Monster Hunter Volume 2 Chapter 1

Monster Hunter Volume 2 Chapter 1

“Eh- Our party is disbanding!?”

Having Well-Done Jungle Ribs with Buffalo Butter and Cudgel Onion as his meal, Zeeg’s hand stopped all movement as he heard the abrupt statement, with his knife still digging into the rib’s meat.

It is not often that this 17-year old boy lets something interrupt him when eating.

Moreover, this is a celebratory meal for successfully completing a quest to steal 3 Wyvern Eggs from a wyvern nest in the Jungle. The group has just gotten back to gathering hall in Minegarde, a city that acts as a base of operations for hunters, located in the southern region of the Western Schrade Kingdom.

What made the boy stop his hand was the shocking statement that was brought up.

“Wh...what’s the meaning of this!?”

Tobacco smoke filled the gathering hall’s interior, where hunters who have just completed their quests gather to eat, drink, and be merry. Naturally, this means the place is quite loud.

Sitting next to the boy is a girl- Elmeria Franport, who narrows her eyes as she pinched Zeeg’s ear to tell him that he’s being noisy.

Her lips moved in closer, startling Zeeg. However-

“I can hear you just fine even if you don’t shout!”

She yelled right into his ear, causing Zeeg to let out a short scream.

The knife was dropped from the boy’s hand and slipped under the table, but he is currently unable to look for it. On top of the ringing in his ear, he is also having quite a headache.

Elmeria’s shout might as well rival the Diablos’s roar.

Waiting for his ear to stop ringing, Zeeg attempted to wipe away his tears, but let out another short scream instead. That was because he has forgotten that his arm was equipped with the Kut-Ku Vambraces.

The vambraces created from Yian Kut-Ku materials has many sharp points protruding from them. And right now, one of those spikes has pricked his cheek.

That should be as painful as a Vespoid’s sting.

Zeeg groaned as he covered his cheek with his hand.


Elmeria said just that, then shifted her attention back to her meal.

In front of the girl, who is a year younger than Zeeg, is a plate of food that is a rank higher that what the boy is having.

This evening, what she ordered is King Squid and Queen Shrimp Riverfood Paella.

The rice, turned yellow from being thoroughly cooked in a deep iron pan, sent out an appetizing smell as it was scooped up with a spoon, with Zeeg looking on in slight envy.

In addition to food menus that anyone can order like steaks from herbivore monsters such as Aptonoths or Bullfangos, there are special menus that can only be ordered by hunters with the appropriate rank.

They are normally for orders that are delivered to the hunters’ guest houses, but if one prefers, they can also order in the gathering hall to eat on the same table as their comrades.

The main ingredients in Elmeria’s meal, King Squids and Queen Shrimps, can only be ordered by skilled hunters with the rank Weapon Master or above, which are the ones with access to Queen Guest House rooms.

Zeeg, who is staying in the lower ranked Bishop room, doesn’t have the right to order it no matter how much he wanted to.

Hunters are designated ranks according to their skill level and exploits, with their ranks affecting the types of hunting requests they can accept. This process is strictly regulated by an organization- the Guild.

Regardless of east or west, those who hunt monsters for a living in the Kingdom of Schrade are called Hunters. At a glance, one would think that this occupation has a great deal of freedom, but hunters who register at the guild has to accept a long list of restrictions.

They include the type of rooms they can rent, food they can order, and the requests they can accept.

The disparity definitely is a cause of jealousy, but jealousy can also turn into motivation.

Low rank hunters would look enviously at those with higher ranks living in wonderful guest houses, indulging in luxurious cuisine, and arming themselves with magnificent equipment. They would put all their effort into hunting, thinking to themselves that one day they will reach that point as well.

One year ago, when he has just arrived at this city, Zeeg was also like that.

When he was introduced to his Pawn room, which is not so different from a pig’s coop (and actually had a shirt-wearing pig living in it), his breath was taken away by how much the room stinks and the bitterness in his mind.

That was because back at the village, he was praised as the fastest Yian Kut-Ku hunter.

It was a brief moment of greatness, before he was almost immediately reminded that in this world, there will always be someone better.

Thanks to a recommendation letter from the Village Chief, Zeeg was permitted to participate in a quest to subjugate the monster known as one of the strongest wyverns, the male fire wyvern Rathalos.

At first, he thought to himself that he would be the one to defeat it, but that thought immediately flew off his head when the Rathalos appeared before his eyes.

