
Chapter 155

Chapter 153: Entering the Dungeon of the End Times, Fighting Zong Old Dog Again! (5k)
Chapter 153 - Entering the Dungeon of the End of the Dharma Era Copy, Battling Zong Old Dog Again! (5k)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

He had the intention of exploring the End Dharma Era Dungeon before.

Now that he was strong enough to explore this dungeon, naturally when he went to explore a bit.

‘Let's take a look at this Dungeon Age copy, how about it?’

Su Xing faintly murmured, his eyes looking towards the simulation panel.

[You have entered the Age of Ending Laws copy, descending into a large mountain.]

[You recalled the memories in your mind, all the professions that entered in the Age of Ending Dungeon copy will then descend to teach any place in the copy.]

[You take out the map of the dungeon that you obtained from the Grand Xia military and begin to think about it.]

[This Dungeon of the End Times copy is comparable to a small world, the map is vast, and the level of technology is still stuck in ancient times, but everyone is martial, and the physical quality of ordinary people is not low.]

[You compared where you were, then your divine sense spread out like a tidal wave.]]

[Three thousand zhang of divine sense instantly enveloped the entire mountain, and every blade of grass and tree in the mountain was under your senses.]

[You frown slightly, because the place you have descended to is relatively remote, there are no humans in the mountain apart from some fierce beasts and animals.]]

[You take out the map, on the map, apart from some towns, there are three main locations marked.]

[They are the Evergreen Sect, the Xuanhuang Sect and the Floating Life Sect.]

[According to the intelligence, there are quite a few undercover agents sent by the Da Xia military lurking in the Xuan Huang Cult, while the Chang Chun Sect might be associated with Zong Lao Dog.]

[So you decided to rush towards the location of the Xuanhuang Sect first.]

[So you rushed for a day and a night, running thousands of kilometres to the city where the Xuanhuang Sect is located.]]

[This city is called Xuanhuang City, it is one of the three major cities of the Immortal Martial Era (the Age of the Last Dharma) dungeon, and was established by the Xuanhuang Cult.]]

[Your divine sense sweeps over the people in the city, and you are surprised to find that the plainly dressed natives are all quite strong.]

[The qi and blood of the unusual people are all very vigorous, even approaching that of a first-time bronze ranked professional.]

[You can even occasionally come across one or two martial artists with amazing qi and blood, their strength is feared to be comparable to that of a gold ranked professional!]

What makes you even more puzzled is that the aura of these martial artists is extremely close to that of a body refining cultivator, and you suspect that they once cultivated a crippled body refining method!

Su Xing's heart stirred when he saw this and muttered:
‘Sure enough, this Immortal Martial Era dungeon is really the point in time after the extinction of the ancient Qi Refiners!’

‘Although the aura is extinct, body refining is still possible! Could it be that ...... this dungeon has body refining techniques?’

Su Xing was a little delighted in his heart, Bluestar didn't have any local Immortal Cultivators, all the rumours about the Immortal Cultivation world.

All have to rely on him to grope a little bit, before the Luo Tian Assembly dungeon has already let him gain a lot.

If he can go to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon at this moment to explore a bit, then I think it will also be very rewarding!
Su Xing thought so, his eyes looking towards the simulation panel.

[You didn't act rashly, but instead stayed temporarily in Xuanhuang City].

[Xuanhuang City has gold and silver available, you used a few pieces of gold and went to a pawn shop to exchange for a lot of copper coins, and then stayed in an inn quietly waiting for the connector to meet up with you.]]

[The people of Xuanhuang City are swarthy and martial, but the food is very fine, you are very satisfied, and spent a few days trying all the food in Xuanhuang City.]]

[It wasn't until after today that an elder of the Xuan Huang Sect who called himself Wang Wu approached you.]

[It turns out that this Wang Wu is actually one of the undercover agents sent by the Grand Xia military to the Advent Cult.]

[He called himself Xiao Wu, stating that he has been an undercover agent of the Xuan Huang Cult for twenty years, and counts himself quite knowledgeable about everything in this dungeon.]

[After learning of your descent, Xiao Wu was exceptionally excited, and it was clear that you were a big shot in the top of the sky in his eyes.]

[You are slightly pleased after hearing Xiao Wu's words, if someone can inform you of the information, I think it will save you a lot of effort.]

[Xiao Wu asked you how the situation in the outside world was, you answered one by one, Xiao Wu looked a little sad.]

[After talking for a while, you hoped that Xiaowu would be able to find you a few martial arts books to observe.]

