He is a Nymphomaniac. Chapter 56-60

He is a Nymphomaniac. Chapter 56-60

Chapter 56 - Please don't come close!

I think I should tell her the truth. It's better this way! So what if she will hate me? I deserve it completely. As it is, she has never liked me and what future does she hold with a nymphomaniac like me!

"Rose, I wan't to confess something to you," he said, sighing loudly.

Rose's eyes lit up hearing his words.

Oh my God! This is too quick! I know he likes me but he is confessing too early. What do I say? Well, we can start dating atleast. Hopefully, it will work out perfectly for us and maybe his condition will also improve.

She looked at Rhehan shyly and said" Ok, what is it?"

"I...I...I....I don't know how to say this to you. You will not like it," he said pressing the temples of his head tightly with his hand. He could already feel a severe migrain coming through.

"It's ok Rhehan. You never know! Maybe I will like it," she said.

She was looking lovingly in his eyes. The kind of innocent love he had never seen in anybody's eyes. His thoughts were going bizzare and he could no longer think straight.

"Tell me, what is it?" she asked again, taking a step forward, closer to his face.

The distance between them had reduced considerably and they could feel warmth radiating from each other's body.

Rhehan pressed the sides of his head again and closed his eyes tightly. He was trying to block away the beautiful image of the woman standing in front of her. What is this girl doing to me? Why am I so scared of loosing her? Her closeness is making me loose control. She knows I have satyriasis, then also she is making a move! Please don't come so close to me.

He looked at her again.The girl was still looking at him. This is not the first time a girl was interested in Rhehan but this time, it was very different for him. The girl was not making a move due to his looks or wealth. She was not asking for a favour in return. She was also not looking for a one night stand. She had love and innocence in her eyes.

"Are you ok" ? She said, slightly touching the temple of his head where he was pressing constantly.

Rhehan was taken aback, as her hands brushed against his palm. She was now looking worriedly at him.

"Please don't do this to me," he pleaded, folding his hands in despair.

"Huh?" she replied in confusion.

"What are you doing to me?" he shouted looking at her helplessly. He was now starring in her eyes intensely, suddenly grabbing both her arms tightly.

Rose was shuddered at the intensity of his eyes, filled with passion and anger! She felt like she was entrapped by a passionate devil. She did not want to be released from this trap! Ever!

Chapter 57 - Helpless Damsel!

"N...N...N...Nothing I guess," she replied nervously.

"You have no idea!" he smirked at her, feeling like a helpless fool.

He quickly retraced the grip from her arms and took a step back, unwillingly.

"I should better leave," he said fuming in anger again.

"What? No! Wait!" she shouted at him.

But before she could say anything further, Rhehan was already sprinting out of the premises.

Rose was stunned at his reaction. What got into him? He has been pursuing me from so many days! Now when I want to make things better between us, he ran away like a scared mouse! Why is he so difficult to comprehend? Shouldn't I be the one having mood swings and nervousness. Why is it always the other way around with us?

Rose contemplated for a while. Is he scared that I might beat him to shit again? Hmmm...Maybe. He actually came close to me, when I was helpless and alone. If I act like a helpless damsel, will he come back to save me? It's worth a try!


Rhehan drove back to his beach house, frustrated at himself. He was cursing his rashness and bad temper which made things so difficult for him. He did not have enough guts to confess the truth before Rose now. Maybe he should just stop seing her. Atleast, she will not hate him then.

By the time he entered his home, it had started pouring heavily. The weather had dropped considerably and the lush green gardens of the beach house were now shining clean.

Rhehan headed straight to the bar and sat down at a couch facing the enormous glass window. The view from the window was somthing people would pay millions to enjoy. The beautiful gardens of the house were full of exiquisite trees and flowers. A well maintained pool and an artificially created pond gave an aesthetic feel to his home. Just outside the short boundary wall was the beautiful and tidy private beach of Excel Corporations.

Chapter 58 - CEO's strength

Rhehan was sitting on the couch resting his head at its back. His gloomy eyes were starring constantly at the window in front of him. He was holding his usual wine glass in his hand sipping every now and then. The beautiful scenery outside could do nothing to cheer up his mood, as if he was oblivious to his surroundings.

Rhehan ordered his second wine and took out his phone to message Cheryl....

