Lucy Wickshire 12 Chapter two 7

Lucy Wickshire 12 Chapter two 7


Looking at the leaving carts, Walter and the two lords came out of the woods with their carts and headed for the direction of the Townsdale land. They made haste as time was of the essence. Riding into the land, they unmounted and nodded to each other. Looking at the four barns on the field, they all took one.

"Let's look through them fast." Rushing into the buildings, the three of them searched efficiently. A few minutes later, Lord of Merve rushed towards Walter and Lord Morge, who had just emerged from the structures they were searching.

"Just wines and logs and documents." Walter said.

"Me too." Lord Morge answered.

"I found the diamonds. Not sure if it is Her Ladyship's but those crates bear the emblem of the Mclears." Lord of Merve said.

"Show me." Lord Morge said and they all rushed towards the said barn, with lord of Merve leading the way. They found the crates. Searching through, they found more than diamonds in the crates. Some were filled with gold.

"All this gold. Can they all be the Mclears fortune? It's a bit too much for a merchant family." Lord Morge said.

"No need. Lets take it all. The carts we brought are not enough. But there are two more carts in the third barn." Walter suggested, taking a crate outside as he started to load the carts.

"True, let's move." Lord of Merve said and rushed over to bring the other two carts. He connected a cart to the one he brought with him. He hoped the three horses holding his cart could take the extra weight as he did the same for Lord of Morge's cart. After setting up, the three men worked fast and time worked fast as well. With only a few minutes to spare till the guards return, they finished loading all they had found and mounted their carts and rode into the night. They made sure to take the forest path and avoid all main roads until they had ridden far enough to stop.

"Do you have where to keep these carts Walter?" Lord of Merve asked.

"No. It will not be safe where I live, I have family there. Why not return this to Her Ladyship's land?" Walter asked.

"No. We must keep low for a while before going to see her. If word of this gets out, they will think to search her first." Lord Morge said.

"And us too. As careful as we may be, it is not particularly news that we circle Her Ladyship and could be considered loyal to her." Lord of Merve said.

"The only option is you. How many know of you?" Lord Morge asked.

"Just Mr. Jodanham and he cannot be trusted." Walter answered.

"There is a farming village not too far from here. You must move. You said you have family? Bring them. The Baron of Dockstorm has property there, he has not even set eyes on for years. Let's go there. After we store the carts, Lord Morge will wait till your family arrives. I will handle Lord Dockstorm. Make sure to get your family here fast." Lord of Merve issued instructions after thinking it through. The two nodded at his words. That was a good plan.

"I guess that is okay." Walter agreed and they rode into the night.

Walter dashed into his home at morning hour. It was still dark outside and it would remain so for a few full clock turns. Hesteadied his breathing as he went straight to knock on the door of his parents room.

"Who is that?" his father asked cautiously.

"Father, Mother, You need to get up." he called to them. Going back to the table, he sat and waited. His parents emerged soon enough.

"Walter?" his mother asked, looking for him in the dark. He remained silent as she hurriedly lot a candle. His figure was revealed by the light, of him seated and waiting.

"Do you know what time it is, boy?" his father asked.

"We need to move." Walter answered. He had a bad feeling about their response. But he knew if people really started to search, it would only be a matter of time till they connect him to Mr. Jodanham and then to Her Ladyship. His entire family disappearing, was the best answer.

"Move? Where?" his mother seemed a bit disoriented.

"We need to move out of this house tonight and fast." Walter said.

"What nonsense are you sprouting, boy?" he could see his father frown.

"It will not be long, maybe not today, but someday. People would come looking for me. We need to leave before then. For your sakes." Walter said.

"What's you gone and done, boy?" he could almost feel the anger emanating from his father.

"We need to leave now, Pa. Questions will come later. Ma, you should wake Amie and Allen." Walter advised and his mother nodded and rushed away. A little while later, he could hear his siblings complain in confusion as she hurried them in a hushed voice.