A body several times larger than the Yian Kut-Ku, intimidating roars, deadly fireball attacks- the monster’s overwhelming power blew away all of the boy’s thoughts to hunt it.

However, the hunting party that he went along with were unfazed and fought it head on.

Breaking its scales with explosions from Large Barrel Bombs and blows from a powerful hammer, piercing its flesh with a sharp lance, and destroying its eye with deadly bowgun bullets.

Even though Zeeg helped at the end, all he did was place the last Barrel Bomb next to the Rathalos that had fallen into a Pitfall Trap. The process could be considered child’s play.

One of the high-ranked hunters that he went with is now sitting next to him, eating her paella. She is Elmeria, a hammer user who is one year younger than the boy.

While her body may look delicate at a glance, she is protected by strong equipment. It is the Rathalos armor set, created mainly from the fire wyvern’s scales and shells, though the girl does not wear any body armor. That is because her role in the party is to deliver powerful singular blows in a hit-and-run style.

Hunting in groups is significantly different compared to going solo, and designating roles among party members is important.

For example, Zeeg’s party has a member whose role is to distract the target monster.

Maximizing his defense with strong armor, he would blow Field Horns or crawl under the monster’s body to keep its attention on him, letting other party members fully focus on the offense.

Not having to worry about defense, Elmeria has chosen to not wear some parts of her armor to increase movement speed. She equipped armor on her arms, legs, and waist in order to lessen the impact on her joints when swinging her hammer, while the body armor and helmet were omitted.

That was up until recently, because she now puts on an Ioprey Helm, which is more of a hat than a helmet, because she got tired of Zeeg’s complaints.

Compared to her, Zeeg equips all armor parts, but that’s because he doesn’t have a specialized role.

Depending on the situation, he has to either draw the monster’s attention or deliver powerful blows from blind spots. For that reason, wearing armor that are too heavy or too light would not be good.

Naturally, the great sword is also quite heavy, but that is also what makes it powerful.

Putting the total weight of his equipment into consideration, the Kut-Ku armor set provides fairly solid defense while still being light, which is a great match for Zeeg.

He is also interested in the Rathalos set that Elmeria uses, but Zeeg lacks both the required materials and money, and if he were to use the same armor as her, there could be a little dissatisfaction for both sides because he would be seen as copying her. Moreover, it is also very likely that they would get made fun of by others, like how they “make a good pair” or something similar.

With those thoughts in mind, he doesn’t mind keeping his current equipment on. More importantly, he doesn’t feel that the defensive power of his armor is lacking in any way.

And as a result, he chooses to take the fire wyverns’ claws instead of scales or shells when sharing materials, since they can be used to strengthen his weapon.

He thought that his weapon could be upgraded to the Iron Sword production line’s strongest design, the Tactical Blade, but there are still not enough materials.

Though the Ravager Blade+ in his possession could be immediately upgraded to the Lacerator Blade, it is far less powerful in comparison to the Tactical Blade.

If one has an option, it is only logical that they would choose the better weapon.

It is only a matter of time. Zeeg’s weapon may currently be underpowered, but cooperation can make up for it when hunting in a party. Though it increases the other members’ workload right now, he would be many times more useful to the group when the powerful weapon is finally in his hands.

This is also one of the big advantages of hunting with a regular party, as opposed to grouping up for just a single hunt.

And even so, the announcement that the group is disbanding just came out of the blue.

In his mind, Zeeg believed that he did his share of work without any mistake.

Even though he argues with Elmeria frequently, they weren’t problems about the hunt, but rather contrasting likes or dislikes in terms of food, gossips from the royal capital, or the manners of a rookie hunter. Mostly things that aren’t serious.

All arguments would end quickly, with everyone forgetting what they were even arguing about a few hours.

(“Did I make a clumsy mistake or something...?”)

Gravios, the lead-colored Gravios Tasset and Gravios Greaves. They are quite good at absorbing impact from movement and attacks.

Gannon is a lance user, and his primary role is to act as decoy.

For that reason, he has to maximize his defense, and also has to wield a lance.

Even though the one-handed swords also have a shield included in the set, their defensive power is far less compared to the shields included with the lances. The large shields are so sturdy than they can even completely block the Rathalos’s fireballs.

Gannon used to wield the Hellfire Lance, but recently switched to the Diablo Spear.

The Hellfire’s main component is Fire Wyvern Marrows, enabling the lance to ignite into flames when attacking, but the drawback is that its durability is low. The shield that was included with the weapon is created from Rathalos Shells, making it effective for defending against fireball attacks, but it is actually quite weak when it comes to deflecting attacks of other attributes.