"Don't tell anything about our contract to Rose, your money will be deposited in your account within a few minutes.You don't have to do anything else".

"Ok" came an instant reply from Cheryl.

Cheryl who was in the gym, suddenly took a halt from the the treadmill to check the message. She was ecstatic to read Rhehan's message. She did not want to sound so desperate so she replied with a simple "Ok".

Does this mean that she will not back-bitch about Rhehan now? Rhehan was making sure that Cheryl does not spill the beans, causing a tiff between him amd Rose.

"Ok! I will not tell her anything, but what if somebody else tells her?" she said to herself grinning.

The Penthouse.

Rose was sitting lazily on her bed watching the news. Not a single TV channel had covered her malfunction but the news of sudden fall in shares of Loraine International was all over the news. The supposed reason was that they had offended somebody from Excel Corporations, thus loosing the trust of all its investors.

Rose was pretty surprised at the series of events happening after Rhehan's declaration.

Wow! people do take his every word seriously. The media and every single person present at the event, did not dare to blurt out the incident to anybody. He is some guy!

Rose had to now plan to seek Rhehan's attention. What should I do? Get myself kidnapped? Maybe fake a heart attack! No! he will get to know I am faking it. Rose then remembered one incident when she had locked the car keys, cell phone and wallet inside the car and was stranded on a lonely road. Though, she was not even scared and she broke the glass of the car in two minutes.

But what if any other girl was in her place? It surely sounds genuine, she thought to herself.

Chapter 59 - Rose in bikini!

Rose quickly jumped out of her bed and took out a mountain of dresses from her wardrobe. She then finally chose a well fitted, long white ruffled dress, with pink flowers on it making her look more girly. The dress had quite a small cut in the front, giving a slight peek of her cleavage. The slit of the long dress went upto her knees and she teamed it up with matching white high heels. She tied her hair in a pony-tail revealing the extra deep back of the dress. She glanced at herself in the mirror after quickly putting on the makeup.

"Perfect. I look hot yet not overly dressed," she said admiring herself in the mirror.

She quickly rushed to the parking and typed "Excel Co. beach house" on the phone's navigation side by side. She sat inside the car and glanced at the route leading to his house.

"Hmmm....this looks like the perfect road. It looks lonely and also has a phone booth nearby", she said selecting the road as her desired destination on navigation.

The moment she drove the car out of the building, huge splashes of water started hitting the car.

"Oh! I forgot its raining heavily! Well that will give him another reason to rush to me," she said excitedly.

Soon she was following the route as per the navigation.....

Meanwhile Rhehan was already four drinks down and was sipping his fifth glass. He was slightly under the influence of the alcohol quite enough to heighten his emotions. He was now flipping through instagram and was having a look at Rose's profile. Her profile was filled with beautiful pictures of her with her friends, family and members of "Fabiosa" team. He was scrolling along her images when he glanced at a particular image titled "Bora Bora it is❤👙🕶."

The picture showed her lying lazily on the beach, wearing a black bikini and blue sunglasses. Every inch of her body was clearly visible except for the small area covered by the bikini. Rhehan took a screen shot of the image and zoomed it many times to have a better look at her vitals. He was already having a hard-on looking at the girl's white body. The picture was of her frontal body, making Rhehan look again and again at the perfect "V" shaped bottom. Her legs were slightly opened and he zoomed again and again to peek in between her thighs. The next picture was Rose facing the beach and the picture was taken from the back. He glanced at her perfectly toned hips and back.

Rhehan could not control himself any longer and was about to rush to the bathroom for a cold shower when his phone rang.

Chapter 60 - Knight in shining Armour!

It was a call from an unknown number but anyways Rhehan picked up to answer, in desperation. He so much wanted to look at Rose's image in his phone and relieve himself from the hormones building up in his body.

"Hello," he said hurridly.

"Rhehan?" Came a girl's sweet voice.

Rhehan immediately recognized Rose's voice but anyways asked," yes, may I know whose calling?"

"It's me Rose," she replied trying to sound troubled. Rose could feel her heart thumping so loudly that it might fall off from her chest any time.

"Ohh! Right! What happened ?You sound worried," he asked anxiously.

"Yes. Actually its raining quite heavily and I am stranded outside my car. I locked my phone and the car keys inside," she said nervously.

