Inevitable Road To Divinity 310 Leaving the world

Inevitable Road To Divinity 310 Leaving the world

Inside the black world that was slowly losing its darkness, Xue Ren's gasps were like dragon's roar as he tried to focus! The opponent before his eyes was slowly releasing the divine clouds that outshone the whole fire of his!

The golden clouds were like soft wool that could absorb Xue Ren's flames inside! Taking the flames inside, the cloud god had easy way to extinguish the flames that were screaming with the desire to kill him.

"Divine Clouds Crescent."

Soon enough, the golden clouds went in both directions to swallow more of the flames... And since the cloud god was working against his flame, why would Xue Ren stay still...

'The power that should've been assimilated with me...'

It would definitely be better to slowly assimilate this power to get huge permament strength! It would be possible to do so in higher worlds where Xue Ren would get stronger along with his body... Of course... 

'I will use it to kill winged divinity... It won't go wasteful!'

First, the power from Endrun has been used to create a heart, then now... Kuzan's will go againt his enemy!

Stretching his finger all the way up, Xue Ren began gathering the flames from his surroundings while the rest kept the divine clouds busy. The flame was alive which was yet another surprise for the cloud god...

Mortal was too mysterious... so mysterious that it's dangerous too probe into him!

"Godkiller Flame Sphere."

"Godkiller? Too naive, mortal!"

As the flame sphere gathered in front of Xue Ren's palm, he threw it forward straight at the cloud god! The winged divinity still didn't dare to go all out as he had to test Xue Ren's limits. With white golden clouds gathering around his palm, the winged divinity intercepted the sphere!


The sphere began spiralling, releasing something akin to small sunshine! The whole ball was angrily trying to push the cloud god while he has been slowly extering more and more strength to extinguish the sphere.

Soon, the sphere exploded with another portion of magic as it sent the intercepting hand all up! With his hand up, the eyes of cloud god likewise went up... to see Xue Ren already flying above ready to descend!

"Fall, you divine shit!"

With the flames dancing around his body, Xue Ren descended angrily! His hand was clearly aiming at the sphere that was doing its best to push the god out from his dimension! And as Xue Ren slammed his hand against the winged divinity!


The huge explosion rang out, leaving a pillar that shot out from the black world! The huge appearance of fire caused everyone on the outside to gasp in shock as they knew that such attribute isn't in Cloud God arsenal!

"Is it Ren?"

"It's him... He has used... the throne's power."

Kuzan was in front of Di Xun as the lady was the top priority right now. And feeling Xue Ren using the flames that reminded him about his battle with God Of Fire, Kuzan had bitter feelings! Anyway, he already lost this power and got new surname, new goals.

And one of those was to protect the lady behind him.

"Is the throne... enough to kill the divinity?"

"Don't look down on my power! But... I don't know..."


"What are those explosions by the way?"

"It's... the world screaming as Xue Ren also grasped the power that can rival the divinity... It can't withstand such display of power."

While Kuzan was speaking about his power and alive concept openly, The Cloud God was like falling ball of fire, looking at the sky that was becoming bigger and bigger! Right now, he was falling.

The descend was far from elegant or impressive... Rather than that, his clothes were also slowly disappearing, burning with the flames of mortal!

And one must know that the divine clothes aren't made from normal material! 

The alive concept was burning and eating the clothes of winged divinity which was astonishing feat indeed! Xue Ren's control was always superb, but this man ain't stopping at 'superb'.

"I am falling... because of mortal... Haha~~"

Laughing to himself, the cloud god suddenly trembled as the body of his began transforming! The divine wings sprouted out from his back elegantly taking the control over everything that was around him.

The eating flames disappeared as if slapped by the winds caused from this grand appearance.

And as the wings spread gracefully, the cloud god decided...

"I will destroy this whole world."

The world that could see his fall... In order to wash away such disgrace and shame, the cloud god could only do one thing! Fluttering those divine wings, the winged divinity quickly took the skies once more!

Of course, his eyes were still locked at Xue Ren who was standing in his broken dimension. The whole black dimension had form of demon skull! The Sex God was standing in the hole he has made with the body of divinity!

And his hand was gathering another sphere!

"Those wings look good... I will pluck all your feathers out as I kill you!"

The trash that was lower than them suddenly got so much power that he could openly threaten the winged divinity while keeping the intimidating image! The whole army of Cloud God gasped in shock as they saw the sphere getting mouth, eyes and horns!

It was like small demon appeared here... One could say that Xue Ren was utilizing the 'eating' concept to the maximum here! As the sphere was also getting bigger and bigger! So much bigger that he had to leave his own dimension...

Well, it was quite useless now... The dimension couldn't keep up with Kuzan's power which can be said to be another reason as to why it would be better to slowly assimilate with such magic.

"The moment those wings appeared, you lost all your hopes to wound me... and even kill.... Mortal."

"We will see... And I remember you... speaking about divine judgement? Let me... execute a judgement on you right now!"

