I'm A Wasteland Giant Chapter 178

I'm A Wasteland Giant Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Chapter 177: Illusion Tower!

Translator: 549690339

“You think such an attack can defeat me? Sharp Gold Spear Technique!”

With a cold huff, Du Gang executed an extraordinary spear attack, shattering the concentrated energy of Sharp Gold and killing a gold-element illusionary humanoid behind it.

[Passed the third level of the Medium Tower – Wuzheng Tower!]

At this moment, Du Gang was going through the stages in a nine-storey medium tower.

Wuzheng Tower, being a medium tower, was founded by a Domain Lord Level superpower. Each level features different forms of illusion they can create.

The humanoid illusions present at each level are not calculated based on the number of domain layers.

Every humanoid illusion displays variable degrees of the Mystery of Laws. To defeat the illusions, you must use the equal level of Laws and its related Mystery.

To ordinary people, complete comprehension of the Mystery of Laws signifies mastery.

But in reality, to the formidable ones, this is merely a start. Each Mystery of Laws has subtle realms beyond its mastery, which when looked at individually, don't seem powerful. However, if one truly investigates and understands them thoroughly, it is absolutely possible to defy and strike down opponents across several domains!

These Law Towers exhibit these subtle Mysteries of Laws.

Any disciple who reaches the top of the tower and passes the ninth level will earn one Contribution Point.

But over the years, from the many medium towers, only over ten thousand people managed to pass, it's not an easy task.

So, most people are merely using these towers as a gauge of their abilities.

Of course, there are those who feel their training isn't satisfying enough, thus they choose to hone and train within these towers.

Du Gang had been in the Law Tower for three days and three nights. During these three days, he had passed through three levels, keeping a constant pace of one level per day.

Each level will trigger the same Mystery attack.

Here, it doesn't matter the number of your domain layers, the quantity of your Laws, or your cultivation level.

Here, if you want to break through, you can only use the same Mystery as the illusion and then defeat it!

When Du Gang reached the fourth level, he furrowed his brows instantly.

Because the illusion on the fourth level was still using the Sharp Gold Mystery.

“What's going on? I just fought the third level, now I encounter it again on the fourth level?!”

The illusion didn't care if he was pondering – when he set foot on the fourth level, it had already begun its attack.

Of course, the attack speed of this humanoid illusion wasn't that quick. After all, the tower builders' aim was to encourage learning and progress. If they simply wanted to kill instantly, they could easily suppress with the power of a Sector Lord level.

Du Gang lightly bent his knees and sidestepped the attack, while carefully observing this opposing humanoid illusion.

“Clang! ”

Another Sharp Gold energy strike was launched. Du Gang again evaded it.

However, his brows remained deeply furrowed.

This Sharp Gold energy seemed to possess the same contained Mystery of Laws as the previous level, but the damage was even more devastating.

At this moment, the humanoid illusion launched another Sharp Gold energy strike at him. Du Gang swiftly lifted the Spear of the Ancient God and released a similar Sharp Gold energy strike at its peak state.


Very quickly, the two clashed together. To Du Gang's astonishment, his Sharp Gold energy was immediately dispelled.

The Sharp Gold energy of the humanoid illusion, as if untapped, continued its assault on him.

Once again, Du Gang shifted his body and evaded it. The Sharp Gold energy, then, struck the tower wall behind him, and was promptly absorbed by the special material of the tower body.

The Medium Tower, established by powerful beings, is a recyclable tower. These attacks will not go to waste, every Mystery that hits the wall or body of the tower will be absorbed and released again.

Shortly after, the humanoid illusion discharged another Sharp Gold energy!

Du Gang swiftly reacted with an equally intense Sharp Gold energy counterattack.


This time, the same situation happened as before. His Sharp Gold energy fell at the first blow in front of the illusion's Sharp Gold energy!

“What on earth is going on?”

At this moment, Du Gang felt a profound sense of doubt. In the previous three levels, although the illusion's attack was stronger, he was able to identify their methods. He learned continuously from the enemy's attacks, constantly improving his execution of the Mystery, ultimately defeating the enemy.

But when he reached the fourth level, he found himself completely at loss. It was as if a student had suddenly skipped a grade, moving from elementary mathematics to advanced mathematics, unable to comprehend at all!

After another five to six hours of fruitless experimentation, Du Gang left the Wuzheng Tower.

He was planning to seek help, given that there's a kind -hearted principal. Not asking for guidance would be an injustice to his kindness.

Soon, he dialed Tang Ren's number.

“Hello, Principal!”

“Du Gang, what's up?

“Principal, I am currently challenging the Medium Tower – Wuzheng Tower. At the fourth level, I discovered the Sharp Gold energy the opponent deployed is far more potent than mine…”

Soon, he described his problem. “You've reached the fourth level so quickly?”

Tang Ren was taken aback.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Divine bodies were indeed extraordinary. Others spend thousands to tens of thousands of years without necessarily reaching that threshold, and he had already encountered it.

“I know what you're encountering!”

Tang Ren opened his mouth and said, “Under normal circumstances, usually third or even fourth -grade students can only break through to the fourth floor of the intermediate tower, I did not expect you to get there so quickly…”

The attacks you encountered at the fourth tier were launched by a Sector Lord Level strongman, entering the Into the Microscopic realm!”

“Into the microscopic?” Du Gang blinked, he was very familiar with this term.

Tang Ren nodded and continued, “That's correct. After the Laws of Mystery come full circle, you will have an Into the Microscopic realm. Within this realm, we can continually delve deeper into the essence of the laws of mystery and gain more powerful force…”

He laughed and said, “Into the microscopic is not actually a real cultivation realm, but a skillful or application realm. Those who possess this skill, under the same conditions, can exert greater strength!”

“However, failing to attain this stage does not affect a martial artist's breakthrough to a higher rank!”

“In this world, it can be said that over ninety-nine percent of the people do not know about Into the Microscopic and have never come across this level!”

Tang Ren pondered for two seconds before continuing, “In the case of the Intermediate Tower, the first three floors represent the ultimate understanding of the Laws of Mystery under normal circumstances. Anyone who reaches this level will break through to the fourth floor…”

“From the fourth to the sixth floor, it is the Into the Microscopic realm of the

Laws of Mystery, representing that your understanding and application of the Laws of Mystery have reached the Into the Microscopic level. At this level, you have basically achieved the ability to fight above your rank…”

After hearing this, Du Gang curiously asked, “What do the seventh to ninth floors of the Intermediate Tower represent?”

Tang Ren pondered again for a while before he said: “Originally, ordinary people cannot have access to it. Even the elites of our Tianjiao Academy need to be in the fifth or sixth grade or even eighth or ninth grade to be exposed to these. But considering you are a Divine Body, I will tell you in advance!”

“From the seventh to ninth floor, the humanoid phantoms guarding the tower all have the Knowledge Microscopic realm…”

“Knowledge Microscopic?”