Comparatively, the Diablo Spear is created from a Diablos Horn of the best quality. The shield is created from Diablos Shells, fortified with rare ores called Dragonite, and strengthened by two kinds of highly potent medicines. Its power is higher than the Hellfire both in terms of offense and defense.

With a new weapon in hand, Gannon was able to charge into the enemy’s horde more aggressively than before. His valor and tenacity is definitely not normal.

As for Zeeg, though he has managed to overcome his fear when encountering wyverns, his skill level is not up to standards just yet. That is because, in any case, his experience as a hunter is still far less compared to the others.

The person who raised Elmeria and trained her in the ways of the hunt is none other than Gannon. The middle-aged man has been a hunter since when he was young, before a noble family took him in and made him one of their knights. Currently, he is suspected for being the one who kidnapped the young mistress of the house he once served.

However, the hunter society doesn’t care about that kind of thing.

This place is filled with people whose backgrounds are better off not being shared. The Hunter’s Guild is an organization that is not officially approved by the royal kingdom, and one’s ability is what decides everything. Of course, there exists a set of “Commandments” that everyone is obligated to follow, but it is not that different from the laws of the outside world.

Zeeg did notice that Elmeria could be the noble lord’s daughter who was abducted, but he didn’t care enough to find out the truth.

To him, those kind of things don’t matter. That is because it is undeniable that both of them are skilled hunters, and also comrades he can rely on.

(“Gannon is being overprotective though...”)

Just about anyone can see that Gannon and Elmeria, who have been together since they first registered at this guild, trust each other deeply. It’s as if they were the same family. Gannon is a man of few words, preferring to communicate with short responses and gestures. This personality gives an impression of a father with a daughter in her teens.

(“Now that I think about it, he would always intervene when I argue with Elmeria... Is that the issue? Does he really think I don’t get along well with her?”)

If one were to go out on a hunt with raptured relations, it would be no different from tying oneself to death. As Gannon prioritizes Elmeria’s life above all else, he would not hesitate to expel Zeeg from the party in order to protect the girl.

If that is so, then the misunderstanding has to be cleared up as soon as possible. Zeeg has no intention to be on bad terms with the party. Even if it’s just a little bit, he does genuinely trust them with his life.

Even though everyone should have understood that, Gannon’s overprotectiveness when it comes to Elmeria could cloud his judgement.

“Hey, Gannon-”

The large man, with an expression as rigid as stone, glanced towards Zeeg, the boy gasping in shock. Even though the metal plate in front of him is already empty, the knife and fork are still held tightly in the man’s hands.

Two pieces of rare Bullfango Steaks used to be placed that plate, but disappeared in just a few moments. Even so, with knife and fork in hand, Zeeg felt that it could be a threat, something like “I’ll cook you up next”. Is this what it means to overthink things?

But when he looked into Gannon’s eyes, Zeeg was totally convinced that what he imagined was correct.


Observing the situation, the person sitting next to Gannon, a man who looks like an executioner preparing to head off to an execution ground- Fradio Heart, laughed mischievously in his throat.

The reason he gives off that impression is because of the helmet that he has equipped.

Created from the Rubbery Hides of the poison wyvern Gypceros, the equipment is a cap that covers all of one’s head, except for the eyes. It also has horns on the sides.

Fradio is a gunner, and his role in the party is to attack monsters from long range. He doesn’t shoot from one place and is always on the move, causing his choice of equipment to be distinctive.

Like Elmeria, Fradio doesn’t wear body armor. However, he also doesn’t wear a shirt, leaving his upper body naked.

The man’s equipment consist of Gypceros Cap for the head, Gypceros Guards for the arms, Gypceros Coat for the waist, and Gypceros Leggings for the legs.

While the Gypceros armor set is better at defending against attacks compared to Zeeg’s Kut-Ku set, its texture is different from the usual armors created from wyvern parts.

The Gypceros does not have tough scales. As a substitute, its whole body has a soft, rubbery texture. This makes the monster highly resistant to impact, and when its hides are used in crafting, the resulting equipment will be resistant to tear.

The catch is that the Gypceros’s hides can only be harvested in low quantities, which means having a full set in possession like Fradio is not common. Moreover, in addition to his armor, Fradio’s weapon is the heavy bowgun that has the Gypceros’s Rubbery Hides as a component, the Tankmage. He likes it so much that he stubbornly refuses to switch to a new weapon with greater firepower.

“What, Fradio?”

