Breakers Chapter 149

Breakers Chapter 149

Chapter 149 – Chapter 28: Demon King #2

White floors, pillars and ceilings—other than that, it was just a lot of space, and the demon king stood out from where he was standing in the center. 

He didn't look back. His black hair was longer than In-gong had thought it would be as it reached his waist. The dark blue cloak made the presence of the demon king even clearer.  In-gong had always been looking at his seated form in the court gatherings from a distance, but he now approached the back of the demon king. 

In-gong swallowed his saliva. His mouth was dry. Just approaching the demon king made his breathing rough.  Was it due to the huge pressure?  The demon king wasn't emitting power. He kept silent just like he did in the court gathering. 

However, as he narrowed the distance, the demon king simply maintained his position. In-gong understood the presence this man had and the reason why he had the position of the demon king. 

The demon king turned around, and In-gong stopped walking reflexively. The distance between them was about five meters, so there wouldn't be any difficulty in communicating. 

In-gong looked up at the demon king. It was the first time In-gong had been so close to him. 

The demon king's eyes were red, and In-gong was reminded of Felicia. Felicia's and Silvan's red eyes resembled the demon king. However, the demon king's eyes were quite different from the two of them. His red eyes were more similar to that of the sword duke. The sword duke's eyes seemed to be able to see through anything. What did the demon king see? How far did he see into In-gong? 

“9th Prince Shutra, I greet the demon king." 

Tension filled In-gong as he opened his mouth. He had practiced this many times in advance, so he didn't go too fast or stutter. Instead, he spoke in a calm voice.

In-gong was facing the demon king, someone who had so little contact with his children that just simply talking at the court gathering was a shock. Why had the demon king demanded a clandestine meeting? 

The demon king opened his mouth to reply. His voice sounded slightly more emotional than it had been at the court gathering, but it was still dry. 

“You have come, Semita's child." 

Semita Ignus, the 5th Queen who had now left the world—she was the daughter of the gandharva king, Karuta, and Shutra's mother. 

It was an unexpected title. Did the 5th Queen have a larger presence on the demon king than In-gong thought? Or was it a title that indicated some distance? 

In-gong was reminded of the tea party he had with 3rd Queen Sylvia. Sylvia truly loved the demon king. There was a slight change in her eyes and voice every time she mentioned him. 4th Queen Elaine was different. For her, the demon king was a business partner who couldn't be avoided. She didn't hate the demon king, but she didn't love him. 

What was the relationship between the demon king and the 5th Queen? Was it due to his memories of the 5th Queen that In-gong was called here today? 

It couldn't be. It wasn't possible. 

In-gong simplified the complex thoughts in his head. Rather than avoiding the demon king's gaze, In-gong faced him like it was the court gathering. 

The demon king smiled. It was a small smile, but he definitely did it. 

In-gong was able to understand the minds of those who attended the court gathering. He hadn't understood why they were amazed every time the demon king spoke, but In-gong understood now. He felt his head go blank just because the demon king smiled. 

The demon king gazed at In-gong calmly and said, 

“Semita's child was born into this world without a soul. Poor Semita thought it was a heavenly punishment for the sin of the gandharva." 

In-gong took a deep breath. The words contained a story which couldn't be overlooked. A child born without a soul… The gandharvas' sin… 

He couldn't understand the 'no soul' part easily. What did it mean? Had Shutra been incompetent because he had no soul? 

The sins of the gandharva were easily linked in his head. Currently, the gandharva as a whole species were confined, and the reason for such a punishment was due to the 'sin of the gandharva'. If so, what did they do wrong? When thinking about the cause-and-effect, it was a crime committed before Shutra's birth. 

There were many things In-gong  wanted to ask, but he was patient. The demon king hadn't finished speaking yet. He was still looking at In-gong. 

"But now a strong soul is present. If Semita saw you now, she would have liked it very much." 

Shutra had become In-gong. The empty vessel was filled with In-gong's essence. 

How much did the demon king know? Had he noticed that In-gong was a separate person from Shutra? Or did he think it was just Shutra's transformation? The latter possibility was slightly higher. There was no reason to add that 5th Queen Semita would be delighted with this. 

'No, this is meaningless.' 