Tang Ren nodded and said, “That's right. This is in the same realm as Into the Microscopic, but it's far more powerful. Anyone entering this realm can fight two ranks up to the level of the Sector Lord without any problems…”

Du Gang understood his point, meaning that regardless of what Domain Level, they could always fight opponents two Domain Levels above them!

His eyes lit up and he asked, “Are you saying that the reason why Senior Luo Shan was able to fight above his rank in the past was because he had a high level in this micro realm?”

Tang Ren nodded, laughing and said, “That's right, Luo Shan that year had very high levels in this micro realm…”

After thinking for a while, he said directly, “Since you asked, I'll tell you all the micro realms that come after!”

“There are a total of five layers in this microscopic realm… well, according to Luo Shan, there are temporarily five layers. Because this thing refers to your microscopic realm after fully understanding a certain law of mystery, so it does not mean that there are no new realms after that…”

“At present, the realms defined by Luo Shan can be roughly called Into the Microscopic, Knowledge Microscopic, Seeing-Through, Transparent, and Clear


Tang Ren warned, “Besides, don't be too superstitious about it. This is not something that everyone can perceive. It requires perception, luck, talent, timing, and so on…”

“If you can increase the number of domains, it's still necessary to upgrade the domains first. The microscopic realm must be understood last…”

Du Gang nodded and asked, “At which level of the realm did Senior Luo Shan perceive when he was at the academy?”

Tang Ren shook his head and said, “This thing is not universally applicable.

Many mysteries, like your Sharp Gold Mystery, have reached the Knowledge Microscopic realm. However, this does not mean that your other mysteries are also at this realm. For the other mysteries, you need to understand again…”

“So, even Luo Shan back then only reached the Seeing-Through Level on Operation Gold Mystery, but later he said that in the preliminary competition in the Pangu Continent, the Operation Gold Mystery broke through to the Transparent Realm, achieving a terrifying four-rank leap in fight!” The four-order leap in fight, with five domains, could fight nine domains! “But only Luo Shan could have that capability…”

Tang Ren shook his head, “Like me and others, only after breaking through to the Sector Lord Level do we have the time to re-understand and slowly enhance this nuanced realm. However. we can onlv Drogress until the Into the Microscopic and Clear Enlightenment stages and then get stuck and can't go any further…”

“Even so, I have only comprehended two mysteries to the Clear Enlightenment realm, whereas Luo Shan, when he was so young, already had three to four mysteries reaching the Seeing-Through realm!”

“In the medium classification tower, generally comprehending the Into the Microscopic and Clear Enlightenment realms could help one pass!”

“On high classification tower, however, to pass, one needs to comprehend the mysteries to the Into the Microscopic, Clear Enlightenment, and Seeing-Through realms…”

Du Gang curiously asked, “Dean, didn't more than a hundred people pass the high-class tower? Doesn't it mean that more than one hundred people have reached the Seeing-Through realm? Then why haven't they challenged the Qiankun Tower?”

According to the dean, Luo Shan only reached the Seeing-Through realm when he left his image in the Qiankun Tower then, equivalent to other people, so how come no one could beat him?

Tang Ren chuckled, “Qiankun Tower leaves an illusion that almost perfectly duplicates the strength that he used back then…”

“Any challenger must stay on the same level as that illusion…”

“Of course, the most important thing is, Luo Shan comprehended three or four mysteries to the Seeing-Through realm at that time. Who can beat him at the same realm?!”

Tang Ren laughed, “Du Gang, don't be mistaken by these Law Towers. They contain all kinds of Into the Microscopic, Clear Enlightenment, Seeing-Through, and even Thoroughly comprehended realm mysteries. They were actually left behind by Sector Lords and even Eternal level experts…”

“But the Qiankun Tower was Luo Shan's illusion. The difficulty of the two is different. One is like going back to do primary school questions after graduating from university, while the other is like directly creating a new research field. The difficulty varies greatly…”

Du Gang nodded and asked, “Dean, what should I do if I want to reach the Into the Microscopic realm?”

Tang Ren shook his head, “I can't tell you this. Under the Microscope, one can only rely on intuition. It is impossible to describe…”

“If you are insightful, you might suddenly enter that mysteriously profound realm, and if you're not insightful enough, you might not be able to enter it for your entire life…”

“So, I think, if it takes too much time, then you should not focus on entering the microscopic. It's better to concentrate on practicing the mystery to a higher level sooner and increase the domain's rank!”

Du Gang nodded in thanks, “Ok, I got it. Thank you, Dean!”

After ending the call, he began to ponder again.

As Tang Ren said, the Into the Microscopic realm was very mysterious. If your luck is good, you can enter it instantly. If your luck is not good, you won't be able to enter it for life.

However, if he didn't try at all and simply gave up, he wouldn't be reconciled. After all, the difficulty of the Into the Microscopic represented the real difference between genuine and ordinary prodigies!


Du Gang took a deep breath and made up his mind, “I'll try for the last three days. If I can't reach the Into the Microscopic realm, I'll leave the medium-class tower and focus on practicing the mystery method…”

Soon after re-entering the fourth layer of the Wuzheng tower, Du Gang used all his mental power to observe the attacks issued by the humanoid illusion.

For a full day, he didn't attack once, constantly using speed to track the sharp gold aura of the illusion, studying everything it contained.

Even Du Gang himself didn't realize that in the course of a day, he had gradually entered a certain state, similar to when he had unknowingly broken through from the second Domain Rank to the third while on the battlefield.

The next day, Du Gang maintained his previous appearance, continuously following the illusion's sharp gold aura.

If an outsider were to witness this, they would be surprised to find that the fourth floor of the Wuzheng Tower seemed like a robot was breaking through. For an entire day, the illusion and Du Gang repeated the exact same motions without any discrepancies.

On the third day, Du Gang felt that the world in his eyes had changed a lot.

The familiar aura of Sharp Gold, in his eyes, became filled with novelty and unknown.

Unlike before when he couldn't comprehend it, this time, he could comprehend the truths entailed within.

Reading a book a hundred times, its meaning becomes clear – Du Gang achieved such mastery at this moment.

Thus, the third day passed gently during Du Gang's diligent study.

When it came to the fourth day, Du Gang, who had been moving as precisely as a robot, suddenly made his move.

He stood still, slightly lifted his right hand, mimicked the phantom's movements, and waved forward.

Instantly, a gust of Sharp Gold energy attacked the Sharp Gold energy released by the phantom.


This time, the two auras of Sharp Gold annihilated each other in the air. At the same time, the humanoid phantom on the other side gradually disappeared at this moment.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and then in this space, a staircase leading upwards appeared out of nowhere.

This is the passage to the fifth level!

As for Du Gang, his eyes had regained clarity, a smile was on his lips, he chuckled lightly, “So this is what Into the Microscopic is like!”

In just these three days, he had crossed over what took others thousands or even tens of thousands of years to achieve, reaching the Into the Microscopic realm!

