Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward! Chapter 200

Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward! Chapter 200

  Chapter 200

   Qin Tao's mind was like a mush at this time.

   Let Chen Nan do the surgery...

  This goddamn... Dean Song also joins in the fun!

   Isn't this a joke?

   But the dean has spoken, what opinion can he have? The sky fell down and there was a child tall on top of it.

Ruan Yongyi glanced at Chen Nan, although it was a bit risky, but this kind of operation is a small operation after all, and it is only a percutaneous superficial vein operation. If there is an accident, he can correct it in time.


   This kid is too cheap and too arrogant!

   You must let him know that the operation is definitely not as simple as it seems.

   Just because the eyes can understand it doesn't mean that the hands can understand it.

   Thinking of Chen Nan's criticism of himself just now, Ruan Yongyi felt a little more joking in his heart. He wanted to let Chen Nan take the initiative to ask him to take action in a while, and let him see the strength of the real director of surgery.

   Of course, any surgeon is trained from scratch and from less to more.

   Don't give him a chance, worry that something will go wrong, and he will never be able to train a real surgeon.

   Looking at Chen Nan's eager expression, Ruan Yongyi didn't say anything. Young people are like this, wasn't he the same at that time?

Thinking of the panic and nervousness when he was in a situation where he was in a dilemma and did not dare to continue, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Nan and smiled, "Boy, after a while, you will know the real Surgery is not as simple as it seems!

   All kinds of situations you encounter during surgery need to be dealt with independently!

   seemed to think of Chen Nan's bewildered and sweaty image for a while, Ruan Yongyi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and almost couldn't help laughing.

   Arrogance requires strength, hehe.

   At this time, Song Aiguo glanced at Shen Yuyuan with a little more worry in his eyes.

   Shen Yuyuan didn't say anything, but looked at Chen Nan quietly, how he hoped that Chen Nan could succeed!

   Of course, it doesn't matter if the operation fails. For the strong, failure only makes his success more determined.

  Shen Yuyuan has been working on one thing.

   That is to urge and promote TCM doctors to perform surgical operations.

  Surgery has never been the standard for dividing TCM and Western medicine!

   It has never been stipulated that doctors specializing in TCM clinical practice cannot perform surgical operations.

   In the past, traditional Chinese medicine can also perform surgery. In the traditional Chinese medicine hospital that was built, which hospital do you think does not have surgery?

   Besides, any traditional Chinese medicine hospital in the country requires students to study basic subjects such as human anatomy, surgery, etc.

   They are not without the foundations of modern medicine.

   It is just that, driven by successive waves and trends, the inexplicable clinical specialty of traditional Chinese medicine cannot apply for the postgraduate examination of western medicine, but the undergraduate of western medicine can apply for the postgraduate examination of traditional Chinese medicine.

   This is a very funny thing in itself.

   Since it is an assessment, as long as you have such ability, you should be treated equally.

  But that's not the case!

  Traditional Chinese medicine has declined step by step in the development of those years.

  In the field of medicine, surgery has become an important solution for many diseases.

   TCM cannot enter the field of surgery, which makes TCM not qualified to fight against Western medicine.

   Chinese medicine is a medicine.

   TCM should not be treated differently.

  If a Chinese medicine practitioner has good enough clinical ability, why can't he be allowed to use various modern medical equipment?

  Who said that surgery can only be done by Western medicine clinical professionals?

   This is a funny question.

   Shen Yuyuan wants to promote the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine.

  Modern science and technology, modern medicine and means are all tools. Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are all doctors. Why can't Chinese medicine use some tools?

  Why are the Chinese medicine labels slapped to death?

  Medicine is used to save people, not to classify them!

   As long as it is beneficial to people's health and life and health, it should be used.

   Actually, everyone knows these truths!

  Why are they treated differently? In fact, many people are very clear about the reasons behind them.

  Because modern medicine was introduced from the West, high-end medical equipment, high-end medical technology, high-tech drugs...etc. all originated from Western concepts.

   They use these things to circle the disciplines.

   Interest eventually became the knife of differentiation.

  Shen Yuyuan, as one of the leaders in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, does not want to see Chinese medicine go into loneliness step by step.

  Many people in Xinglinyuan, one by one, take traditional Chinese medicine as an interest, and become a family interest passed down from generation to generation.

   He couldn't see Chinese medicine, which disappeared in the long river of history.

   To fight!

   to grab!

   Pray, in exchange for only mercy.

   The consequence of seeking skin with a tiger and lacking strength is that, after all, there is only one day to be swallowed by a tiger.