[Xiao Wu did not hesitate for a moment when he heard that, and took out three books of martial arts mysteries.]

【According to what Xiaowu said, the martial arts of this Xuanwu era are divided into nine grades, with the first grade being the highest and the ninth grade being the lowest】.

[And Xiao Wu, as an Elder of the Xuan Huang Sect, could only come into contact with three grades of martial arts].

[These three martial arts are the Ninth Grade Martial Arts Five Steps Fist, the Sixth Grade Martial Arts Six Veins Steps, and a Third Grade Martial Arts Bone Strengthening Technique.]]

[Despite the lousy names, you flipped through them carefully.]

[After you studied it for a night, you were surprised to find that whether it was a ninth-grade or third-grade martial art, all of them actually possessed the shadow of a body refining technique!

[Even, these martial arts, perhaps, are simplified from the remnants of body refining feats ......]

[And the more advanced the martial arts, the greater the shadow of the body refining techniques and aptitudes in them!]

[For example, the third grade technique Strong Bone Technique, after cultivation is complete, the bones will be as strong as gold and stone, which is similar to the Bone Forging Realm of the Body Refining Cultivator.]]

[You made a discovery and were quite surprised in your heart, so you once again found Little Five and asked him if he had any news of more gong methods.]

[Xiao Wu shakes his head slightly, but he tells you that there is another undercover agent who has become the Vice-Patriarch of the Xuan Huang Sect, possessing the strength of a Patriarch, and has a first-rate martial art in his hands].

[You nodded your head slightly after hearing this, and hurriedly asked Little Five to call that undercover agent over.]

[After a few more days, you managed to meet that senior undercover agent and obtained a first grade martial arts secret, the Forging Pulse Decision!

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but spit out:

‘Damn, the Grand Xia military is so capable of doing things!’

‘This girl's undercover agent has become a Vice Sovereign? If this were to take another few decades, wouldn't he be able to directly become a Boss?’

Su Xing gently shook his head, but this martial arts technique possessed the shadow of the body refining technique in it, which made Su Xing even more certain that this dungeon definitely possessed the remains of an ancient cultivator!

‘The aura escaped, the alchemists became extinct ...... but those treasures and gongfu legacies left behind by the once immortal cultivators might still be able to be found!’

Thinking of this, Su Xing was somewhat elated in his heart.

This was an entire relic left behind by the once Immortal Cultivation World, even if much of it wore off over the long years, what was left was enough for Su Xing to have a full stomach.

Thinking so, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[After your repeated research, you discovered that this pulse technique is not a martial arts technique at all, but a proper body refining technique!

[The Pulse Forging Realm is actually the first realm of a body refining cultivator, the Body Refining Realm, which tamps down the meridians and strengthens the body!

This technique is about channelling internal energy to strengthen the physical body, ultimately reaching the realm of invulnerability!

[This Forging Vein Decree is not of high grade, even if you cultivate it to perfection, you reckon that it is equivalent to the strength of the Bone Forging Realm.]

[But what makes you a little surprised is that the internal force described in this gongfu is very similar to the Yuan Power you know.]

[In order to explore the connection, you wanted to find a higher level gongfu.]

[But that undercover agent told you that it is rumoured that on top of the first grade martial arts, there are Houtian and Innate martial arts.]

[But these two levels of martial arts are only passed down in the hands of the Xuan Huang Sect's Patriarch, and the Patriarch's position has been passed down from son to son for generations, so he was unable to obtain it.]

[Not being able to obtain the martial arts above the first grade, you naturally did not give up easily.]

[So you unleashed your divine sense and infiltrated the Xuan Huang Sect after changing your face.]

You managed to find a Houtian martial art in a hidden compartment in the Patriarch's room.

[But at the same time, you were also discovered by the Xuan Huang Sect's Patriarch, and instead of choosing to kill him, you knocked him unconscious.]

[Afterwards, you returned to your residence with the Houtian martial arts discipline.]

After carefully reading through this Houtian martial art, you discovered that this technique contains a drug that can assist in refining the body, and by following this drug, you will be able to cultivate up to the Viscera Refining Realm!

But it was obvious that you couldn't see this latter-day martial arts, and you hoped to find a more advanced martial arts technique!

So you infiltrated the Xuanhuang Sect again, hoping to pull another wave of wool over the Xuanhuang Sect's eyes.

But you didn't expect that this time, the Yellow Sect had prepared for it, not only was the Patriarch present, but there was also a hidden innate master in the Yellow Sect who had also made a move.