These towers of laws, with their unique recording feature, meant that even if Du Gang left now, he could return to the fifth level again.

So, he retreated for the time being, ready to see if there were any changes during these three days.

After all, it's not like before. Now he has a hidden enemy. Though the enemy had issued a directive to wait and see, who knows if they will resort to other methods?

Back at the dorm, from his interaction with others, he learnt that there were no major incidents over the three days.

Du Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

Casually logging into the academy's forum, indeed, just like before, his popularity was still high, with the forum filled with discussions about his 160,000 consecutive victories and the achievement of being crowned as the strongest newcomer.

Some rank six Domain talents, who had already come out, were belittling him, claiming that since they were not present at the time, his title of 'Strongest Newcomer' was invalid.

As for all these, Du Gang just smiled.

He was now at the fifth rank Domain, and his Sharp Gold Mystery had reached the Into the Microscopic realm. Even if he had not reached the Into the Microscopic realm, based solely on his strength, he could more than match a rank six Domainer.

So, he ignored these people. All the verbal disputes, compared to more practice time, meant nothing to him.

“Beep beep beep!”

Countless people had sent him messages, some were challenging him to a battle, some wanted to meet up, some wanted to make friends, and some wanted to ask him questions, all sorts of people.

Even more strangely, he noticed a few females who were pretty and had good figures, had sent him some inexplicable photos and messages.

“Are you sick? We've never met, don't know each other, and you want me to dress you?”

Du Gang immediately blocked these women, this was utterly absurd.

After blocking these unknown people, the group chat for the White Dragon Class gradually rose to the surface.

Du Gang filtered out all the praises, doubts and jokes aimed at him, and checked on the statuses posted by other classmates.

Chen Feng: “Guys, my dorm number has reached 1813215!”

Chen Feng: “Guys, I've passed the first level of the Intermediate Tower! Do you know what it means to clear the first level of the Intermediate Tower? (Link:

Explanation of the difficulty of the first level of the Intermediate Tower)”

Chen Feng: “Guys, the second level of the Intermediate Tower is too difficult…you have no idea how terrifying the foes are inside…”

Chen Feng: “Guys, if you have the strength, I suggest you come and see the second level of the Intermediate Tower, it's really like a new world…”

Chen Feng: “Guys, I plan to go to the Secret Realm for a round of practice…”

Looking at all that Chen Feng had to say, Du Gang was speechless. This guy was really a chatterbox, and quite the poser.

Unlike him, Bai Xiaosheng consistently maintained his style.

Bai Xiaosheng: “Undertaking all types of information business…”

Bai Xiaosheng: “Buying all types of information, whether it's Zhang San peeking at Li Sits wife taking a bath, or Wang Wu having an affair with Zhao Liu's wife, any news, if you dare to send it, I dare to buy it…”

Bai Xiaosheng: “Recruiting agents, lots of points, limited positions, first come first served…”

Bai Xiaosheng: “Agent recruitment is full, no more sign-ups, it's too hot, now recruiting sub-agents, everyone hurry up…”

Seeing their lively interactions, Du Gang thought about it. As a member of the White Dragon class, he couldn't always lay low.

So, he shared a picture of the 'five' entryway that appeared when he advanced from the fourth to the fifth level in the Intermediate Tower, into the group chat and paired it with the text:

“Chen Feng is right, the difficulty of the Intermediate Tower is insane. Even I spent quite a bit of time advancing to the fifth level. Sigh. I originally planned to clear the Intermediate Tower in three days, the Advanced Tower in five days, and smash the Supreme Tower in ten days. Seems like that's hanging in the balance…”

As soon as the message was sent out, quite a few people were shocked.

“Holy crap, the fifth level of the Intermediate Tower! ”

“Holy crap, holy crap, Du Gang is here!”


“@Chen Feng, the Intermediate Tower is really difficult…”

Most people, in reality, had not tried the Intermediate Tower, so their impressions of its difficulty lied primarily in Chen Feng's boasting.

However, those who had passed the Intermediate Tower were practically popping their eyes out in surprise at this moment.

Chen Feng, who was a regular participant in the group chat, naturally kept an eye on the conversation. When he saw this, he was so stunned that he couldn't even speak a word.

Although he loved to boast, the Intermediate Tower was genuinely tough. The content he shared was real, and it read:

“According to a study. in the Heavenly Talents Academy. 90% of the first-year students have been unable to break through the first layer of the Intermediate Tower, and 99% have failed to bypass the second layer…”

This statistic reflected the level of difficulty in the task.

Let it be noted that first-year students have a whole five thousand years of time. Only when the next Cosmic Peak Talents Competition begins, the older first-year students get promoted to the second year; which means, despite having five thousand years, so many people were unable to break through the Intermediate Tower!

It may seem that Du Gang breezed through the first three levels at a rate of one level per day, but for others, it was like encountering a massive barrier that was nearly impossible to cross.

“Ahem ahem!”

With a faint smile, Du Gang said, “I guess I've heated up the White Dragon class group by adding to its popularity.”

After browsing the internet for a while and ensuring that there was nothing unusual happening, Du Gang quickly headed to the Wuzheng Tower and started his exploration of the fifth floor!

This time, the fifth floor of the Wuzheng Tower presented the War Gold Element mystery, not Sharp Gold Element.

Du Gang's understanding of the Sharp Gold Element had seeped into microscopic depths, but it couldn't be used here, so he had to start learning the War Gold Element again.

Luckily, with his previous experience, he wasn't clueless. He could concentrate solely on comprehending the War Gold Element.

It took three more days, but he finally managed to break through to the sixth floor. It meant that his understanding of the War Gold Element mystery had also attained the 'Into the Microscopic' level!

This time, he didn't rush to leave. Instead, he entered the sixth level directly, planning to grasp the mystery of this level as well.

The mystery of the sixth level revolved around Sharpness. It took him three more days to comprehend it at the 'Into the Microscopic' degree.

“Should I check out the seventh level?”

Looking at the slowly appearing passage to the seventh level, Du Gang hesitated for a moment before deciding to take a look. If he found it too difficult to understand in a short time, he would back off.

As soon as he stood on the seventh floor, a seemingly human image immediately appeared.

This time, it didn't give him any chance to slowly understand.

Just as a sharp gold slaughtering aura rose, with a “poof” sound, Du Gang had already been teleported out of the tower.

“Am I dead?”

The Wuzheng Tower had a protective mechanism. Once it was determined that the challenger could not bear further attacks and was on the verge of death, he would be directly teleported out.

Standing outside the tower, Du Gang was speechless. Even with his impressive defensive power, he got expelled from the tower.

Was it because his defense was not up to par and he “died”, or did the Wuzheng Tower consider him an ordinary person and made a pre-judgment to send him out?!

Not believing this outcome, Du Gang stepped into the Wuzheng Tower's seventh level again.



Just as he set foot on the seventh level, a sharp gold slaughtering aura ignited, and then he was again outside the tower.