In an attempt to avoid the pressure from Gannon, Zeeg looked away in Fradio’s direction.

Another one of Fradio’s role is to be a voice of reason whenever there’s trouble.

No one knows what he used to do before joining this party, but the man is highly skilled in the art of negotiation.

Occasionally, when the party encounters wandering hunters, he would be the one who does the talking when it seemed like a fight was going to break out.

The same goes for quarrels within the party.

Zeeg and Elmeria would get into arguments often, with their stubbornness preventing them from stopping even though they are aware that things will get worse. When that happens, Fradio would intervene, saying his usual “now, now”. Zeeg and Elmeria would be easily put in their place, with their response usually being “Well, if Fradio says so”.

Elmeria tends to speak in a tone that puts herself above others. From teaming up with her for a year, Zeeg has understood that she doesn’t mean any offense, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not irritating.

With Zeeg being Zeeg, even though he is becoming more wary of Elmeria snark, he still lets his emotions lead him, which makes Fradio essential for reducing friction between those two.

Turning to face Fradio, Zeeg leaned on the table and pouted.

“You think this is the time to be laughing? The party is disbanding, you know?”

“No no, that’s not it.”

Fradio lightly shook his head.

That man never takes his Gypceros Cap off, even when eating. This also means that even Elmeria and Gannon have never seen his real face.

Judging from voice and physique, one would guess that he’s in his late 20’s, but there’s nothing to back up that estimate. Elmeria seems to think that his real face is very handsome, while Zeeg thinks he’s covering up a large scar- but of course, it is very likely that it’s just his hobby.

In any case, among numerous wyverns, Gypceros is the one that Fradio absolutely loves, and he would often passionately declare to others that the feel of its rubbery hides is irresistible.

“You don’t have to worry about it that much, Zeeg.”

Laughing in his throat once, Fradio put down the fork that he just used for sending a small piece of cut-up meat into his mouth. Even though he said not to worry, the completely masked face doesn’t help at all.

“Though the party really is disbanding, it’s just temporary. We’ve been taking requests nonstop for the past year, you see. I think it’s about time we got some vacation.”

“What he said.”

Elmeria, who has been quietly eating her paella the whole time, spoke up.

“Without Fradio here, it would be difficult for us to hunt together because of our frequent quarrels, so I thought it would be better for us to temporarily disband and spend some time off."

“Then say that from the beginning!”

Zeeg unintentionally yelled out in his moment of relief.

“I was going to say it, but weren’t you the one who refused to listen?”

Elmeria snorted like a spoiled child, before cutting up a large red-and-white Queen Shrimp with her spoon, its clear meat juices gushing out.

Drooling while trying to imagine what it would taste like, Zeeg gulped his saliva down in a panic when he realized it. This always happens when he’s free of worries, and he thinks it’s an embarrassing habit.

Not noticing the boy’s thoughts at all, Elmeria scooped up rice and shrimp, sent it into her mouth, and swallowed it down without even chewing.

“Young mistress, please chew more thoroughly.”

Gannon’s deep voice echoed throughout the table, and Elmeria showed a light irritation on her face as she turned to the middle-aged hunter.

“I know, I know”, she muttered as she picked up the mug of lukewarm beer and chugged it down in one go, with beer foam sticking around her mouth.

Speaking of beer, even though Zeeg disliked that Elmeria would always call him a little kid, he could never get used to the drink’s bitter taste.

Elmeria licked away the fluffy-looking foam around her mouth, then turned to Zeeg.

“Gannon and I plan to not accept any quests until Fradio gets back. If you don’t have anything to do, then how about going back to your village? Your hometown is that Kokoto Village, right?”

Zeeg felt a groan in his abdomen.

Elmeria has a reason for saying “that” Kokoto Village. The place where Zeeg was born and raised is a village established by a certain “hero”.

The Hero of Kokoto- a warrior who wields a one-handed sword. He is considered to be a legend, and it is said that he’s also one of the reasons why hunting is accepted as an occupation.

When Zeeg was still in the village, he did know that the place was called Kokoto, but he never knew that the Hero of Kokoto is none other than the Village Chief himself.

One of the main reasons is that the Village Chief is not called Kokoto.

It was when he came to Minegarde that Zeeg learned that the “Kokoto” in “Hero of Kokoto” is not a person’s name, but rather the name of a mountain.

One of the well-known legends of the hero was when he and his fiancée went with three others to face an unspecified dragon on Mount Kokoto. Even though the team of five could defeat it, the hero lost his fiancée in the quest, and retired from hunting out of grief.

