I Found A Planet I Found A Planet Chapter 435

I Found A Planet I Found A Planet Chapter 435

Chapter 435: Concessions Began

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


“This… what is going on? Can it be explained by science?” Chen Jin said with a grave expression as he held a terminal communicator in his hand.

“Dad, I've asked Professor Feng about this matter. He said it is very likely that, after those celestial particles from the Heavenly Realm had dispersed on Earth, they were affected by the field energy of many special elementary particles. There were no changes in ordinary chemical and nuclear fission reactions. Only fusion reactions with very high energy levels seemed to become somewhat slow and not as dramatic as before.”

“Our high-end weapons have obviously become limited in their power,” Chen Xing Yue said with an obvious tremble in her voice. She had lost her former calm.

“Is this about balance?” Chen Jin muttered. “Or, is this a fine-tuning enacted by the source of the universe?”

The problem was that, after such an adjustment, the power of the trump card in their hands had immediately weakened.

If the Revival of Magical Powers had been more intense, it might be possible that nuclear weapons would have been weakened even more thoroughly.

“Dad, what should we do now…? What should we do?” Chen Xing Yue said.

She was stunned out of her wits. Although the Chen family did not openly or explicitly do anything against the Protoss, everyone knew that the family had the toughest attitude against them and were insulting to them.

Some of the senior administration of the Protoss also regarded the Chen family as an ill-mannered and wicked “opponent.”

Once tensions between humans and Protoss intensified in the coming times and conflicts broke out, the Chen family would be the first to bear the brunt. They would be the main target of the attacks.

If they were in a disadvantageous position or if they were faced with certain failure, the Chen family would definitely come to a bad end.

“Don't panic. I'll ask you this: currently, how many people know about the failure of the nuclear weapons?” Chen Jin asked.

“Not many—only the nuclear weapons maintenance personnel, some federal members of parliament, and some of the family heads of the biggest clans. There should not be too many people who know about this matter, as it has not yet spread,” Chen Xing Yue said after some thought.

“Then block this news and seal it tightly! You must not let the Protoss know about this.”

“I know. The Federation also knows that this is a serious matter, so the news has been strictly restrained from the beginning. Fortunately, the Protoss do not know much about science and technology. There are not many Protoss who know the local written language… For the time being, this news should not leak.

“But… paper can't hold fire; some things can't be hidden for long. I'm afraid that, sooner or later, this issue will come to the Protoss' knowledge as time passes. When that time comes…”

Thinking of this, Chen Xing Yue could not help but say, “Dad, I think that our previous response tactics may not be suitable now. If the Chen family continues to maintain its tough attitude without making appropriate concessions, it is very likely that we will face a huge loss in the future… Maybe, we should make some small changes.”


Chen Jin heard the meaning behind her words. She meant that they should compromise and weaken their stance. Their attitude could no longer be as tough as before.

In the past, they had the ultimate weapon to fall back on, so there was no reason for fear.

Now their trump card had been weakened, and they could no longer act tough.

“Okay. It's okay to change our stance a little, but don't make too many out-of-character changes,” Chen Jin suggested. “When it comes to principles, we still have to insist on what has to be insisted on. If we compromise without limits, it may give the other party a clue… You must know that, generally speaking, the IQ of the Protoss is not low.”

“I know, Dad. I will do a good job.”

After that, the two ended the call.

Chen Jin remained silent for a while.

He had never imagined that the originally stable situation would actually take such a turn.

“Nuwa, Alice, what do you think I should do now? If we have no nuclear weapon with sufficient power, how should humans deal with the Protoss?”

Chen Jin felt a headache coming on. The individual strength of the Protoss was too great. Now the humans had virtually lost their trump card. Would humanity still have the means and ability to resist the Protoss after the balance was broken?

“Master, if the ultimate end result of the traditional route of our technology has been weakened, then we can only find another way, and develop some weapons based on the celestial particles. For example, the basic celestial particles can achieve a speed more than a hundred times faster than the speed of light after they have been stimulated by mental power. If we can develop a celestial cannon with greater caliber and power, it would have a similar effect to nuclear weapons when it comes to delivering a killing strike against the high-level practitioners of the Protoss.

“Besides the route of 'celestial technology,' we have another option, which is to get all humans to cultivate. We can develop more exercises and nurture more practitioners among the humans of Earth, and find ways to improve their cultivation. It would be best if they could attain a level similar to the monks in the Shenguang Order or the Sage Order of the Protoss. If that happens, then humans can also be gods—even more powerful gods than the Protoss!