Looking at the scenery outside the tower, Du Gang felt indignant and moved towards the seventh level once again.

“Swish, swish–”


Du Gang found himself outside the tower once again.


This time, he completely understood. Earlier, the so-called 'Seeing-Through' Sharp Gold Mystery had practically ignored his speed and sent him out in a second!

At that moment on the seventh floor, he had even wandered all around the tower body, expecting that he would be able to hang around there. However, he ended up outside the next moment.

This meant that currently, he lacked the ability to comprehend the situation!

“That's enough, let's go back!”

Not having communicated with the outside world for six days, he decided to return and check things out.

Returning to his dormitory, he caught up with the world's latest, useful and useless news from his light computer, Bala La, and then, Du Gang started pondering over his subsequent cultivation plan.

“There are 17 days left until the elimination round begins…”

“Without Contribution Points, I can't enter the Qiankun Secret Realm, and hence, I won't able to break into the Cosmic Level…

“First, let's comprehend the 'Into-the -Microscopic' realm of the Critical Strike Mystery…”

Each Intermediate Tower presents a variety of elements. The Wuzheng Tower he chose conveniently aligned with the three mysteries he had mastered Sharp Gold, War Gold, and Sharpness.

However, the Laws of the Mysteries from other Intermediate Towers differed. Various Gold Mystery elements such as Sharp Gold, Sharpness, Sharp Point, and the like; some of them he hadn't even heard of before. Suddenly, he noticed a place called the Illusion Tower.

“Bala La, what is Illusion Tower?”

Bala La promptly replied, “The Illusion Tower was built by a famous Mind Master who graduated from the Heavenly Talents Academy and returned here upon becoming an Eternal…”

“It mainly tests the mental perseverance of those who challenge the tower. Successfully navigating different levels of the tower equates to being able to withstand the attacks of Illusionists at different levels…

“You must know that even in our Qiankun Continent, many Mind Masters have started exploring other directions. Illusionists are a particularly powerful branch that can lead opponents to be completely lost in illusions and render them helpless…”

“Thus, the primary function of the Illusion Tower lies in its tests. Passing the initial three levels implies that you can block the illusory attacks of beginner Illusionists at the Stellar Level…'

“Being able to pass from the fourth to the sixth floor means being able to resist an illusion technique of cosmic level…”

“Being able to pass from the seventh to the ninth floor means being able to resist an illusion attack of different degrees on the Domain Lord Level…”

“Once you pass the tenth floor of the Illusion Tower, it means you are completely immune to all illusions below the level of Sector Lord!”

Barlala laughed and said, “The Illusion Tower is the only tower in the Heavenly

Genius Academy that has ten floors, all other towers only have nine…”

Du Gang suddenly understood and laughed, “I've reached Rank Five in grounding my origin, which makes me immune to stellar-level mental attacks. Does that mean I can pass through the first three floors of the Illusion Tower?”

Barlala shook his head and said, “No, it's not just that.

“Some people with strong willpower can resist a stellar-level illusion attack without needing a technique like grounding their origin…”

Du Gang nodded, “So, could I potentially pass more levels because of my willpower?”

At this point, he felt a bit eager to see how far he could go beyond grounding his origin!

“This isn't necessarily so!”

Barlala laughed, “At the very least, with the protection of grounding your origin, you can smoothly pass through the first three floors. As for whether you can make it through the fourth, I have no idea!”

“Then I'll give it a whirl!”

Soon, Du Gang arrived at the entrance of the Illusion Tower.

At this moment, the place was fully packed with people, all lining up to challenge the tower.

Unlike other towers where many people could enter at once, the Illusion Tower could only admit one hundred people at a time. So the quota was very tight and people basically had to queue every day.

Glancing at the very long queue, Du Gang walked straight past the crowd towards the entrance of the Illusion Tower.

This action immediately drew the attention of the queued crowd.

“Hey kid, what are you doing? Get in line!”

“Hey, what are you doing? Aren't you going to queue?”

Many people, seeing Du Gang's actions, verbally stopped him, instructing him to go to the back of the line. But Du Gang ignored them and continued towards the tower entrance.

“Why bother? To challenge the Illusion Tower, one needs to make a reservation in advance and queue here. Besides, our queue is based on online registration…”

“Exactly, even if he gets to the entrance, without a prior reservation or online registration, can he get in?”

The people in front of the line, seeing Du Gang's figure passing by, laughed in succession.

“You don't know that you need to queue to enter this place, do you, kid?” “Yeah, did you think you could just cut in line?”

Du Gang shot them a glance, still not responding to them, and walked straight to the entrance of the Illusion Tower.

Just then, a student was carried out frothing at the mouth.

Upon seeing this, Du Gang immediately scanned his Light Computer over the equipment at the entrance.

“Ding! ”

After a sound, Du Gang disappeared with a “whoosh”.

The person who had been at the front of the line was taken aback. “What's going on? It was supposed to be my turn next!”

“What's happening?”

The students behind were all confused.

A line-cutter had actually managed to cut in!

Just as someone was questioning whether there might be a malfunction in the equipment at the entrance, someone suddenly recognized the figure and shouted:

“That guy just now was Du Gang, a freshman, the one who won the strongest newcomer title! ”

“What? It was him!”

The crowd at the scene was suddenly astonished.

“That's rißht, I remember, there's a privileze on the strongest newcomer list, which is priority access to all services…”

“Obviously, not having to queue to challenge the Illusion Tower is one of the privileges of the strongest newcomer!”


The people at the scene were immediately envious.

After Du Gang arrived in the Illusion Tower, he had just arrived at the first floor when a mental attack suddenly surged into his mind.


The next second, his grounding the origin technique activated, directly blocking that mental attack.

Immediately afterwards, a door leading to the second floor appeared.

“Is it really that simple?”

Du Gang was a bit surprised. However, he quickly rushed towards the second floor.

Clearly, the illusion at the first level did not even let him see its face before it disappeared!

Upon reaching the second floor, an invisible mental force enveloped him in the same way as before.


Similarly, the mental power was again blocked by Zhen Benyuan.

Du Gang, with a helpless face, could only proceed toward the third floor.

This time, he still saw no illusion, so he directly advanced to the fourth floor.

On this occasion, he only felt a sharp pain in his mind, and the next second, he lost consciousness.

“Du Gang!”

A deafening voice resounded.

Du Gang got a shock and quickly regained his senses.

As he opened his eyes, his biology teacher was standing next to him, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and he said, “It's class time, you can't sleep. If you are really tired, sleep after class…”

Seeing that Du Gang did not respond, he paused briefly before continuing, “Looking at you, it seems you haven't woken up yet… Didn't I tell you to preview reproductive cells yesterday? Du Gang, come tell us, what are reproductive cells! ! ”

“Reproductive cells?”

Du Gang was taken aback, “It seems… I can't father children anymore…”

“Hahaha! ”

In the classroom, hearing Du Gang's nonsense, all the students burst into laughter.