Xue Ren sent his sphere as he shouted the words that already painted the faces of Cloud God's army with shock and sweat! Speaking about judgement so easily was definitely something that hit the weak spot of cloud god's heart...

Being divine is proud achievement and divine judgement is exclusive term only for them!

"Divine Cloud Assemble! The freedom in the sky!"

Swinging his arm, the divine wings fluttered! Cloud God had six of those and sometimes, they were transparent, sometimes they had solid structure. However, there was one thing that had never changed and it was the brilliance of golden divine energy that proudly shone upon clouds around the winged divinity.


The golden clouds assembled, forming a golden eagle that had likewise the concept of life. The eagle screamed while feeling the freedom of blue sky! And soon, its eyes went towards Xue Ren and his sphere that was slamming its teeth at the proud bird!


The sky was his and mere demonic creature was laughing at his proud scream?!


The beast and demon clashed rather immediately! Their clash was more explosive than Xue Ren's pillar that sent the divinity down! And since the two beasts had concept of life, the two were already fighting between themselves!

Wings versus horns! The sharp beak against sharp teeth!

Of course, the two divinities didn't stay still. Their hands were pointing towards their own techniques, sending down the flames and clouds respectively... And one can guess who was on the losing side as winged divinities had tremendous amount of energy!

The whole clouds in the world were likewise gathering around Cloud God, creating rather astonishing scene which quickly overshadow Xue Ren's fierce flames that were desperately going towards his angry sphere...

That's why... Shu!

Xue Ren sent himself above! Standing between the pure clouds that were nourishent for golden bird, The Sex God raised his hand up and... unleashed his demon's corruption!


"How can... this be..."

The clouds became drenched in scarlet's flames that were like dawning sun! One could think that it was mere reflection of Xue Ren's burning armor, but that's not the case! Rushai's corruption power was spreading itself on the clouds that were already not moving, letting themselves to be painted with scarlet color...

"MORTAL! What's this power?! What do you have other than sin's energy!?"

Ignoring the screaming Cloud God that lost his calmness, Xue Ren let himself immerse in the scarlet clouds that were like her hair... The red and burning with passion...

"I have protected... my woman... and child..."

'Ren, let's train spearmanship!'

"We have happy house... without any arrogant piece of shits around... The happy and small family... it would've been complete with you..."

The clouds under Xue Ren's corruption were slowly gathering in huge groups! The sight was both shocking for the ladies and the cloud god's army as it was as if Xue Ren was actually someone related to the cloud divinity!

The scarlet clouds were forming a spear that is going to support the fighting sphere! Of course, there was no one except Cloud God that had enough power to look at current Xue Ren who was looking at the scarlet clouds with tears.

"I will protect them... and let you meet all the sisters alive and healthy... Strong and beautiful... Silly... because of you, I have the ass fetish yet I hadn't even conquered this side of you..."

Yes, he will protect his beauties for sure.


Xue Ren grasped his whole arm and teared it from his body while being covered by the scarlet clouds. The arm of his had vivid black tattoo that was ready to use at any time! Using the chance that Cloud God was going rampant as the sky already lost most of its clouds...

"Kuzan... take this arm and led them all to the portal."

"Ren! We can't! We can't go without you!"

"Husband... please... don't leave... No.. you can't."

Well, there were normal reactions that Xue Ren expected... but the scarlet clouds reminded him of his mistake, so he had to be more sure than ever that nothing bad is going to happen to his beauties... That's why, with his arm, they will be able to safely land in the vampire's world...

"Don't talk back to me, women."


"And you better go right now, or I will punish you later."

Xue Ren knew the coordinations to the vampire world... With the resources in his space ring, he definitely would meet his women soon enough... Well, it might be not that soon, but definitely... He could only hope that Luxuria and Vampire King won't be real threat to them...

But since the sin had chosen the medium race... then the possibility of them surviving in this world was high.

And he had to send his ladies here... Because Six winged divinity was definitely not the opponent he could kill... Not after the sight that has been displayed in front of his eyes..


The golden eagle was getting bigger and the clouds under the control of Cloud God were coiling around its body forming an cloud armor... The amout of divine energy in Cloud God's body and wings was truly astonishing...

And the spear that was supposed to be support... became the last attack that Xue Ren could use.

So he unleashed... and unleashed everything into the spear that was shining brightly like dawning sun!

"Tell me! MORTAL! How can you take over my clouds?! I am The Cloud GOD!"

"It's something... that mortal like you.... can not understand... Trash!"

How could this man understand the power that has been born with the influence of Ruler's destiny and Rushai's pain? Xue Ren found it hard to explain himself, and it's not like he found it pleasureable to speak about such experiences...

So no one is going to learn this truth!

"Enough of your impudence!"

"Yeah... it's enough... Enough of this shit..."

Xue Ren stepped softly on the spear head... It's not like he can sent this spear and safely run away to the portal. Standing proudly like the lady hidden in his throne room, Xue Ren swept his hand and the spear shot forward like rocket!