   Once a domestic soda manufacturer, after becoming a foundry, the independent brand was hidden by others, and then gradually eroded.

  Imagination computer, once regarded as the hope of the nation, has become the largest foundry...

  The step-by-step historical experience, **** written in everyone's heart.

   After the medical market is eroded step by step, what is the outcome? Shen Yuyuan saw it in his eyes, anxious in his heart, and pain in his bones!

   There are hundreds of Chinese medicine colleges and universities in the country, and there are very few 985 colleges without 211, and only a few of them can be seen in the double first-class!

  Cultivation, there has been a problem!

   And the root is in the clinic.

   Shen Yuyuan knows that what he has to do is a long and tortuous process.

  Maybe the moment you close your eyes, your ideals cannot be realized.

   But, it doesn't matter!

   The important thing is that as long as there are successors, as long as we have not given up, Chinese medicine will not disappear completely.

   Traditional Chinese Medicine needs to be modernized!

   Just like the discovery of artemisinin, it can save countless people from malaria.

  The future of Chinese medicine is like that!

   not the present!

  If you want people to accept Chinese medicine, you must make up for the shortcomings.

   And surgery is a good entry point.

  In the field of internal medicine, each has its own strengths and strengths, and there are still strengths to parry.

   As for surgery, only the anorectal and orthopedics are still lingering.

   He must correct a group of people, train a group of people, and then let these people stand up and stand up!

  Shen Yuyuan couldn't help but sighed long and spit out the resentment in his heart, which was also his ambition.

Too far!

  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

   Let's take a look at Chen Nan's surgery first.

  Chen Nan is actually Shen Yuyuan's most satisfactory experimental subject, because he is young and has a solid foundation in traditional Chinese medicine. Young means good training, can accept more modern medical concepts, and can integrate better!

   Yesterday, after Mr. Ding Zhengyi said Chen Nan's improved technique, Shen Yuyuan didn't sleep well all night, so excited!

   However, he won't talk to Chen Nanduo now, he doesn't want to put this huge pressure on Chen Nan.

   Surgery, about to start.

   Ruan Yong Ngai acted as the first assistant to Chen Nan.

  Qin Tao does odd jobs.

  The two waited for Chen Nan's start.

   At this time, the nurse also knew what the other party needed to prepare for the operation, alcohol lamp, three-edged needle, disinfection cotton, hemostatic cotton ball...

  Chen Nan's face was solemn, serious but not nervous.

   Although this is his first surgery, he has already had an idea in his heart. The surgical procedure has already been formed in his mind. Tension is unavoidable, but preparations are already sufficient!

   "The operation begins!"

  Chen Nan took the syringe directly and started local infiltration anesthesia on the patient.

This anesthesia technique does not require a professional anesthesiologist qualification, it is just local infiltration anesthesia. Chen Nan's hand is filled with lidocaine acupuncture syringe slowly into the skin, a little injection, a little bit of withdrawal, careful to avoid anesthetics from entering the blood among.

   Anesthesia is complete.

  The three-edged needle has been burning red, like his sincere heart, full of fiery and hope.

  Chen Nan took out the three-edged needle whose needle tip was already red, pinpointed the spot, pierced it directly, and took it out quickly!

   The small blood vessel that looked like an earthworm burst directly, and black and red blood rushed out directly. Qin Tao, who was beside him, quickly caught it with a utensil.

   There was a burning smell in the air.

   A section of the small blood vessel had been cauterized, and then charred under the bright red triangular needle.



   The three-edged needle in his hand is like a firefly, dispelling the long night of Chinese medicine surgery.

   Shen Yuyuan behind him didn't say a word, but his eyes stared straight at Chen Nan. He didn't speak for a long time, but there was a hopeful look in his eyes.

   Time, minute by minute.

  Chen Nan's fire needles, choose different angles, constantly enter, block, carbonize, burn... and then start to cooperate to urge the vitality of this body.

   Needle needs to be fast, and the needle must come out like a dragon. Fire acupuncture requires extremely fast needle insertion, like lightning. Soon, the lifeblood and root of the fire needle will be lost. Therefore, "fast" is the skill of fire needle operation, and "fast" is the guarantee that the heat of the needle body is not lost.

The needle should also be accurate. First, the position of the acupoint selection or the location of the pain response points should be accurate; second, the position of the needle insertion point should be neither biased nor crooked, and the needle should be punctured at the selected position accurately; third, the depth of the needle insertion Be accurate, when deep is deep, when shallow is shallow, be aware of what you have in mind, and be accurate in your hands.

