Blind Date In Time and Space Chapter 214

Blind Date In Time and Space Chapter 214

  Chapter 214 The goddess of spring in charge of ice and snow

   Enos fell into a beautiful dream.

On the dark and dead mountainside, she saw a winding river of light appearing in the mist in the distance, like snow water flowing down from the top of a snow-capped mountain in spring, shining with light, illuminating this world full of evil .

  She couldn't tell what it was, but in her current situation, she had nothing to lose.

  Her people were too weak to speak or walk, their bodies were infected by a strong evil aura, and their bodies were deformed in large areas.

  After her older sister Kerim left to find help, she was pretty much the only one in the clan able to run.

   And her sister hasn't returned to Pazola for a month.

  The atmosphere of despair shrouded the cave little by little. Everyone guessed that Kerim had been polluted by the heirs of the evil **** and died outside.

   Rescue never came.

  In fact, Enos had guessed it when her sister came back several times before.

"I went to the Norman Empire. I heard that the Norman emperor led his people to Nok County. Nok County is not far from us. You can come back in a few days at my speed. When I come back Everyone will have enough to eat.”

   "Nock County...Nock is not good. I went to the Forest of Elves this time, and I found out from an elf sitting by the roadside that the kingdom of elves still exists. They have the protection of the Mother Earth Goddess, and they will definitely..."

   "I met a knight from St. Yves Capet. He said that in the east there is a city with the original belief. There are many strong knights and mages there, and people from the four churches are there!"

   "Mother God bless, I found some food this time, please eat quickly."

  Every time her sister came back, Enos could see a happy smile on her face, saying that she had found hope to save the tribe.

  But every time, my sister just stayed for a day and then left in a hurry.

   When her sister left last time, Enos chased her out, but saw her sister standing on the hill outside the cave, looking at the darkness in the distance with confused eyes, and didn't know which direction to point the spear in her hand.

  At that time, Enos was stunned, looking at her sister fixedly. She knew that her sister no longer knew where to find rescue, let alone where to find and save the tribe and save this land eroded by evil.

She yelled, and her sister turned around in surprise. When she saw her, her confusion immediately disappeared, and she gently advised her to go back to the cave and hide, eat some moss to survive when she was away, and eat some moss when she came back. Serve the delicious bread.

   Enos bit his lip, suppressing tears and returned to the cave.

  The elder sister who loved her didn't come back for a month.

  Her people no longer eat moss, quietly waiting for the last moment.

  The emaciated Enos stepped forward. Like her elder sister, she chose to leave the cave and look for the last hope in the outside world.

   When she saw the star-like long river on the mountainside, she stumbled and ran down the mountain. When she saw the handsome elf in front of the team, she was too excited to speak.

  Afterwards, Enos dreamed of the gods.

  A great **** led a huge team to the snow-capped mountains. Just by getting close to the god, the holy and pure power of the **** purified the evil breath in her body.

   How wonderful it would be if this wasn't a dream.


  Enoss woke up. Before she opened her eyes, she felt a stream of cool and sweet water around her mouth. She drank it instinctively. The sweet water flowed down her throat, allowing her to regain consciousness quickly.

   "Hey, woke up?"

   There was a muffled voice next to it, which was the unique voice of dwarves.


  Enos opened his eyes, and sure enough, he saw a dwarf with a fiery red beard, sitting beside her carriage, holding a whip in his hand, and a glowing amulet around his waist.

  The carriage swayed, and Enos saw clearly that she was sitting on a grain cart, and the soft grass served as a quilt, allowing her to have a good sleep.

   Around, there are countless dwarves, elves, and humans, lined up neatly and marching towards the snow mountain together.

   "Let's go now to your centaur Paslao." The dwarf in the car with her spoke loudly.

   is Pazola.

   Enos opened his mouth, it was true, not a dream!

   "Here you have this, eat it."

  The dwarf threw a bag to her and said with a hearty smile: "It's just black bread, eat some with water first, and cook some dried meat at night."

  Enos, who was holding the bag, blushed and shook his head: "No, no, I, I can just eat hay!"

  In the Divine Continent, even the goblins would laugh at the centaur eating grass.

  Before the evil gods ravaged, if anyone mentioned eating grass in front of the centaur, all the centaurs would enter a state of rage, and their four legs gathered strength to slam into each other and trample him fiercely.

   But now, Enos took the initiative to say that she can just eat grass.

