Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army 33 lucky star

Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army 33 lucky star

The afternoon lesson ended with a satisfied debauchery, well, certain indignant voices were heard when Yunan, Leol and Reina left hall number 5 towards the baths, the voices grumbled on and on about needing to assign escort duty to protect little tails in case of danger, the voices had a tinge of tears and hurt when Lucian was ordered to be the permanent hidden escort for the three. Yunan went ahead and booked a small bath for the trio to enter, just in case someone decided to join them in the bath house. As previously discussed Leol taught Reina the general way of how to clean up, and the three of them soaked in the bath until sunset. Yunan lost the coin toss and carried the sleepy fox back into the room, while Leol went to the cantina and took out double portions for the three of them. After dinner the three went to bed to rest their weary bodies for the new day.

Tuesday morning, the three youngsters left their room in silence, neither of them wanted to practice this morning, they did not even want to wake up this early, but they had to for the sake of their future selves, so they started by doing 2 laps on the field, Reina did finish both laps out of sheer will, then they proceeded to do 10 sets of each of the three basics, then they sat down and started counting a divergent series, correcting each other. They chose to reduce the amount of physical workout for two reasons, first to keep Reina from feeling left behind, secondly in an attempt to lower the burden they place on their bodies especially after the harsh training from yesterday. While the kids were singing the divergent series a piece of a red hot rock bounced of Yunan's head, leaving behind a bald patch of burned hair the size of a fist, then landing in the middle of the sitting three.

"Let me see"Reina offered to check the existence of a wound on Yunan who was clutching his head from the pain of the impact, while Leol was checking the oddly smooth stone cooling down in front of them. A crisp sweet laugh sounded from Reina who tried to hide her mouth while giggling, it drew the attention of Leol who looked at Yunan and was in dire need to laugh himself, Yunan touched his head where the stone hit him, he did not feel anything was wrong until he touched the unburnt hair outside of that area, an ugly look appeared on his face, he had a fist sized bald patch on his head, visible to all who looked at it. "You can laugh, but only this time, so get it out of your system" said Yunan with a sad voice and was about to throw away the stone that offended him, but then he felt the oddly smooth glassy feeling that is not part of how rocks usually feel, so he pocket it instead to keep it as a trinket.

While Leol and Reina could barely stop laughing before they start again after looking at Yunan abd and his bald patch, they walked to the room and yunan put on a hat to cover his head, he wanted to find a barber immediately and do something about his hair but there would not be anyone open at this hour, so he decided to go after the morning lesson, and steeled himself for the jeering he would get from debauchery.

Yunan laid back on his bed feeling something was off he asked his roommates. "Why are you so energetic, aren't you supposed to be tired and have sore muscles from all the work yesterday? I am used to doing morning training, so it is understandable that my constitution is better than yours and can have energy, but how come you have energy when you have such bad constitution". "I don't know, ever since i started laughing i felt better, all the soreness was fading away" chirped Reina. "Same here" shrugged Leol. "I don't know what is going on but we should report it to debauchery, they may have an idea". The three agreed by nodding and then went for breakfast ate hastily, then ran to hall 5.

As expected the welcome party made of Fae and Balin was waiting at the door, when Yunan saw them coming over he removed his hat and the sudden appearance of the bald patch took the two by surprise long enough for Leol to move Reina inside the hall, followed momentarily by the roaring laughter of Balin and Fae. Yunan came inside the hall and got everyone but leader on their knees. After every one calmed down, Leader looked at Lucian for an explanation since he was in charge of their security, he simply answered "hit by a meteor", that earned him a round of congratulations, it takes a huge amount of luck to get hit by a meteor.

The chances of being hit by a meteorite is a few million times less than the chance of being hit by lightning. The party carried a strange ritual of stealing some of his luck, Yunan was not sure if the ritual was a joke or not but he did not dare ask, the ritual was simple, caress the bald patch and kiss it, and make Yunan say "i bless you with half my luck for the rest of your life".

