Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia Vol 14 Chapter 35

Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia Vol 14 Chapter 35

Published at 27th of July 2022 01:25:06 PM

Chapter 35
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Volume 14.5 - CH 2.3


Shikina Kei suddenly muttered.


Hearing Kei’s raw voice in the command room where a lot of operators were present was something that never happened. Hida Reiri turned toward her best friend with communication disorder who was also the chief of Nayuta Lab with a dubious gaze.

「What about 30?」

Kei returned to her senses in surprise and typed on her keyboard. Then a window floated in front of Reiri’s eyes.

『There was a compressed file with unknown owner inside the lab’s storage. Its name is 30.』

「Compressed file with unknown owner?」

『Before this there was definitely nothing there. However few days ago it suddenly appeared. Mysterious.』

Reiri frowned and folded her arms.

「The content――no、wait. Is it not virus or some kind of attack program?」

『It’s in the middle of investigation right now. However it was compressed with unique algorithm so it will take time to analyze it. Besides the possibility that there is some kind of trap in it cannot be denied.』

「I see……even so, it’s rare for you to be at a loss like that.」

The sound of typing keyboard became slightly stronger.

『I’m not at a loss. I’m simply following the necessary procedure.』

The letters displayed in the screen were mere font. However it felt like Kei’s irritation was coming to the surface in it. Reiri smiled wryly.

――Even so, for it to trouble Kei this much……who was the guy who made it?

It would be troublesome if it was a cyber attack from some country somewhere. If it had entered inside Ataraxia’s network from some time ago, it wouldn’t be just a troublesome commotion.

After a while, Kizuna, Aine, Hayuru, and Yurishia who came out to patrol the nearby sea returned back. And then seeing Kei who was pouring all her attention to battling the mysterious compressed file, everyone tilted their head.

「Hee……a mysterious compressed file. But isn’t that a private data of someone in the lab?」

At first Kizuna spoke the common sense thinking. However a window was opened in front of him as though to crush that opinion flat.

『It will be reassuring if in our staff there is researcher with this much skill. However based from what I know, there is no one who is this skilled here.』

Aine toyed with her silver hair while muttering disinterestedly.

「But perhaps there is someone who has raised their skill.」

The sound of typing keyboard became even more intense at Aine’s halfhearted words. Hayuru nodded as though to say I see without noticing Kei’s irritation.

「Just like how we are training everyday, the engineers might be training and improving their skill too isn’t it. Ah, I’m not knowledgeable in the area of IT so I don’t understand though.」

「Myy, in that case that means……is this something like a challenge letter toward Chief Shikina?」

Aine bit at Yurishia’s joking words and instigated Kei even further with a malicious smile.

「Being a chief is also hard isn’t it, you have to be cautious of attack from below too. Your predecessor is an unsurpassable wall after all.」

Kizuna’s face was twitching toward Kei who was typing on the keyboard with a force that was going to break it already. And then he conveyed to Aine 『Don’t provoke her』with only his lips movement. However Aine averted her gaze barefacedly.

Yurishia cutely shrugged her shoulders and changed the topic abruptly,

「But, what is the meaning of 30 I wonder?」

She asked toward everyone.

「Yeah……is that some kind of turn? Like a normal numbering that divine the document.」

「But it’s also strange that there is only 30. Is there deep meaning in it……it feels a bit scary.」

When Hayuru muttered with an anxious expression, Aine was taken aback in realization and lifted her face.

「Don’t tell me……it has the names of the girl who is in Kizuna’s harem or something.」

「What are you saying! You!!」

「Ki-, Kizunkun! Since when you laid your hands on that many girls!?」

「Geez Kizuna, even though the Harem Hybrid already included 25 people. How are there that many people with the Vatlantis group excluded?」

Yurishia also brought her face close to Kizuna and pressed her question. Her large breasts touched Kizuna’s chest and changed shape.

「That’s why I’m saying that’s wrong! Aine! Don’t make that kind of absurd statement looking like you’ve noticed a really serious truth!」

「Then, what is this 30 mean?」

「No, even if you ask me that……」

This time it was Hayuru who went ‘ah’.

「It’s not the number of the girl in the harem, but perhaps something like the list of harem candidate……」

「Surely that’s it! Hayuru!」

「Geez Kizuna, just who in the world you are planning to take into the harem? Recently it seems you are frequently going to watch the training of the elementary school but, don’t tell me you are planning to lay your hand on elementary student……」

「Wha, whawhawhawhat immorality! Since when Kizuna became such a pervert!?」

Aine poured a making fun gaze at Hayuru.

「It’s the end for you when Hayuru is calling you a pervert.」

「What do you mean by that-!!」

At that time the electronic sound *piiin* resounded.