In-gong had become Shutra; they had already become one. Standing here were both Shutra and In-gong. 

The demon king's gaze moved away. It was a gaze which was looking at both In-gong and the surroundings. In-gong understood instinctively that the demon king was different from the sword duke. It was clear the demon king was looking at something the sword duke couldn't see. 

The demon king's gaze turned back to In-gong again. His voice was low and heavy, but it wasn't cold. 

"Shutra, Semita's child, you have become strong very quickly. I look forward to you becoming stronger in the future. The torrent of destiny is swirling around you." 

The modification of fate— 

The demon king felt it. It had been there since he first encountered In-gong at the court gathering, and it was the same with every meeting after that. 

Thus, the demon king made his decision. 

“I called you today to see if the sword duke's words were true and to make a judgment." 

Those with purple energy and red energy were attacking various places in the Demon World… And someone who claimed to be the Famine Knight had appeared in this world. In-gong had encountered all of them. The torrent of destiny was swirling around them.

“The strongest person must rise to the demon king's throne. This is because the demon king isn't the one who rules the Demon World, but the one who protects it." 

In-gong was reminded of the destroyed indigenous species. How much did the demon king know? How much did he know about the Four Knights of the Apocalypse? Or did he consider the Four Knights of the Apocalypse a challenge, just like the sword duke? 

In-gong realized it was useless to think about this as it was all the same to him. The demon king was the one who protected the Demon World, so all threats were the same to him. Just like the sword duke said, he had to become strong enough to defeat them. 

The demon king raised his right hand slowly. 

“The accomplishments I've achieved —the sword duke called them extreme nothingness. I don't like putting down a name for it, but Shutra, you should know. It isn't easy to defeat his stubbornness." 

The demon king gave a small laugh. It was hard to imagine since the demon king had only be seen at the court gathering, but this could be called the true image of the demon king. 

“I will leave something to you. It is the Seed of Extreme Nothingness. I hope you will be able to germinate it someday. I hope to see you reach beyond the limits of what I have achieved." 

It was one of the reasons for calling In-gong here. The demon king was suffering from a deep illness and wanted to place a bet on the future that the sword duke saw. 

The demon king stretched out his hand. The distance between In-gong and the demon king narrowed, and the demon king laid a big hand on In-gong's head. 

“The only ones who have received this are Zephyr and you. Even if the sword duke guided you here, you made it this location with your own strength, unlike Baikal and Anastasia." 

The demon king didn't speak anymore. 

In-gong closed his eyes naturally. It was the same as when the sword duke gave him the Sura Heart Law. The demon king's blue aura enveloped In-gong's body. 

It was like a lightning bolt, and In-gong shrieked silently in pain. 

At that moment, the white woman's desperate voice was heard from far away. It was similar to Green Wind's howling. 

'Conquer. Obedience and rule.' 

Divine Sura Authority responded. In-gong opened all his powers, including the dragon heart and Moonlight Core. He needed to accept something he couldn't bear. 

It was only for a moment, but it also seemed to last for eternity. It was engraved deep into In-gong's soul. Then a woman's voice rang in his ears, 

[Extreme Nothingness Lv 0 has been learnt.] 

It was like when he first encountered Conquest's power. This was a power which wasn't available to him yet, but it was obvious to In-gong that it was inherently strong. 

Extreme nothingness—this was the demon king's greatest treasure even when he was dying of illness. It was natural that the power of Conquest couldn't dominate it. 

However, that didn't mean it wasn't successful. In-gong felt a change to his body—the balance within had been shaken due to the addition of the dragon heart. That balance was completely broken and aligned into a new balance. It was the effect of Extreme Nothingness which In-gong hadn't even opened yet. 

The demon king saw such a change in In-gong. Even Zephyr had found the Seed of Extreme Nothingness hard to accept in its sealed state, so the demon king couldn't help admiring In-gong. 

"I'm amazed, but don't be unreasonable. There is no need to be too hasty." 

However, the demon king's voice didn't reach In-gong. In-gong had already lost consciousness as a white light shone from his body. It was in order to endure the physical changes more efficiently. 

The demon king looked at In-gong and cast a magic spell in the air. The sword duke came like the wind and grabbed In-gong. He observed the changes taking place in In-gong's body and laughed. 

