Enlightened Empire 234 Union

Enlightened Empire 234 Union

"I really should have seen this one coming," Corco muttered to himself. All the while, he watched Egidius and Ella, the clock maker's new bride, step down the pier and into the decorated wooden boat together. Now that he thought about it, it had been strange that the adventurous and curious clock maker had decided to stay in Saniya rather than follow Atau on his journey around the world. He even remembered the girl's portrait, hanging in the clock maker's workshop during his frequent visits there.

Maybe it was the constant work or his general lack of a romantic strain, but somehow he had been blindsided by their relationship. Out of nowhere, Egidius had announced his intentions and now only three days later, a group of the city's elites had come together in Saniya's harbor to say their goodbyes to the first married couple between an Arcavian and a Medalan.

"Do you mind your people getting fresh with outsiders?" When Corco turned towards the voice, he was confronted by the mischievous twinkle that he had become so familiar with. At some point during the proceedings, Sumaci had stepped next to the king to speak her mind, like she did so often.

"Who're you calling an outsider?" Corco asked back in a bemused tone. "He's a citizen of Saniya just like everyone else. As the city grows, we'll have more and more people immigrate from all over the place, so it's a good idea to be open and not put too much emphasis on heritage. Rather, I'm glad that those two have found each other. A few of my Arcavian subjects seem to have had flings with local girls, though I'd prefer if all of them worked out like this one. In fact, if I had the choice, I'd rather they all got married and started families right this second. That way, they are much more likely to stay around once their contracts are up in a few years. Now that one of them has taken the first plunge, I'm sure others will follow suit soon."

"You think so? And all of them will convert to the Pacha faith?"

Corco followed Sumaci's pointed finger towards the ship the couple had boarded. Although the vessel's wooden exterior looked a bit worn, it had been decorated with various cloth streamers, as well as waves and animals symbols of Medalan faith. From what Corco had been told, Egidius had loaned the vessel from a local fisherman for a considerable price. After, he had added his own decorations in secret, together with his bride-to-be.
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At this point, the two of them had begun to row away from the pier and towards the open waters. In accordance with Medala tradition, the young couple would spend several days in the wilderness by themselves, before they would return to their home as husband and wife. Though of course, wilderness was a relative term. They were well-prepared to face their time alone, and a small island in the Mayura River had been prepared for the young pair to call home during this time. After generations of civilization, the tradition had evolved into more of an early honeymoon rather than the original pair-bonding fight for survival it had originated from.

Even so, it was surprising that an Arcavian would play along with Medala's traditions in the way Egidius had.

"It'd be nice if they all were to convert, but I doubt it'll happen," Corco answered after a long pause.

"I assume they don't get married like this in the Orient."

"That's the problem right there. Nail on head. Egidius is kind of a weirdo among the Arcavians, at least by today's standards. He says he believes in Arcavus, but I'm pretty sure it's only because he'd be ostracized otherwise. At the very least, I haven't seen him practice any religious rites ever since he left Arcavia. That's why it was easy for him to agree to this type of wedding. Not that it means that he's actually converted to the Pacha faith with this. So I don't think we can draw any conclusion from his choices. Whether or not the others will follow his example remains to be seen."

"At least they looked happy," Sumaci said as she looked back along the river.

Again, Corco followed her lead and checked on his head engineer and his new bride. Indeed, the two newlyweds had sat down and snuggled together as their little boat slowly drifted downstream. As the distance and low-hanging sun turned them into silhouettes, the people disappeared and only the boat remained within Corco's sight.

"Oh crap, that reminds me," the king shouted out of nowhere, and rushed back towards his castle out of nowhere, followed by his silent guards.

"You are not staying? There will be a reception held by Ella's family later. They invited some traveling folk for music and dance. It sounded like it would be fun," a surprised Sumaci remained glued to the pier, but still called out to the inconsiderate Corco.

"No time," he called back. "This is important work, so I gotta get this done before I forget again. You have fun though."

And with that, the king left a visibly upset Sumaci to her own devices while he charged back into his work.


Minutes later, Corco was once again seated behind the desk in his study, with Fadelio before him to answer his questions and take his orders.

"Okay, first off: Do we have any solid figures on the number of fishermen in the Chawir territory? Actually, I'd prefer numbers on all fishermen in the southern kingdom if that's possible."

For a moment Fadelio looked up from his notes with a furrowed brow, before he replied at last.

"We don't, not for the entire kingdom, nor for our estate. I can look up the numbers from the last full census if you want, but it's been a long time so I doubt they would be very accurate. As for the entire south's numbers, I don't think anyone has those. How would we get those numbers in the first place?"