It was said that the Guild's rule of limiting parties to four people is due to this legend.

Even though Zeeg personally thinks it’s ridiculous, quite a lot of hunters believe in superstitions and the paranormal. Some even rely on fortune-telling to decide whether or not to accept a request.

Anyhow, when Zeeg was still working for the village and thought himself already an adult, he would act disrespectfully towards the Village Chief.

Now that he thought about it, it was so embarrassing that his face might as well ignite into flames. At one point, he even went as far as having a lengthy debate with the Hero of Kokoto about what it truly means to be a hunter, completely unaware of who the other person’s status.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re scared?”

Elmeria narrowed her eyes in a mocking manner and waved her spoon.

“Well, you probably don’t want to go back yet because you haven’t become a full-fledged adult yet, huh.”

“...Yeah, I know that much.”

Zeeg took a bite from the meat that he cut off from one of the ribs. Butter Sauce spilled from his mouth to his chin, and the boy wiped it off with the back of his hand.

Even if Elmeria didn’t tell him, he would still understand by himself that he’s still not an adult.

Compared to when he just came to this city, Zeeg’s skills have improved considerably.

Even if it won’t be easy, right now he’s capable of defeating a Rathalos by himself. But that was also because his mind is completely at ease when he knows that his comrades would jump in if anything were to go wrong.

His actions are still full of unnecessary movements, and his hot-headed personality hasn’t been fixed yet. With that in mind, it feels difficult for him to go meet the Village Chief right now.

“You’ll be fine.”

Elmeria spoke up.

While wiping the Butter Sauce off his mouth with a piece of cloth, Zeeg turned to her.

Maybe it’s just his imagination, but the side view of the girl, still eating her paella, seemed a little more gentle than usual.

“If you do know about your flaws, then you’re already half a man you’ve wanted to be, so I guess he’ll still acknowledge you? Compared to when we first met, well, I can say that you’re looking more and more like a hunter, I guess?”

Elmeria didn’t turn to face Zeeg at all.

Could it be that she’s being shy? With that thought, Zeeg suddenly felt a little embarrassment, so he turned his gaze away from the girl.

He was met with Gannon’s face, who seemed to look like an angry ogre.

“Hehehe... Well, it’s so nice to be young.”


As if to dismiss Fradio’s statement, Gannon spoke up then chugged his beer.

Zeeg had a feeling that it would be better to change the topic. Even though the reason is unknown, it was obvious that Gannon is in a bad mood.

He doesn’t shout or raise his hands, but the atmosphere around him is heavy.

“B...By the way, Fradio.”

Zeeg spoke up while waving a bone with no meat in his hand.

“What’re you doing in your time off?”

“That’s... I’m going to visit my lover.”


Zeeg was surprised, but it was only him. Gannon didn’t say anything, and for some reason, Elmeria seemed to be trying her best not to laugh.

But of course, Fradio having a lover isn’t a stretch at all. Maybe it’s like Elmeria said, that there could be a very handsome man under the Gypceros Cap.

Would Fradio show his true face under the cap when he’s in front of his lover? –Zeeg felt a sudden sense of curiosity as he thought about it.

“Then, what kind of person is she?”

“She’s beautiful.”

Fradio spoke with a dreamy tone.

“She’s usually shy, but is very passionate when the time is right. The love we share is so radiant that my eyes are blinded, and my breath is taken away if she were to even breathe.”

“Huh... So she’s that beautiful...”

“But of course. Her vibrant eyes... the sound from her nose... so voluptuous indeed.”

Hearing a banging sound from his side, Zeeg turned around and saw Elmeria face down on the table. Her shoulders are shaking. She was clearly trying her best to suppress her laughter.

“What’s up with you, Elmeria? Aren’t you being rude to Fradio?”

“That is fine, Zeeg.”

Fitting of his maturity, Fradio raised his hand to stop Zeeg.

“I understand that it is quite difficult to see her charms. No, I would say that it is better this way. Because if it’s just me that finds her appealing, then that would mean our connection is deeper that anyone could imagine.”

To be connected with another person on a level that deep could be one of the happiest things ever, was what Zeeg thought as he looked at Fradio. Even though the man’s emotion is hidden under the Gypceros Cap, one would understand just by looking into his eyes.

“But doesn’t she have a tendency to steal stuff?”

Elmeria said that, seeming to be highly amused. She raised her head and rested her chin on one hand while looking at Zeeg, not Fradio.