   As in "The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Fire Needle": "Don't use a needle that is too deep, as it may damage the meridians, and if it is too shallow, it cannot cure the disease."

   Fire needling for bloodletting is not only an operation in surgical methods, but also needs to have the effect of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

  Chen Nan performs fire acupuncture treatment of acupoints according to the patient's physical condition.

   The patient itself is a muscle tumor caused by cold condensation and stagnation of qi and infiltration of damp toxin, so it is necessary to cooperate with acupoints to dispel cold and dehumidify, and warm the meridians.

  Chen Nan's acupoint selection this time was a little more insightful and a little more operation than when he helped Ruan Yongyi just now.

   After the acupuncture is over!

  Chen Nan stretched out his hand, and the nurse took the initiative to hand over the scalpel, but... looking at Chen Nan's eyes, there was a little more anxiety and unease.

   Can he do it?

   This is what everyone has in mind.

  Chen Nan didn't dare to hesitate at all. For him, this operation was a one-off operation, and then failed again and again. He couldn't let his confidence be shaken.

   Holding the No. 3 scalpel in his hand, it is more than seven inches, and the weight is moderate.

  The great saphenous vein needs to be found by Chen Nan and then ligated distally.

   The handle of the knife at this time did not give Chen Nan too much strangeness, because the old nine needles of traditional Chinese medicine also have knives.

  Incision requires sufficient judgment on skin toughness. This is a basic quality that a mature surgeon should have. Cutting three inches will never increase or decrease.

  Chen Nan knew that he was still far from that level, but it was definitely not bad, because the strength of the fire needle was definitely more difficult than a scalpel.

  Chen Nan gently scratched the skin of the leg, not to hurt the great blood vessels, but to accurately find the great saphenous vein and ligate it.

   So, opening is crucial.

   The technique he improved was minimally invasive and aimed at simplicity. So after the knife entered the skin, Chen Nan knew what to do, and he directly opened it with confidence. A two-centimeter hole appeared instantly!

   Ruan Yongyi watched Chen Nan's surgery without saying a word.

   In his last operation, the incision was 3.5 cm, and it took five minutes to find the superficial vein.

   If it wasn't for his unfamiliarity with this technique, his speed could still be improved for the first time.

   For example, conventional surgery, he basically only needs about 2.5 minutes for the incision of the great saphenous vein.

   Many times, the time it takes to find the diseased part through the surgical incision can often represent part of the surgeon's strength.

   Ruan Yong Nye has not done any research in related fields, but he feels that if he can enter 2.5 minutes, it is already the average level among directors.

  How long will Chen Nan use it for the first time?

   Or... Chen Nan's first time, can he find the part?

   Well, it is said that most of the people are at a loss for the first time.

   At this time, Chen Nan had already skillfully made an arc-shaped incision. The incision was not big, about 2 cm.

   Will this work?

   Ruan Yongyi held gauze and cotton **** in his hands to stop the bleeding, and frowned slightly at Chen Nan: "The opening is a little small."

   Chen Nan heard the sound, shook his head, and said calmly: "Enough."

  's words made Ruan Yongyi stunned for a moment, this kid... he's so **** arrogant.

   But one sentence is enough, but it is full of infinite confidence and calmness.

   Ruan Yongyi said no more. Now that Chen Nan has made a decision, he is the chief swordsman, and he must give him enough autonomy.

   However, Ruan Yong Nye believes that Chen Nan will definitely hit a wall soon.

  Because according to his experience, 2 cm is enough for what? Are there enough openings to find blood vessels?

   This is obviously unrealistic, it can even be said to be a fantasy!

   He has to be three centimeters. This kid is so short, can he do it?

   However, Chen Nan's calm expression made him doubt his life.

   Ruan Yongyi stopped talking, but moved faster in his hand, the blood was cleaned up quickly, Chen Nan moved quickly in his hand, a finger penetrated into it, and in a matter of seconds, a tortuous blood vessel appeared in his hand.

   The diameter of the index finger is one centimeter, and the thickness of the blood vessel is about 0.5 centimeters. This finger is flexible to hook, guide, send and pull!

   That blood vessel appeared in the wound!

   This scene immediately stunned Ruan Yongyi.

   "My Cao!"

   Ruan Yongyi blurted out a sentence of national quintessence, his scalp was a little numb, and his eyes were full of unbelievable shock: This... how long has it been the fuck?

  Chen Nan opened the mouth, found the blood vessel, and pulled it out, but it only took two minutes.

   And how long did it take him to search for blood vessels?

   This is so **** accurate, right?