"Not throwing it? So you are ready to die!"

The Cloud God's divine wings fluttered as he sattled himself atop the eagle! The divine beast and spear quickly clashed and in the midst of the explosion, Xue Ren locked his eyes with the Cloud God who had enraged expression!

To be honest, it felt really good to look at after all those words this man had spewed out!

"Tell me!"


And it seems like he is still keen on learning about the mystery of the Rushai's corruption power! This only made Xue Ren chuckle even more, even though he was on the losing side... The spear of his was slowly breaking and the eagle itself was becoming more aggressive.


"I have been thinking about divinity coming here... No matter what, Neydon was your son. So I had plan in mind."


"Hah! The first one was to get enough resources to run away... then along the road of my, I have found a portal and other useful things... But with the first plan, there was also back-up plan."


"What happens... when two strong warriors clash in the medium world?"

Xue Ren spoke with wide smile as the sudden cracks began appearing around them! They were exactly in the middle of powerful techniques clash, so it was normal for spatial cracks to appear! Even the descend of divinity was enough to cause those, so how couldn't they not appear here?

"It's risky... I might even die here. Honestly, even though I believe in myself, I still would've preferred to open the portal normaly with the resources... I was working so hard... Oh, well! I will have for another move between the worlds!"

The Cloud God was fuming inside... The clash was indeed powerful and Xue Ren had spatial cracks all around himself... One step and he will find himself in the space! It's risky as Xue Ren's body might not survive the backlash of such thing...

No! Most of the living beings wouldn't survive such feat... but Xue Ren who has learnt about Ruler was sure of his destiny and braced himself to enter this spatial crack...

Moreover... he was already ready to enter it ven before learning about this reincarnation!

"The only worst thing is I won't know my exact location and depending on my wounds, I might find myself in lucky or shitty situation. Even so... Thanks."

"Thanks? Mortal! I will find you and learn your secrets! I won't let you grow up to be threat to my dynasty and divine alliance!"

"Yeah, have fun finding me in this fucking big universe without any tracking ability!"

Those words were spoken rather haughtily and bossy, but Xue Ren was checking this man's reaction! If he truly had tracking ability or artifact... then he is fucked, no?

Xue Ren who saw the cloud god grimaced face, laughed out and turned to the side. Kuzan should've already sent his ladies to the vampire's world, so he himself should leave this... albeit in the most dangerous way possible...

'Ah, fuck it... At least I will have enough resources to go to vampire world.'

Soon, another presence landed next to Xue Ren! The Sex God who was thinking it's Kuzan was already ready to sent him to his throne room, but it wasn't Kuzan... but Di Xun!

"Xun Xun?! You! What are you doing?!"

"I can't leave you! I can't!"

The lady could change herself into the golden lightning as she had learnt this while being in the beautiful connection with Xue Ren... It was the same situation like in the past! She has become stronger thanks to his divinity...

"I feel like I won't see you for a long time if I leave right now... I can't... I can't raise the little baby alone... without you... The thought of raising it alone... was scary... And I know you also don't want it!"

Di Xun had thoughts about raising her child, even alone. But in those thoughts, the situation wasn't dire and dangerous. Xue Ren was like the strongest man in the universe, killing everyone on his way and coming back to his home whenever he wants...

One always dreams about the most happy things, forgetting about the worst things possible... Di Xun hugged Xue Ren as she didn't want to let him go in the slighlest.

"I couldn't do anything to that piece of shit!"


That piece of shit is next to you though.

"So, please... At least let me be with you no matter what... No matter what kinds of danger are along the road... I want to raise the little baby with you..."

"Xun Xun..."

Soon enough, the duo as if carried by the world itself entered the crack that sent them straight to the vampires world! Was it destiny? But Xue Ren indeed came back home! But little did he know that all the ladies that were supposed to be here... actually got scattered around the universe as the portal couldn't work properly due to divinity descend...

As the cracks appeared around the world... the ladies inevitably got sucked into those during the teleportation.


The strangest man he has ever faced disappeared from his eyes! The Cloud God was standing here with the blank eyes as the whole scenario seemed like dream... Even now, The Cloud God began dreaming!

He has found a lot of divinities... and because of how strange Xue Ren was as he could corrupt his clouds, the divinity went along with his insults and actions... losing the rational mind! But was the divinity standing here with blank eyes because of all of this?

Tap! Tap Tap!

The sound of footsteps rang out inside his mind as he suddenly found himself in his soul room! And being here, those sounds were even more louder... as if he had someone else in his body?!

Turning around, he noticed Xue Ren... Well, although it was indeed Xue Ren, the man before him was as if polished version of the man he has just fought... The appearance was much more refined and mysterious.

"W-who are you?! What kind of being are you?!"

"...I am... Ruler."

Pah! The Cloud God died.