[You are surprised to find that this innate expert, is actually a Qi Refiner, although his Qi Refining cultivation is only around the Foundation Stage, his Body Refining cultivation is comparable to that of a Yuanwu Realm expert].

[Even so, this innate expert's strength is equivalent to that of the weakest Martial King, and is still far from being a match for you.]

You surrounded the Xuan Huang Sect and captured the innate expert alive.

Afterwards, you interrogated him with your divine sense, and learnt that this innate expert was the previous Xuanhuang Sect's Patriarch, and from his hiding place, you scavenged quite a few treasures.
[An innate technique, the Xuanhuang Kung Fu, which has been passed down from generation to generation of the Xuanhuang Sect.]

[A few ancient books that record profound martial arts, which record the way internal force is used, and after you check them out, you find that these are actually a few divine arts that body refining cultivators can use.]

Although it's not as good as the ‘Body Protecting Deity’ given to you by the Luo Tian Sect's Grand Elder, Niu Rulie, it's still barely usable.

In addition, there's a piece of jade that you can't see.

Your intuition tells you that this piece of jade may be hiding a big secret.

So you asked the former Patriarch what the purpose of this jade pendant was.

[This Patriarch looks embarrassed, but he still tells the key.]

He said that there are three pieces of this jade, and that if you can find all three, you will be able to find an ancient relic, which is rumoured to be hiding the secrets of the ancient Qi Refiners.

[And these three pieces of broken jade, respectively by the current three martial arts training sects hold, if you want to collect all, unless the three big sects united.]]

[But it is also because the three big clans have not been able to unify for thousands of years, and that's why they have not been able to enter that relics.]

Su Xing had been seeing this place, his face showing excitement as he murmured:
‘I'm afraid, the secret of this Immortal Martial Era dungeon is hidden within this relic!’

The corner of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly and said:
‘Alas, it's still cool to be crushed by strength! Regardless of whether you are the head of a clan, or an innate expert ...... Little Master directly slaps you to the ground!’

‘Then next, just follow the steps to collect the three broken jades!’

Su Xing thought so, his eyes looking towards the simulation panel.

[After you obtained the shattered jade, you moved to the Floating Life Gate.]

[The Floating Life Sect is thousands of kilometres away from the Xuan Huang Sect, you ran for a day and a night before arriving at the city where the Floating Life Sect is located.]

Afterwards, you disguised yourself and took advantage of the night to arrive at the Floating Life Sect's sect.

[You defeated the sect leader of the Floating Life Sect with a single move, and then drew out the innate expert hidden in the Floating Life Sect.]

[You managed to capture this innate expert alive and obtained his storage artefact.]

[In the storage artefact, you found a divine ability called the Floating Life Technique, several martial arts that use internal force, and the piece of shattered jade.]

[After getting your hands on it, you rushed non-stop to the last clan, the Evergreen Sect!]

[But when you were still hundreds of miles away from the Evergreen Sect's clan, you sensed a familiar aura through the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique.]

[It's the scent of Old Dog Zong!

Seeing this, Su Xing's heart stirred and muttered:
‘I see... ...... No wonder I couldn't feel Zong Old Dog's aura before, it turns out that this bastard has actually been hiding in the Evergreen Sect!’

‘Immortal Martial Era dungeon, too far away from Bluestar, not a world at all ...... No wonder the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique couldn't sense it!’

Su Xing searched in his heart, I'm afraid that this old dog Zong is also trying to avoid the pursuit of the Advent Sect, so he hid in this dungeon, right?

‘Good, just use this Zong Old Dog to try, how is my strength nowadays?’

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[You didn't act rashly after encountering Zong Old Dog, in order to prevent being discovered by Zong Old Dog in advance, you chose to converge your divine sense to enter the Evergreen City].

[Evergreen City is established in a business-like green valley, quite large in scope, and the entire city gives you the feeling that it seems to be quite a bit deeper in its heritage than the other two clans].

[And in the reality of your Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique, this old dog, Zong, seems to be lurking in the middle of the Evergreen Sect!]

[After disguising yourself and restraining your breath, you pretended to be someone who came to study martial arts, and under the effect of the ability to pay money, you bought off one of the outer sect's enrolment elders, and smoothly joined the outer sect of the Changchun Sect].

[A few days after that, you repeatedly probed and eventually targeted an outer disciple of the Evergreen Kung Fu.]

[This outer disciple is what Zong Old Dog is pretending to be!]

Seeing this, Su Xing sucked in a breath of cool air and said:

‘Hiss~ This Zong Old Dog is really Gou ah! A peak Spirit Transformation cultivator, actually pretending to be an outer disciple to sneak into the sect?’