"You expect me to take the entire family and run for what you done, boy? No. We stay right here! You go correct whatever it be you done. Don't bring my family into this!" his father said turning away.

"Do you think it's that simple? Do you think if I walk out this door without you, you'll be left alone?" Walter asked and the entire house paused, even his siblings seemed to go quiet all of a sudden. Walter sighed as he realized he sounded as if he was threatening them.

"Where we are going, I'll handle it. You just pack for us to leave right now." Walter said.

"Elaine, don't touch a thing. This has nothing to do with us." his father called his mother with a steel voice.

"You will leave me house this instant, boy. Don't come back unless your problems be gone!"

"Listen to yourself, Pa. Do you think everyone is righteous like you? If I walk out that door, you're all dead! You will not be able to protect Ma, Amie and Allen. You want to keep holding your head in the sky, do so. But consider that you have a family. Calm down and think rationally." Walter said, trying to control his temper. He had known his father was a stubborn man, but with the way this was going, they would not be able to leave before sunrise. Even with the badly lit room, he could still feel his father fix him a stare worthy of a vengeful spirit.

"We will not be involved with you and your problems! Leave!" his father scolded, raising his voice, almost enough to match his legendary stare.

"Then what? What will you do when the city hall calls for your execution? If you can find a better way, then I'll leave." Walter said and his mother sucked in an audible breathe in shock.

"Miles, we must leave." his mother said in a shaken voice.

"Why? Why must we be saddled with a child that walks the night doing devil's work? Why should we run? We be join you in your acts?" his father asked. He did not know what to do with this devil child before him.

"So? So what?" Walter said so softly, it sent shivers down everybody's spine.

"You will be killed if you stay. So, what does it matter if I did it alone? Is that what you will tell them? 'He is no more a son of mine. He did it on his own.' Do you really think it matters? You remain so stubborn, but I find it hard to believe you will risk the entire family because you think your fellow righteous men will nod their heads when you speak truth. I will go in and pack my room. When I come out, you must have made your choice. To die or live. It has never been more simple." Walter said and walked into his room.

Without thinking too much of what his family was doing outside his door, he packed. Being low born means having little to nothing when it came to personal belongings. He only had a few clothes and a bed made with hay. Putting his clothes in a sack only took a minute or two to complete. His little brother rushed in after him and packed in haste too, making sure to avoid looking in Walter's direction. He sighed as he left the room after him to see him take a seat beside Amie on the table. Looking behind them he saw they were all packed. Like him his little brother had only a sack of clothes. But his sister managed one trunk. His father came in from outside.

"Start to take things out. I will get your mother's endless trunks." he ordered Walter coldly, then made his way to his bedroom. Walter took the trunk and bags out and put them in the cart. He looked back to find his father dragging behind two of his mother's trunks. He could hear his mother complaining.

"What about the other things. Are we only taking our personal belongings? Amie's horses..."

"Those horses are old and frail. Getting it sold would be hard, talk more of giving it as a dowry." Walter said.

"Those are my belongings. I will not leave them here." his mother protested.

"Mother we must disappear, leaving no way to be traced. Those horses are marked with your family's crest. Leave it. I will buy you new horses." he made a promise he knew would be hard to keep. If horses were so cheap, everybody would have had one.

"You must! Since you have discarded your sister's dowry, you must be responsible for providing one when she is about to marry." his mother huffed as his father returned from the house with two more trunks. Loading them up, his father turned and took the driver's seat. He could hear his mother mumbling in complaint as she climbed up on the cart and sat on one of her trunks. His siblings followed her lead, taking a seat on the trunks. He glanced back at his siblings as he mounted his horse. Amie remained expressionless and quiet, while Allen seamed drowsy.