   Knows it like the back of your hand! ?

   It's the first time you can't find a place?

   How could he be so fast the first time?

   And the two-centimeter arc incision, so short, so shallow... How did he do it?

   For a time, Ruan Yongyi's heart was like glass, and it shattered directly.

   This **** new guy?

  The newcomer is so familiar?

  Have you seen such a newcomer?

  Qin Tao stood aside, and was also impressed by Chen Nan's actions.

   At this time, Chen Nan was not in a hurry.

  The blood vessel appeared, Chen Nan quickly started to ligate through the ligation, and then... puncture the bloodletting...

   The whole process went very smoothly!

  After ligation, the subsequent operations are very simple and smooth.

   As long as Chen Nan does not make mistakes of principle, everything will be solved easily.

  Fire needles, red burning, bloodletting, carbonization... Chen Nan's process was smooth and silky, astonishing like a seasoned veteran.

   Shen Yuyuan behind him couldn't understand Chen Nan's operation, he just felt that it was very smooth, but he glanced at Ruan Yongyi and saw that the other party didn't make any comments, and he didn't say much.

   Time passed very slowly, this was the only thought in Ruan Yong Nye's heart at this time.

   This boy!

   How the **** is it possible to be so skilled?

   Is it really his first operation?

   Because Mao Laozi doesn't believe it at all?

  The peeling of the blood vessels was smooth without any accident.


  No accident is the biggest accident for Ruan Yong Ngai.

   How can a newcomer be so skilled in this kind of surgery?

  This kid is playing with me?


   After Chen Nan asked Ruan Yongyi a question, Ruan Yongyi was completely stunned.

   "Director Ruan, this device...is that how it is used?"

   "You just... seems to have used it wrong?"

   Ruan Yongyi coughed and blushed.

   Fortunately, his face was dark and he couldn't tell the clue, otherwise he would definitely die of embarrassment.

   "Well, personal habits, there is no fixed routine."

   Ruan Yongyi said a far-fetched sentence, but Chen Nan did not ask in detail.

The    operation came to an end soon, and Chen Nan's operation finally ended.

  Percutaneous superficial vein surgery, after the end of the fire needle, drew a complete conclusion.

  The faces of the instrument nurses after receiving the scalpel were extremely rich. They glanced at Chen Nan and Ruan Yongyi, and suddenly had some doubts about life...

  This is for training?

   Are you sure it's not the invited expert?

   Who is the teacher and who is the student?

   For a while, the little nurses were somewhat confused, and even felt a sense of role dislocation.

   The person who felt the most profound feeling was Ruan Yong Ngai.

   He suddenly came to his senses at this moment. It turned out... Chen Nan was serious about his evaluation just now.

   For the extraction of blood vessels, and then there is no lack of strength in the gentleness, in contrast, he is like a reckless man.

   And every step of the operation is extremely precise!

   is so precise that Ruan Yong Ngai doubts his life.


   He felt that this operation was not because Chen Nan wanted to practice his hands, but because he couldn't stand his operation and wanted to teach himself a lesson!

  This fucking.

   Ruan Yong Ngai felt extremely ashamed when he thought of his surgery yesterday and today, and wanted to find a seam to get in.

   How will you lead this team in the future?

   Looking at Qin Tao with a suspicious look on his face, Ruan Yongyi is about to die of suffocation, what are you looking at? Watch it again, watch it again... watch it again and eat you!

   Ruan Yongyi gave Qin Tao a vicious look.

  Qin Tao smiled embarrassingly, expressing understanding.

   This understanding smile and eyes made Ruan Yong Ngai even more embarrassed.

   This is the end of the operation.

  Qin Tao was very winking, and quickly packed up the next ending, rinsed the patient's leg with normal saline, and then bandaged...

   And Chen Nan stood aside, recalling the surgery he had just performed. Scenes and details were lingering in his mind for a long time.


   Sure enough, there is a gap between ideal and reality.

  I originally thought that I could do it smoothly, but now it seems that there are still some defects, and there are many, and there are still many places for me to improve.

   Thinking of this, Chen Nan couldn't help sighing deeply, then shook his head.

   Seeing this, Shen Yuyuan hurried over and looked at Chen Nan with a worried expression: "How is the surgery?"

   Ruan Yongyi was preparing to evaluate Chen Nan's operation at this time.

   Unexpectedly, at this time, Chen Nan suddenly said something:


   "Old Shen, Director Song, Director Ruan... I still lack a lot after all."

   "In the operation just now, I have six areas to improve, three steps can be simplified, two mistakes are obviously unnecessary, and there is a key deficiency."