Rose was so scared that she could feel her legs trembling while standing inside the booth.

"I checked my phone and saw your home was just two minutes away, so I thought of calling you, from the phone booth near the beach," she replied.

"Really ! but right now you said you locked your phone inside and how did you get my number?" he asked puzzled.

Rose bit her tongue and slapped herself hard on the forehead. "Oh! that was before I was stranded and I got your number from your team.They told it to me orally so I had to memorize it. I wanted to thank you personally so I took it from them."

Rhehan did not think much about her explanation.

"Hang on, I am on my way! Till then keep talking", he said hurriedly rushing to the door grabbing his jacket on the way.

He quickly drove out his car from the villa while still talking to her knowing her exact whereabouts.

"How is your wound?" he asked.

"What wound?? Ohh that wound! Its bad and very painful and currently all drenched," she said, smiling excitedly.

She quickly removed the medical tape from the wound and stuck out her arm outside the booth, drenching it completely in water. She was already completely wet from walking from her car to the booth. Offcourse, she had to park her car a little far away from the booth. It would have been too much of a coincidence that she stranded herself just close to the booth, to be able to call Rhehan.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it," he said speeding up.

Rose was so excited after seing her plan work that she started jumping in excitement.

"What happened? Why arn't you replying?" He asked anxiously.

"Nothing its just so cold out here. What the hell was I thinking?" She said trying to hide her happiness.

"Don't worry I am there for you", he said trying his best to calm her down.

"hmmm," she replied, covering her lips to control her chuckle.

"Are you crying," he asked surprised at her miffed voice.

"No. Just come soon," she said with a sparkle in her eyes, starring at the headlights of a car, speeding towards the booth.