“As long as the practitioners we train are strong enough, and we have more talents and stronger experts on our side than the Protoss, they will no longer be so scary.”

Nuwa's meaning was very simple: they should open up two new routes.

Firstly, they would turn to the development of “celestial technology” based on the celestial particles.

Secondly, they would take the cultivation route and cultivate more Terran strongmen, preferably on par with the Shenguang Order of the Protoss.


When it came to the development of “celestial technology”, it would take at least several years or decades to achieve significant results to replace nuclear weapons.

It would be even more difficult to nurture and train cultivation experts of the human race. It would take at least a hundred years, maybe even a thousand, to make a breakthrough in the techniques and attain the pinnacle in cultivation.

In short, there was a time lag in between. A fatal time lag.

If the Protoss got a clue as to what had happened during this period and uncovered the secrets they were concealing, they would probably not hesitate to immediately overturn the existing order.

The humans of Earth would instantly be sunk into a huge crisis.

Not only would a significant portion of humans be eliminated, but they could be reduced to underlings… The equal relationship between the two sides would turn into a relationship between master and slave.


The potential circumstances of human beings could be extremely dangerous.

“Nuwa, according to Murphy's Law, once the worst situation occurs and the secret is leaked—when that time comes, how should we deal with it?”

Chen Jin was making the worst assumption.

“Erm, I am afraid that we have no good counter-response. Even if we created an Class warship, the portal is too small to send it ship through. In the end, the humans can only depend on themselves.”

“Eh, I wonder if this will work?”

Chen Jin's mind suddenly came up with a bold idea. He said, “The power of nuclear weapons on Earth has been weakened, but it is still a purely material universe here on Haierfa. The power of nuclear technology here remains the same. If we produce the nuclear weapons here, add a good isolation shell to block the influence of the 'celestial particles,' and then bring them to Earth, would that mean that that the 'trump card' of nuclear weapons would be returned to the humans?”

No; to be precise, it would be returned to the Chen family.

In addition, the size of the portal was about one meter. A miniaturized nuclear warhead could be transported to Earth.

“Master's idea is good. There are some materials that can shield the 'contamination' of the celestial particles and preserve the full power of the nuclear weapons.”

This meant that, as humans gradually lost the trump card that was their nuclear weapons, Chen Jin would have one last form of insurance on hand.

This was the benefit of holding two universes in your hands.

On Haierfa, the technology route based purely on the material world could be explored to its very end.

Time went by quickly.

In the blink of an eye, three years had passed.

The Protoss immigration work was still underway on Earth; the process had even sped up significantly. The migration numbers of the Protoss had reached 20 million per batch, with two batches arriving each month.

The number of Protoss living on Earth had exceeded 1.2 billion.

This population size was enough to constitute a superpower.

Moreover, given the character and culture of the Protoss, things like law could never restrain them. Moreover, as their population count increased, they gradually started to live in the same spaces as humans. Contact between the two groups of people increased with each passing day. As such, criminal incidents were also increasing year by year.

There were more and more criminal acts initiated by the Protoss.

However, if one were to look at the statistical parameters of the crime rate, the overall crime rate of the Protoss had actually decreased significantly over the past two years, from a handful in one thousand to only a handful in ten thousand. The results were very significant.

Why was this so?

Why was there such an apparent decline in the crime rate?

The main reason was that the federal government had become a loser. When it came to defending the dignity of the law, they had made shameful concessions. They had preserved the judicial right and the right to arrest Protoss who broke the law, but had given up the right to punish them.

After the police caught the Protoss criminals, they could be judged in court and convicted, but when it came to the final punishment, the criminals would still be handed over to the senior administration of the Protoss. The specific mode of punishment would be discussed and implemented by them.

For the Protoss, the Federal police in charge of law and order could arrest and convict the criminals, but could not punish them. They could only turn them over to the Protoss.

In addition, the death penalty was abolished. If a Protoss killed someone or committed a very serious crime, the harshest punishment that could be meted out was to exile the criminal to the prison planet.

Moreover, if a criminal case occurred within the inner circle of the Protoss, the federal police were not allowed to intervene. The case could only be handled internally by the Protoss.

In a sense, the Protoss held special privileges that placed them outside the law.

Of course, the above measures did not have the effect of curbing crime. On the contrary, crime would be expected to intensify, and criminals to become more unscrupulous.