   "The first is the incision for surgery. I could have made a smaller incision. I just calculated that maybe 1.5 cm is the best opening. You can choose the angle, and then you can make it more..."


"at last…"

   Ruan Yongyi was stunned: "I..."

   He opened his mouth and I didn't know what to say for a long time.

   This Nima?

   Can you be an individual?

   Just arrived, can't you take care of it? Your words, you blocked my future path, okay?

   You are here for the first time, okay?

  The road was blown up by you, I fucking... There is no way to go!

   Did you make so many mistakes just now?

  Why didn't I find it at all?

  The incision of 2cm is big, I just made a 3.5cm...do you have to die?

   Also, you are looking for blood vessels so fast, how can you improve?

   Cut directly above the blood vessel?

   It doesn't seem impossible...

   But, how precise is the grasp of knife work? If you accidentally cut a blood vessel, have you considered it?

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received Ruan Yongyi's bad review, bad review grade, primary, reward: 1/10 of the century-old ginseng (can be upgraded to the full version by accumulating 10 negative reviews)]

   Chen Nan was stunned when he heard the system prompt.

  Hundred-year-old ginseng?

   This **** is priceless.

   But... Director Ruan, what do you mean by giving me a bad review?

   Your surgery just now was a lot worse than mine, okay?

   That's all, people should be kind enough to urge them, it seems that they have to improve!

   Shen Yuyuan heard Chen Nan's self-blame and smiled: "At least the operation was successful, right? Director Ruan?"

   Ruan Yongyi was stunned when he heard this: "Hmm... ah?"

   "Yes, the operation was successful!"

  Shen Yuyuan smiled, watching Chen Nan fall in love more and more, this kid, the first operation can be successful, and not only is he not proud, but also so humble, it is really rare!

   "Xiao Chen, you are already very good, the first operation can be successful, you have surpassed too many people!"

   "Don't have too high demands on yourself, take your time, by the way, Director Ruan, can you give Xiao Chen some comments?!"

   While speaking, Shen Yuyuan glanced at Ruan Yongyi with a deep meaning, and signaled for him to encourage Chen Nan.

   Ruan Yong Ngai understood this look, but... he really didn't know what to say!

   This still needs encouragement?

   Damn, this kid still needs encouragement? Besides...you let me encourage you, you really look down on me too much, and if you say something reasonable, is I worthy of it?

   That's right, this is the most humble sentence uttered in the fiercest tone: I really don't deserve it!

   However, looking at Song Aiguo and Shen Yuyuan's eyes, Ruan Yongyi sighed:

   "This operation is really amazing!"

   "First of all, the first operation, the degree of completion of this operation, you have exceeded 95% of the surgeons."

   "Well, secondly...hey, there's not much to say actually!"

   "Xiao Chen, make persistent efforts."

   Ruan Yong Ngai felt that no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't say words of encouragement. He felt that he needed encouragement, okay?

   Go on, Qin Tao is going to **** laugh.

   Others do not understand surgery, but there are people who do.

   Ruan Yongyi was suddenly very fortunate that his complexion was darker, and he was able to blush without embarrassment, which was a good thing.

  Chen Nan nodded: "Thank you, Director Ruan, I still have a lot to learn from you."

  Chen Nan is telling the truth, although it is undeniable that there were some problems in Ruan Yong Ng's surgery, but others handled many details far beyond himself.

   This is also normal. The surgical procedure design is all made by oneself. Others can make it after reading it once, and they are more proficient in handling many things than themselves. Technology is technology, experience is experience, and the two cannot be confused.

   Chen Nan's current advantage was originally human anatomy, but he was only proficient, and his grasp of blood vessels was still a bit poor.

   Nguyen Dung Nye quickly waved his hand.

  You don't do this.

  Thank you.

it's OK?

   My face is dark, but my skin is not that thick.

  Just be polite.

   He quickly waved his hand and said, "This... learn from each other and make progress together! You're welcome!"

   But, anyway, at this time, Ruan Yongyi no longer despised Chen Nan before the operation, and even he had put Chen Nan on an equal level.

   To be honest, Ruan Yongyi is even a little scared. Chen Nan has such high attainments in his first operation. What about the future?

   It can not only improve the surgical technique, but also be good at and proficient in surgery. Those dexterous hands have such a good grasp of the body, this is a talent!

   Ruan Yongyi looked at Chen Nan's eyes at this time, and they were all shining.

   In time, what height will Chen Nan grow to?

   How far can you improve yourself?

