Hogwarts's Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin Chapter 185

Hogwarts's Affectionate and Righteous Slytherin Chapter 185

"Don't make such a fuss, paid labor, don't you ask Mrs. Mokin to make a robe without paying?"

"Yes!" Clarissa interrupted immediately. She was feeling depressed about the lost business opportunities after Valentine's Day. After all, she didn't expect Slytherin to buy any decorations during the Quidditch final. She talked about such a "big deal".

"Duke and Snape are being asked questions by so many people every day, and they are being interrupted anytime, anywhere! Live like two house-elves! For Merlin's sake, please ask the tutor to give Jin Galleon and Fixed time!"

Clarissa even felt that the price agreed upon by several people was too low.

Reggie raised her eyebrows, she was indeed the daughter of the Burke family, she was greedy enough.

"In that case, the price will increase according to the grade. The higher the grade, the higher the price."

Anthony actually felt that there was some sense in listening to it, and he often disturbed Reggie himself, if it was an increase-the relationship between them should not be counted as money.

Snape said sullenly, "I think Reggie has the spirit of accumulating money in his bones, but he has never had the chance to expose it."

Clarissa waved her hand and stopped everyone joking.

She doesn't want her "big customers" to be mixed up by this group of people. I don't know why, but she has a hunch that this will make her a lot of money.


She glanced at the few people in front of her, and there was a trace of blindness in her eyes. This was also an excellent opportunity for her to break into Slytherin's most potential stock group.

Come on, their family has always been an excellent businessman in the magic world, and Clarissa has always been proud of it. She believes in the sense of smell of the businessmen in her blood - this group of people has absolutely unlimited potential.

She said to Reggie and Snape, "Now that I'm your manager, you can tell me every morning, or every morning, which two hours are free, and where you all are!"

Looking at each other, Reggie and Snape nodded in agreement, although they had their own concerns.

Anthony rarely joined in and said, "It's the first time I've seen two people taking orders at the same time. You're amazing."

There are very good students in every grade, but few can be as good and convincing as Regis and Snape.

A new routine has begun, and the whole plan has been executed very well. Even students from other colleges who have heard about it will come here to ask for guidance.

Before, they didn't dare to interrupt because they were not familiar with Regis or Snape and were not first-level classmates. Now Clarissa clearly marked the price and they could ask questions openly.

However, most people in the lower grades asked about the content of the thesis and logical guidance, and they asked less about how to practice magic spells.

Regis also had to admit that Clarissa's idea was very good, so he only needed to set aside two hours at a fixed time every day, but the contacts he made were incalculable.

The first time is born, the second time is familiar, and there will be more and more classmates who will deal with each other for a long time.

And students who are willing to pay for knowledge are either from wealthy families or are rarely motivated and good seedlings. These people are all worthy targets for Regis to win over.

Maybe the D.A.M team should expand further.

However, Snape could feel that Regis was far less interested in studying this semester than last semester.

Easter doesn't bring everyone a relaxing holiday, but a mountain of homework and endless practice.

As a result, more and more people came to ask questions about Reggie and Snape.

This made Snape very confused. Are there so many rich people at Hogwarts?

They are all Slytherin students, so the Slytherin classmates have more opportunities to block the agent - Clarissa grabs the place, because the number of places is limited tomorrow.

"Shafiq, okay, can you use your brain to read the book yourself?" Anthony said in a displeased tone to Vivian in the lounge, "My history of magic is the best of all subjects. Damn, I have to find Reggie. You've been looking for Reggie four times a week, and you're getting an O in Potions."

"You're in the same dormitory as him, can you just ask him at any time?" Vivienne was not afraid, and she didn't give in at all on this issue.

"Since they agreed on a time, I shouldn't disturb him at other times." Anthony was conscious.

"If I didn't know that you go to bed so early every day, and you won't be able to wait for Regis to come back, I would have believed your words." Snape's school robes tumbled to the two of them.

"I suggest you set a limit," Anthony said, turning to him. "No Gryffindor or Hufflepuffs allowed to sign up!"

"Almost no one of them signed up. Weasley asked once and Longbottom twice." Clarissa, who appeared out of nowhere, took out her notebook and checked it.

"Besides, wouldn't it be better to make Gryffindor money? Maybe I could offer 20% off Slytherin?" Clarissa thought seriously.

Snape: "..."

Anthony: "..."

Vivian: "..."

Anthony turned his head and squinted to look at Clarissa's book, and suddenly said in surprise, "I found it!"

Others asked him, "What did you find?"

Anthony glanced at Vivian, and said maliciously: "Almost all the girls who took the initiative to find Reggie, and almost all the boys who sought Snape."

Then he looked at Vivian strangely again, "You are the most special, you always look for Reggie."

Snape twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw this, but his expression didn't seem to be kind.

Clarissa stared at Wen Yan and flipped through the book in her hand, then raised her head to look at Vivian, and suddenly realized: "So you hate Snape so much!"

Vivienne said angrily: "Because I didn't know before that I always asked Reggie for advice. I think his way of learning is very suitable for me!"

All right, just be happy.

Regulus has changed.

Everyone clearly felt this, and all of this was seen by Reggie, perhaps because of joining that stupid Walpurgis society.

In short, he became very much like a Blake.

Most people are bewildered by this.

The simple and sensitive black-haired, gray-eyed boy who seemed to need to live under someone else's wings - Regulus Black disappeared.

This change, even Sirius in Gryffindor began to panic.

It all started with the Quidditch match that day.

Regulus's flying broom with Regis' improved is simply even more powerful, and his flying level has been significantly improved compared to before.

If Regulus in the previous game could still win by luck, the current Regulus is almost unsurpassable.