The chubby girl in front of him turned her head and giggled at him, winking at him!

“What's this nonsense!”

The biology teacher was a bit angry and raised his voice,” I'm telling you to explain about reproductive cells, did you hear that!”

Du Gang looked at the teacher and the laughing students in front of him, his mind puzzled.

Am 1 Du Gang?

Am I a student of the first grade of Nanyuan Experimental Middle School?

Wait, wasn't I venturing through the Illusion Tower?

What is the Illusion Tower?

“Du Gang, you've deeply disappointed me. Stand at the back and listen to the class!” The biology teacher spoke loudly, then directly turned and walked towards the podium.

As tor Du Gang, he walked slowly but dejectedly toward the back ot the classroom. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.

“What's the big deal about standing in the back?”

He furrowed his brows, sensing something was amiss.

After stopping, he looked around at his classmates. Apart from the playful students who were still making faces at him, the studious ones were sitting upright, listening to the lecture attentively.

“Is this a dream?”

“It feels so real!”

Du Gang quickly walked to the blackboard in the back, turned around, ready to stand and listen to the class.

“Turn your textbooks to page 36, we are learning about human reproductive organs today…”

“Through this lesson, you will know what the main structures of the male and female reproductive systems are!” “Their respective functions!”

“As well as the process of fertilization…”

Du Gang had rushed to the back and forgot to bring his textbook. Distressed, he moved closer to the side, stealing a glance at a student's textbook.

But, the student in the last row, who had some minor grievances with Du Gang, saw him looking and quickly propped the book up, preventing Du Gang from seeing.

Seeing this, Du Gang was suddenly frustrated.

Why on earth did I fall asleep during class?!

Now, I can't even read the textbook, I'm so miserable!

Am I miserable? They are all dead, but I'm still alive…

Du Gang was a little puzzled, wondering why these strange thoughts were surfacing in his mind.

Meanwhile, in the third row from the back, Mu Chuxue turned her head towards Du Gang and revealed a sweet smile, then handed her textbook to him.

Du Gang took it naturally, and looked at Mu Chuxue's face, a deep doubt arising in his mind.

Didn't she die?

At this moment, the Zhen Benyuan in his mind suddenly rotated. “I crushed her to death with my very own hands!”

Du Gang calmly uttered these words, the confusion in his eyes gradually disappearing. “What a powerful illusion!”

“Break! ”

With a low shout, the entire classroom and all the students were like broken mirrors, fracturing piece by piece, and soon crumbled away.

The appearance of the fourth level of the Illusion Tower came back into view, and at the same time, the staircase to the fifth floor of the tower appeared in front of him.

“Should I go?”

Du Gang hesitated a bit. He barely made it out of the fourth level.

Before, he thought that illusion just made a fake scene to fool you into thinking it was real.

Who knew that the illusions also had the ability to erase and reshape memory.

Indeed, without altering memories, just creating a fake set wouldn't trick anyone. Wouldn't every person be able to get out?

“Go ahead, the Illusion Tower is intended to let people know their own limits. It's better to be frustrated now than to face a powerful illusionist and lose your life!”

With this in mind, Du Gang quickly stepped into the fifth level.

“Haha, you guys didn't see it, just the two of us held off the spatial channels…”

In his daze, Du Gang heard a familiar voice.

“This is truly a feat, I'm damn amazing…'

It was King Kong!

Du Gang woke up in a startle. At the moment, he was sitting on a helicopter.

The safety line was finally set up… surely my parents found their way too?

Soon, the helicopter dropped them off at the edge of the temporary car base and quickly took off again.

After getting off the helicopter, Du Gang hurriedly ran towards the command center. Halfway there, he saw his parents standing nearby watching him.

“Xiao Gang!”

Liu Ling's eyes were red. Seeing Du Gang, she cried out excitedly and rushed towards him with Du Kang. The family of three was immediately tangled up in a hug.

“Mom, Dad, I thought I would never see you again!”

“Silly boy, what are you talking about…”

Du Gang couldn't stop his tears, his heart was full of sorrow. Growing up, this was the first time he had experienced the fear of not having his parents around.

“Mom, Dad, let's never be apart again..

“Alright, Xiao Gang, don't cry. You're a big man now, don't let others laugh at you!”

That was when Du Gang noticed two others standing next to him, Wang Yixuan and Mu Chuxue.

Liu Ling grabbed Mu Chuxue's hand, laughing. “Du Gang, you didn't know, your mom was able to come back all thanks to her. If it wasn't for your classmate, you might not have seen me…”

Upon hearing her say this, Du Gang looked at Mu Chuxue in surprise. His gaze filled with gratitude, he said solemnly, “Mu Chuxue, thank you…”

Mu Chuxue smiled. “You're welcome, you saved my life too. I was only returning the favor!”

Du Gang let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't very adept at handling this sort of situation!

Soon, the family of three, along with Mu Chuxue and Wang Yixuan all squeezed into a car. They chatted joyfully all night long.

As the sky began to lighten, the sound of shelling came again.

Hearing these sounds of artillery fire, Du Kang and Liu Ling finally fell into a deep sleep.

And so, Du Gang spent his days going out with the exploration team to kill bugs, and spent his nights guarding his parents, being a good boy.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, the bugs on Earth thoroughly defeated, the Spatial Channels closed.

Hua Nation issued a new law, “Population Restoration Measures,” encouraging fertility and putting forth pro-birth slogans.

Implement the “Procedures,” and promote a policy of more births and more fertility.


Hua Nation needs to be prosperous, and the population needs to be flourishing.


Born in the present, established in perpetuity.


Many sons and grandsons, much happiness and longevity.


Whether it is a son or a daughter, they are all the same. Otherwise, the son will have no one to marry.

“Du Gang, Mu Chuxue is such a good girl. If you don't want her, someone else will snatch her away!”

In a three-room house in the Nanyuan base, Liu Ling began to persuade him.

Du Gang's face turned red. “Mom, I'm still young, isn't it too early?”

“Ah, it isn't early!”

Liu Ling laughed. “In ancient times, people got married and had children at twelve or thirteen. Besides, hasn't our country made it a rule now? Males start from their first seminal emission, and females from their first menstruation, can apply for marriage…”

As soon as he heard this, Du Gang's face turned even redder, and he whispered, “Does Mu Chuxue agree?”

As soon as Liu Ling heard this, she was overjoyed. “My son, does that mean you agree? You wait here, I'll go propose the match. These days, I've been keeping an eye out, worried some other guy would snatch her away…”

After she finished speaking, she ran out joyfully.

Watching her back, Du Gang was somewhat excited and dry-mouthed. He immediately grabbed a scoop from the water jar and started guzzling down the water.

In a short while, Liu Ling came running back.

Du Gang quickly took two steps forward, his heart simultaneously hopeful and nervous, and anxiously asked, “Mom, what did she say?”

