Game, Live Stream Chapter 42 part3

Game, Live Stream Chapter 42 part3

Alice blinked at Lippinobert, as if she understood what he was saying but didn't understand anything at all at the same time.

“Alice is a work that I'm very satisfied with. It's no different from an ordinary child. It can sing and dance, but doesn't talk…” Lippinobert smiled at Alice, his words seemed to be directed at Xiao Tangqiu, but he also seemed to be talking to himself. “But it doesn't matter. Daddy will never abandon my daughter… Goodbye, Alice.”

As the serpents swarmed, Alice's human appearance quickly disappeared, revealing a semi-human state.

Before disappearing completely, Alice waved at Lippinobert. Its voice sounded sweet and clear, just like a musical box.

“Bye bye, Daddy.”

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth and finally couldn't help bursting at Lippinobert. “She's your daughter! How could you have the heart to make a puppet out of your own daughter? “

“Because I'm a puppeteer,” Lippinobert smiled. “I'll always be with my puppets… And, of course, my Lily Marlene.”

Xiao Tangqiu was speechless. He knew that there was no way to communicate about logic or humane ideas with Lippinobert. This man was no longer a normal human being.

“Next up is…” Lippinobert's eyes sank and his tone darkened. “Next is my dear mother.”

The long-haired monster appeared, staggering towards the center of the magic array, just like an old person. After the battle with Shen Yuan, half of its puppet body had been revealed, and the remaining human half looked just as awful. Altogether, it was a disgusting sight.

“It's my most failed work,” Lippinobert said coldly. “It can neither speak nor think in a human way, or have human feelings. But that's to be expected. After all, it's one of my early works. At the time, I couldn't create a perfect puppet like I can now.”

The serpents swarmed and soon engulfed the long-haired monster. The human state of the long-haired monster fell apart, revealing its puppet body and disappeared just like the others. The whole time, it looked at Lippinobert with a blank stare.

Although Xiao Tangqiu couldn't understand the puppet's look, his intuition told him that it wasn't as Lippinobert had said – the puppet seemed to have a trace of human emotions within those eyes.

Before he could delve further into it, the monster had disappeared completely.

“Next is Effie, which is also one of my early works. It isn't perfect, but Alice liked to play with it.”

At the command of Lippinobert, the puppet with crude workmanship that Xiao Tangqiu had seen in Maria's room also appeared.

“Go. Go be with Alice.”

It piously walked to the center of the magic array, loyally giving up its body and soul.

As the puppets offered themselves up for sacrifice, one after another, the magic array formed by the serpents grew larger and more dense. Xiao Tangqiu felt the atmosphere grow more cold and sinister. He seemed to feel a pair of eyes staring at him from the center of the magic array.

He felt chilly all over, like he had fallen into a freezer.

“Finally, it's your turn, you little freak.” Lippinobert's voice suddenly softened, as if remembering something. “I didn't name it. It was my first work. Although it wasn't perfect and it didn't have human thoughts and feelings, and didn't think like a human being, it was my first playmate and friend in my life.”

As soon as his words fell, the dwarf puppet appeared. It walked to the center of the magic array in a crooked manner, with its little leather drum in its arms jerking up and down.

“Little freak, go.”

Lippinobert smiled at the dwarf puppet, his smile sincere as ever.

“…We will always be together.”

The dwarf puppet cleverly held the small leather drum, standing motionless while it allowed the serpents to engulf it. As its human appearance gradually disappeared, Xiao Tangqiu's heart started to sink.

He knew that it was his turn next.

He must be the last sacrifice.

Sure enough, in the next second, Lippinobert turned around to look at Xiao Tangqiu. He smiled faintly, “Darling, it's your turn next…”

Xiao Tangqiu watched helplessly as the magic array under his feet began to change and swirl. Although the dwarf puppet hadn't completely been consumed by the serpents, some serpents were already crawling towards him.

He knew that once he was touched by these serpents, his fate would be the same as that of the puppets before. However, his feet were firmly stuck to the ground and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

“Come, come be with me…”

Lippinobert's voice was somber and low, full of devilish charm, like the whispers of demons. The serpents wriggled towards Xiao Tangqiu under Lippinobert's will.

Just when Xiao Tangqiu gave himself to despair, a flying knife suddenly cut through the air and shot at Lippinobert.