“But isn’t that the truth- right, Fradio?”

“She’s just playing pranks.”

Fradio only chuckled inside his throat. He didn’t seem to be angry at all.

“Including that, I love every aspect of her.”


Zeeg was impressed. Even though he knew that Fradio is a big-hearted person, but he never thought that the man would be this lenient. Maybe the reason why Fradio never takes off his intimidating Gypceros Cap is because he wants to preserve his solemnity as a hunter.

While thinking about it, his chair was kicked from the side, causing Zeeg to annoyingly turn to Elmeria.

“What now?”

“Zeeg, do you really still not know who this ‘lover’ of Fradio’s is?”

Judging from Elmeria’s tone, it seems that this lover is someone Zeeg knows.


The boy gave it a hard thought.

And then his chair was kicked again.

“You really are that dense, huh. If it’s what Fradio loves, then it’s obviously Gypceros! That Gypceros!”

Zeeg let out an “ah” when he finally noticed the connection.

That’s right. There wasn’t any need to think that hard. There wasn’t anything else that could possibly fit. That is because Fradio is and always will be in love with Gypceros above all else.

The poison wyvern Gypceros is usually cowardly in nature, but when angry, it will charge around with ridiculous speed while spewing venom attacks around randomly. And if it were to be driven into a corner, it would use its crest to unleash a flash of light so bright that it could make hunters faint.

“So that’s why his eyes are blinded and his breath is taken away, huh...”

Zeeg let out a big sigh.

And of course, sometimes the Gypceros would steal items from hunters.

Even with that tone when talking, Fradio wasn’t joking around with Zeg at all. The man genuinely believes that the Gypceros is the most beautiful out of all wyverns, and he is genuinely in love with it.

As Elmeria said, Zeeg really is dense for not noticing that earlier. Especially when he has been working with the team for one whole year.

“So the point is, Fradio will be going out to hunt a Gypceros alone.”

Zeeg said that, and Fradio chuckled delightfully.

“No, we’re going out to spend some quality time together.”

“Alright then.”

Zeeg hunched his shoulders.

For Fradio, spending quality time with the Gypceros is to fight it in a long-winded hunt.

Zeeg realized that even if it’s a battle to the death that could last many hours or even days, every second of it is Fradio’s most blissful moment.

(“Then it shouldn’t take that long.”)

Even if it’s unknown how much time Fradio will need until he’s satisfied, it shouldn’t be as long as a year or two.

“Then it’s decided.”

Maybe because she took Zeeg’s statement as his approval for the temporary disbanding of the party, Elmeria spoke up to everyone.

“We’ll meet up again in this gathering hall one month from today, alright?”

The date designated by her for the reunion is unexpectedly close. Even though it doesn’t show on his face, Zeeg felt like a heavy weight has been lifted off his chest.

He thought about how he should spend his vacation month, but was surprised that he couldn’t think of anything to do.

Zeeg has already forgotten how to rest.

The sight of a village, seen by Zeeg from the window of the carriage’s passenger car, makes the boy feel a sudden urge to just go back to the city.

Ten or so one-story houses were placed around without any pattern, all of their roofs covered in mold. Without any new house being built, the village is almost exactly the same as one year ago. It’s as if time has stopped just for this place.

Zeeg cringed a little bit in his throat, and applied force to his toes inside the greaves.

He already regrets coming here.

It’s just one month, so hanging around in the city should be perfectly fine, and it will be over in no time, he thought. But without Fradio in the party, Elmeria and Gannon also went on with their businesses, so Zeeg felt like he had plenty of time to spare.

If he were to go on some quests alone from the gathering hall’s bulletin board, or even recruit a temporary party, he could have passed a good number of days.

However, there aren’t many requests that are for only one person, and most of the groups that are recruiting people seem to want long-term members, and so Zeeg couldn’t find anything to do that would fit his conditions.

He also considered going out alone to do some mining, but he just didn’t feel like doing it.

The Machalite Ores and Earth Crystals in his stock are also at a sufficient amount.

What he wants right now is the material that is necessary for brewing the Mega Demondrug, a medicine that essential for upgrading his great sword. It is called Pale Extract, and it can only be obtained from the body of a wyvern known as Khezu.

Zeeg hasn’t encountered this wyvern yet.

There was a request to capture it some time ago, but Fradio stubbornly refused to do it so the party just passed the quest for others to accept. He would just say-

“Having anything to do with that wyvern is against my artistic philosophy.”

Just that statement. When Zeeg asked Elmeria what kind of creature it is, her face turned red for some reason, and she did not give any answer.

