Divine Guardian Chapter One: Entrance to Heaven

Divine Guardian Chapter One: Entrance to Heaven

A portal opened as a tall man stepped out of it."It's worse than I thought..." The man muttered to himself. He would then crack his knuckles. "I hope I'm enough to take down these demons." The male said as he would let his wings soar out of his back and he would head for the air.

Before the man stood 15 Demons, the man was ready to fight and he then yelled out. "Holy sword." The man flew straight down aiming his sword and jabbing his sword through a demon's eye. He would then summon into his hand a bottle of holy water. "Obliterate..." The man said quietly before he threw it onto the demon in front of him. Within the space of seconds, the demon disappeared.

The man was single-handedly taking out a majority of demons before he realised that it was getting down to only five left.

Another man standing in the corner watched as he would clutch his finger. "That blasted Gabriel!" A dark aura surrounded the man as a sword would appear. Just as Gabriel was about to destroy the last demon in front of him flying forward came the mysterious man.

The man would slice right across the Gabriel leaving a line of blood falling from his face. Gabriel looked to see who it was and a sense of shock shook him. He stood there astonished for a while before he had realised that the demon in front of him was about to attack. Just then he felt his fist adjoin to his stomach and he felt himself fall back into a wall.

Gabriel held on to his stomach and breathed heavily. "Datenshi...?" He said just as he would slowly move his hand to his arm and there was a watch before he slowly said "S.O. S" Merely seconds after he had said that the man fell unconscious.

Datenshi then grabbed Gabriel and lifted him up but something fell out of Gabriel's arm without Datenshi knowing.

Kaito woke up, he felt himself drowned in a pool of water. He sighed deeply, today was the first day of high school a dream that most middle schoolers dreamed of going to but Kaito himself was dreading today. He had always felt as if he'd been quite distant from the other guys, he was distant from everyone but his father.

His mother had tragically lost her life while giving birth to Kaito or so he was told. Kaito and his father did often get on well with each other and were almost like best friends. Kaito didn't have any other friends than his father. If he was not hanging out with his father he was either out helping out in the homeless shelter or helping with lost dogs. He also had been training from the age of 7. He had only studied two types of martial arts which were karate and Tae Kwan Doe.

Kaito yawned loudly and then sat up in his bed. He slowly left the bed as he would stand up and begin to stretch. Kaito was a tall muscular boy with short blonde hair and sapphire coloured eyes, he was white with a little tan on him which made him look a little darker. He often wore jeans and converses along with a blue cap. He had always kept his bodily hygiene in perfect condition, he regularly cleaned his teeth and they were purely white. His armpits were always sprayed with Nike deodorant. Kaito would then prepare himself for the first day and swiftly changed into his favourite clothes. He slowly stepped down the stairs trying not to make a sound.

Knowing his father, he had often made a big deal about these type of stuff, Kaito often loathed the fact that he was so enthusiastic but it did have some ups and downs.

Kaito made it down the stairs and successfully made it to the kitchen. He sighed with a sense of relief and slowly laid back in his favourite kitchen chair.

Just as he was about to begin his cereal his father pounced on him like a lion on its prey. "Are you ready for your big day?" He said with a giant smile on his face.

Kaito dunked his head down in sadness but then lifted his head up. "Do you really have to be so enthusiastic about my first day?" He asked with a sigh at the end of his sentence.

"Sorry but it's such a big step." He said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess it i-" Suddenly Kaito felt as some chills down his back.

A deep tone spoke quite loudly. "We need to advance the archangels heading to the battlefield! There is an increase of demons that are breaking through the 18th wall! Gabriel is gone! Send the back up division after him!"

Another voice with the tone of such authority... "The start of the new term is coming to its beginning get them ready for the battle, and maybe we will find a new general amongst them to join and get them ready for the war!"

Kaito looked around himself. "What was that...? Dad, did you hear that?" He said as he would be bewildered as to what he had just heard.

"Heard what...?" He asked as he began to look confused.

"T-the demons that are breaking through some wall?!" He began to raise his voice.

"What are you talking about? You kids and your video games." He said as he would begin to chuckle. "Eat up and get ready for school." He said placing a bunch of pancakes on the table.

Kaito gobbled the food up quite quickly and left in a hurry. Most of the time he was quite punctual but often found himself being late once in a while.