「It opened……」

An unfamiliar voice could be heard faintly. It took Kizuna and others several seconds to notice that it was Kei’s voice.

「Shikinsan! What is inside!?」

「That’s right! Whose name is written inside!?」

「First us three has to meet those people!」

「More importantly, isn’t it better to give them warning?」

「That’s why, stop thinking it’s harem name list!」

Ignoring the Amaterasu members who were making commotion, Reiri peeked into the monitor over Kei’s shoulder.

「What……? The 30th anniversary of Nayuta Lab’s founding……?」

『Apparently an event for the 30th year anniversary was planned. It seems to be material regarding ceremonies and various events.』

It was something that was outside the imagination in its own way.

『Apparently this year is the 30th year……Reiri, you know?』

Reiri put her hand on her lips and pondered.

「Now that you say it……that might be the case……」

「Hee, it has been that long since Nayuta Lab was founded.」

Aine muttered with an impressed face.

「But, the AU Collision was about 16 years ago right? Why was it founded from that long ago?」

Reiri sighed and answered Hayuru’s question.

「the name of Nayuta Lab wasn’t a facility for researching other world. Speaking of the beginning, it was the name of Hida Nayuta’s private lab.」

Kizuna unconsciously took a step forward.


「Yeah. Although, apparently at first it was the name of a site where she published her paper in the internet. I have heard that it was due to some kind of chance. Even so――」

Reiri stared at Kei with a grave face.

「Why wasn’t this file noticed until now? Don’t tell me……」

Kizuna made a surprised expression and sharply yelled.

「Don’t tell me! It was something Kasan sent!?」

However Kei shook her head.

『Most likely it was only hidden. If the time that it was set with beforehand has arrived, the data was programmed to appear. That’s what I think.』

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「I see……」

Kizuna looked down with slight disappointment.

Aine softly placed her hand on the shoulder of such Kizuna.

「So it’s Professor Nayuta’s parting gift.」

Aine smiled consolingly. Kizuna too returned a soft smile at her.

「She might be worried about us. Perhaps this is so we can properly keep going on even after she isn’t here……and, what is written inside?」

Reiri opened several files and explained the content simply.

「Open an event and broadcast its content throughout the……it’s something like conveying our thinking to the people all over the world……image upload and propaganda huh.」

Hayuru joined the fingers of both her hands and nodded.

「That’s a good idea. We might be misunderstood by the people all over the world, I think it’s better to directly talk to them rather than through the news agency of each country.」

「……The life of you guys is also included you know?」


Cold sweat flowed down the twitching smiling face of Hayuru.

「Hey commander, other than that?」

At Yurishia’s urging, Reiri opened another file.

「Book publication, also the manufacturing and selling of anniversary goods? Just what is that person thinking.」

Kizuna thought that she must have created this plan after she became god.

While opening the files and folders, they came to understand that it was a plan with scrupulousness that surpassed their imagination.

「Not only event, the private dealing with each country, even the negotiation content are written here in detail.」

Furthermore it applied to the current standpoint of Ataraxia. It made Reiri wanted to doubt if Nayuta had even predicted the future.

「Say, Nee-chan.」


「Can’t we actually do this? The 30th year anniversary event.」

It was the parting gift their mother left for them.

Reiri smiled as though to say good grief.

「Can’t be helped.」

Yurishia immediately twisted her waist and took a pose.

「then, we have to practice singing and dancing again. Right, Hayuru?」

「We, we are really going to do this!?」

Aine made a malicious smile.

「Well, do your best. I’ll yell out jeers from the front seat.」

Toward Aine who talked condescendingly, Yurishia looked at her with a face that was saying ‘what are you talking about?’.

「Aine will also do it you know?」


「It’s a rare chance, so let’s go on stage with the full members of Amaterasu.」

「Wa, wait a second! I’m a specialist in watching――」

Ignoring the three who were being noisy, Reiri searched the folder until the bottom level.

「The size is far more extensive than I thought……there is even video fil――」

Reiri suddenly stiffened. And then she quickly closed the opened window.

「Nee-chan? What’s the matter?」

「……No, it’s nothing. I’ll check it myself later.」

Her attitude was strangely suspicious.

Let’s secretly ask Kei later to copy the data. Kizuna and others thought that inside their heart.

Reiri recalled the video she had seen just now with a face as though she had bitten something sour. It was the picture of her wearing frilly idol costume. In addition there was also showy outfit that made her think that it was a joke and sexy adult outfit.

It seemed to be a video content that was explaining the event step by step. However, it was made in a quality that would make anyone think it couldn’t be anything but the real thing. It looked completely like Reiri herself was wearing the costume while singing and dancing. It was nothing but a pointless use of technology.