The Federation's real trick for reducing the crime rate was to recruit a group of kind practitioners with a high level of cultivation from the Protoss by paying them a high salary. They were then added into the ranks of the federal police after a short period of training. They were given the title of “Protoss Detective” and participated in the war on criminal behavior.

This move was brilliant. With the help of a large number of “Protoss Detectives,” whether a criminal act was carried out by the Protoss or ordinary humans, they inevitably were quickly struck down with no way of escape when faced with a powerful practitioner. The effect of this deterrent was remarkable.

In addition to verbal praise and material awards, the Federation even specially filmed a TV series about the story of the cooperation between the “Protoss Detectives” and the “Human Police.” Not only did the show receive good ratings, but it also had a widespread and outstanding word-of-mouth reputation.

Thus, the Protoss Detectives, with their outstanding ability and sizeable number in the hundreds of thousands, became the starting point for the integration of the Protoss and the humans.

The major concessions made by the Federation in terms of law were tremendous contributions that aided the goal of improving the relationship between the two communities and easing tensions.

According to the latest polls, the Protoss had a good impression of the humans, as high as 75% approval; and humans had a good impression of the Protoss up to 65%.

On the other side.

The senior administration of the Protoss were a bit puzzled regarding the behavior of the Chen family, the backbone of the human hardliners, over the last three years.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe it as “an inexplicable expression of goodwill.”

This was especially apparent in business dealings. Sometimes, the generosity of the Chen family was so over-the-top as to border on the infringement of business principles.

For example, the Protoss would sell the ores and minerals from the Heavenly Realm to other companies or consortiums at a price of $100. But the Chen family often bought the same goods at a price of $120, $150, signing off on orders with terrifying price tags.

In addition, considering the Protoss' lack of funds, the Chen family was the first to issue a loan of up to 10 trillion credits to the Protoss, with an interest rate of zero.

Of course, the simple act of giving could not alleviate the Protoss' predicament. After all, it was better to teach people to fish than to give them fish. So, in order to improve the self-sufficiency of the Protoss, the Chen family provided them with 1,000 indoor agricultural bases and more than 1,000 capsule factories within three years. They even provided training to the workers at every step of the way to impart the necessary skills and technologies.

In addition, the many companies under the Chen Family Consortium had opened themselves to the Protoss, recruiting more than 1 million Protoss employees in the manufacturing, agricultural, mining, gaming, cultural, entertainment, and security industries. They were the pioneers who founded the history of Protoss working together with the soft and weak humans. This undoubtedly required a lot of drive and courage… There were few companies that were willing to stuff a few walking bombs into their offices.

Moreover, under the packaging and operation of Xing Hai Entertainment Company, many Protoss actors with good performance skills were featured in many wonderful works. They quickly became popular and gained numerous fans. These Protoss led the way in achieving good results in the entertainment industry.

Not only did these various measures by the Chen family bring a lot of benefits to the Protoss, but they also helped to improve their integration with humans.

If their relationship continued to develop with this same momentum, humans and Protoss could surely live in harmony, would gradually merge into one group of people.

In the future, the two communities could lay down their defenses and mingle together under the same sky.


Paper could not contain fire.

Secrets would be exposed one day.

43-year-old Chu Mingyang was a politician with outstanding ability and a bright future. However, he was exposed by the media for using public funds to buy several gifts worth no more than $1,000. After being criticized and cursed at by netizens, he had no choice but to apologize in public, admit his culpability, and resign from his post.

Originally, his future had been so bright, but it was destroyed because of a few small gifts.

He wanted to find a new job, but was sneered at by many interviewers at many companies because of his bad reputation.

He was driven into an endless abyss just because of a small mistake, with no hope of recovering himself.

He was in a rage!

Endless resentment, frustration, and anger!

He had no future. Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and went straight to the Celestial City, the capital of the Protoss, found the Protoss' senior administration, and directly revealed a secret that had come into his control by chance.

In a simple and unadorned ancient temple.


The leader of the Protoss, Bakedu, was a strong man with a height of two meters and a reddish-copper skin tone. He slammed his fist onto the low table in front of him. He was extremely excited. “There's actually such a thing! Really!”

“This is the reason that humans have been so kind and polite these past few years.”

“Heaven is helping us!”

“Those puny humans have lost that artifact, and so are playing tricks. How can they match us? Killing them is a piece of cake! There's no time to lose. Organize a force immediately to take down this planet, and get back everything that originally belonged to us!”

Bakedu stood up with an impatient and anticipatory expression!

The dignity and the face of the Protoss could no longer tolerate a situation where they were equals with those insignificant humans.