"Well... we're already running around registering all the farmers in the territory, aren't we? Didn't we just do the same for all the other villagers while we were at it?" Corco countered.

"Yes we did, but only in the farming villages. And we're barely keeping up with things as is, so we don't have the manpower to frivolously spend them on a new census. We never sent anyone to the uncounted number of fishing villages along the coastline, because there's nothing to do or to report there. Since they don't need our fertilizer, they have no reason to hand their children over to school in Saniya, and we have no stakes in any of their businesses, so we have no particular incentive to control them or count them up. The only reason to go there is to collect taxes once a year, and that's still done on a village-by-village basis, not per citizen."

"In that case, it's high time we change that," a self-satisfied Corco said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Is that really necessary?" Fadelio looked even more unconvinced than before. "There isn't much money in fishery anyways. The fishermen are considerably poorer than the farmers, even without the fertilizer and new tools, so I feel like our efforts would be better spent elsewhere. What about supporting the merchants or craftsmen instead?"

"The merchants are fine, as are the craftsmen. For now, there is little we can do for the artisan class now that we have our first machines and manufactories up and running. At this point, we need to wait for natural accumulation. As time goes by, more craftsmen will join us from all across the empire, while our own apprentices will come of age and contracts of our old experts run out. Only then can they start setting up a freer, more competitive economy."

While Corco was speaking, Fadelio took notes of everything, even though they were plans the king had already reiterated several times in the past.

"As for the merchants, they'll find a way to grow, whether or not we support them. It's in their nature," Corco grinned. He understood the merchants more than most, since he himself had been one of them. "And it's not like I won't play guiding light for a bit, I already have my plans. Though I'd prefer to wait until Brym's back before we get into that. When it comes to money, he's the expert after all."

"Understood," Fadelio replied, still scribbling away.

"As for the fishermen: You're underestimating their importance, criminally. All of that just because you're not considering scale, nor the future. First off, as our numbers increase we need a lot of food anyways. Adding some more fish to our collective diet is both healthy and helps us build up a stockpile faster. Also, kelp makes for a great source of phosphate, so harvesting it helps our fertilizer business. It's also rich in iodine, which is a nice bonus. We're always looking for new sources of fertilizer even though we have such a treasure trove right at our door step. After all, it's not called the Verdant Sea for no reason. All we need to tap into it is to scale up our production. Then the fishermen will stop being so inefficient, or poor, if you prefer. Bigger ships, bigger nets, larger crews and such. Once they get into deeper waters with better equipment, our fishing business will become a goldmine."

"Although I'm sure you already have a solution for this, I doubt these people will just accept such a dramatic change in their lifestyle. They are poor for a reason, despite the rich waters close to their homes. They don't have good ships and won't dare go out to sea too far for fear of pirates and sea serpents."

Every time Corco came up with one of his ambitious plans, this was Fadelio's role: He would invoke counterpoints and force Corco into explanations. If his plans didn't stand up to Fadelio's scrutiny, it was usually a good idea to hold back and think matters through more. Luckily, this time the king was well-prepared.

"Well, the pirates are working for us now, at least the Verdant ones. So that should no longer be a problem," Corco said. "As for the serpents: We should be able to convince them that the waters are safe once they have some strength in numbers and a ship that has a deck more than a meter off the water. Good old-fashioned greed and ambition will take care of the rest."

"Which still leaves the problem that we simply don't have the larger fishing vessels you want, nor could the poor fishermen ever pay for them if we did. Where would those ships even come from?"

"Of course we'll build them in our shipyard, right here in Saniya. As for the purchase cost, I intend to let each fishing village get their first ship on a loan. That way, the entire village can work together on one large vessel, which increases their output. Probably also a good idea to give every crew member partial ownership of the ship, which guarantees the prosperity of the entire village and reduces the chance that one of them just sells the ship to live a life of luxury, or that they get a big head and turn dread-pirate."

"More costs, again," Fadelio moaned. With the humor of a stone brick, he ignored Corco's comedic timing and instead bothered with more administrative details.

"Nonono, not this time!" Corco half stood up to preempt another annoying talk about budgets. "I mean, we're not giving them any money from our treasury, are we? All they get is the output from our shipyard, and that one's producing ships either way. They're more useful with the fishermen than in our harbor, where they'd do nothing. Rather than spend money on the measure, we'd slowly increase our income as they pay us back for the ship, and we could set up contracts that gives us a portion of the fishing businesses in the territory. Same deal as with the farmers: They pay for their advantages with a portion of their profits, and they need to get registered and controlled by Saniya, plus we get their children into school."

"It's a good method to integrate more of the empire, that's for sure," Fadelio agreed. "Though if the shipyard only builds these fishing vessels, what would we do about our military presence at sea?"