Lippinobert didn't escape in time and was instantly pierced by the flying knife.

Everything fell silent in that instant and Xiao Tangqiu held his breath. But Lippinobert, being the ultimate big BOSS, wasn't so easily killed.

Lippinobert looked down at the knife in his chest. His expression instantly turned gloomy and frightening. Huge spurts of blood flowed out from his chest. Although he seemed to be fine, the serpents, which had been manipulated by his will, suddenly stopped.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the door.

Xiao Tangqiu immediately looked up in that direction as well. When he saw Shen Yuan at the door of the church, all his fear and negative emotions disappeared instantly, and his desperate and uneasy heart seemed to have been put to ease.

Shen Yuan was here.

Shen Yuan actually came.

A moment later, Xiao Tangqiu noticed that Duan Hongzhen and Tang Mianmian had also come. Of course, the two women were there as well. All of them had survived.

Before he could quietly breathe a sigh of relief, Lippinobert smiled darkly at the people at the door. “You came just at the right time. I was starting to worry that there wouldn't be enough sacrifices…”

“Fuck your sacrifices! Let go of my friend!”

Tang Mianmian didn't wait for Lippinobert to finish his classic villainous lines before he cried impatiently, “Let Qiuqiu go quickly! Otherwise, I'll smash all your puppets! You disgusting psycho with your freaky hobby!"

Lippinobert smiled sinisterly, “Don't worry, you'll soon be able to accompany my children.”

Xiao Tangqiu immediately shouted at the door. “Be careful! Don't step into the array! He just used this array to devour all his puppets! He wants to sacrifice everyone to revive Lily Marlene!”

Tang Mianmian gasped. “You actually sacrificed your mother and daughter… You're the ultimate psycho out of all the psychos, the number one, unrivalled psycho!"

Lippinobert laughed. The Ouroboros totem under his feet spread instantly, covering the entire church and leaving everyone with nowhere to run.

And the serpents also shifted their target and crawled towards Shen Yuan, slithering one after another. The dwarf puppet still hadn't been completely devoured. Only half of its puppet body was left, but it staggered towards Shen Yuan and the others.

Lippinobert diverted his attention towards them, the serpents following his will. Xiao Tangqiu finally managed to escape and return to Tang Mianmian's side.

Tang Mianmian quickly asked, “Qiuqiu! Are you alright?”

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth. “Forget about me, it's more important to deal with Lippinobert!”

Tang Mianmian looked at Xiao Tangqiu's clothes. “Why have you suddenly turned into a woman?”

Xiao Tangqiu's lips twitched. “Please focus on what's important!”

Despite the grim situation, Tang Mianmian still didn't forget to roast him, “Lippinobert has also turned into a woman. If I didn't know any better, I would think he took you away to play some sort of perverted game…”

Xiao Tangqiu rolled his eyes so hard they almost rolled to the back of his head. But that was the end of the easy atmosphere, because in the next second, the serpents quickly crawled up to the front of them. He quickly warned the crowd, “Watch out for these serpents! They are very powerful…”

Duan Hongzhen smiled and assured him, “Don't worry, we've dealt with each other many times.”

He seemed to be casually playing with the flying knife in his hand, but the look in his eyes and his expression gradually grew serious while Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu took out their weapons. Only Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, who were empty-handed, had no choice but to watch.

In an instant, the serpents decisively launched an attack on the team. Duan Hongzhen, Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu immediately surrounded Shen Yuan, each person defending him from a different side.

They quickly drew the weapons in their hands, obviously tempered into the hardest steel by countless battles.

The serpents were beheaded one after another.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian weren't at ease either, because the dwarf puppet started to attack them again with its shrill screams. They immediately covered their ears, but they were still hit by the aftermath of the soundwaves.

Blood poured out of Xiao Tangqiu's ears in an instant. In the next moment, the dwarf puppet began to beat its drum.

With the rapid beat of the drum, Xiao Tangqiu was unable to control his body once again. He held out his hands, violently grabbing his own neck. The same was true for Tang Mianmian, who was struggling to grip his own neck, trying to choke himself to death. His whole face turned as red as pork liver.

The worst thing was that the dwarf puppet knew how to attack on both fronts. He began to beat the drum while screaming. Xiao Tangqiu grabbed his own neck against his will, so that he couldn't cover his ears at all. His ears were exposed to the attack of the soundwaves as more and more blood poured out.