Chapter end

Chapter 525 - Best friends...
Chapter 524 - Pure revenge...
Chapter 523 - Wedding bells...
Chapter 522 - wedding cancellation..
Chapter 521 - Rhehan's child...
Chapter 520 - Saviour...
Chapter 519 - The gunshot...
Chapter 518 - The danger...
Chapter 517 - The couple....
Chapter 516 - Tranquility....
Chapter 515 - The girl in red bikini...
Chapter 514 - Beach party...
Chapter 513 - The trust...
Chapter 512 - Augus..? Kareem?
Chapter 511 - The real and reel action...
Chapter 510 - The venom....
Chapter 509 - Risk...
Chapter 508 - Brain- storming....
Chapter 507 - Another face slap!!
Chapter 506 - The contrasting lives...
Chapter 505 - Submission...
Chapter 504 - Dear readers,get your partners ready!
Chapter 503 - Seduction goddess...
Chapter 502 - Out of control...
Chapter 501 - Senses....
Chapter 500 - The seduction...
Chapter 499 - Submissive!
Chapter 498 - Love you for thousand more...
Chapter 497 - The band...
Chapter 496 - Blow Job..?
Chapter 495 - Taken...
Chapter 494 - Fantasy world..
Chapter 493 - The tease...
Chapter 492 - The war is on...
Chapter 491 - Raol and Rhehan
Chapter 490 - The dangerous man...
Chapter 489 - The pleasure...
Chapter 488 - The beginning...
Chapter 487 - The purity of love...
Chapter 486 - The mermaid..
Chapter 485 - Brain- wrecking!
Chapter 484 - The revelations...
Chapter 483 - The prime guardian..
Chapter 482 - Giving up...
Chapter 481 - Tom and Jerry...
Chapter 480 - Girl without makeup...
Chapter 479 - Karma...
Chapter 478 - The revengeful king...
Chapter 477 - The confused girl...
Chapter 476 - The mad girl...
Chapter 475 - The angry bird...
Chapter 474 - The useless struggle...
Chapter 473 - Unsatiable...??
Chapter 472 - First date...
Chapter 471 - The pampered hubby...
Chapter 470 - The open air romance...
Chapter 469 - Hideout...
Chapter 468 - All by myself...
Chapter 467 - Realisation...
Chapter 466 - The truth game....
Chapter 465 - Honeymoon couple...
Chapter 464 - The new strong man...
Chapter 463 - Unnamed
Chapter 462 - Bliss!
Chapter 461 - Brothers....
Chapter 460 - Khufu and Pilis....
Chapter 459 - 2nd confession...
Chapter 458 - Confession No. 1
Chapter 457 - Pilis...
Chapter 456 - The plotting...
Chapter 455 - Destination...
Chapter 454 - Detective Raol...
Chapter 453 - Urgent matter...
Chapter 452 - Suspicious...
Chapter 451 - Their honeymoon...
Chapter 450 - Here I come son...
Chapter 449 - Jealous Rhehan...
Chapter 448 - Get married again...
Chapter 447 - Tricky elevator.
Chapter 446 - Honeymoon...
Chapter 445 - Hell ya...we were drunk..!!
Chapter 444 - Happiest Raol...
Chapter 443 - Worthy of you..
Chapter 442 - His towel...
Chapter 441 - Kiss you...
Chapter 440 - Sleeping on same bed...
Chapter 439 - Shifting to his house...
Chapter 438 - Live together...
Chapter 437 - Revenge...
Chapter 436 - We are screwed Rose...
Chapter 435 - The oblivious lawyer...
Chapter 434 - His drunk wedding..
Chapter 433 - Wedding pictures leaked...
Chapter 432 - Heck no!
Chapter 431 - Annulment...
Chapter 430 - Un-stoppable...
Chapter 429 - World has to know..
Chapter 428 - Guidance...
Chapter 427 - The worried parents...
Chapter 426 - The break up..
Chapter 425 - The ending...
Chapter 424 - Cursed man..
Chapter 422 - Nymphomaniac Wifey??
Chapter 421 - Consequences..
Chapter 420 - Cheers!
Chapter 419 - Poor fate..
Chapter 418 - Keeping an eye...
Chapter 417 - The plot....
Chapter 416 - Again..
Chapter 415 - The naked girl...
Chapter 414 - The desperate girl...
Chapter 413 - The penthouse neighbours...
Chapter 412 - Trap...?
Chapter 411 - The twist of fate...
Chapter 410 - The parting....
Chapter 409 - The doubt...
Chapter 408 - The spotlight...
Chapter 407 - The beauty of darkness
Chapter 406 - The surprise...
Chapter 405 - The birthday beginning..
Chapter 404 - The dream world..
Chapter 403 - The mistake..
Chapter 402 - The warrior king...
Chapter 401 - The stone...
Chapter 400 - The Lion...
Chapter 399 - The surprise..