Chapter end

632 The Hell World opens
631 Universal Conques
630 The Dragon World!
629 I enjoy
628 A nice talk by the hot table
627 The alchemist ladies
626 Xue Ren sends his forces, then goes for the lightning ruler!
625 The succubusses and an elf naked in the divine bed
624 There are priorities in life.
623 The lesser demon races.
622 Harillia gets her adventure!
621 Xue Ren and Aria sweet time in the world tree
620 The battleship's scentists taken.
619 Do you have problem with my children?
618 Xue Ren, Mother Moon and Divine Moon Empress R-18
617 Xue Ren with Mother Moon on his back
616 Divine Moon Empress' offer
615 It looks like Mother Moon is the next.
614 Superbia is out from vacation.
613 Moonrose triggers evolution!
612 Sun Shuria - The Throne Of Time Possessor.
611 Xue Ren enjoys the sightseeing - Call your sister or mother!
610 The Sun Divine Alliance
609 Xue Ren and Fotiae's sweet night.
608 The sun
607 Xue Ren can solve most problems!
606 Apologize to my husband
605 Moonrose awakens her dragon true power!
604 The dangerous moves that can be only done in such spaceship!
603 The twins reunite with their master! Moonrose's smile turns blissful!
602 Divorce her
601 Xue Mama meets Shenyi
600 At last, Xue Ren reunites with his family.
599 I want all of your roses
598 The sixth reincarnation - Taghank - Universal Conques
597 Madam Sovereign's body is soaked in her own cold drink.
596 I will hold you tightly then
595 What would be their next step?
594 Blue planet turns golden, then bah! Explosiooooon!
593 Xue Ren and Water Ruler - A battle on the blue planet!
592 Xue Divine Household
591 It's time to face Water Ruler
590 Xue Ren sits and enjoy the dragon beauty
589 A dragon form is nothing in front of The Ruler White Shadow
588 Goddess Of Fire
587 Snow Winged Divinities
586 I will give you a divinity.
585 The Ice Divinities are wise
584 Xue Ren and the ladies unleash their own sculptures in the ice capital
583 Xue Ren and Eleonora's beautiful yet wide connection
582 No one is too old for the fluffiness
581 An appropriate treatmen
580 The Ice Divinity needs power for an uncertain future! Eleonora's mother is here.
579 Schnee is a good daughter! The ice world of an ice divinities!
578 At this rate, the whole universe will end up within his body.
577 Overlord Mayas
576 Not even a crack or a scratch!
575 White Dude, Mirror and Ruler on the shoulder!
574 The darkness world's core taken! A broken piece!
573 Xue Ren's domination!
572 What is a darkness?
571 Eva gets to know what it means to be a woman of the sex god
570 Eva's time
569 A shadow puppe
568 Knife Divinity taken
567 I am Victorious
566 Eva begins a new life!
565 This is only the beginning
564 Fasti Bloodline Of The Hell World
563 The demons are here too! Who would've thought?
562 More darkness groups fall
561 Two shadow powers within his body!
560 You know what to do! Daddddddyyyyyy!
559 It means we can be a couple
558 The curiousity takes over
557 Darkness Silent Divine
556 Heaven's Paradise - First Cloud
555 Xue Ren achieves his little goal
554 The heaven world's circumstances
553 The angels' descen
552 28th Pillar - Serptes S. Xander~~
551 The Cloud Kingdom
550 Xue Ren, Aria and Duan Qiu all lovely connected
549 Flying fluff elf - Anyia
548 Sword Demoness - Shenyi
547 The God Of War
546 I haven't forgotten
545 The first weakness of the god of war and race divinities
544 Ready to die from your own ancestor's hand?
543 The divine sword shows the reaction!
542 Xue Ren and Duan Qiu meet The War God's descendan
541 Welcome Back - Volume 5 END
540 Xue Ren and Aria fly together~~
539 Welcome to the Xue Household, Aria.
538 Xue Ren vs Yoras - The end
537 Xue Ren vs Yoras - The beginning
536 Reincarnation... Outburst...
535 Don't die
534 Sword God and Old Master - The Reason
533 Xue Ren vs God Of Fire - Ferre - The end
532 Xue Ren vs God Of Fire - The beginning
531 Xue Ren and God Of Fire - Ferre - The last fire origin
530 Daria becomes the phoenix! Xue Ren and Aria's common activity
529 All golden, all divine, all for her
528 Xue Ren vs Golden Crow Divinity - The battle of two rulers
527 So you have invaded my world, demons.
526 Fifty years
525 It's a place where everyone can live
524 Pure smile of an enjoymen
523 Holy Place Of The Blue Phoenix Race
522 Third fluff is here! And there is also Madam Sovereign, Shini.
521 The Ice Races slowly lose more and more.
520 Ice Beauties Trai
519 Eleonora and Utilis meet the beauties! The reunion!
518 Gelida World