Before leader got the chance to start the training, Yunan stopped her to inquire about the strange thing about this morning. "Leader, after the the meteorite hit me, our bodies started feeling better, i thought it was normal for me since i have good physic, but then i noticed Leol and Reina also getting more energized ever since they started laughing, when we came back to the room i asked them about it they said even the discomfort from yesterday was disappearing fast, any ideas why did that happen ?"

Dustan answered him first "there a few things that can cause the same, the most likely is the ingredients for food, but that is not the only thing, a rejuvenation blessing, or maybe a break through in your constitution, so it is not very strange that tiredness can disappear suddenly". "We can rule those out" said Lucian " there was no magic cast on them while i was sitting there, and the food never had any effect before and there is no way the guild would use level 4 or higher ingredients on an academy when there are endless aristocrats who would pay endless money for it, as for constitution breakthrough, it is very unlikely to happen to children let alone in the same time, so that is ruled out too."

As if hit by an epiphany, Balin grabbed onto Yunan excitedly "the meteorite, where is it? Did you keep it? Answer me baldy, quickly" while Yunan was about to answer, Bai intervened and pulled Balin away saying "he can not be that lucky, don't get the boy excited for nothing", "he was lucky to bit hit by a meteorite so what are the odds?" asked Fae. "About a few million times lower, i also think we should not get our hopes high" Leader got in the cryptic conversation.

Yunan took out the meteorite, and throw it to Balin while asking "what are you guys talking about? It is just a glassy smooth rock, what could it do?" debauchery looked at the stone in the hands of Balin and in unison they said """lucky bastard!"""