Chapter end

Chapter 493 (END)
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466 - Unable To Return?
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460 – Strength To Face A Challenge Head
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448 – The Brain's Super
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423 - Return Of The Arts
Chapter 422 - Poor Man's Dignity
Chapter 421 - Protector
Chapter 420 - Thoughts on a Cooperation
Chapter 419 - A Seventy Year Layout
Chapter 418 - Impending Arrival
Chapter 417 - Disunion
Chapter 416 - The Best Option?
Chapter 415 - Alien Spies?
Chapter 414 - Effective Realizing
Chapter 413 - Super Light Speed Engine
Chapter 412 - Worries And Complaints
Chapter 411 - Arrival
Chapter 410 - Monitoring Device
Chapter 409 - Life is a Game
Chapter 408 - Tsundere
Chapter 407 - Aristocrats
Chapter 406 - Secretary and Assistant
Chapter 405 - Partner
Chapter 404 - A Dazzling Star
Chapter 403 - Promotion
Chapter 402
Chapter 401
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
Chapter 398
Chapter 397
Chapter 396
Chapter 395
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379 - Full March into The Universe
Chapter 378 – Northwestern High
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374 - Acknowledging Your Identity
Chapter 373 - Number One and Two Playing Gangster
Chapter 372 - Envisaging The Earth Federation
Chapter 371 - A Millenium Of Peace
Chapter 370 - Blacklist System
Chapter 369 - Bargain
Chapter 368 - Great Value
Chapter 367 - Without Delay
Chapter 366 - Warm Up
Chapter 365 - A Three-Pronged Approach
Chapter 364 - Free Cities
Chapter 363 - A Major Relocation
Chapter 362 - City No. 9
Chapter 361 - Crazy Assassination Attempts
Chapter 360 - Ten Years
Chapter 359 - Complicated Family
Chapter 358 - Renowned Scientist Mysteriously Disappears
Chapter 357 - Space Mining Industry
Chapter 356 - Virtual Technology
Chapter 355 - Taking Out 2%
Chapter 354 - The Biggest Winner
Chapter 353 - Profit Model
Chapter 352 - Countries Jumping Eagerly
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347 - This is Impossible!
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323 - Recruiting The Second Batch Of Bootlickers
Chapter 322 - The Target of Public Criticism
Chapter 321 - Brain Drain
Chapter 320 - High Military Value
Chapter 319 - Continue Being Patent Hooligans
Chapter 318 - Only Forty to Fifty Years Left for Oil Exploitation?
Chapter 317 - Blockbuster
Chapter 316 - High Energy 1
Chapter 315 - Releasing Many Small Updates Or One Major Update?
Chapter 314 - Holding Onto A Support
Chapter 313 - Entering The Field Of Entertainment
Chapter 312 - What? Rejecting The Advanced?
Chapter 311 - Reversing The Standard Around Them
Chapter 310 - The Most Hardcore Game in History
Chapter 309 - 100% Science Lab'
Chapter 308 - Imagination Drives Scientific Advancements
Chapter 307 - The Greatest High-Mindedness
Chapter 306 - Star Cloud Developer Convention
Chapter 305 - Bruce's Angry Roar
Chapter 304 - Acquiring 40% Of Qualcomm's Shares
Chapter 303 - Qualcomm's Predicament
302 Graphene CPU
301 Material Of A New Era
Chapter 300 - Mom Retired
Chapter 299 - Returning Cultural Relics
Chapter 298 - A New World Pattern
Chapter 297 - A Hero
296 Lapdog, Licking All
Chapter 295 - Sorry, Cousin! We Want To Collaborate With Xing Hai Technologies!
Chapter 294 - Death Note on Weibo
293 It Was A Major Misunderstanding!
292 Xing Hai Technologies Made A Compromise?
Chapter 291 - Recruiting Bootlickers
Chapter 290 - Are You Afraid? This Is Our 'Core' Deterrent!
Chapter 289 - Into Thin Air
Chapter 288 - Run Jack, Run!
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
284 Lin Lichung
283 Intelligence Repor
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
280 The Rise of Local Chips!
Chapter 279
Chapter 278 – Conquering the 5
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
268 Microsoft Is Flustered
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265 - Strategy of the Big Boss
Chapter 264
Chapter 263 – Launch of SX
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256 - In Abundance
Chapter 255 - The Richest Billionaire
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
251 The Riddle Of Its Death
250 Scavenged an Alien Spaceship
Chapter 249
248 Rental Crisis
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
245 Spies
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241 - A Game of Ever-Increasing Expenses
Chapter 240
239 Engine Sales Ban
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
233 Shocking the Rivals
Chapter 232 - Skyrocketing Share Prices