The data that was opened until now was closed one after another. Looking closer Reiri’s concert was also properly included in the event.

She had to command Kei to quickly alter the content――Reiri strongly thought in her heart.

After all the files were closed, Reiri let out a relieved sigh.

「Good grief……」


What kind of face that person made when she created this data?

Smile unconsciously slipped out on Reiri’s face while imagining that.


Chapter end

Chapter 14.5
Vol 14 Chapter 50
Vol 14 Chapter 49
Vol 14 Chapter 48
Vol 14 Chapter 47
Vol 14 Chapter 46
Vol 14 Chapter 45
Vol 14 Chapter 44
Vol 14 Chapter 43
Vol 14 Chapter 42
Vol 14 Chapter 41
Vol 14 Chapter 40
Vol 14 Chapter 39
Vol 14 Chapter 38
Vol 14 Chapter 37
Vol 14 Chapter 36
Vol 14 Chapter 35
Vol 14 Chapter 34
Vol 14 Chapter 33
Vol 14 Chapter 32
Vol 14 Chapter 31
Vol 14 Chapter 30
Vol 14 Chapter 29
Vol 14 Chapter 28
Vol 14 Chapter 27
Vol 14 Chapter 26
Vol 14 Chapter 25
Vol 14 Chapter 24
Vol 14 Chapter 23
Vol 14 Chapter 22
Vol 14 Chapter 21
Vol 14 Chapter 20
Vol 14 Chapter 19
Vol 14 Chapter 18
Vol 14 Chapter 17
Vol 14 Chapter 16
Vol 14 Chapter 15
Volume 14 prologue
Vol 14 Chapter 13
Vol 14 Chapter 12
Vol 14 Chapter 11
Vol 14 Chapter 10
Vol 14 Chapter 9
Vol 14 Chapter 8
Vol 14 Chapter 7.1
Volume 14 Chapter 7
Vol 14 Chapter 6
Vol 14 Chapter 5
Vol 14 Chapter 4
Vol 14 Chapter 3
Vol 14 Chapter 2
Vol 14 Chapter 1
Volume 13 prologue
Vol 13 Chapter 3
Vol 13 Chapter 2
Volume 13 Chapter 1
Vol 13 CH Ep
Vol 13 Pr
Volume 12 prologue
Volume 12 Chapter 5
Volume 12 Chapter 4
Volume 12 Chapter 3
Volume 12 Chapter 2
Volume 12 Chapter 1
Vol 12 CH Afterword
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Volume 11 prologue
Volume 11 Chapter 5
Volume 11 Chapter 4
Volume 11 Chapter 3
Volume 11 Chapter 2
Volume 11 Chapter 1
Vol 11 CH Afterword
Vol 11 CH CH Side Story
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Volume 10 prologue
Volume 10 Chapter 6
Volume 10 Chapter 5
Volume 10 Chapter 4
Volume 10 Chapter 3
Volume 10 Chapter 2
Volume 10 Chapter 1
Volume 9 Prologue
Vol 9 Chapter 4
Vol 9 Chapter 3
Vol 9 Chapter 2
Vol 9 Chapter 1
Vol 9 CH Side Story
Vol 9 Prologue
Volume 8 Prologue
Vol 8 Chapter 5
Vol 8 Chapter 4
Vol 8 Chapter 3
Vol 8 Chapter 2
Vol 8 Chapter 1
Vol 8 Prologue
Vol 7 Chapter 5
Vol 7 Chapter 4
Vol 7 Chapter 3
Vol 7 Chapter 2
Vol 7 Chapter 1
Volume 6 Prologue
Vol 6 Chapter 4
Vol 6 Chapter 3
Vol 6 Chapter 2
Vol 6 Chapter 1
Vol 6 Prologue
Vol 5 Chapter 4
Vol 5 Chapter 3
Vol 5 Chapter 2
Vol 5 Chapter 1
Vol 5 Ep
Vol 5 Prologue
Vol 4 Chapter 4
Vol 4 Chapter 3
Vol 4 Chapter 2
Vol 4 Chapter 1
Vol 4 CH Afterwood
Vol 4 Prologue
Vol 3 Chapter 5
Vol 3 Chapter 4
Vol 3 Chapter 3
Vol 3 Chapter 2
Vol 3 Chapter 1
Vol 3 Pr
Vol 2 Epilogue
Vol 2 Chapter 4
Vol 2 Chapter 3
Vol 2 Chapter 2
Vol 2 Chapter 1
Vol 2 Prologue
Vol 1 Epilogue
Vol 1 Chapter 4
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Vol 1 Prologue
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