Chapter end

458 Null, end?
457 worshiped flower
456 Karmic Universe
455 A WITCH?
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
419 Ascension
418 Fusion
417 heaven
416 Absolutely nothing
415 Task out of boredom
414 A link
413 Nifty
413 Nifty
412 stumbled upon
412 stumbled upon
411 you knew?
411 you knew?
410 followed
410 followed
409 tempted devil
409 tempted devil
408 Detatching away
408 Detatching away
407 Mortal yet again
407 Mortal yet again
406 Towards the unknown
406 Towards the unknown
405 A prank
405 A prank
404 Making the first ripple
404 Making the first ripple
403 Divine weapon
403 Divine weapon
402 heartless
402 heartless
401 taking the next step
401 taking the next step
400 400th chapter
400 400th chapter
399 Tartarus revealed
399 Tartarus revealed
398 Deep well
398 Deep well
397 Seed
397 Seed
396 Missions
396 Missions
395 who needs to ascend?
395 who needs to ascend?
394 a visitor
394 a visitor
393 a look around
393 a look around
392 the rogue, the fairy and the orc
392 the rogue, the fairy and the orc
391 the plan
391 the plan
390 domination
390 domination
389 war
389 war
388 sage
388 sage
387 a rogue, a dwarf and a brute
387 a rogue, a dwarf and a brute
386 breaking the peace
386 breaking the peace
385 a plan
385 a plan
384 won't it be interesting
384 won't it be interesting
383 hurry
383 hurry
382 behold
382 behold
381 annoyed into oblivion
381 annoyed into oblivion
380 Kaeser
380 Kaeser
379 almost there
379 almost there
378 divinity of Debauchery
378 divinity of Debauchery
377 fight me
377 fight me
376 smite
376 smite
375 worship me
375 worship me
374 return of the flow
374 return of the flow
373 the creator
373 the creator
372 zoning out the gebberish
372 zoning out the gebberish
371 recklessness unpunished
371 recklessness unpunished
370 bad feeling
370 bad feeling
369 that is a given
369 that is a given
368 home of the snow daughters
367 sage level : walkthrough
366 the simpler things
366 the simpler things
365 new citizens
364 old friends
363 it's always the same
362 a few moments of fun
361 under the ligh
360 show off arena
359 arrival at the island
358 on the way
357 the 6th guardian
356 impatient heir
355 sparing partners
354 you pass, how laughable
353 my vengeance and broken compass
352 that smile
351 cloud mounts
350 Stormbirds
349 reforged
347 High priority VIP arrived
346 Baby proofing
344 Respawn
343 Why must you interfere
342 Monster, you know you are
341 62nd floor meeting
340 Seducing the wives after marriage
339 Problems induced by beauty
338 Helping the wife
337 Doing paperwork
336 Good news and bad news
335 Stop dilly-dallying
334 Co-dependent symbiosis
333 Courting death
332 Too lucky lately
331 Progress is progress
330 Stepping to the 61st floor
329 Another party!
328 Day 1 as a soul: god cha
327 Day 1 as a soul: meeting my god
326 In the arms of sleep
325 Story telling
324 Funeral
323 Cheers
322 Last nigh
321 His own fate
320 Clashing with Death
319 Death is my gues
318 Death blade
317 Tech vaul
316 Loot time
315 First mission
314 Selling beauty
313 Turning 40
312 Useful Ignis
311 Finally some information
310 Back again
309 a month
308 Torture dungeon
307 Unfortunate soul
306 Revenge seekers
305 We follow like pets
304 A series of fortunate events
303 In the eyes of outsiders
302 New home
301 Are you kidding me?
300 Open for business
299 I feel hurt you know
298 Starting with the interface
297 Starting the ground work
296 We will sell them safety
295 Returning home
294 That is the wrong way
293 Playing with the pets
292 Troubleshooting Dreamscape
291 A mission
290 Inside the vaults
289 Inner 8 year olds taking over
288 Bleating in response
287 Who would say no to more fun
286 Kingly exotic taste?
285 Trying at ruling
284 Sudden figh
283 Comforting Fae
282 Reflections in camp
281 Ambushed
280 New attack
279 Automated battle mode
278 Blood lus
277 Planet floor?
276 Love is better in fantasy
275 Sending off
274 True wedding
273 Girly display
272 First blood
271 Infiltrator
270 Done already?
269 Arrangements
268 Grub and chow
267 Guest lis
266 True purpose of the wedding
265 Ongoing preparations
264 Wedding?
263 Extracting information
262 Interested Lucian
261 Displaying
260 Starting the lesson
259 Gatcha
258 Shall we do it again?
257 Back to schooling
256 The great harem rankings
255 Reward: all functions unlocked
254 Unworthy, buried for valuables
253 Dream garden
252 Spiritual cave
251 Performance
250 Arriving at the pearl kingdom
249 Emotional crescendo
248 Tea shop
247 Leaving the dungeon?