Liu Ling laughed. “With your mom making the arrangements, how could it be unsuccessful? My boy, I've already spoken for you, you're getting married tomorrow!”


Du Gang was taken aback. “Tomorrow? Isn't that too hasty?!”

“It's not. The nation is even more anxious than we are. Today you propose, tomorrow you get married!”

The next day, while it was still dark, numerous visitors began to arrive.

People playing gongs and drums were invited by the country to perform. “How can the marriage of a war god not be a grand celebration?!”

Not only the national leaders participated in the wedding this time, but even aliens sent representatives to offer blessings.

Just like this, Du Gang was kept busy the whole day, and finally arrived at the new house assigned by the nation in the evening.

Every nook and cranny of the house was decorated in red, with the character 'iä' everywhere.

“Off you go!”

With a little push from friends and relatives, Du Gang was pushed straight into the bridal chamber.

Inside the room, Mu Chuxue was already sitting there, donned with a red bridal veil.

Witnessing his bride's dignified posture, Du Gang was instantly engulfed by an impulsive desire.

Gulping, he rubbed his hands subtly, trying to ease his nervousness.

“Mu…Mu Chuxue!”

Du Gang stuttered her name, licking his lips and moving closer.

Mu Chuxue did not move, responding softly. Then, with a tender voice, she said, “Why are you still calling me by my name?”

Her crisp voice made Du Gang stand upright in an instant.

“My wife! ”

Having said that, he suddenly gained strength, quickly moved forward, lifted her veil, and revealed her shy and beautiful face.

Seeing her bashfully budding beauty, Du Gang could no longer hold back and pounced towards her.

Just then, Mu Chuxue pushed him away.

'Wait a moment!”

Du Gang stopped his actions and asked in confusion. “What's wrong?”

Mu Chuxue suddenly revealed a sly smile and said, “Honey, there's no one in your shadow, right?!”

Holy shit!

In that moment, Du Gang remembered everything.

His heart felt as if thousands of horses were galloping through.

The scene in front of him gradually shattered, revealing the situation inside the Illusion Tower. Not far away, a “E” [5] mark stood as if mocking his ambitions.

It was clear that he had failed the challenge!


Du Gang was wide-mouthed, his mind still stuck in the last moment, echoing the words, “Honey, there's no one in your shadow, right?!”

“Chu Zixuan, I curse your ancestors!”

This shadow issue was originally unrelated to him, but during the Earth Alliance, when Chu Zixuan was the leader, Du Gang had lived on Earth for some time.

At that time, he unwittingly heard from Madame Merlin, “Honey, there's no one in your shadow, right?!”

Of course, he just happened to overhear it at the time and didn't witness the subsequent events.

But this sentence was deeply ingrained in his mind.

Who would have thought that today, the power of the illusion would use it against him!

The perception of time both inside and outside the Illusion was different, and Du Gang knew that when Illusion finally spoke those words, he was already dead. The enemy wouldn't play tricks on him but would kill him with a weapon!

Back in the dormitory.

Balala curiously asked: “Du Gang, what did you see in the illusion? You seem different after you came back!”


Du Gang sighed, shaking his head without replying.

Everything that happened in the last illusion was still fresh in his memory. Living with his parents for that one month might have been the happiest time in recent days.

Regrettably, all of it was a mere illusion.

“Perhaps this is my weakness…”

Du Gang sighed again, “Mom, Dad, after your death, you'd also hoped to remain my weakness, right?!”

In fact, he had a hunch that he could wake up from the Illusion at any time. The power of his origin in his mind was ready to wake him up at any moment.

But he was resisting it in the illusion, because he had a premonition that once he woke up, everything would be an illusion.

In the end, everything did turn out to be an illusion!

With this Illusion experience, Du Gang's mindset changed a little. At least next time, if he encounters a similar situation, he probably won't hesitate anymore…


As this thought emerged, Du Gang's origin that had been stuck at Rank Five suddenly advanced, breaking through directly to the Sixth Rank.

This meant that in the future, he will be immune to all cosmic level mental

attacks !