Anyhow, Zeeg already thought that he was bored to death just five days in, so he got on a carriage that was headed for the village in the morning of that fifth day. Spending two whole days in a constantly shaking journey, the village is finally in his sight- and thoughts of deep regret of his past actions ran through his head.

The village has changed way too little.

Every villager is sure to remember shamelessly arrogant attitude.

Carried away by his victory against the Yian Kut-Ku to the point that he held a celebration, at that time Zeeg believed that he has already become a full-fledged adult. With those memories popping up, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to roll on the floor and scream.

If he could turn back a year, he would most likely give his younger self a slap on the head.

Before long, the carriage stopped where the highway intersects with path to the village.

The carriage coachman turned his head back to Zeeg.

“You not getting off here, little fella? If you changed your mind and want to go on, then it’ll be another 100 Zenny upfront. Hurry up and decide, yeah?”

“...I’m getting off.”

Zeeg stood up, preparing for the worst.

With the Ioprey Helm causing clicking sounds as it hanged from his waist, the Great Sword sheathed on his back, and a leather bag held on his shoulder, Zeeg jumped down from the passenger car.

Even if he went on ahead with the coachman, only boredom awaits. Along the road ahead, aside from a few agricultural villages, there is nothing else.

Even though he may be met with embarrassment here, it’s objectively better than being bored.

Standing alone on the road after getting off the carriage, Zeeg started walking towards the village.

The house Zeeg used to live in up until a year ago, located to the right of the village’s large entrance gateway, is still there.

It was originally rented from someone, and right now there should be someone else occupying the place, judging from the smoke that rose from the chimney.

On the other side of the gate, some villagers stood there taking, as usual.

Even though the village has a gathering hall, many villagers prefer to just stand and talk on the wayside. This includes the hunters sharing information among themselves, and also idle gossips.

Zeeg took a deep breath and walked through the gate, with two villager women who were standing there sensing the boy’s arrival and turned to him. They quickly looked at Zeeg from head to toe, and only just that. They then nodded lightly as if they were greeting a stranger before resuming their discussion.

(“What’s up with that?”)

Zeeg felt a mixed feeling of relief and disappointment.

Have they already forgotten even though it was just a year? Zeeg still remembered that he did invite those two to the celebration that he held.

The boy clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction and headed straight to the Village Chief’s place.

No matter the business one may have, it is common courtesy to first greet the village’s elder. That is because the person who manages requests in the surrounding hunting grounds is none other than the Village Chief.

Zeeg already knew where the old man would be. In front of the village’s gathering hall, built next to the largest tree in the village- the Chief would either sit on top of a barrel while drinking alcohol in a leisurely manner, or stand around and watch as people come and go.

(“He’s here, just as I thought.”)

Just like usual, the Village Chief is standing in front of the gathering hall, using a cane to support his small body. The elderly man raised his head as Zeeg stood before him, with the boy’s shadow casting all over him.

The Chief’s eyes hidden under his thick eyebrows opened wide, and looked up at Zeeg.

However, those eyes soon looked away, causing Zeeg to feel a little disappointed that he has been worrying over nothing.

“It’s been a long time, Zeeg. Hmm, you look hungry.”

“This routine again?”

Zeeg smiled wryly. “You look hungry” is the Village Chief’s catchphrase. No matter who it is, those who stood before the elder would look hungry to him. But that phrase also served to fill people’s heart with pleasant feelings.

“Well, I really am hungry this time though.”

“I told you so- Here, come.”

The Village Chief raised his cane and knocked it on Zeeg’s leg, before turning around and then walking through the gathering hall’s entrance. The boy then followed him inside.

Even though it is still early in the day, the gathering hall is crowded. The area around here may not seem to be densely populated, but this village is where hunters gather.

Several hunters turned around when they noticed the Village Chief, and a surprised expression was painted on their face as they looked at Zeeg.

Zeeg doesn’t know those hunters, but he could guess why they were surprised.

It was probably the great sword.

The Ravager Blade+ on Zeeg’s back is not something that can be obtained easily.

There may be many great sword wielders in this village, but here, even things like the Buster Sword+ from the Iron Sword production line and the Vile Serpentblade from the Bone Blade line are considered to be quite good.

The Buster Blade that Zeeg had before upgrading it to the Ravager Blade is also a fairly rare item around these parts.

Zeeg was then reminded of the time when he just arrived at the city, where he looked enviously at a hunter who had an Iron Katana ‘Gospel’ in his possession.