Chapter 398 - Orphanage!
Chapter 397 - My mighty sword..
Chapter 396 - The sword...
Chapter 395 - Hubby's birthday gift...
Chapter 394 - The auction...
Chapter 393 - No Invites...
Chapter 392 - The fate...
Chapter 391 - Seduction power of Wife!
Chapter 390 - The strip show...
Chapter 389 - Father and son...
Chapter 388 - Target...
Chapter 387 - The photo...
Chapter 386 - The parting..
Chapter 385 - The brothers...
Chapter 384 - Augus...
Chapter 383 - Useless man..
Chapter 382 - Visiting family!
Chapter 381 - The conspiracy..
Chapter 380 - The beginning....
Chapter 379 - The flyer...
Chapter 378 - Trust yourself Rhehan..
Chapter 377 - They meet again....
Chapter 376 - His old man!
Chapter 375 - It's time..
Chapter 374 - Phra Basho...
Chapter 373 - Memories....
Chapter 372 - Tell us..
Chapter 371 - Thank you!
Chapter 370 - Visiting family!
Chapter 369 - The family..
Chapter 368 - The change!
Chapter 367 - His trainer..
Chapter 366 - Pool side love...
Chapter 365 - But..how?
Chapter 364 - The proposal..
Chapter 363 - All set...
Chapter 362 - Nervouseness!
Chapter 361 - Devil is awake!
Chapter 360 - Star-struck!
Chapter 359 - Mia Bell again...
Chapter 358 - Not the first time...
Chapter 357 - Sleeping beauty...
Chapter 356 - The pampered girl.
Chapter 355 - The strong man
Chapter 354 - Those eyes...
Chapter 353 - Brother-in- law
Chapter 352 - The preperation
Chapter 351 - Blushing master!
Chapter 350 - Surprise!
Chapter 349 - Public bath.
Chapter 348 - Scared to death!
Chapter 347 - Spider-woman
Chapter 346 - Dating couple...
Chapter 345 - Bracelet...
Chapter 344 - Rose- The pampered Hubby!
Chapter 343 - Give me bath!
Chapter 342 - Melodramatic Rose!
Chapter 341 - Disaster!
Chapter 340 - Avalanche....
Chapter 339 - Disaster begins again!
Chapter 338 - Cheese factory destruction!!!
Chapter 337 - Wisdom!
Chapter 336 - The beautiful Morning....
Chapter 335 - Group hug!
Chapter 334 - Stay the night....
Chapter 333 - Busted!!!
Chapter 332 - Better actor?
Chapter 331 - The spoilt kid!
Chapter 330 - Having a family...
Chapter 329 - Habbits!
Chapter 328 - The angry doctor!
Chapter 327 - Impatience....
Chapter 326 - Problem!
Chapter 325 - I want you...
Chapter 324 - Rising heat....
Chapter 323 - Uncontrollable man....
Chapter 322 - Wedding Pics...
Chapter 321 - The unexpected!
Chapter 320 - The drunkard!
Chapter 319 - Why?
Chapter 318 - Lonely again!
Chapter 317 - Alone!
Chapter 316 - Shock!
Chapter 315 - Son...?
Chapter 314 - Your home!
Chapter 313 - Strength!
Chapter 312 - Then why??
Chapter 311 - You are my son!
Chapter 310 - The truth!
Chapter 309 - Busted!
Chapter 308 - Who are you to me?!
Chapter 307 - Thankful!
Chapter 306 - The teasing!
Chapter 305 - We cant be mother and son?
Chapter 304 - Teary Rose
Chapter 303 - Mother-son!
Chapter 302 - I trust you!
Chapter 301 - Overwhelmed!
Chapter 300 - Green eyes!
Chapter 299 - Accident!
Chapter 298 - Contemplation!
Chapter 297 - Welcome home!
Chapter 296 - Jealousy!
Chapter 295 - Destined!
Chapter 294 - Trust me!
Chapter 293 - Honeymoon couple!
Chapter 292 - Addicted!
Chapter 291 - Wife and hubby!
Chapter 290 - Tom and jerry!
Chapter 289 - The book!
Chapter 288 - Treasure!
Chapter 287 - Jealousy!
Chapter 286 - Long-lost!
Chapter 285 - His little boy!
Chapter 284 - Uncertain!
Chapter 283 - Worries!
Chapter 282 - Helpless
Chapter 281 - Lost kid
Chapter 280 - Jealous hubby!
Chapter 279 - The beginning.....
Chapter 278 - Regret!
Chapter 277 - Exotic spa!
Chapter 276 - Emotions and sex!
Chapter 275 - Multiple- Shocks!
Chapter 274 - Damsel in distress!
Chapter 273 - Rose bed!
Chapter 272 - Newly- weds!
Chapter 271 - Memories!
Chapter 270 - Sooner the better!
Chapter 269 - Are we...Are we...M...M..?
Chapter 268 - The dream!
Chapter 267 - The enchantress!
Chapter 266 - The father!
Chapter 265 - Danger!
Chapter 264 - Evil plot!
Chapter 263 - Evil!
Chapter 262 - True Love!
Chapter 261 - Trust!
Chapter 260 - The king!