Chapter end

Chapter 204 – Chapter 204: Chapter 203 Closed–door Cultivation! New
Chapter 203 – Chapter 203: Chapter 202: Advancing to the Finals and the Crisis After Half a Year! New
Chapter 202 – Chapter 202: Chapter 201: The Impending Deadly Crisis! New
Chapter 201 – Chapter 201: Chapter 200: The Strongest Aristocrat on Pangu Continent! New
Chapter 200 – Chapter 200: Chapter 199: The Ominous Thing in the Source Stone! New
Chapter 199 – Chapter 199: Chapter 198: The Powerful Kong Luo New
Chapter 198 – Chapter 198: Chapter 197: Du Gang's Current Situation! New
Chapter 197 – Chapter 197: Chapter 196: Du Gang's Ambitious Aspirations!
Chapter 196 – Chapter 196: Chapter 195: Chen Yixuan Has Disappeared!
Chapter 195 – Chapter 195: Chapter 194: Leaving the Ruins!
Chapter 194 – Chapter 194: Chapter 193: The Way to Make Money!
Chapter 193 – Chapter 193: Chapter 192: Accidental Encounter with the Jiang Family!
Chapter 192 – Chapter 192: Chapter 191: Entering the Ruins!
Chapter 191 – Chapter 191: Chapter 190: The Strongest Sacred Body!
Chapter 190 – Chapter 190: Chapter 189: Arriving at Pangu Continent
Chapter 189 – Chapter 189: Chapter 188: Arriving at Pangu Continent!
Chapter 188 – Chapter 188: Chapter 187: Advancing to Sector Lord Level!
Chapter 187 – Chapter 187: Chapter 186: Killing Four Thousand Sector Lord Level Powerhouses!
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173 – Chapter 173: Chapter 172: The Open Audition Ends!
Chapter 172 – Chapter 172: Chapter 171: The Final Round of the Preliminary Selection Ends!
Chapter 171 - Chapter 171: Chapter 170: Trillion-fold Attack – A Heavendefying Strike!
Chapter 170 – Chapter 170: Chapter 169 Comprehending the Third
Chapter 169 – Chapter 169: Chapter 168: A very tough match!
Chapter 168 – Chapter 168: Chapter 167, Advancing to the Finals in the Open Audition (10,000 words chapter, please subscribe)
Chapter 167 – Chapter 167: Chapter 166: Achieving Three–Star Asura!
Chapter 166 – Chapter 166: Chapter 165: The Heart of the Strong!
Chapter 165 – Chapter 165: Chapter 164: Arriving at the Elementary Cosmic Nation of White Dragon Mountain!
Chapter 164 – Chapter 164: Chapter 163: The End of the Preliminary Selections and The Wandering Earth Plan! (All updates seek subscription!)
Chapter 163 – Chapter 163: Chapter 162: The First Competition Zone!
Chapter 162 – Chapter 162: Chapter 161: Winning the Preliminary Champion of the Milky Way Galaxy
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157 – Chapter 157: Chapter 156: Focusing on Cultivation!
Chapter 156 - Chapter 156: Chapter 155 – Finally, Revenge is Served!
Chapter 155 – Chapter 155: Chapter 154: Storming the Sky–reaching Tower! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 154 – Chapter 154: Chapter 153 Understanding Laws! (Thanks to the helm reward of 0Banished Immortalo, great and domineering!)
Chapter 153 – Chapter 153: Chapter 152: Primary Level Killing Field!
Chapter 152 – Chapter 152: Chapter 151: Joining the Virtual Universe Company!
Chapter 151 – Chapter 151: Chapter 150 Divine Bloodline!
Chapter 150 – Chapter 150: Chapter 149: The Four Dominant Forces of the Universe!
Chapter 149 – Chapter 149: Chapter 148: Killing the Stellar Level Powerhouse! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 148 – Chapter 148: Chapter 147: Greatly Increased Strength!
Chapter 147 – Chapter 147: Chapter 146: Using the Time Rune Again!
Chapter 146 – Chapter 146: Chapter 145: Calm Days! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 145 – Chapter 145: Chapter 144: Cosmic Fireworks!
Chapter 144 – Chapter 144: Chapter 143: Reborn!
Chapter 143 – Chapter 143: Chapter 142: Focused Cultivation!
Chapter 142 – Chapter 142: Chapter 141: Earth Crisis!
Chapter 141 – Chapter 141: Chapter 140: The Purple Orchid Star Region Shakes! (Thank you to the helmsman who quickly updated, Tangerine Cat for the rewarding gift, domineering!)
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138 – Chapter 138: Chapter 137: The Final Goodbye, Leaving Earth!
Chapter 137 – Chapter 137: Chapter 136: Return to Earth! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 136 – Chapter 136: Chapter 135: The Heritage of the Ancient God!
Chapter 135 – Chapter 135: Chapter 134: Preparing to Accept the Heritage
Chapter 134 – Chapter 134: Chapter 133: Twilight of the Gods! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 133 – Chapter 133: Chapter 132: The power generated by the strongest nuclear bomb explosion on Earth! (A 5200–word long chapter, please subscribe!)
Chapter 132 – Chapter 132: Chapter 131: Rescue the God of War! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 131 – Chapter 131: Chapter 130: Ambushed!
Chapter 130 – Chapter 130: Chapter 129: Launch the Divine Battle!
Chapter 129 – Chapter 129: Chapter 128: Mighty Man, Spare My Life! (Please subscribe!)
Chapter 128 – Chapter 128: Chapter 127: A Strong Body!
Chapter 127 – 127 Chapter 126: Young Man, No Respect for Rules!
Chapter 126 – Chapter 126: Chapter 125 All forces of the Wasteland Star Region are in place! (Greatly seeking subscriptions!)
Chapter 125 – Chapter 125: Chapter 124: The Overlord's Banquet! (Second update)
Chapter 124 – Chapter 124: Chapter 123 Discussion
Chapter 123 – Chapter 123: Chapter 122: Full Level Fourth Rank
Chapter 122 – Chapter 122: Chapter 121: Understanding the Power of
Chapter 121 – 121 Chapter 120: Running beyond the first cosmic speed! (Please subscribe, please vote!)
Chapter 120 – Chapter 120: Chapter 119 Today, I want to make history! (Third update, please subscribe)
Chapter 119 – Chapter 119: Chapter 118 Overlord!
Chapter 118 – Chapter 118: Chapter 117: The Development and Crisis of Earth! (4100 words, subscribe please!)
Chapter 117 – Chapter 117: Chapter 116: Establishment of the Earth Alliance (Third update)
Chapter 116 – Chapter 116: Chapter 115: About the Future Development of Earth! (Second update, seeking subscription)
Chapter 115 – Chapter 115: Chapter 114: Investment Construction Limit! (Seeking Subscriptions)
Chapter 114 – Chapter 114: Chapter 113: First heard of the Wasteland Star Field! (Third Update)
Chapter 113 – Chapter 113: Chapter 112: Communication with Alien
Chapter 112 - Chapter 112: Chapter 111 – Destruction Like a Bouncy Ball! (Please Subscribe)
Chapter 111 – Chapter 111: Chapter 110: The Alien Arrival! (Thank you helmsman for noticing me and waiting, +5 more updates)
Chapter 110 – Chapter 110: Chapter 109: A Spaceship That Can Perform Spatial Jumps!
Chapter 109 – 109 Chapter 108: A Kick Comparable to a Nuclear Explosion! (Seeking first subscription, an additional chapter for every 500 subscriptions!)
Chapter 108 – Chapter 108: Chapter 107 Collective Action! (Seeking First Subscription!)
Chapter 107 – Chapter 107: Chapter 107: Assassination Operation!
Chapter 106 – Chapter 106: Chapter 106 All Parties Act! Asking for First Subscription (Five in One Ten Thousand Words Chapter)
Chapter 105 – Chapter 105: Chapter 105: Source of Disaster!
Chapter 104 – Chapter 104: Chapter 104: Level Up Again!
Chapter 103 – Chapter 103: Chapter 103: The Value of a Fist–Sized Yellow Crystal!
Chapter 102 – Chapter 102: Chapter 102: Complex National Situation
Chapter 101 – Chapter 101: Chapter 101: The War God Who Descended From Heaven!
Chapter 100 – Chapter 100: Chapter 100: The Debut of Divine Mystery Camp!
Chapter 99 – Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Huge Fireball with a Diameter of Ten Meters!
Chapter 98 – Chapter 98: Chapter 98: I am a Strong One of the Tenth
Chapter 97 – Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Master, Drop a Head!
Chapter 96 – Chapter 96: Chapter 96: Difficult victory (Thanks to the helmsman of the Mad Ore for the reward! Big brother is powerful and domineering–!)
Chapter 95 – Chapter 95: Chapter 95: A Discovery That Could Shake The World! (Seeking Recommendation)
Chapter 94 – Chapter 94: Chapter 94: Battle with the Dinosaur!
Chapter 93 – Chapter 93: Chapter 93 Learning Boxing and The Arrival of Someone from the Arctic Circle
Chapter 92 – Chapter 92: Chapter 92: A Different Sirius!
Chapter 91 – Chapter 91: Chapter 91: Promoted to Rank–Three Ancient God!