Kaito jumped on his bike and headed directly towards his school, he was driving on the lane of east Tokyo where he began to ponder into his thoughts, he began to feel a sense of power from the voice, how was he able to hear this? Who was Gabriel...? Ho- Thump He felt himself fall to the ground and he saw in front of him laid a boy that laid on the floor and another one now looking at him. "Oh, no.."

"AYE HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!" the boy that laid on the floor then looked back. "Well Well! If it isn't Kaito." The boy said smiling as he would get up.

"Daisuke..." He gulped.

Standing before him was a tall broad man with much more giant muscles than Kaito, he had his hair gelled back and his tone of voice sounded quite irritated. Kaito would try to apologize but Daisuke didn't take it.

Daisuke then punched Kaito in the belly rapidly hitting him over and over again."I don't know who you think you are thinking you can hit me and get away with it.

"Stop...Stop..." Kaito said trying to plead with him. Although Kaito had learnt Tae Kwan Doe and Karate he only used it only in emergencies.

Daisuke continued to punch him.

"I SAID STOP!" Kaito felt a small surge of energy surrounded him as he would watch Daisuke launch away from him.

Daisuke's friend had caught wind of what just happened and suddenly ran after Kaito. He would then attempt to punch Kaito but It was as if there was a barrier around him and every punch Daisuke's friend did absolutely nothing. Kaito would then look at him, he knew deep down that he didn't like to fight anyone unless he needed too.

"Go... Unless you want to end up like Daisuke!" Kaito said trying to be quite serious.

Daisuke's friend was realising that he couldn't even get close to Kaito."H-how are you doing this?" He said beginning to stop. "You're a freak!" He yelled out as he would try to punch one more time before retreating back to Daisuke and dragging him away.

Kaito looked around him as he would realise something glistened around him."What is going on." The barrier had gone. (Not that Kaito would have realised.)

Kaito continued his journey and looked at his watch to see that he was going to be late. He saw a shortcut that he had often see others using and went past it when he suddenly stopped mid-way. There was something glistening on the ground it was a shiny silver key and seemed to be in quite a good condition.Kaito picked up the key and slid it into his pockets in hope of giving it to the police after school.

 Kaito's first day had been almost as bad as he first imagined, as soon as he walked into school he realised that everyone around him was staring and muttering.

Kaito simply ducked down and tried to avoid anyone that came his way. After a long monotonous seven-hour school day. Kaito usually loved school but not the people within them, he usually did all his work and paid perfect attention but today his mind was drifted. Kaito slowly walked out of his school and something stood before him. A large red demon had appeared right in front of Kaito, his eyes widened as he watched many people pass through it. The massive demon had then yelled out a massive screech as a massive energy fell around it."What is going on."

Kaito felt himself drop to his knees, he had never felt anything like this around him He watched as the demon slowly began to draw closer to him. Just at that moment he slowly looked up into the sky as a radiant luminous being appeared from the sky, Kaito felt as he was absolutely lost for words.

The angel would then appear with its long-winged angel appeared.

Kaito heard a feminine call out. "Holy pistol!" As another luminous light appeared and what fell into her hands was a gun. "Holy bullets." She said softly as her eyes would turn golden and she began to spam the bullets towards the demon.

The demon was quickly eradicated and he heard her mutter."Damn it... The demons are really cracking past the twentieth wall..."

Kaito's eyes widened."20th wall?! " He had remembered hearing something about an 18th wall but nothing about a 20th wall.

Just at that moment himself and the angel had crossed eye. She shook her head in disbelief and moved off and watched as Kaito's eyes had followed her. "Wait... How can this mortal see me...?" She said looking bewildered.

Kaito felt the pressure of the demon gone as he would walk towards the angel. "Who are you...?" He asked gulping.

Just then he realised two people looking at him and one muttered. "Weirdo... he's talking to himself..."

Kaito realised that he could only see the demon and maybe it was the same. he signalled the angel to follow him and he asked her once more.

"Who are you?" He asked beginning to become curious about why he could see her. "How come no one else can see you?"

The angel ignored him for a couple of seconds, she began to type something on her watch. "Hmm...? Oh right. I'm Tenshi from division 10 of Diamond academy." She would say and after a second of silence, she continued. "You must possess a special sight. You are either a demon or an Angel or maybe someone gifted with the sight to see us." She said looking at him.