   At this moment, hope suddenly ignited, and the passion in his chest that had been extinguished, ignited again.

  This road, it is not wrong to walk by yourself!

   Nguyen Dung Nye checked the patient's legs and then let the patient go back to the ward.

   Before leaving, he told Qin Tao: "After returning, pay close attention to the patient's recovery, including the recovery time and changes in the body."

   Qin Tao nodded: "Okay Director."

   Shen Yuyuan also left in a hurry, but before leaving, he took away Chen Nan's surgery video.

   Originally, he still wanted Ruan Yongyi, but...the other party didn't give anything, and he almost became angry.

   Song Aiguo glanced at Ruan Yongyi curiously, smiled, but did not speak.

   Shen Yuyuan didn't force it, after all, the video of Chen Nan's surgery is enough.

   Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Ruan Yongyi breathed a sigh of relief.

   I almost lost my **** hair.

  I am not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I am afraid of comparing goods.

   This is dignity!

   must not be taken away.

  Are you shameless?

   It was half past eleven when Chen Nan returned to the office. He sat in the chair and watched the system reward.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have successfully completed the operation. Ruan Yongyi's bad review reward has been upgraded to a high level, and you will receive a reward: a skill extraction card. 】

  Chen Nan looked at the system reward and was stunned for a moment. Skill extraction card?

  【Skill Extraction Card: After obtaining a high-level negative rating, you can use the extraction card to obtain a certain professional-level skill designated by the other party and consume cards. 】

  Chen Nan looked at the prompt and couldn't help but give it a little.

   This reward looks good!

   Near noon, Ruan Yongyi came over, looked at Chen Nan diligently, and said with a kind smile, "Xiao Chen, would you like to have dinner at noon?"

   Chen Nan was taken aback by Director Ruan: "Director...you...you have something to say."

   The black face that suddenly appeared, and the smile was really not good-looking, Chen Nan was somewhat frightened.

   Ruan Yongyi was stunned for a moment, this bastard, what kind of eyes, how ugly is Laozi?

  Black is black, but ugly is ugly. Are the two concepts good?

   That's all, that's all.

   As for Chen Nan, Ruan Yongyi figured it out clearly, he had to be coaxed, this kid is definitely at a high level.

  Although the thighs are not necessarily thick now, they are definitely potential stocks. It is better to hug the thighs as soon as possible.

   "Hehe, I'll invite you to dinner at noon. It's been hard work today. Because you don't have the right to a prescription, you won't get any bonus for surgery."

   "But don't worry, I will try my best to apply for the prescription right for you, and your strength has been recognized!"

  Chen Nan suddenly became curious: "Oh, then thank Director Ruan."

   "By the way, what is the prescription right?"

   Ruan Yong Ngai said: "This matter... Actually, I shouldn't have told you."

   "However, President Song has seen your surgery. I guess you will have the right to prescribe soon."

   "This time your training is actually divided into two parts, clinical training and lecture training."

   "Only after your behavior in the clinic has been approved by the director, will you have the opportunity to obtain the right to prescribe, and you will have a chance to score above 90 points after obtaining the right to prescribe."

   "After obtaining the right to prescribe, your clinical training will not be 15 days. Your clinical training will be converted into advanced studies, which can be extended, and you will get a special department employment contract."

"In other words, even if you go back, you can still be invited to perform surgery, and you can get relevant remuneration. The contract specifications depend on your ability. The lowest is the third-level professor's external qualification, and the high... It is not mentioned above. ."

   "However, whether or not to grant external employment qualifications will be decided after discussion with the hospital."

  Chen Nan suddenly realized the importance of this matter.

   If you get the prescription right, it means you have a base in the capital.

  As an external professor, you can participate in some surgeries and get more opportunities!

   Although Chen Nan didn't plan to leave the Yuancheng People's Hospital of Jin Province immediately, but... sooner or later, he will leave there.

   And if you get the prescription right, you have the basic conditions to open the situation here.

  Otherwise...Even if you come, it will be difficult to do things.

   And at noon that day, Shen Yuyuan took Chen Nan's operation and found Zhai Ning, a master of Chinese medicine.

Zhai Ning is very accomplished in the field of TCM surgery. She is one of the few women among the masters of traditional Chinese medicine. She is 86 years old this year. Moreover, she has a better understanding of surgery. The TCM surgery of Wangjing Hospital was established under her organization. of.

   Now, Zhai Ning has resigned from the position of honorary president. Due to physical reasons, he did not participate in this youth Chinese medicine training.

   Shen Yuyuan found Zhai Ning just to let the other party evaluate Chen Nan's improved operation.