‘But well ...... this time little master is eating you!’

[After determining the identity of Zong Old Dog, you didn't hesitate, but chose to strike directly!

[Winding level Yuan Power, covering both fists, the power of the Divine Power Realm completely erupts at this moment, you punch towards Zong Old Dog's head, wanting to kill him with one move!’]

[But this Zong Old Dog is worthy of being a thousand year old Gou, he actually sensed the danger in advance and narrowly dodged your punch.] [Boom!

[Boom! You this fist solidly blasted on the ground above, in an instant as explosive mountain sound came, the whole mountain gate square as earthquake-like movement.

[For a moment, the earth shattered, and countless disciples fled in a hurry.]

[And after you unleashed your attack, Zong Old Dog apparently also sensed the familiar aura on you.]

[Immediately afterwards, a sardonic smile appeared on his face.]

[You wanted to kill Zong Old Dog and seize the treasures on his body, and why wouldn't Zong Old Dog have thought the same thing?

[And so, the great battle started right away!

Zong's old dog first sacrificed his bone sword, which is vicious and venomous, and its grievances are entangled in your spiritual energy.

But your strength is not what it used to be, and at the same time, you're holding an ice sword, and you've activated the sword power!

With the sword's power, you have an unrelenting momentum, and your will to fight has risen dramatically.

Wherever the sword passes, rocks crumble, trees fall, and Zong Old Dog can only temporarily avoid it.

You've been fighting for hundreds of rounds, and you've been steadily overpowering Zong Old Dog.

Zong's old dog knew that his sword skills were inferior to yours, so he started to fight with his magic skills!

Zong Lao Dog swung out a palm, and the black air came towards you like a poisonous snake.

‘You also launched your fire technique and pounced towards the black air.

Although your qi refining cultivation is only at the third level of the Spirit Transformation Stage, and your cultivation is not as good as Zong Lao-dog's, but the fire-removing technique has a restraint on the black qi, and for a while, it was even hard to separate.

[Wherever the black gas passed, the entire Changchun Sect's mountain gate was shrouded in despair, and thousands of disciples were turned into white bones in an instant.]

[But your spiritual power to protect the body, body refining cultivation more straight to the divine power realm of the great circle, with this cultivation in the body, that black gas in a short period of time on your combat power is not much impact.]]

[Seeing that the divine power is also restrained by you, Zong old dog gritted his teeth and called out seven puppets of the YuanYing stage, these seven puppets have the same mind and form a formation, and in a short period of time, they are actually able to be comparable to the God-realisation cultivators].

[These seven puppets, and Zong Old Dog co-operated well, and in a short period of time actually fought you to a standstill!

Su Xing raised an eyebrow when he saw this and muttered:
‘Sure enough, this Zong old dog really has a lot of cards!’

‘Actually even the YuanYing puppets have ...... even if they do, they can actually form a battle formation, seven YuanYing together, able to rival a God Transformation cultivator?’

Su Xing somewhat marvelled at Old Dog Zong's means.

But then Su Xing's mouth rose slightly and said:

‘Unfortunately, the current me is not the same as I was back then! Let alone a puppet, even if there really was an extra Transformation God, I wouldn't be able to protect your dog's life today!’

His eyes looked towards the simulation panel.

[Several puppets and Zong Old Dog quickly entangled with you.]

[After dozens of rounds of fighting, you managed to catch a break with your rich combat experience and blasted a YuanYing stage puppet with one punch!

[When one of the YuanYing stage puppets was broken, the power of this formation was instantly diminished, and it didn't take you much effort to break all of the puppets].

After that, you fought alone with Old Dog Zong, and fought with him for dozens of rounds, beating Old Dog Zong verbally offering blood.

[Seeing that the puppets were shattered by you, Zong Lao Dog showed a look of pain, but at the moment of life and death, Zong Lao Dog could only offer up his bottom card again.]

[A black flag appeared in Zong Lao Dog's hand, it was the Soul Recruitment Flag!

[Then Zong old dog and you pull away from the distance, the mouth quickly read a spell ......]

[Immediately, in your divine sense, the souls of those clan disciples who died tragically in the Changchun Sect were actually recruited by Zong Lao Dog's Soul Recruiting Flag!

[As more and more souls poured in, the aura on Zong Lao Dog's body became more and more bizarre.]

[Eventually, the black aura went straight into Zong Lao Dog's arm.]

[In an instant, the aura on Zong Lao Dog's body skyrockets, his pupils are tinged with black, and comes at you!]]

(End of chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
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