Year. It tells you what the most suitable activity is for any given day.

[3] While at this point of time the author did not specify the reason for the landlady's call, it is later revealed that he was two months behind his rent.

[4] 120 - the telephone number for medical services in China; Xu Lan here was asking why medical services had yet to arrive.

[5] 阎王- translated as Yama, who is also known as the King of Hell. With this tidbit of information, you may wonder why the child would be meeting with the King of Hell after dying: after all, children are innocent and hell should be the last place for them to go. Well, in Chinese mythology, Yama is not only the literal King of Hell, but he is also the one who passes judgment on those who are dead. The dead spirits - be it children or adults - will have to undergo judgment by Yama, after which they are supposed to either pass through a term of enjoyment in a region midway between earth and the heaven of gods or to undergo their measure of punishment in the netherworld. So rest assured, the doctor did not mean that the children would be sent to hell.

[6] 三河- translated to Sanhe, which means Three Rivers; this is likely the Sanhe Province in Beijing, China.

Chapter end

Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246 – Fiery–eyes Golden
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232 – House
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190 – oul
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182: Entering the Catacomb
Chapter 181: Finding the Cause
Chapter 180: Choosing Honor Over Life
Chapter 179: Disagreement
Chapter 178: Saving Xiao Ya
Chapter 177: Wu Ling Invokes Everyone's Anger
Chapter 176: Bai Wu Transforms
Chapter 175: Worms Surging in the Dark
Chapter 174: Cultivation of Gu Using Human
Chapter 173: Flare from the Cliff
Chapter 172: I Can't Leave
Chapter 171: The Old Lady's Name
Chapter 170: Spring Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms
Chapter 169: You're Not Allowed to Call Me 'Papa'
Chapter 168: I Love You
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165: Goddess From Heaven
Chapter 164: A Bad Excuse
Chapter 163: Made a Decision to Talk About It
Chapter 162: No Regrets
Chapter 161: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 160: A Token of Love
Chapter 159: The Mayor's Admonition
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154: As Close as Lovers
Chapter 153: Falling For His Own Son
Chapter 152: Bai Wu's Test
Chapter 151: Sheng Ya Likes Me
Chapter 150: Rebuking the Man with the Crew-Cut
Chapter 149: Separating Truth from Fiction
Chapter 148: A Curious Occurrence in the Room
Chapter 147: Xiu He's Cause of Death
Chapter 146: Niu Si's Complaint
Chapter 145
Chapter 144: The 80s Guesthouse
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141: New Participants
Chapter 140: Genuine Wounds
Chapter 139: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136: Shooting One Hundred People
Chapter 135: The Mission Presents Itself
Chapter 134: Bai Wu's Realization
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126: The Void Had Grown Larger
Chapter 125: Xiao Zhang's Perception
Chapter 124
Chapter 123: Commendation
Chapter 122: Hello, Zhao Ran
Chapter 121
Chapter 120: Xu Lan's Moment of Weakness
Chapter 119: Bai Wu Consoles
Chapter 118: Provoking Xiao Zhang
Chapter 117: Locked in A Toilet
Chapter 116: The Collapse from Thirteen Years Ago
Chapter 115: Xu Lan's Backstory (2)
Chapter 114: Xu Lan's Backstory
Chapter 113
Chapter 112: You Are Not My Papa
Chapter 111
Chapter 110: Lan Er's Misjudgment
Chapter 109: Xu Family's Call
Chapter 108: Daring Comics
Chapter 107: Bai Wu's Worries
Chapter 106: Bothered
Chapter 105: We Met when I was Taking Out the Trash
Chapter 104: Bai Wu Flirting with a Girl
Chapter 103
Chapter 102: Bai Wu's Anger
Chapter 101: Too Much Drink For Xu Lan
Chapter 100: The Interconnection Between Individual Cases (2)
Chapter 99: The Interconnection Between Individual Cases
Chapter 98: Bai Wu's All Grown Up (2)
Chapter 97: Bai Wu's All Grown Up
Chapter 96: Forced to Promise
Chapter 95: Bai Wu Ran Away From Home (2)
Chapter 94: Bai Wu Ran Away From Home
Chapter 93 – Xu Lan and His Low Self
Chapter 92: Buying New Clothes for Bai Wu (2)
Chapter 91
Chapter 90: Terrible Teammates (2)
Chapter 89: Terrible Teammates
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86: Helping the Task Force Out
Chapter 85
Chapter 84: Director General Chen Played Dirty
Chapter 83: Bai Wu's Struggle to Fit In
Chapter 82: Reinstatement
Chapter 81: A Phone Call from Director General Chen
Chapter 80: Sending Bai Wu To School
Chapter 79: The 928 Incident
Chapter 78: Sergeant Xu, Who's This?
Chapter 77: A Meaningful Goodbye
Chapter 76: Falling into the Black Hole
Chapter 75: Sending Bai Wu Off (2)
Chapter 74
Chapter 73: Consoling Bai Wu
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69: Arresting the Killer
Chapter 68: Eliminating Suspects
Chapter 67: The Cusp of Public Opinion
Chapter 66: The Murder of Wu Wendi
Chapter 65: Discussing the Importance of Coquettishness
Chapter 64: Choosing to Compromise
Chapter 63: Hu Cheng's Hardship
Chapter 62: The Path of Slow Coaxing (2)
Chapter 61: The Path of Slow Coaxing
Chapter 60: Tracked Down After Answering A Call
Chapter 59: The Mutating Void
Chapter 58: Kidnapping Xu Lan
Chapter 57: Li Xiu and His Scheme
Chapter 56: Bumping into Li Xiu
Chapter 55: Wendi In Action
Chapter 54: The Death of Qiu Ling
Chapter 53: Moments of Warmth
Chapter 52: The Secret
Chapter 51: Threats and Menaces
Chapter 50: Rescuing Li Xiu
Chapter 49: Complete Form
Chapter 48: Analyzing Case Details
Chapter 47: Instinctive Reaction
Chapter 46: Li Xiu Takes A Beating
Chapter 45: Visiting Li Xiu
Chapter 44: Li Kui Committed a Crime
Chapter 43: Volunteering
Chapter 42: A Forced Promise
Chapter 41: Handing Xiao Li Over
Chapter 40: Complimenting the Child
Chapter 39: Girlfriend
Chapter 38: A Car Accident
Chapter 37: A Dragon's Warning
Chapter 36: In Retrospect
Chapter 35: A New Discovery
Chapter 34: Did The Same Kind Appear?
Chapter 33: Kiss Me
Chapter 32: Send Me Home
Chapter 31: Watching Surveillance Tapes
Chapter 30: A Tough Battle
Chapter 29: The Caller
Chapter 28: Sorting Out the Facts
Chapter 27: Incurring Public Wrath
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23: Tail Touching
Chapter 22
Chapter 21: Animosity
Chapter 20: Sad Heart
Chapter 19: The Scent of Blood
Chapter 18: A New Colleague
Chapter 17: Breakthrough
Chapter 16: Get Down to Business
Chapter 15: Expressing Feelings
Chapter 14: Stirring Up Trouble
Chapter 13: Back To Square One
Chapter 12: The Female Reporter
Chapter 11: Challenge
Chapter 10: The Honest Dragon
Chapter 9: A Dragon's Transformation
Chapter 8: Jingxinyuan
Chapter 7: A Murder Case
Chapter 6: Through The Wormhole
Chapter 5: Real-Life Shunga
Chapter 4: Adoption Certificate
Chapter 3: Borrowing Money
Chapter 2: Stepfather (2)
Chapter 1: Stepfather
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