   In the room, everyone was silent.

  Zhai Ning watched the operation seriously, to be honest... She has seen too many geniuses over the years.

   is no longer the same as when he was young, on the contrary, he is more and more calm.

   But, even so, she was still surprised by Chen Nan's operation.

  The surgery scene was completely over, Zhai Ning closed his eyes and seemed to be reviewing the surgery.

   After a while, Zhai Ning looked at Shen Yuyuan: "Yuyuan, hehe... Your efforts over the past few years have not been wasted!"

   "It's great to find the fit point of this surgery!"

"The improved surgical method is in line with the thinking of TCM surgery, and it can even be said that it is a combination of TCM external treatment and TCM surgery, and the improved varicose vein surgery, percutaneous superficial vein surgery, huh, the name is obtained. very suitable!"

   "Furthermore, the effect of the fire needle is well represented!"

   "This operation shouldn't have been performed by an unknown person, right? The surgical technique is very light, and although the details are not in place, the flaws do not hide the flaws. This is an exquisite operation."

   "Let me guess, who did this?"

   "Dongzhimen Ruan Yongyi? No, that kid doesn't have such comprehension!"

   "Guang'anmen Duan Qingbo? That's not right. He doesn't have such a good understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, and fire acupuncture doesn't have such a level."

   "Zhang Yixin of Capital Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Not right?"

   "I can't guess."

   "Yuyuan, don't sell your shit, tell me now, who is it?"

   Hearing Zhai Ning's words, Shen Yuyuan burst into laughter in his heart: "Haha... Zhai Ning ah Zhai Ning, you can't guess who it is!"

   "However, if you evaluate this operation, how many points can you get?"

  Zhai Ning pondered for a moment: "Creativity has a score of 95! Traditional Chinese medicine has a score of 98! But...surgical skills, for a director, only 85 points can be given."

   Unexpectedly, Shen Yuyuan suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahaha!"

   "For the Director?"

"Ha ha!"

   "Zhai Ning, I want to tell you that the one who performed this operation was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and he was only 25 years old! This operation is the first surgical operation in his life, do you believe it?"

   As soon as these words came out, Zhai Ning stood up excitedly, she looked at Shen Yuyuan in horror, her eyes widened: "What?!"

   Shen Yuyuan explained the reason in detail.

After    finished speaking, he sighed with emotion: "Hey, I was just on a whim, and put it in the surgery of traditional Chinese medicine."

   "However, who would have thought that this has only been here for two days, and it has given me such a big surprise!"

   "I asked Song Aiguo to prepare prescription rights for him. If he does well these days, I am willing to give him the contract of a second-level external professor!"

"Ha ha!"

   After listening to Zhai Ning, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's worth it!"

   "This kid is so talented!"

   "Old Shen, your goal is getting closer!"

   "When you have time, bring him to meet me, I... may be running out of time."

   As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room became a bit more sad.

   Shen Yuyuan sighed helplessly and said no more.

   And Qu Yuefei was not idle. He was originally arranged in Dongzhimen Hospital, so it was very convenient to find Chen Nan.

  This morning, he was not in the mood for work at all.

   has been trying to find a way to find Chen Nan. He wanted to know why Mr. Ding said that he was not qualified to compare with Chen Nan!

   He is really not convinced!

  Although he is also very aware of his own strength, he is not considered the top, but... he definitely belongs to the outstanding circle of people.

   His fire acupuncture skills have been praised by Mr. Zhai Ning, a veteran of Wangjing Hospital. He said that he is a young generation who is very talented in fire acupuncture skills, digging and understanding. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine skin, fire acupuncture has a market.

   Therefore, after Ding Zhengyi said that sentence, Qu Yuefei was really unconvinced.

   He felt that even if he was inferior to others, he should have seen or compared, and only then would he have the motivation and goal of progress.

   Qu Yuefei is not afraid of losing, but... it's not clear that he can't lose?

   This made him very unconvinced.

   Soon, through a friend in TCM surgery, I learned that Chen Nan hurriedly changed into casual clothes after treatment, and then went to the treatment room of TCM dermatology with a mask and sunglasses.

   At this time, Chen Nan was in the treatment room communicating with Ruan Yong Ngai about something.

   For patients with mild varicose veins, try to carry out a study of a simple fire-needle puncture and bloodletting therapy.

   The two looked at the patient's lower limbs. Ruan Yongyi was holding a notebook, and the notes in his hand kept recording, and the pictures were constantly enriched.

   It was already half past eleven, but there was no sign of getting off work at all.