He still admires the weapon’s refined appearance and sharpness, and even plans to make himself an Eager Cleaver if he were to have enough materials, but right now he’s got his hands full with upgrading his current weapon.

The Village Chief led Zeeg to a seat at a table in the gathering hall’s corner. This table was the old man’s reserved spot, and that seems to have not changed over the past year either.

Zeeg took the great sword on his back and leaned it against the wall, and put his leather bag on the floor. The Village Chief then knocked on the table with his cane.

With that, a bespectacled girl who works as a barmaid approached, and in a tone that lacks courtesy,


She said just that.

This girl is also a new face.

Her clothes reminded Zeeg of the uniform worn by guild receptionists, but the base color is black. Her boots and gloves are in black, while the ribbons on her vest and collar, and also the frilly apron, are in a contrasting white. They give the impression of a black maid uniform.

“We’re hungry, Vivi.”

“But aren’t you always hungry- Your order?”

“Let’s see... bring ’that’ out for me.”

The maid lady in black nodded, then readjusted her glasses as she looked at Zeeg.

“And you?”

“Err... is there a menu?”

“There is not.”

Her tone sounded sarcastic. What she meant to say could be close to “Don’t ask about something that should have been obvious”.

“Any drink will suffice.”

The Village Chief spoke up, and just like that the maid’s skirt fluttered as she turned around towards the counter, then passed the order over to the kitchen.

“Vivi would have been a lot more popular if she were to a little more polite.”

The old man laughed as he whispered that to Zeeg.

“That won’t be necessary.”

The maid lady- who seems to be named Vivi- seemed to have heard it even with that distance, and so the Village Chief let out another laugh.

“You’ve got sharp ears.”

Speaking in a cheerful tone, the Village Chief let out a laugh so hearty that his whole body jiggled around.

Zeeg finally understood that even though it looks the same on the surface, the village has definitely changed. Now that he actually looked, he also didn’t recognize half of the hunters here in the gathering hall.

While Zeeg was watching those hunters mind their own businesses, Vivi approached and rudely placed beer mugs and a plate of food on the table.

Black beer, which filled the mugs to the brim, spilled onto the table. Vivi seemed to have noticed but didn’t seem to care, as she immediately headed back to the counter.

Words of complaint welled up in Zeeg’s throat, but the boy ultimately gulped them down.

Whining about this is what only kids do, he thought.

Besides, the food looks so tasty.

Served on a large plate is a big fish, simmered in whole with thick sauce on top. Cooked without removing its scales, the fish glittered with a golden sheen, and its scales were as clear as amber.

“This ‘Goldenfish in Red Bean Sauce’ is a special menu. Consider it a gift from me- You’ve grown up, Zeeg.”

Zeeg was surprised beyond words.

The boy knew that he should say something, but words were stuck in his throat.

“Don’t say anything. You left for the city, and now came back as a man. I knew just by looking at your face. Just that is enough- though I would say that you haven’t become a full man yet. Now, dig in.”

Zeeg nodded and rubbed his nose, then used a fork to pick up a piece of the Goldenfish, scales and all.

He sent it into his mouth and chewed, feeling the scales’ crunchy texture, the pure flavor of fish juices that has spilled out, and the well-balanced sweetness of sauce- it was great.

As if in a trance, Zeeg ate all of it up.

The boy did fish up a Goldenfish once, but sold it to a merchant that offered a great price for it, so he never knew that it was this delicious.

The Village Chief laughed cheerfully, chugged down his black beer in one go, then turned to the counter and waved the empty mug.

Vivi tapped her hand on the counter, and a man behind it passed her a new mug filled with beer. She took it to the chief’s table and placed it down rudely like before.

As this is the second time, Zeeg raised his head, feeling that he has to say something.

However, he noticed that she wasn’t paying attention to him at all, and so the boy looked in the same direction as her out of curiosity.

Vivi was looking at the gathering hall’s entrance.

Just when Zeeg thought there was noting strange- a man entered the gathering hall in a panic and collapsed on the floor. There were no injuries, but sand is all over his body, and his face is completely dry. He seems to be a merchant.

“Someone, get him water.”

The Village Chief said that, and a hunter, who was sitting next to the merchant, gave their drink to the man.

The man drank it with extreme thirst, the looked around the gathering hall panickingly. His line of sight stopped at the Village Chief, and then shouted with his dry voice.

“Chief! We- We got hit! It’s that thing at the desert- The one with one horn!”

Chapter end

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