517 The Frozen Lake
516 Why don't I take your bloodline for myself?
515 Another universe - The Ice World
514 The assault mission
513 The three divinities of the molten world
512 Blue Phoenix
511 Straight to the main volcano
510 Please, let her go.
509 The third princess - Vermillion Hana
508 Xue Ren and Milliane - The lady no longer wants to be ignored.
507 Black Vermillion Bird
506 Is he perhaps laughing at the flying elf?
505 After the divine connection, the beast awakens wild...
504 The Sex Goddess listens obediently
503 I can help the queen
502 The fluffiness with a family soothes the pain - Xue Ren is ready to go!
501 Bastard Brother - Yoras
500 Agni-da loves Moonrose
499 Ascension
498 Xue Ren steps forward
497 Agni-da
496 The flying elf
495 Xue Ren and Aria - The elven's queen room.
494 I want to meet the elven queen
493 Coldness out of nowhere
492 Vermillion Bird's Bloodline is mixing up with life itself.
491 The vermillion bird's skeleton
490 Good sides
489 Scary Vermillion Bird
488 Against the horde
487 Xue Ren, Daria and Kuzan - The powerful combination!
486 Fire Woodlands
485 Daria loses her purity - The growth is unstoppable!
484 Is it the time? Yes, it is!
483 Daria uses Fire Call on herself
482 I won't let you take my place!
481 Team up with me
480 The lovely bath
479 They aren't really your daughters.
478 The master falls! Xue Ren's fire of humanity.
477 Volcanoes erupting! Vermillion Bird's Tears~~
476 Master is here.
475 The Potion!
474 I am smarter than all of you
473 The city has been taken!
472 Xue Ren vs Mr. City Leader
471 Xue Ren enters the city
470 The first city in the molten world
469 Time to move
468 Vermillion's Red Vision - The training continues
467 I will be the stronges
466 I am from Xue Household, sexy girl.
465 Life Bloodline's ability
464 Depends which one
463 Vermillion Bird's Tail Spear
462 Xue Ren's second divine equipmen
461 Julia chews the weapon
460 Suck me, daddy~~
459 Fire Call: Vermillion Bird's Dive
458 No way I am losing this!
457 The technique from the Vermillion Bird's bloodline library
456 Piss v1
455 Thus, he became the vermillion bird
454 The lady has drunk a little too much!
453 Sightseeing is the beauty
452 Oya, someone is curious.
451 Vermillion Birds spotted! Attention! Attention!
450 The Humanity Divine Fire
449 The huge molten world
448 The progress in the elven queen world
447 Xue Ren and Julie
446 Miss Redla struggles in the white sea
445 Lollipop disappears *Sad*
444 Lollipop please
443 Fucking stickman
442 The bird helps
441 Meeke and Moonrose
440 I want to resurrect her.
439 Take him to my room
438 The dark fores
437 Yellow Tigre God, Grystar~~
436 Surrounded by the divinities
435 Xue Ren's daily life in the elven forest - The wild daughter appears! She wants to eat!
434 All thoughts come out under the relaxing moonligh
433 Aria's wish
432 The Elven Queen - Aria
431 Divine Blood Art - Cute Demoness Dress.
430 The world's core of the vampire world awakens.
429 Little Julia's problem is solved. The fluff is ready to get stronger!
428 Kuzan destroys the tail of Xue Yu! Little Julia has a problem!
427 The preparations are going good. In both worlds~~
426 The Bone Ship flies away
425 Bone cross
424 Ruler ran away from the responsibilites
423 82 Rank - Divine Death Commander Mr. Koroe~~
422 An enemy is already inside.
421 Bloodline Library
420 The Elven Village
419 Daughter works hard for her daddy.
418 Piss
417 Xue Ren becomes an elf.
416 Fluff
415 Harillia learns arrow qi.
414 You have to spend more time with me.
413 Partial Bloodline Ignition
412 Death Researcher
411 Oh, so this is elf.
410 Another journey, another fluff. Let's go, gentlemen.
409 Lightning Marriage - Volume 4 END
408 Little Julia gets new sister.
407 Fuck her when she grows up and you will get Shadow Divinity.
406 Victorious Wives
405 Ruler's Divinity
404 Black Divinity
403 Going for lightning dragons.
402 One Winged Vampire Queen
401 Little Julia draws
400 Little Julia
399 New tag added
398 Lewd eyes
397 That's inevitable
396 Birthday party - The presents
395 Earth Card
394 Xue Yu helps her mother.
393 Blue fire
392 Serptes Bloodline - Rushai's death curse.
391 What do they do with their women?
390 Death Aura
389 Very well, let's team up.
388 Red Lightning Dimension
387 Other forces
386 Dragon Lightning Golden Bow
385 Cedae Yusa - stopping evolution
384 Milady Yusa
383 Going for Rank A already! Hoh!
382 Can I sleep with you tonight?
381 I love mortals
380 Xue Yu loses herself
379 Shhhh~~