246 Godly bureaucracy
245 Girls are complicated
244 Hubby's favourite
243 Shard acquired
242 Life with the new party
241 Turning 30
240 Faulty defences
239 Praised
238 Using luck
237 Suffering bird
236 Holding cour
235 Behold the bright king
234 New palace
233 Palace of ligh
232 Official proposal
231 behaviour readjustmen
230 Mother-in-law
229 Shopping like royalty
228 Will~ to~ survive~
227 Fighting at deaths door
226 Debilitating luck
225 Lucky karma
224 Return to Tartarus
223 Retaliation
222 Handle with care
221 Waking up
220 Vacation
219 Hunted by a rogue
218 2 bosses 1 chapter
217 How stupidity annihilated a clan
216 The 41st floor
215 End of the inciden
214 What is life worth to you
213 Helping the guild ou
212 Dying thrice
211 Countdown to death
210 Magical surgery
209 Taking action
208 Quest giver
207 Taming the silver mouse
206 Singing and picnic
205 New status
204 Entering the 40th floor
203 The party members
202 Apprentice chef
201 Buying a princess
200 A cat story
199 Leaving unceremoniously
198 Life resumes
197 New body
196 Bounty
195 Fast and Furious
194 Fooling a god
193 Dealing with the tentacle monster
192 New limbs
191 Hunting down Lucian
190 Aquarium decoration
189 Kissing festival
188 Fooling the naive ones
187 Festival
186 Meeting the scaly tail tribe
185 Crocodiles
184 So unlucky
183 Fraud?
182 Defeating the craby boss
181 Empty boss room
180 Marine cuisine
179 Understanding love
178 Killer whale boss figh
177 Falling into routine
176 31st floor
175 Too much of a good thing
174 Swimming in pearls
173 Feared by a shark
172 A pleasing afternoon
171 Naming the ca
170 New pe
169 Bullying the gods
168 Getting stuck
167 First fight in the water
166 Facing the ocean
165 Feeling Tartarus
164 Reaching the 30th floor
163 The 29th floor
162 Cats
161 Enchanting man-eater
160 Untrusted god
159 Shopping for her
158 Overpowered
157 Gift of gratitude
156 Forgotten feeling
155 Lamia
154 Hellhounds
153 Adventure and kitty
152 Meeting the team
151 Sarah
150 Not a healer
149 Mercenary 2
148 Braggar
147 Mercenary 1
146 Next evolution
145 So fluffy i wanna die
144 Unavoidable attack
143 Endless
142 Using the rhinoceros
141 Spider queen
140 21 floor
139 Finding a place
138 Quack apprentice
137 Quack doctor 2
136 Quack doctor 1
135 Hidden room
134 Exploring
133 Greater bond
132 Taken 2
131 Meeting mother
130 Testing the new toy
129 Discussing futures
128 Mapping and mark
127 Weakling
126 Day after
125 Date nigh
124 Preparations
123 In a hurry
122 The imp and the old man
121 Found cheating
120 Resting
119 Refreshing tea
117 Bullying the puppies
116 The naked bathing club
115 Bullying a boss
114 Hugs
113 Gorilla
112 Heatless inferno
111 Second floor
110 Honey
109 First nigh
108 Goodbye
107 Status
106 Let's grow together
105 Making history
104 End
103 Meeting the heirs
102 Taken
101 A date
100 Completed
99 Break down
98 Complaints
97 Growth
96 Prizes and hun
95 Tournament end
94 Tournament 2
93 Tournament 1
92 Discarding
91 A celebration
90 In the eternal fores
89 Graduation
88 Ploy
87 Prophecy and future
86 At least try living
85 Through the gate
84 depravity
83 Darkness
82 too many
81 Cunning
80 Fun barber shop
79 first region, clear!
78 Growing into Debauchery
77 Mission accomplished
76 First battle plan
75 Lost?
74 Attributes
73 New targe
72 Interrogation
71 Torture
70 Don't even dream about i
69 Valyrian
68 dinner
67 misfortune
66 Trus
65 Adults
64 Explanations
63 Spirit hear
62 Veins
61 Loss of purity
60 Story
59 Run
58 Punished
57 Repor
56 Conspiracy
55 First targe
54 Ready?
53 One more secre
52 History 3
51 History 2
50 History 1
49 New training dummies
48 Oh fortuna
47 A date with lady luck
46 Black fate
45 Taking inventory
44 fun at the barber
43 Ritual
42 Getting rich
41 Writing
40 Again
39 Inspection
38 Not the face
37 Strategy: deterrent force 2
36 Strategy: deterrent force 1
35 A spy's tale
34 starhear
33 lucky star
32 lecture
31 overestimated
30 new roommate
29 a lunch with the imperials
28 no free lunch
27 in the presence of imperials
26 fae invasion
25 visitor
24 class B risk
23 rules of conduc
22 desires
21 plans
20 intrigue
19 we choose life
18 debauchery party
17 meeting the demons 2
16 meeting the demons 1
15 a day off
14 how to leave a legend behind
13 on opposite sides of a wall
12 action
11 demons around a bonfire
10 questers
9 dodgeball?
8 dancing
7 another perspective
6 planning with dummies
5 ghosts of laughter
4 revenge of bai
3 roommate and dummies
2 past of the hear
1 enrollment day
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