"For now, we don't need a presence, I don't think," Corco replied in a calm tone as he sat back down. "I mean, we won't have a fleet to rival the Bornish in the east any time soon, and we already control the Verduic Sea through our alliance with the Verdant Isles. Rather, if we increase our presence in the west, our allies might think that we are trying to rival their dominance, which would only cause unnecessary confrontation. Plus, it's not like we won't build any battleships at all. We've built our shipyard a year ago and started on the first ships three months later. By now, we're getting close to producing the first batch of modern vessels, a group of galleons. Once that's done, I intend to split the apprentices into smaller groups and see how much they've learned from their masters. Of course they're nowhere good enough to build a galleon all by themselves, but building a larger fishing vessel should be a good first test of their skills, and good practice for the future. This way, we'll massively speed up our output in the long run. We can also include a handful of merchant vessels in the project, since I expect our trade with Chutwa and the Verdant Folk to heat up a lot in the next few years."

Corco's speech got faster and faster as the future developed before his mind's eye.

"Then, as the apprentices learn more and the shipwrights from Arcavia get more used to the surroundings, we'll start producing galleons like there's no tomorrow. And here's where you failed to consider the future: Once we start mass-producing ships, we will need a great deal of sailors to operate them. Where are they gonna come from, I ask?" The king spread his hands in dramatic fashion, before he answered his own question.

"The most obvious place would be from our own fishing villages. But for these villagers to accept their new responsibilities, they need to be properly prepared. They can't just go from a tiny fishing jalopy to a modern battleship. But just like the apprentice shipwrights, everything will go a lot smoother if they can take an intermediate step and try their hands on larger fishing ship first."

While Corco gloated about his grand ideas, Fadelio looked up from his notes with a sigh and leaned back in his own seat.

"As always, I'm surprised by how well you've thought everything through. The detail you put into these plans... sometimes I feel like it might be better used for administrative work."

"Isn't that what I have you for?" the king smirked.

"Of course, master," the servant replied with an unnecessary degree of severity.

"Ah, that reminds me!" Corco jumped up again and began to pace around his studio as he painted more of the future in his head. "Here's another useless detail I've been thinking about: I want the fishing vessels to not only collect fish and the kelp for fertilizer. I also want to offer a price for empty sea shells. Right now, the lower class people turn a few of them into cheap jewelry and the rest is thrown back into the sea, so they should be cheap and it won't strain our budget too much even if we buy literal tons of them."

Again, Fadelio had returned to that critical look from before.

"Do the sea shells have any value I am unaware off? As far as I understand, they're just calcium, correct?"

"That's right," Corco stopped his march around his office to give a more thorough explanation. "Grind them up and you'd basically end up with limestone. Yes, we got our limestone mines already, but we need it for just about anything anyways, from cement to steel production, so it's not like we won't find a place to use them. I admit that the purchase is a bit of a waste since it's more expensive than simply hiring another worker or three for the mines, but in the short term, you can consider it an early investment in the fishing industry. While in the long run, I'd consider it a security measure."

With one of his characteristic, enigmatic smiles, Corco looked into the future, where more and more of his plans would bear fruit. In response, Fadelio only had a shrug to offer. Corco was glad that he finally had his assistant back, the voice of reason to calm his own enthusiasm from time to time. Still, this one time he wouldn't tell Fadelio all the details to invite an argument. At some point, the warrior would realize the importance of the sea shells. Corco was really looking forward to his reaction at that time.