378 Silver by the moon
377 Second Princess
376 All lined up
375 Good Sex God
374 It's her time now
373 Feeling their thoughts thoroughly
372 Mutated Vampires?
371 Dragon Lightning God
370 Hidden World
369 Xun'er wants to change the schedule a little
368 Found i
367 Hidden spots
366 Divine Prophet's disciple
365 Fluffy Rolling with daughter
364 The young mother's worries.
363 Fifteen years old Xue Yu
362 Fall of the family
361 Relics of the pas
360 Bitch Slap Cigarette
359 Higher race
358 You have done well.
357 32nd Pillar
356 Through your eyes
355 Your lightning is not scary
354 I felt like touching your hand, darling.
353 The usual
352 Wonders. S. Elzer
351 The same as me
350 Another one! And another one!
349 Ladies go for some blood, then beauty appears.
348 Incestuous Duo
347 The Fifth Throne awakens
346 Good job, I like.
345 Miss Delis boom boom boom
344 Fuck you, Kuzan! Slap! Close your mouth, Kuzan! Slap!
343 Miss Delis kiss
342 Corrupted beas
341 They don't like potatoes
340 My size
339 First reprimand
338 Unpredicted effec
337 Going for Golden Lightning Palace
336 X-Xun... Oh my lord!
335 Lightning ladies
334 Fifth throne is awakening slowly.
333 I have a candy! Slap! Slap!
332 Naughty mother
331 Mother Gravei
330 Concepts are quite dangerous hoh!
329 She slaps everyone
328 Xue Yu
327 Miss Delis' gentle lightning
326 Elder and Miss
325 Golden Lightning Palace
324 Entering the academy.
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
319 One winged divinity
318 Superbia's past.
317 It was so cold, Maria...
316 That's how he can survive after Sex Goddess' assault.
315 Chaotic energy
314 Take those young boys
313 Small stroll
312 Xue Ren's tears
311 Their new destinies... Moonrose meets the father!
310 Leaving the world
309 If I kill this pregnant woman... will you be able to escape my grasp?
308 Divinity descends - The surrendering world.
307 Di Xun and Adrana's close nigh
306 Adrana's bed adventures... And Di Xun joins in!
305 Dionnes and Miya's spicy alchemy ends with satisfaction
304 Two alchemists
303 Moonrose feels the rod
302 Moonrose's turn
301 Xue Ren likes having his rod slapped by tail! Holy...
300 Breaking her elegant side
299 Awakening The Wild Eleonora
298 I am back
297 I am father... I am fucking father.
296 Truly becoming one
295 Exterminating the bad vampires
294 Everything is clear
293 I am sorry
292 First wife candidates~~
291 Harem splitting into factions is inevitable
290 Heavenly Touch finally advances for Xue Ren
289 One day we will visit another worlds together
288 Insulting Lord Kuzan? He got this!
287 M-m-my-my d-d-d-d-daughter
286 Corrum Arc End! Volume 2 End! Time to relax!
285 Xue Ren's influence
284 Chosen by the world
283 Feel the anger, son.
282 I refuse to believe that my reincarnation is this evil
281 Bathe in their blood from now on
280 Bloodline's curse
279 Xue Ren says hi
278 More than one hundred
277 Avaras Yher
276 Devour is cursed
275 Sex God Divinity works on bloodline as well, bruh.
274 Meeting of nobles
273 I greet Your Highness
272 Alise feels the powah
271 No! Little Daddy!
270 At least till she is virgin bitch
269 You can't become bad man!
268 Steel Giant's souls
267 Once again going to Six Path Realm
266 Burden
265 I am sorry guys - Paranoid, Yours Younger Brother...
264 Their snowman
263 What a scum
262 The Emperor is back
261 Better? Better
260 The demon ain't nice
259 Do you kiss everyone like that too?
258 Xue Ren vs The Lord 5/5 Break and fall, Demon.
257 Xue Ren vs The Lord 4/5 Seven Stairs Towards Eternity
256 Xue Ren vs The Lord 3/5 Hell's Pillars
255 Xue Ren vs The Lord 2/5 Curses' go wild
254 Xue Ren vs The Lord 1/5 World's core
253 Moonrose wants kissuu! How cute~~
252 Don't you dare to ignore the fluffiness itself
251 Dude, I am straigh
250 I am Virgin Bitch!
249 Fourth Throne trembles
248 Hehe~~ Wifey needs more love
247 Time for new technique
246 Mid-air fluffy rolling - 13 years old version
245 Every chest is a stage
244 What's your worth?
243 Meeting of four clans
242 When I was 13
241 Path
240 Clan Head left, so the time has come! We are plundering baby! OhhohohO~~
239 Let me become your maid
238 You are beautiful
237 Let it out loud
236 Cadere Clan
235 Fluffy snowballs deals more damage
234 Xue Ren's Cold Dragon
233 Miya's resolution
232 Battle for the thrones
231 Moonrose must share her fluffiness with her
230 Hell's pillars
229 Fluffy evaluation
228 Kuzan is crying
227 Forming a contrac
226 Sealing the other one
225 Violae Miya