231 Conquering the 7-Nanometer Production Techniques!
Chapter 230
229 Da Mi Joined the Star Alliance
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201 – Making a Sci
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
197 An Invitation to the Star Charity Nigh
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192 - Everyone Was Concerned About The Price
Chapter 191
Chapter 190 – Smash–Hit Movie Wa
189 Picturesque
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185 – “Wa
Chapter 184 – Ill
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
180 Stern Warning
179 Military Pledge
Chapter 178 - Already Famous
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
173 Jie Kema Regretted Establishing Ali Corporation
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168 - The Dawn of Light
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164 - Virtual Factory
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161 - Human Answering Service
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
157 Brother Lei's Helplessness
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
153 Medical Technology to Extend Life
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
149 The Scariest Conference in History
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146 - Authorize the Country
Chapter 145 - The Senior High School Entrance Exam That Was the Focus Everyone's Attention!
Chapter 144
143 Approval
142 Discussion by the Department of Education
141 Little Star Registered for the Senior High School Entrance Examination
140 10,000 Banners, Innumerable Appreciation Letters!
139 WeChat Business Mode
138 Yang Dan's Way
137 A Radio Wave from Beyond
136 Plight in Sales
135 Played For a Fool
134 Making a Personal Appearance
133 'Little Star' Learning Machine
132 Being Ordinary Was Not Necessarily a Bad Thing
131 An Amazing Teammate
130 Guard Robots and Avatar Robots
129 Uncle's Grudge
128 Upsidedown
127 Movie Release
126 Nationwide Shopping Spree
125 A Sensation!
124 Launch of Wa-wah 2.0
123 The Ultimate Optimization
122 The Real Upgrade to a New Generation
121 The Real Appearance Of Wa-wah 2.0
120 Hot Media Discussion
119 An Astonishing Ambition
118 8% Shares, Ten Million Order Requests
117 Into Chips
116 She Is My Cousin
115 The State Owes Me a Sister
114 Three Major Challenges
113 A Mysterious Phonecall
112 Terraforming
111 Investments
110 Globalization Strategy
109 An Outstanding Youth
108 A New Journey
107 Everything Was a Conspiracy!
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81: Repairing A Large Airplane
Chapter 80
Chapter 79: Acquiring Shares by Providing Technology
Chapter 78
Chapter 77: Supply Chain Crisis
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74: The Visit
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68: It's Selling For…
Chapter 67: An Enthusiastic Response
Chapter 66: The Second Blast Of Publicity
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62: Silly Mode
Chapter 61: Dad And Mom Received A Shock
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56: A Coal Mine At Home
Chapter 55: A Rewarding Journey
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50: Xing Hai Technologies
Chapter 49
Chapter 48: Cooking The Books
Chapter 47: The Grand Opening
Chapter 46: Gold In Exchange For Gold
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41: The Purchase Channel
Chapter 40: Remedying the Situation with Urgency
CH 39
CH 38
CH 37
CH 36
Chapter 35: Planning on Starting A Jewelry Store
CH 34
CH 33
Chapter 32: One Ton of Gold
Chapter 31: Fort Worth City
Chapter 30: A Deal
Chapter 29: The Opponent Is Too Strong
Chapter 28: Mom's Suspicion
Chapter 27: A Transition Program
26 Rover No. 1
Chapter 25: Zhang Nan
Chapter 24: Zhao Xin
Chapter 23: Laser TVs
Chapter 22: $3,000,000
Chapter 21: A Mommy's Boy?
Chapter 20: Blind Date
Chapter 19: Raiding the City of Tereese
Chapter 18: A Crazy Electricity Bill
Chapter 17: Wedding Anniversary
Chapter 16: Fixing A Car
Chapter 15: The First Billion
Chapter 14: An Uncovered City
Chapter 13: The Robot Squad
Chapter 12: Collecting Rent (Part 2)
Chapter 11: Collecting Rent (Part 1)
Chapter 10: The Skilled Mother
Chapter 9: Repairing A Robot
Chapter 8: I Found A High Efficiency Battery
Chapter 7: I Found A Gun
Chapter 6: I Found A Battleground
Chapter 5: The Silly Wawa
Chapter 4: The Robot Wawa
Chapter 3: I Found A Robot Trash Collector
Chapter 2: I Found A Piece Of Metal Scrap
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Portal
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