Chapter 259 - If you insist...
Chapter 258 - Truth!
Chapter 257 - Revelation!
Chapter 256 - Rightful owner!
Chapter 255 - Enchantress!
Chapter 254 - I surrender....
Chapter 253 - Nightmare!
Chapter 252 - Cure!
Chapter 251 - punishment!
Chapter 250 - Love or War?
Chapter 249 - The bet
Chapter 248 - When they first met.......
Chapter 247 - The enchantress
Chapter 246 - Secret love!
Chapter 245 - 3150 B.C.
Chapter 244 - Rift!
Chapter 243 - For you!
Chapter 242 - Face-off!
Chapter 241 - Step by Step!
Chapter 240 - The competition!
Chapter 239 - The stunner!
Chapter 238 - Love Mask!
Chapter 237 - Personal audition!
Chapter 236 - Wedding night!
Chapter 235 - Wedding!
Chapter 234 - Make babies!
Chapter 233 - Are we drunk?
Chapter 232 - Game!
Chapter 231 - Toast!
Chapter 230 - Celebration!
Chapter 229 - Lee Lee!
Chapter 228 - King!
Chapter 227 - Bounce!
Chapter 226 - The artifact!
Chapter 225 - My arm!
Chapter 224 - Love v/s War
Chapter 223 - Man in black!
Chapter 222 - Get a room!
Chapter 221 - Trust!
Chapter 220 - Caught!
Chapter 219 - Test
Chapter 218 - Perfect night!
Chapter 217 - Sold!
Chapter 216 - Bad luck!
Chapter 215 - Auction!
Chapter 214 - Sarcasm!
Chapter 213 - Mia Bell!
Chapter 212 - The gala event!
Chapter 211 - Old family
Chapter 210 - The ride.
Chapter 209 - Paparazzi!
Chapter 208 - The slit!
Chapter 207 - Don't tell anybody!
Chapter 206 - Millions to be saved!
Chapter 205 - Havoc!
Chapter 204 - Facts!
Chapter 203 - Mission!
Chapter 202 - Struggle!
Chapter 201 - Candy!
Chapter 200 - Mother I am hungry!
Chapter 199 - New Home!
Chapter 198 - Revelation!
Chapter 197 - Son's playground!
Chapter 196 - Meal to be!
Chapter 195 - Hint!
Chapter 194 - Coincidence!
Chapter 193 - Information
Chapter 192 - The bond!
Chapter 191 - Little boy!
Chapter 189 - Singapore!
Chapter 188 - Entangled!
Chapter 187 - Best Trainee!
Chapter 186 - Fresh wound!
Chapter 185 - Fate!
Chapter 184 - Magical world.
Chapter 183 - The little boy!
Chapter 182 - The jungle!
Chapter 181 - Golden light!
Chapter 180 - The baby!
Chapter 179 - It's time!
Chapter 178 - The mother!
Chapter 177 - Assault!
Chapter 176 - The Lust
Chapter 175 - Complications!!!
Chapter 174 - Devil in him!
Chapter 173 - The love making!
Chapter 172 - The wine!
Chapter 171 - I know everything.
Chapter 170 - Devil!
Chapter 169 - The rich stranger!
Chapter 168 - Stranger!
Chapter 167 - Sea-green!
Chapter 166 - Destiny
Chapter 165 - Lady in white!
Chapter 164 - The couple!
Chapter 163 - Fairy-tale
Chapter 162 - Again?
Chapter 161 - Somebody special!
Chapter 160 - The call
Chapter 159 - Contract!
Chapter 158 - The couple!
Chapter 157 - Chocolate and cherries!
Chapter 156 - Heartbreak!
Chapter 155 - Unsaid words!
Chapter 154 - Paparazzi!
Chapter 153 - Thank you!
Chapter 152 - More the merrier!
Chapter 151 - The other option!
Chapter 150 - Do it!
Chapter 149 - Steamy bath!
Chapter 148 - Surprise!
Chapter 147 - The game begins!
Chapter 146 - The call!
Chapter 145 - It's official!
Chapter 144 - Spoilt kid!
Chapter 143 - ROOOOSEEEE!!!!
Chapter 142 - Exorcism of E...Rose!
Chapter 141 - The cake-trophy!
Chapter 140 - Man's way to heart!
Chapter 139 - Ashamed?!
Chapter 138 - family trouble!
Chapter 137 - Think! Think !! Think!!!
Chapter 136 - Dummy man!
Chapter 135 - The therapy!
Chapter 134 - Gold-digger!
Chapter 133 - Love and Lies!
Chapter 132 - His angel..!
Chapter 121-130
Chapter 111-120
Chapter 101-110
Chapter 91-100
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 76-80
Chapter 71-75
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 61-65
Chapter 56-60
Chapter 51-55
Chapter 46-50
Chapter 41-45
Chapter 36-40
Chapter 31-35
Chapter 26-30
Chapter 21-25
Chapter 16-20
Chapter 12-15
Chapter 8-11
Chapter 7 - Awsome Threesome!
Chapter 6 - Wicked Secretary!
Chapter 5 - Ohhh! Its calling me!
Chapter 4 - Nymphomaniac needs a wife
Chapter 2 - The struggle.
Chapter 1 - The Rich Brat
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