Chen Nan said: "Actually, the valve function of the small saphenous vein and the valve function of the communicating branch between the small saphenous vein and the deep vein. If the communicating branch valve fails, its position on the body surface should be calibrated. In this case, it is completely possible to pass the fire needle. to intervene.”

   "It can be achieved to avoid the occurrence of aggravation of symptoms!"

   Ruan Yongyi nodded: "It makes sense!"

   No one noticed that Qu Yue flew in.

   Chen Nan started his research from multiple perspectives, from the efficacy of fire acupuncture and modern research to better intervene in the damaged blood vessels of patients.

   The more you listen to Qu Yuefei outside, the more you frown!

   The more I listen, the more anxiety I feel inside.

   He recorded this voice.

   Chen Nan and Ruan Yongyi didn't stay for too long, and Qu Yuefei also left in a hurry.

   Qu Yuefei looked at the recording in his hand, but didn't speak for a long time.

   He suddenly realized that Chen Nan's understanding of fire needles is absolutely not bad, but he has no way to judge whether Chen Nan is correct.

   Around two o'clock in the afternoon, after thinking for a while, Qu Yuefei looked at a WeChat profile picture and hesitated, but he still sent it.

   "Mr. Zhai, please help me analyze and analyze, is this person's understanding of fire needle in place?"

  Zhai Ning still appreciates Qu Yuefei. Although he does not have the name of master and apprentice, he has the reality of master and apprentice.

   Not long after, the more Zhai Ning listened, the more familiar she became. After a while, she suddenly thought of the operation that Shen Yuyuan showed her just now.

  Zhai Ning sent a voice directly: "Is this Chen Nan?"

   Qu Yuefei looked at the teacher's words and couldn't hold back!

   "Ah? Teacher... Do you know Chen Nan?"

  Zhai Ning made a voice.

In the    voice, she sighed.

   "Xiao Qu, you are talented and capable. I know what you mean by giving me a voice."

   "You are in a hurry!"

   "Your base determines your height."

   "Chen Nan's understanding of fire acupuncture is by no means as simple as you think. It can even be said that he is not only good at fire acupuncture, but an understanding of the acupuncture system."

   "He can skillfully use any kind of acupuncture, any kind of acupuncture therapy, because his foundation is far from being as light as you think."

   "Your fire needle has reached a bottleneck. If you want to continue to improve, you need to constantly consolidate the skills of nine needles, instead of studying simple fire needles and fire three-edged needles."

   "Chen Nan's talent, to be honest, shocked me a bit."

   "You have to take one step at a time. This is the last piece of advice from the teacher."

   "If you are not willing, come to me at night and I will show you something."

   "However, I hope you don't come, because... After you watch it, your self-confidence will collapse. You are not a broad-minded person. It is not necessarily a bad thing to be competitive, but Chen Nan is not suitable!"

   "If I were you, I would study hard with Chen Nan."

  "It is a blessing to have such a person among my peers."

   After listening to the voice, Qu Yuefei was stunned.


   He didn't expect that Teacher Zhai Ning Zhai gave Chen Nan such a high evaluation!

  How high is Chen Nan's level?

   In other words, what exactly did Chen Nan do?

   For a while, Qu Yuefei stood there, silent for a long time, this was his head, cold sweat oozing out.

   No wonder Chen Nan has been ignoring his love.


   In his eyes, he is just a figure like a clown jumping on the beam, right?

   Qu Yuefei gave a wry smile, shook his head, and walked towards the classroom.

   He decided not to go to Teacher Zhai.

   He sent a message to the teacher: "I'm sorry, teacher, I got it."

  ps: Yesterday, maybe it was food poisoning. After I finished eating at noon, I felt a little nauseous, and I couldn't sleep even when I closed my eyes. Chinese medicine said: If the stomach is not in harmony, I will be restless. It's really like that.

  My wife wanted to eat hot pot last night, and I went with me, but I didn't eat a single bite, and I felt disgusting!


   At this time, I also hope that everyone will pay attention to their diet, eat less fat, sweet and greasy food, especially takeaways. I wish everyone good health.

   After all, the body is the premise of anything.

  11,000 words are sent, I hope everyone will feel more comfortable.

   Finally, ask for a monthly pass.

   At the end of the month, the monthly pass is about to expire, and the veterans don't have much hope. The top 50 will do. Now I'm hovering between 50-51. Please vote for the monthly pass, thank you!

   (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
Chapter 403
Chapter 402
Chapter 401
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
Chapter 398
Chapter 397
Chapter 396
Chapter 395
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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