Chapter end

Chapter 257
256 Fire Safety
255 Opponents Far Apar
254 Infiltration
253 Setting Things in Motion
252 Family Vacation
251 Meeting the Boss
250 Secret Operations
249 No Place Like Home
248 Cold War
247 Catching Up
246 Still Searching
245 High Politics
244 Convincing the Holdovers
243 Fight For Power
242 Government Interference
241 New Business
240 Paper, Also Worthless
239 Looking Around
238 Worthless
237 New Chapters Coming Today and tomorrow, and...
236 Shadows
235 New Weaponry
234 Union
233 Back Again
232 Hidden Smile
231 Two Types of Battle
230 Beasts of War
229 Honorable Battle
228 Real Power
227 Servility
226 Change in Fortune
225 In Search of a Future
224 Strengthening the Alliance
223 Please Stay Behind After Class
222 Freedom and Burden
221 Overtime Work
220 Lessons Between Lessons
219 A Route to the Stars
218 Back to Basics
217 Modern Transportation
216 Trouble in Paradise
215 A New World
214 Projects and Goals
213 Office Politics
212 A New Era
211 Always More Banquets
210 Armistice
209 Trade Trouble Part 2
208 Trade Trouble
207 Trade Trouble End of Book 5
206 Reunion
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
191 Charge
190 Standoff
189 Skirmish
188 Sowing Disconten
187 Course Correction
186 Secret Deal
185 Breaking Ou
184 Strategic Maneuvers
183 Surprise Visitor
182 Demons and Mortals
181 Cold
180 Real Enemy
179 Maybe
178 Accompanimen
177 Chance at Glory
176 Starvation Tactics
175 New Toys
174 Opportunists, Cowards
173 Disruption
172 Landing Operation
171 Exiles
170 Cleanup
169 Back Home
168 The Fog Clears
167 Conspiracy
166 A Sacrifice for the Future
165 Plans and Ploys
164 Two Meetings
163 Plots and Plans
162 Plans to be Foiled
161 Gif
160 Antipyretics
159 Turning Winds
158 Reunions
157 Weather
156 Travelers
155 Vice
154 Loyal or Stubborn
153 Family Ties
152 Underwater
151 Stubborn
150 Spread Thin
149 Change in Direction
148 Pessimist and Optimis
147 Splitting Up
146 Superstition
145 Unfounded Worry
144 Supply and Demand
143 Purpose
142 Glory
141 Opening a Path
140 Weaklings
139 Burden
138 Pettiness
137 Inevitability
136 Loyalty
135 Preparations
134 Cheat Codes
133 First Invention
132 Secret Alliance
131 Recruitmen
130 Precision
129 Old and New
128 Bandits in the Fores
127 Old Friends End of Book 3
126 Opponents
125 Two Sides
124 Grand Finale
123 Light and Dark
122 Mortal Danger
121 Power Struggle
120 Surrounded
119 Chances Missed, and Taken
118 Two Sides
117 How to Salvage a Disaster
116 True Nature
115 Three Kinds of Trouble
114 Blemishes
113 Hidden in Plain Sigh
112 Uninvited Gues
111 Aperitif
110 Lord, Governor, King
109 Transi
108 Financial Troubles
107 Time Flies
106 Between a Rock and a Hard Place
105 Checkup
104 Triumvirate Meeting
103 Rumors
102 Hope Dies Las
101 Battle in the Mountains
100 Two out of Three
99 Businessman and Lady
98 Standardization
97 Free City
96 Ronnie and Bombasticus
95 Gifts
94 Beacons
93 Plans Between Friends
92 Adventurous Spiri
91 Smiles All Around
90 The Lord of Saniya
89 Close Family
88 Extended Family
87 The Captain's Homecoming
86 Saniya
85 River King
84 Middle of Nowhere
83 His Role End of Book 2
82 Cortege
81 A Duel Between Kings Part 2
80 A Duel Between Kings
79 Nobles' Assembly
78 Plans for the Future
77 Dark Omens
76 Truth and Decei
75 A Reward for Good Deeds
74 The Ancestor's Goals
73 Rif
72 Miracle
71 Uncovering Truths
70 One Down, One to Go
69 Ancestral Assembly
68 Washed Away by the Rain
67 Resist or Submi
66 The Final Vote
65 Collecting Pieces
64 Conspiracy
63 Going Home
62 How to Rule a Country
61 The Ape King's Banque
60 Witch Doctor's Curse
59 Looking Back
58 Fire Seeds
57 Stargazing Brawl
56 Beyond the Clouds
55 The Merchant Prince
54 A Moment of Peace
53 Streak of Ligh
52 A Great Hero
51 Claim to the Throne
50 Making Plans
49 A Long Day of Work
48 A Chat Between Father and Son
47 Into the Darkness
46 To Cancel Out the Double Negative
45 Accomplice
44 Life Insurance
43 A Chat in the Garden
42 Little Bro, Let's Drink!
41 That Magnificent Beard
40 Music
39 Electoral Campaign
38 Allies
37 Distribution of Wealth
36 Unequal Negotiations
35 Blue for the Funeral
34 A Triumphant Return
33 Talent, Success, Truth End of Book 1
32 Payoff
31 The Big Fish
30 On the Prowl
29 What Really Matters
28 The Best Laid Plans
27 Consequences
26 Fake Pirates
25 Greed and Motivation
24 Peace Offers
23 Fallibility
22 Manufactured Morale
21 Modern Siege Tactics
20 Faith and Greed
19 A Man of Few Words
18 New Era
17 Three Captains
16 Prey
15 Matters of Faith
14 Inventions
13 First Major Haul
12 Business Partners
11 Safety Ne
10 Fake Seer, Fake Physician
9 Cultivation
8 Second Produc
7 Marketing
6 Respective Plans
5 The Smell of Hope
4 First Experimen
3 Alchemist Bombasticus
Chapter 2
1 Prologue
CH -2
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