"Let's go. It is best not to attract attention." Walter said riding ahead, as he led his family away from their life and all they knew, to a life he had no expectations about. He wondered if he would ever come back. His mind wandered to his first meeting with Her Ladyship; he had no expectations nor regrets. He did not bother a hair to glance back at the past.

Chapter end

240 Bk 2: chapter three 7
239 Bk 2: chapter three 6
238 Bk 2 : chapter three 5
237 Bk 2 : chapter three 4
236 Bk 2: chapter three 3
235 Bk 2: chapter three 1
234 Bk 2: chapter two 17
233 Bk 2: chapter two 16
232 Bk 2: chapter two 15
231 Bk 2: chapter two 14
230 Bk 2: chapter two 13
229 Bk 2: chapter two 12
228 Bk 2: chapter two 11
227 Bk 2: chapter two 10
226 Bk 2: chapter two 9
225 Bk 2: chapter two 8
224 Bk 2: chapter two 7
223 Bk 2: chapter two 6
222 Bk 2: chapter two 5
221 Bk 2: chapter two 4
220 Bk 2: chapter two 3
219 Bk 2: chapter two 2
218 Bk 2: chapter two 1
217 Bk 2: chapter one 13
216 Bk 2: chapter one 13
215 Bk 2: chapter one 12
214 Bk 2: chapter one 11
213 Bk 2: chapter one 10
212 Bk 2: chapter one 9
211 Bk 2: chapter one 8
210 Bk 2: chapter one 7
209 Bk 2: chapter one 6
208 Bk 2: chapter one 5
207 Bk 2: chapter one 4
206 Bk 2 chapter one 3
205 Bk 2: chapter one 2
203 Chapter twenty-two 24
202 Chapter twenty-two 23
201 Chapter twenty-two 22
200 Chapter twenty-two 21
199 Chapter twenty-two 20
198 Chapter twenty-two 19
197 Chapter twenty-two 18
196 Chapter twenty-two 17
195 Chapter twenty-two 16
194 Chapter twenty-two 15
193 Chapter twenty-two 14
192 Chapter twenty-two 13
191 Chapter twenty-two 12
190 Chapter twenty-two 11
189 Chapter twenty-two 10
188 Chapter twenty-two 9
187 Chapter twenty-two 8
186 Chapter twenty-two 7
185 Chapter twenty-two 6
184 Chapter twenty-two 5
183 Chapter twenty-two 4
182 Chapter twenty-two 3
181 Chapter twenty-two 2
180 Chapter twenty-two 1
179 Chapter twenty-one 12
178 Chapter twenty-one 11
177 Chapter twenty-one 10
176 Chapter twenty-one 9
175 Chapter twenty-one 8
174 Chapter twenty-one 7
173 Chapter twenty-one 6
172 Chapter twenty-one 5
171 Chapter twenty-one 4
170 Chapter twenty-one 3
169 Chapter twenty-one 2
168 Chapter twenty-one 1 warning: sexual conten
167 Chapter twenty 11
166 Chapter twenty 10
165 Chapter twenty 9
164 Chapter twenty 8
163 Chapter twenty 7
162 Chapter twenty 6
161 Chapter twenty 5
160 Chapter twenty 4
159 Chapter Twenty 3
158 Chapter twenty 2
157 Chapter twenty 1
156 Chapter nineteen 11
155 Chapter nineteen 10
154 Chapter nineteen 9
153 Chapter nineteen 8
152 Chapter nineteen 7
151 Chapter nineteen 6 Warning: sexual violence
150 Chapter nineteen 5
149 Chapter nineteen 4
148 Chapter nineteen 3
147 Chapter nineteen 2
146 Chapter nineteen 1
145 Chapter eighteen 5
144 Chapter eighteen 4
143 Chapter eighteen 3
142 Chapter eighteen 2
141 Chapter eighteen 1