224 Do you like my present, grandson?! - Kill yourself
223 One of the keys
222 Kuzan and beauties - the new path of the cigarette perver
221 Kuzan, The Paranoid's Grandson.
220 Who are you?
219 Greatest Achievemen
218 The time has come to fight! / Excalibur! Come here! I must help as Fluffy King! Break the 4th wall!
217 Gather as much as possible! Moonrose's power is too fluffy and good! Spread the fluffiness wide, my dragon!
216 For her, I don't mind being the most evil devil the universe had seen - The so cliche, my grandson! But, I like! *thumbs up*
215 Betrayals are common, even more if you suck. - Is that so... Okay, okay! Think properly, work properly!
214 Moonrose's big secret revealed! The beginning of mission sure is loud! Brother Paranoid doesn't like it! Shut up!
213 Moonrose goes with her big bro, cus why not?! He needs fluffiness! Kuzan new project, vanilla boy cigarette?!
212 Where is Big Brother? Tsk! Excalibur, go and play with your sister! No, Para-baka! I want to keep watching! Huh?
211 I fucking love you, Master! Ehh... come on... Someone say it to me as well! Don't you all love your Brother Paranoid? Siblings love is fine too!
210 I love you, Master. H-holy shieeeet! Can someone say 'I love you Brother Paranoid?' It's not like I am jealous! Anyway! Fluffy!
209 It hurts... Heavens.... why am I doing this? The destiny falls, the universe is thrown into chaos! Hang there, The young Paranoid!
208 General Uris! How cool~~ Kyaa~~ Heartless Swordsman? Buahahahahh! Cringe!
207 Moonrose Junior? Someone please kill this motherfucker before I unleash my excalibur
206 Oh.... My Goddess Of Fluffiness is finally here! Finally... The fluffiness now shall top everything!
205 This is truly disaster... Don't worry, Kuzan. I, the destiny *The young Paranoid* have present prepared for you! Hehehehh~~
204 She is being born! My Goddess, you are finally here. Let me, destiny *The young Paranoid* lead you!
203 Sex Goddess is pain in the ass, then what about Sex Divinity duo combo? Old dragon, protect your race! Go, go~~
202 Dragon Goddess escapes! Where the destiny *The young Paranoid* is going to lead her?
201 New continent, new beauties! Power of morning coffee, release the dragon!
200 Cursus Arc End - Onward to Corrum Continen
199 Seven Weapon's Qi
198 Brother of Sword God - The number two
197 Dragon's skin alive like a demon
196 Five thrones above the universe
195 Third is awakening
194 Connection thickens, then disappears
193 Divine Equipmen
192 It's for my and his future
191 Stupid woman listens obediently
190 Good time to train some spearmanship
189 Sex Goddess is fluffy and if someone tells me otherwise then I will unleash my excalibur P3
188 Sex Goddess is fluffy and if someone tells me otherwise then I will unleash my excalibur P2
187 Sex Goddess is fluffy and if someone tells me otherwise then I will unleash my excalibur P1
186 Eleonora comes to visit. Divine Connection reaches Xue Ren
185 Xue Ren, the stalker. Vampire's prodigy, Leynib
184 Everyone is a bitch, whore and fucker
183 Oh, how fucking sad
182 What a pity indeed
181 Rure, the prince fells
180 Then fly, my little eagle
179 Eagle Beauty in his arms
178 Daily life with beauties
177 He is tastier.... Ayaya! You damn weeb! Mr. Paranoid is sorry!
176 If I don't know who you are, then how are you supposed to know who are you? Wait, you know?
175 Break... her core! Hihihihihi~~ 'Shut the fuck up Paranoid!' Okay, okay~~
174 Rank 1... Hmmm... Not bad, grandson.
173 Break and DiE
172 Xue Ren - Paranoid's great grandson = GG
171 Fluffy is what we need. Then, if we add pinch of Erossu... Oh my fucken god, I shall release now! Release all the love you pervs~~ Come, hug the Grandpa Paranoid!
170 Sad Qiu Qiu? Give me this motherfucker, Grandpa Paranoid will take care.
169 Letter of challenge. Death battle on the way yooo~~
168 So small she can do it while standing? Oh my fucken god
167 Dude, it's Palace Of Three Thousands Beauties, not Zoo...
166 You can't be my sister, but you can be Paranoid's granddaugther. Never! Eh? Why?
165 Emperor has small D, that's for sure
164 So I need resources after all... Special ones...
163 Leaving Golden Leaf Sect. Bye bye Alchemy Beauty, Here is present from your Grandpa Paranoid. Fuck off! Ehh?
162 Everyone has forgotten about her~~ Is she dangerous or not?
161 Like fairy in the air... Wait? Do Fairies do it mid-air? Hmmm~~ I guess they do! Ahahahhhhhhhh~~~~
160 Big Sister? I, Eleonora, your little snow woman won! Little? You are little? Oh ma lady please look at yourself in mirror firs