Kaito would then think to this morning and what had happened. "How would I know if I'm an Angel or a demon," He asked her.

"Angels or Demons typically start to show signs of their power at age 13 but if that doesn't happen it could be delayed to a later stage."

Kaito himself was 14 and thought that maybe it was possible that he was a late-blooming angel.

"Well if you really are a special bein then you could always try and test your power."

Tenshi smiled. "And if you really are an angel I might even be seeing you at Diamond Academy." She said as she flew up into the air and brought out a key just then a portal appeared and she went straight into it.

Kaito looked amazed. "Wait..." Kaito dug his hand into his pocket. "This must be a gateway into heaven..." The male said to himself

A man began to start to scratch his arm. "It failed... It failed! WHERES THE NEXT DEMON!" He said. "The plans failing." He continued scratching until the point where blood flowing out. "WHY ARE THESE DEMONS SO WEAK?!" He yelled out. He noticed the angel passing the key to Kaito. "A gateway in.." The man muttered to himself.

Kaito made it into his house and ran straight to his father. "Dad! "

"Oh hey, son! I just finished work how was your first day?!" He said cheerfully.

"I think I'm an angel!" Kaito yelled out brightly.

There was a spot of silence.

His father looked down he began to grit his teeth looking down at the floor, he would then begin to grip his hand. He looked up quite reluctant to talk.

"What...? Do you know something...? Tell me!" Kaito now looking confused.

His father sat down not looking at his son. "I suppose I knew the truth would come out someday..."

"Your mother... She was an archangel... In fact, she was the leader of the general army... The twentieth wall is something she was supposed to protect and if it failed she would just move to the next wall but that's when she met me... She fell in love... We had you... Everything was fine until they broke through completely. She was only supposed to prevent them from getting past the 40th wall!" Kaito's father's voice went off trail. "She sacrificed her life to keep the wall up... She." By this point, Kaito's father had broken into crying. "She left us... to protect this world."

Kaito felt some tears falling from his eye. "..." He was completely lost for words. He completely dashed into his room, it was true, this explained his power. Kaito suddenly felt a sense of rage inside of him. How could his father keep this from him? He sat in his room and began to ponder over what he should do now...

Kaito stood up wiping his tears. He couldn't let his mum down, he had decided that he was going to join the Diamond Academy and make his mum proud. To fulfil his mother's problem and save both the 20th wall(Earth) and the 40th(Heaven).

Kaito began to pack his stuff and after a while, he made his way to his father. "Dad, I have to go to Diamond academy... I need to help finish what mum was supposed to do. "I'm sorry dad..."

His father looked up at him. "Diamond Academy...?" He said looking up at his son.

"Have you heard of it...?" Kaito looked at his father confused.

"Your mother was their leading student... I think she even left some notes and diary pages of her experience there..." His dad.

"Wait." He brought a bag which had some of his mother's thing in it. "

Kaito took it and left outside before he would bring out the card. He would try to open it when he was suddenly attacked. "Give me the card boy!" A scratchy voice said.

Standing before Kaito he saw a man who had scars all over him and a missing eye. Kaito attempted to kick the man away from himself. He felt as if the man in front of him had a massive energy coming from him

Kaito's eyes widened to see the man had transformed with a sense of dark aura burning off him he had a skeleton on his head and long black wings that arched out of his back. Once you looked into his eyes you could see the eyes of someone with lots of hate.

Kaito looked at the man in front of him. The energy that Kaito had felt was strong and had a good radius without Kaito having learnt any of the basic angel training skills he knew he wouldn't stand a chance, he had to run.

This demon was a middle-class demon and much stronger than a lower class. The demon would then dash forward closing in on Kaito.

Unable to think of something to do he felt as if his journey had ended before it had even started but at the second when Kaito thought it was all over he saw the demon start to burn and when he looked to the side he saw his father standing in front of him with holy water.

His father gave a warming smile and said gently. "Go..."

Kaito ran and ran until he could find a safe place and at that point, he would then bring out the key and hold it out and before him, a portal had appeared with Kaito entering and the portal closing as soon as his body had stepped in.

Before Kaito's eyes, he was amazed to see what laid in front of him.

Chapter end

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