Like Jaime, his flying has become an art, and not as aesthetically pleasing as Jaime's, anyone who has seen him perform will give him a sweat and applause.

He is really talented, and just like Sirius, he leaves his opponents behind.

Hufflepuff Seeker Mecoxlane found Regulus from a group of Slytherins after the game, who had caught the Snitch.

The honest Hufflepuff boy remembered a year ago when Regulus himself came up to congratulate him when they won Slytherin last year.

Of course, it was a fantastic match, and McCollins was a respectable opponent - he broke several ribs trying to catch the Snitch.

Originally, Regulus was not without a chance, but when he was about to give it a shot, he thought of what Lucius and his parents said to him - he is a black, and he shouldn't be playing for a stupid Quidditch match. Put your own safety aside.

Last year, Regulus, wearing a green jersey, squeezed into the yellow crowd, only to say to her, "You're flying well, and I'm looking forward to the next game with you."

Last year, the pure-blood he extended a friendly hand to her, and even though McCollins was blinded by his abrupt behavior and didn't react, he didn't blame her for ignoring her.

At the Christmas party last year, he recognized the worthy opponent at the party, dressed in fancy dress, and even complimented her on her hairdo, adorned with a few plastic hairpins.

Last year, he, who had achieved excellent grades, patiently taught her to cast the Transfiguration spell in class practice...  

With the courage buried in the bottom of her heart, Mecoxlane wanted to tell Regulus that she had unknowingly regarded him as her friend, not the Slytherin or Black as someone else said.

So, a year later, when the game ended that day Regulus caught the Snitch.

She came to Regulus in front of everyone's astonished eyes, summoned up her courage and said to him with a smile, "Congratulations on catching the Golden Snitch this time."

Really simple, really - brave.

The surrounding Slytherins sneered, but McCollins believed that Regulus would not.

So many times before, he has proved with his actual actions that he is not the same as those arrogant Slytherin.

He was even more likable than Sirius in Gryffindor.

He often smiles kindly, takes care of other people's emotions thoughtfully, and puts away those shiny feathers that can sting others.


One second, two seconds, three seconds...

McGillin's hopes were dashed every second, but she still held on to her expectations.

It is still the handsome and humble face, but the soul inside has undergone qualitative changes.

The original pure white has been soaked a little bit by darkness.

He didn't smile, the gray eyes that used to be kind in the past were full of indifference and disdain.

"Thanks." Regulus dragged his tone, with some Slytherin--or pure-blooded madman viciousness in his voice, "but I don't need it."

The girl in the yellow school gown fled to the laughter of Slytherin.

Maclean couldn't understand why things turned out like this. She cried and returned to the Hufflepuff team. All the teammates glared at Slytherin. The people next to them asked in a low voice, and the teammates were complaining loudly and indignantly.

Soon, there were many angry eyes.

The feud between several academies is still deepening and continues.

Sirius stood on a nearby high platform and witnessed the scene with his own eyes.

He looked at the familiar face he had seen since he was a child, and finally forced himself to admit a fact that he had discovered long ago but did not want to believe - Regulus had never expressed his opinion or agreed with him. , has never left the old rhetoric of pure blood.

After what happened to Andromeda, he thought he might be on the same path as himself, that he was clear enough to help him find the right way out in the darkness, that he was just too young to tell right from wrong.

But at this moment, he was extremely clear and extremely difficult to realize that his younger brother had chosen the path he was going to take a long time ago.

He rarely contradicts himself, but because he is weak.

Weakness does not mean approval, silence does not mean support, and response does not mean understanding.

The fifteen-year-old Sirius exhaled a white breath in the cold winter wind, his eyes touching Regulus's lightly in the air.

The boy smiled subconsciously after seeing him.

This is the smile that belongs to Regulus Black, and he uses it to please those he wants to please - Walburga, Orion, Signus, Bellatrix. .....Sirius.

Regulus had laughed so many times at Sirius, and when he was a kid, Sirius liked to mess with his hair.

But now, Sirius doesn't want to.

That smile was so annoying.

He looked away and turned around indifferently, pretending that he was just a passerby who had nothing to do with him.

Final exams are coming up, and all are in various study groups asking each other questions in the library.

More and more people are starting to fill the library, and Greenglass and Travers are about to face their O.W.Ls, which is about whether they can take the advanced classes they want to take in the next school year.

The two of them, as senior members who paid money, sat on the table next to Reggie and Snape, reciting the contents of the International Federation of Wizards.

"Next question," Travers said to his review list, "why did Liechtenstein refuse to join the International Confederation of Wizards?"

Greenglass couldn't remember the answer after thinking for a long time. She spread her hands and waited for Travers to report the answer.

However, the other party couldn't remember the reason~www.mtlnovel.com~ The first president of the International Federation of Wizards was Pierre Bonacoud. Snape's forehead twitched, and for Jin Galleon's sake, he said.

Greenglass and Travers looked at each other.

Reggie stopped his quill and said, "Bonakud is trying to assert the rights of the trolls, but Liechtenstein has a dispute with a tribe of mountain trolls."

Travers suddenly realized: "That's right! That's why the International Federation of Wizards chose Bona Kud to be its president, which offends Liechtenstein!"

Greengrass sighed and said, "Fourth graders can answer the O.W.Ls exam content, and I finally understand why you are being sought after."

Travers poked his head and looked at the table next to him: "You are all so skilled, what are you still studying?"

I saw Reggie and Snape one was reading "Conjuration Achievement" and the other was reading "Magic Symbols".

"Why are you reading the extra reference books for our grade?" Greenglass was surprised, what did that make them, fifth graders, do?

Chapter end

Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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