Chapter 90 – Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Arrived at Meimu Mountain!
Chapter 89 – Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Pouring Oil on the Fire and Du Gang's New Discovery!
Chapter 88 – Chapter 88: Chapter 88: The Plan to Burn Down Changyang City!
Chapter 87 – Chapter 87: Chapter 87: Arriving at South Honeymoon City
Chapter 86 – Chapter 86: Chapter 86: Winning Without Fighting!
Chapter 85 – Chapter 85: Chapter 85: Accepting the Mission (Seeking
Chapter 84 – Chapter 84: Chapter 84: Discussion (Thank you to Wind·Slight Cool for donating 60000, awesome boss~!)
Chapter 83 – Chapter 83: Chapter 83: We Have a God of War! (Seeking recommendations, rewards, collections, and comments)
Chapter 82 – Chapter 82: Chapter 82: The Change of Ownership in South
Chapter 81 – Chapter 81: Chapter 81: The Secret of the Giant (Seeking Recommendations, Rewards, Collections, and Comments)
Chapter 80 – Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Turning the Tables! (Seeking
Chapter 79 – Chapter 79: Chapter 79: Tiger Brother, Do You Want Me to Rub Your Back? (Seeking recommendations, rewards, collections, and comments)
Chapter 78 – Chapter 78: Chapter 78: So… This Is the Real God of War (Seeking recommendations, rewards, collections, and comments)
Chapter 77 – Chapter 77: Chapter 77: The Hastily Sounding Pellet Drum! (Seeking recommendations, rewards, comments, and collections)
Chapter 76 – Chapter 76: Chapter 76: Run! It's Coming After Us! (Thanks to Guild Master Wugong Liuli for the rewards, you're so awesome and domineering!)
Chapter 75 – Chapter 75: Chapter 75: The Eight–Person Superpowered Reconnaissance Team (Seeking recommendations, rewards, comments, and collections)
Chapter 74 – Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Will it Pierce Through the Earth? (Seeking Recommendations)
Chapter 73 – Chapter 73: Chapter 73: The Giant Tiger with Incredible Defense! (Seeking recommendations, rewards, comments, and collections)
Chapter 72 – Chapter 72: Chapter 72: Lu Zhou's New Speculation! (Seeking recommendations, collections, rewards, and comments)
Chapter 71 – Chapter 71: Chapter 71: Second Rank Ancient God and the
Chapter 70 – Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Notice to the Residents of
Chapter 69 – Chapter 69: Chapter 69: The Arrival of the National Master (Seeking Recommendations)
Chapter 68 – Chapter 68: Chapter 68 Title: God of War (Please Recommend)
Chapter 67 – Chapter 67: Chapter 67 Determining the Cooperation Relationship! (Seeking Recommendation)
Chapter 66 – Chapter 66: Chapter 66 Can I Trust You? (Please Recommend)
Chapter 65 – Chapter 65: Chapter 65 Invasion of Dark Will (Seeking Recommendations)
Chapter 64 – Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Hearing of a Death (Seeking Recommendations)
Chapter 63 – Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Dead, All Dead! (Asking for Recommendations)
Chapter 62 – Chapter 62: Chapter 62: The Spear of the Ancient God! (Seeking recommendations)
Chapter 61 – Chapter 61: Chapter 61 The Diamond King (Seeking Recommendations)
Chapter 60 – Chapter 60: Chapter 60: Are You Human or Monster?!! (Please Recommend)
Chapter 59 – Chapter 59: Chapter 59: The Complex Air Defense Cave
Chapter 58 – Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Entering the Air Raid Shelter
Chapter 57 – Chapter 57: Chapter 57: Arrival in Luo An City
Chapter 56 – Chapter 56: Chapter 56: A Worried Chu Zixuan
Chapter 55 – Chapter 55: Chapter 55: The Great Evacuation of Nanyuan Province
Chapter 54 – Chapter 54: Chapter 54 Continuous Upgrade!
Chapter 53 – Chapter 53: Chapter 53: The Levels and Evolution of the Superpowered!
Chapter 52 – Chapter 52: Chapter 52: The Solid Small Treasury
Chapter 51 – Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Whether I can live or not, it's up to fate! (Thanks to the recommendation votes from readers!)
Chapter 50 – Chapter 50: Chapter 50 Are you sure she won't take us down too? (Seeking recommendations)
Chapter 49 – Chapter 49: Chapter 49: An Explosion Comparable to a Cruise Missile! (Please vote for recommendation!)
Chapter 48 – Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Astonishing Defense Power! (Recommendations Welcome!)
Chapter 47 – Chapter 47: Chapter 47 Celestial God Descends!
Chapter 46 – Chapter 46: Chapter 46: The Second Night After the Apocalypse (Requesting Votes! )
Chapter 45 – Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Blood Red Armor (Seeking Kecommenaauons!)
Chapter 44 – Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Don't advise others to be good without knowing their hardships (asking for recommendations)
Chapter 43 – Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Desperate Ming Yuwei
Chapter 42 – Chapter 42: Chapter 42 There's a Situation Upstairs!
Chapter 41 – Chapter 41: Chapter 41: If You Want to Hate, Hate the Heavens
Chapter 40 – Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Dawn Stone!
Chapter 39 – Chapter 39: Chapter 39: The Stone that Can Isolate Bugs
Chapter 38 – Chapter 38: Chapter 38: The Village Without Bugs!
Chapter 37 – Chapter 37: Chapter 37 Xingyuan Building
Chapter 36 – Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Leaving Nanyuan City
Chapter 35 – Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Greatly Enhanced!
Chapter 34 – Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Activating Dynamic Vision
Chapter 33 – Chapter 33: Chapter 33 This is the Counterattack of my Earth 's Life Forms!
Chapter 32 – Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Would You Like to Join Us?
Chapter 31 – Chapter 31: Chapter 31 After all, we are all humans!
Chapter 30 – Chapter 30: Chapter 30: A Weakness of the Bug
Chapter 29 – Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Exchange
Chapter 28 – Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Someone Underneath
Chapter 27 – Chapter 27: Chapter 27 New Distribution Method
Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Chapter 26 – Activating the Nervous System!
Chapter 25 – Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Method of Distributing Spoils of War
Chapter 24 – Chapter 24: Chapter 24 Transformation!
Chapter 23 – Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Chu Zixuan Awakens
Chapter 22 – Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Courageous Chu Zixuan
Chapter 21 – Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The Role of Crystallization!
Chapter 20 – Chapter 20: Chapter 20 New Six–Person Small Team
Chapter 19 – Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Team Split
Chapter 18 – Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Daybreak!
Chapter 17 – Chapter 17: Chapter 17: A Despairing Conclusion!
Chapter 16 – Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Establishing Leadership
Chapter 15 – Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Deterioration of the Situation
Chapter 14 – Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The Icicle Superpowered
Chapter 13 – Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Classmate Kidnapped by Morality
Chapter 12 – Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The New Bug
Chapter 11 – Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Genius Du Gang!
Chapter 10 – Chapter 10: Chapter 10: If I were a giant, I would be braver than him!
Chapter 9 – Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Source Energy Crystals
Chapter 8 – Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Hunting the Black Beetles
Chapter 7 – Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Searching for Weapons
Chapter 6 – Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The Giant Du Gang
Chapter 5 – Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Worried Students
Chapter 4 – Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Before Dark
Chapter 3 – Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The First Day of Chaos
Chapter 2 – Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Halted Voyager 2
Chapter 1 – Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Cockroach that Grew a Hundred Times Bigger
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