At the same time, he felt a metallic taste in his throat, blood began to flow out of his mouth and nose… If things continued like this, he would bleed to death out of his seven orifices and probably end up with his five viscera and six bowels ruptured like the middle-aged woman.

Xiao Tangqiu didn't know why the dwarf puppet fought so hard. Clearly, it only had half of its body left and was going to be sacrificed by its owner, but it was still so loyal, wanting to protect his owner. Was it just like Lippinobert said – it didn't have human emotions at all, so it didn't care if it was abandoned and sacrificed?

Shen Yuan and the others felt awful as well. They were all frowning. Yu Fuling coldly looked at the dwarf puppet, drew her Tang sword and swung her blade.

She cut off the remaining arm of the dwarf puppet, and as the arm fell to the ground, the small leather drum dropped as well. The beating of the drum finally stopped.

Xiao Tangqiu was finally saved. He immediately took a big breath of fresh air, just like a drowned person taking his first breath.

However, in the next second, the dwarf puppet, who had lost half of its body and both its arms, still didn't give up and continued to launch a scream attack on them. Yu Fuling cut off its head at once.

The crude puppet's head fell to the ground, but the screams didn't stop.

“The puppet is lifeless, and we all know what it really is. It's useless to deal with it using the same method we use on human beings,” Duan Hongzhen said with a smile, turning to look at Shen Yuan. “Older brother, it's your turn."

Yu Fuling frowned slightly, apparently disagreeing. “Duan Hongzhen, older brother Shen has used his ability too many times in this instance… He can't go on!"

“I know, but that's all we can do now…” Duan Hongzhen looked helpless.

Yu Fuling wanted to say something else, but Shen Yuan finally spoke. He said faintly, “Leave it to me.”

Chapter end

Chapter 63 part3
Chapter 63 part2
Chapter 63 part1
Chapter 62 part3
Chapter 62 part2
Chapter 62 part1
Chapter 61 part3
Chapter 61 part2
Chapter 61 part1
Chapter 60 part3
Chapter 60 part2
Chapter 60 part1
Chapter 59 part3
Chapter 59 part2
Chapter 59 part1
Chapter 58 part3
Chapter 58 part2
Chapter 58 part1
Chapter 57 part3
Chapter 57 part2
Chapter 57 part1
Chapter 56 part3
Chapter 56 part2
Chapter 56 part1
Chapter 55 part3
Chapter 55 part2
Chapter 55 part1
Chapter 54 part2
Chapter 54 part1
Chapter 53 part3
Chapter 53 part2
Chapter 53 part1
Chapter 52 part3
Chapter 52 part2
Chapter 52 part1
Chapter 51 part3
Chapter 51 part2
Chapter 51 part1
Chapter 50 part3
Chapter 50 part2
Chapter 50 part1
Chapter 49 part3
Chapter 49 part2
Chapter 49 part1
Chapter 48 part3
Chapter 48 part2
Chapter 48 part1
Chapter 47 part3
Chapter 47 part2
Chapter 47 part1
Chapter 46 part3
Chapter 46 part2
Chapter 46 part1
Chapter 45 part3
Chapter 45 part2
Chapter 45 part1
Chapter 44 part3
Chapter 44 part2
Chapter 44 part1
Chapter 43 part3
Chapter 43 part2
Chapter 43 part1
Chapter 42 part3
Chapter 42 part2
Chapter 42 part1
Chapter 41 part3
Chapter 41 part2
Chapter 41 part1
Chapter 40 part3
Chapter 40 part2
Chapter 40 part1
Chapter 39 part4
Chapter 39 part3
Chapter 39 part2
Chapter 39 part1
Chapter 38 part3
Chapter 38 part2
Chapter 38 part1
Chapter 37 part3
Chapter 37 part2
Chapter 37 part1
Chapter 36 part3
Chapter 36 part2
Chapter 36 part1
Chapter 35 part3
Chapter 35 part2
Chapter 35 part1
Chapter 34 part3
Chapter 34 part2
Chapter 34 part1
Chapter 33 part3
Chapter 33 part2
Chapter 33 part1
Chapter 32 part3
Chapter 32 part2
Chapter 32.1
Chapter 31.3
Chapter 31.2
Chapter 31.1
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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