159 I don't feel like drinking
158 Damn cow
157 Real dragons
156 I am Ruler here
155 Divine Moon Tigress abilities
154 Kuzan found cigarettes! Demonic race true objective
153 So it's puppy again?
152 All the way... to the core! AhHAhah!
151 Stained? So I am, let's go! Oh, by the way, who are you?
150 Because of you
149 Be gentle and keep it healthy~~
148 Pushing the bitch into Sex God
147 True and the only, the greatest aphrodisiac - Blood of Sex God!
146 Sex God's ability - Domination!
145 Kuzan delivers
144 Looking down on Lord Kuzan? Xue Ren, fuck him!
143 v2 26
142 Can't get enough of second garden~~ Break the bottom! Slap! Slap! Kyaaa! Mhnnhnhn~~ Ohhhh~~
141 Passing down technique for Snow Beauty
140 Moving worlds
139 He... he will eat?
138 God Of Fire can suck my D
137 Time to try a new thing
136 Endrun! Run!
135 One kissu and she faints... It wasn't bad though!
134 She found ou
133 I am always looking at you
132 The nerd is brave one indeed
131 Good control means good alchemis
130 Outsmarted by trees
129 Kuzan goes kya kya!
128 Different kind of warmth
127 Fire Eleonora with scales is good! Umu! Umu!
126 Shy snow woman
125 Letter full of love
124 She knows
123 Closed worlds
122 True rank
121 Poor ladies can not sit properly now
120 Reappearance of Devour
119 Is he sane?
118 Brothel's Boss
117 Face slapping unknowingly
116 Do you really want to kill me?
115 Vampire race's progress and Little Dragons
114 One sentence
113 The real one is going to be definitely better
112 F-fire love juices...
111 Pandemonium
110 K-Kuzan!
109 Reward
108 Dominating Superbia/Dominating Xue Ren
107 She says hug me, but is that enough to calm down this desire coming from the Sex God Divinity itself?!
106 The monstrous rod of Sex God works by instinct while he himself enjoys the beauty of their screams in the heaven of pleasure
105 Usual pattern
104 Sex God! Save me!
103 Vampire Beauty
102 I told her she can step on me
101 Kuzan's bloodline
100 The monolith
99 Kuzan
98 Awakening of The Second
97 I challenge you
96 E-E-E-E-E-E-Eleonora
95 One day, you will grab the monster with-
94 Duan Qiu's master
93 Fuck your princess
92 Xue Ren, The butler
91 Conquer her! Snow Beauty
90 Duan Qiu wants to train
89 Divine Grace
88 Leaving
87 Reversed Destiny
86 Original Blood Ar
85 First and Last, Xue Ren
84 Final Memories - First Throne
83 First Death
82 As vampire
81 Greedy Darling
80 Passing down a technique
79 First created divine technique
78 Sister Qiu, how about you join us?
77 You old shit!
76 Are you ready to become headless?
75 You can only suck my blood
74 I am vampire
73 He is a bully
72 Drugged monsters and vampires
71 Miss Di on the way
70 Sex God influence
69 Too much lust, thus too much white energy
68 Two perverts
67 You are strong, Duan Qiu
66 Let me massage you
65 The high elder lost to a bra
64 The set of clothes
63 Duan Qiu goes against the elder!
62 The road of harem
61 Let's go to the Riveriam City!
60 Cheering Di Xun up
59 Reincarnation is truly mysterious thing
58 New techniques of Sex God
57 The progress during pleasant time
56 Miss Di with hearts in her eyes
55 I am S-S-Sex God
54 You have been watching adult videos
53 Do you want to ravage me?
52 Former Sex God
51 Against the former Divinity
50 Come out, brat...
49 Li Zhan's decision
48 Li Fang, Mr. Second!
47 Little Black Commander Sho Yue
46 How much?
45 She already has someone
44 Her Highness
43 From Behind
42 Little Ren got bolder
41 Little Xun is jealous
40 I will definitely remember you!
39 Someone more abnormal
38 Superbia's influence
37 Miss Di goes wild
36 Superbia touches herself
35 Sibling Love and Parental Love
34 Don't fall for me, okay?
33 Li Rong, you!
32 Di Xun's worry
31 Kneel
30 The contract! Lie on your man
29 Sin of Pride, Superbia!
28 Sin of Greed, Avaritia!
27 He has broken through!
26 Cute golem and Dark energy
25 Instinct of beast and madness of human
24 The main desires and conviction
23 Gathering around the mountain
22 Little Adventure
21 The lewder, the more!
20 Devour her! The city in the nigh
19 You are my firs
18 Conquer her
17 Ar
16 Killing
15 First mission
14 The class
13 Beating the third young master
12 Recruitmen
11 Medium World
10 Inside the city
9 Bluedawn City
8 Progress
7 Her name is Yue
6 My Divine Path
5 Endrun, the vampire.
4 First night in another world
3 To break a World and its barrier
2 First encounter with Goddess
1 Another World
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