140 Chapter seventeen 10
139 Chapter seventeen 9
138 Chapter seventeen 8
137 Chapter seventeen 7
136 Chapter seventeen 6
135 Chapter seventeen 5 warning: sexual violence.
134 Chapter seventeen 4
133 Chapter seventeen 3
132 Chapter seventeen 2
131 Chapter seventeen 1
130 Chapter sixteen 7
129 Chapter sixteen 6
128 Chapter sixteen 5
126 Chapter sixteen 3
125 Chapter sixteen 2
124 Chapter sixteen 1
123 Chapter fifteen 5
122 Chapter fifteen 4
121 Chapter fifteen 3
120 Chapter Fifteen 2
119 Chapter fifteen 1
118 Chapter fourteen 10
117 Chapter fourteen 9
116 Chapter fourteen 8
115 Chapter fourteen 7
114 Chapter fourteen 6
113 Chapter fourteen 5
112 Chapter fourteen 4
111 Chapter fourteen 3
110 Chapter fourteen 2
109 Chapter fourteen 1
108 Chapter thirteen 11
107 Chapter thirteen 10
106 Chapter thirteen 9
105 Chapter thirteen 8
104 Chapter thirteen 7
103 Chapter thirteen 6
102 Chapter thirteen 5
101 Chapter thirteen 4
100 Chapter thirteen 3
99 Chapter thirteen 2
98 Chapter thirteen 1
97 Chapter twelve 8
96 Chapter twelve 7
95 Chapter twelve 6
94 Chapter twelve 5
93 Chapter twelve 4
92 Chapter twelve 3
91 Chapter twelve 2
90 Chapter twelve 1
89 Chapter eleven 10
88 Chapter eleven 9
87 Chapter eleven 8
86 Chapter eleven 7
85 Chapter eleven 6
84 Chapter eleven 5
83 Chapter eleven 4
82 Chapter eleven 3
81 Chapter eleven 2
80 Chapter eleven 1
79 Chapter ten 5
78 Chapter ten 4
77 Chapter ten 3
76 Chapter ten 2
75 Chapter ten 1
74 Chapter nine 10
73 Chapter nine 9
72 Chapter nine 8
71 Chapter nine 7
70 Chapter nine 6
69 Chapter nine 5 Warning: sexual conten
68 Chapter nine 4
67 Chapter nine 3
66 Chapter nine 2
65 Chapter nine 1
64 Chapter eight 12
63 Chapter eight 11
62 Chapter eight 10
61 Chapter eight 9
60 Chapter eight 8
59 Chapter eight 7
58 Chapter eight 6
57 Chapter eight 5
56 Chapter eight 4
55 Chapter eight 3
54 Chapter eight 2
53 Chapter eight 1
52 Chapter seven 5
51 Chapter seven 4
50 Chapter seven 3
49 Chapter seven 2
48 Chapter seven 1
47 Chapter six 8
46 Chapter six 7
45 Chapter six 6
44 Chapter six 5
43 Chapter six 4
42 Chapter six 3
41 Chapter six 2
40 Chapter six 1
39 Chapter five 8
38 Chapter five 7
37 Chapter five 6
36 Chapter five 5
35 Chapter five 4
34 Chapter five 3
33 Chapter five 2
32 Chapter five 1
31 Chapter four 9
30 Chapter four 8
29 Chapter four 7
28 Chapter four 6
27 Chapter four 5
26 Chapter four 4
25 Chapter four 3
24 Chapter four 2
23 Chapter four 1
22 Chapter three 9
21 Chapter three 8
20 Chapter three 7
19 Chapter three 6
18 Chapter three 5
17 Chapter three 4
16 Chapter three 3
15 Chapter three 2
14 Chapter three 1
13 Chapter two 8
12 Chapter two 7
11 Chapter two 6
10 Chapter two 5
9 Chapter two 4
8 Chapter two 3
7 Chapter two 2
6 Chapter two 1
5: Chapter One (5)
4 Chapter one 4
3 Chapter one 3
2 Chapter One
1: Chapter One (1)
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