“Once again, he really is amazing." 

Instead of replying, the demon king smiled. However, that didn't last long. He staggered like he had felt a sudden dizziness and cast magic. A chair sprouted from the ground to support his body. 

"Are you okay?" 

The sword duke asked with a frown. His worried eyes and voice showed the warmth of a teacher toward his disciple. Rather than immediately replying to the sword duke's question, the demon king sat down. He didn't miss the other meaning in the sword duke's question. 

Was it okay to pass the Seed of Extreme Nothingness to the 9th Prince like he had also shared it with 2nd Prince Zephyr? 

It was a question which didn't even need to be discussed. The demon king closed his eyes and rasped, 

“Sword Duke, you should know. It is enough for the strongest person to rise to the seat of the demon king. Whether they are blood related or not, it doesn't matter." 

It was the law that only the demon king's children could become the next demon king. Although every child of the demon king followed this law, it was meaningless to the demon king. 

The sword duke nodded silently. He agreed with the demon king's idea that the strongest person should become the demon king. Furthermore, the sword duke knew about the secret of the 9th Prince's birth. He knew how much 5th Queen Semita had loved the demon king. 

The fact that the demon king's blood didn't flow in the 9th Prince wasn't important to the sword duke, since the 9th Prince had already been acknowledged. 

“I will return to the Holy Land after bringing 9th Prince back. Stay healthy until we meet again." 

“You too." 

The sword duke disappeared like the wind after the short exchange of farewells. Once alone, the demon king looked up at the dark sky slowly. 

The demon king read the fate of the Demon World… 

And he felt the strong torrents of destiny around both Zephyr and In-gong. 

The demon king's illness was progressing faster than expected. The demon king closed his eyes, and he fell into a deep sleep for a while. 


Guardian Queian raised his head. 

In the south, he looked toward the north and knew he could no longer delay. 

Of the six elder dragons who guarded and maintained this world, there were only three remaining. Watcher Ainkel and Violet Kaltein were no longer present. Recorder Torres had fallen into a deep sleep he couldn't wake up from. 

The only ones left, aside from Queian, were the Great Enkidu and Cruel Talia. 

Soon, there would be a great fight, and the fight had to end the burning of the Demon World. It absolutely couldn't reach the Human World. 

"Go, my child. Become the sword and shield to protect the Human World." 

His voice was filled with magic. The words of blessings went far away from Queian's lair. 

From south to north… 

The child of Guardian Queian, the warrior Locke moved with his colleagues.

They headed toward the Demon World. 

Chapter end

Chapter 114 - Chapter 18: Auction #6
Chapter 113 - Chapter 18: Auction #5
Chapter 112 - Chapter 18: Auction #4
Chapter 111 - Chapter 18: Auction #3
Chapter 110 - Chapter 18: Auction #2
Chapter 109 - Chapter 18: Auction
Chapter 108 - Chapter 17: Test #7
Chapter 107 - Chapter 17: Test #6
Chapter 106 - Chapter 17: Test #5
Chapter 105 - Chapter 17: Test #4
Chapter 104 - Chapter 17: Test #3
Chapter 103 - Chapter 17: Test #2
Chapter 102 - Chapter 17: Test
Chapter 101 - Chapter 16: Summons #3
Chapter 101
Chapter 100 - Chapter 16: Summons #2
Chapter 99 - Chapter 16: Summons
Chapter 98 - Chapter 15: Sign #4
Chapter 97 - Chapter 15: Sign #3
Chapter 96 - Chapter 15: Sign #2
Chapter 95 - Chapter 15: Sign
Chapter 94 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #9
Chapter 93 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #8
Chapter 92 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #7
Chapter 91 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #6
Chapter 90 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #5
Chapter 89 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #4
Chapter 88 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #3
Chapter 87 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame #2
Chapter 86 - Chapter 14: The Last Flame
Chapter 85 - Chapter 13: The Right to Rule #4
Chapter 84 - Chapter 13: The Right to Rule #3
Chapter 83 - Chapter 13: The Right to Rule #2
Chapter 82 - Chapter 13: The Right to Rule
Chapter 81 - Chapter 12: Legend #7
Chapter 80 - Chapter 12: Legend #6
Chapter 79 - Chapter 12: Legend #5
Chapter 78 - Chapter 12: Legend #4
Chapter 77 - Chapter 12: Legend #3
Chapter 76 - Chapter 12: Legend #2
Chapter 75 - Chapter 12: Legend
Chapter 74 - Chapter 11: Sword Duke #5
Chapter 73 - Chapter 11: Sword Duke #4
Chapter 72 - Chapter 11: Sword Duke #3
Chapter 71 - Chapter 11: Sword Duke #2
Chapter 70 - Chapter 11: Sword Duke
Chapter 69 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough #7
Chapter 68 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough #6
Chapter 67 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough #5
Chapter 66 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough #4
Chapter 65 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough #3
Chapter 64 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough #2
Chapter 63 - Chapter 10: Breakthrough
Chapter 62 - Chapter 9: Exception #4
Chapter 61 - Chapter 9: Exception #3
Chapter 60 - Chapter 9: Exception #2
Chapter 59 - Chapter 9: Exception
Chapter 58 - Chapter 8: Excavation #7
Chapter 57 - Chapter 8: Excavation #6
Chapter 56 - Chapter 8: Excavation #5
Chapter 55 - Chapter 8: Excavation #4
Chapter 54 - Chapter 8: Excavation #3
Chapter 53 - Chapter 8: Excavation #2
Chapter 52 - Chapter 8: Excavation
Chapter 51 - Chapter 7: Advent #9
Chapter 50 - Chapter 7: Advent #8
Chapter 49 - Chapter 7: Advent #7
Chapter 48 - Chapter 7: Advent #6
Chapter 47 - Chapter 7: Advent #5
Chapter 46 - Chapter 7: Advent #4
Chapter 45 - Chapter 7: Advent #3
Chapter 44 - Chapter 7: Advent #2
Chapter 43 - Chapter 7: Advent
Chapter 42 - Chapter 6: Encounter #4
Chapter 41 - Chapter 6: Encounter #3
Chapter 40 - Chapter 6: Encounter #2
Chapter 39 - Chapter 6: Encounter
Chapter 38 - Chapter 5: Entry #5
Chapter 37 - Chapter 5: Entry #4
Chapter 36 - Chapter 5: Entry #3
Chapter 35 - Chapter 5: Entry #2
Chapter 34 - Chapter 5: Entry
Chapter 33 - Chapter 4: Awakening #8
Chapter 32 - Chapter 4: Awakening #7
Chapter 31 - Chapter 4: Awakening #6
Chapter 30 - Chapter 4: Awakening #5
Chapter 29 - Chapter 4: Awakening #4
Chapter 28 - Chapter 4: Awakening #3
Chapter 27 - Chapter 4: Awakening #2
Chapter 26 - Chapter 4: Awakening
Chapter 25 - Chapter 3: Rescue #8
Chapter 24 - Chapter 3: Rescue #7
Chapter 23 - Chapter 3: Rescue #6
Chapter 22 - Chapter 3: Rescue #5
Chapter 21 - Chapter 4: Rescue #4
Chapter 20 - Chapter 3: Rescue #3
Chapter 19 - Chapter 3: Rescue #2
Chapter 18 - Chapter 3: Rescue
Chapter 17 - Chapter 2 : Alliance #8
Chapter 16 - Chapter 2: Alliance #7
Chapter 15 - Chapter 2: Alliance #6
Chapter 14 - Chapter 2: Alliance #5
Chapter 13 - Chapter 2: Alliance #4
Chapter 12 - Chapter 2: Alliance #3
Chapter 11 - Chapter 2: Alliance #2
Chapter 10 - Chapter 2: Alliance
Chapter 9 - Chapter 1: Entry #8
Chapter 8 - Chapter 1: Entry #7
Chapter 7 - Chapter 1: Entry #6
Chapter 6 - Chapter 1: Entry #5
Chapter 5 - Chapter 1: Entry #4
Chapter 4 - Chapter 1: Entry #3
Chapter 3 - Chapter 1: Entry #2
Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Entry #1
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230-231 final
Chapter 229
Chapter 228-229
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225-226
Chapter 224
Chapter 223-224
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 130-131
Chapter 128-129
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 122-123
Chapter 120-121
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
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