  However, even eating these dried grasses was far better than eating moss in a cold cave. She hadn't seen such clean grass with an earthy fragrance for a long time.

   "Eat hay?"

  The dwarf was stunned for a moment, and then saw that she was a centaur, and immediately apologized repeatedly, saying: "You eat bread, under the protection of the creator, we have harvested a lot of food, enough to eat, you can rest assured to eat!"

   "The Creator..."

  Ino thought, where is the great creator now?

   "God is ahead!" The dwarf pointed her in the direction

  Enos put down the bag, closed his eyes and knelt on the hay facing forward and prayed: "Thanks to the great god, thank you for the food, Enos to you..."

  Amidst her devout prayers, the team marched into the valley.

  Enos hurriedly ate some bread and water, thanked the dwarf and said goodbye, jumped into the carriage loaded with hay and rushed forward, her face was full of excitement. At this moment, she was extremely excited and joyful.

   "The great creator, Inos will guide you!"

  Led by her, the team came to a cave.

   Before Chen Ji got out of the car, Enos had already rushed into the cave, shouting excitedly while running.

  Her joy infected everyone.

   "Alice, have you been here before?"

  Chen Ji asked the beautiful elf beside him.

  After coming to the snow mountain, Alice has been in a complex mood, looking at certain places many times.

  Chen Ji could tell that these were beautiful pictures in her memory, but now they had become dead and dilapidated, with barren scenes everywhere.

"Well, I've been here a few times. Pazola used to have a big lake with clear water. Big fat fish would attract many goblins to catch them. At that time, it would become very noisy here. I hated it at the time. , now that I think about it..."

  Alice smiled, then quickly became lonely, then shook her head, looked at him, and said seriously: "God, thank you for everything you have brought us!"

  The goblins in the Divine Grace Continent are very weak, but they are all over the entire continent, and they can be found everywhere.

   Alice used to hate goblins, but now the goblins follow the team. Although they are not strong enough, they have sent a group of the strongest goblins as a member of the **** guard.

  Chen Ji rubbed her head with long white and soft hair, and said to Astana: "Let's get out of the car, go to the cave to see what's going on inside, and pass the news to Kelim in the future."

  Astana showed a soft smile: "God, you are merciful."

  After she finished speaking, she arranged for some priests to bring clean water and food, and prepare to enter the cave with God.

   "God, I'm here for you..."

  Alice and Mina got out of the carriage first, wanting to do some ceremony to welcome him off the carriage.

   But Chen Ji was too lazy to come to this set, so he just walked off.

  The moment his feet landed on the pitch-black ground, a ray of light swayed from the ground like ripples. The power seemed to be very weak, but the snow mountain infected by evil seemed to vibrate.

   Rossetti looked at the Sky God Cathedral in the distance. There should be a brood monster entrenched there. At the beginning, it killed many priests and knights of Sky God, and she led people to escape from the Snow Mountain Church.

   "The evil is receding."

  Astana declared to everyone with a holy and solemn voice: "God has come here, the evil covering the snow-capped mountains fears the power of God, and the boundless darkness is broken by starlight!"

   "Praise the great God!"

  The resounding voice spread, and the starlight amulets on everyone's bodies shone together, illuminating the entire valley in an instant.


  An old centaur who was carried by Enos to the entrance of the cave was stunned after seeing this scene.

  Starlight shone on him, causing rapid changes in his aging and deformed body.

   "This is..." He was full of surprise.

   "Grandpa, it is the great creator Chen Ji, this is his power, God has once again protected us!"

  Enos knelt on the ground, praying with everyone, his grandfather also knelt tremblingly, the scene in front of him was like a miracle.

  When Chen Ji, Astana and the others walked into the cave, the starlight gathered by the crowd also poured into the cave, and all the darkness and evil were driven out.

  When Chen Ji saw the centaur, they knelt down excitedly, welcoming the arrival of the great creator that Enos said.

  Chen Ji originally wanted to ask some questions, but he couldn't open his mouth right now.

  In Shenen Continent, it was difficult for him to have normal communication with ordinary people, and everyone respected him.

   Let the elves communicate with them.


  Alice smiled and said, "You saved them, just like you saved us back then."

   She saw it.

  The moment the **** appeared, the centaur's distorted body quickly recovered, and they were purified under the gaze of the **** just like they were at the beginning, and the power of the **** defeated the evil.

   "Well, fortunately they persisted until now."

  Chen Ji nodded, looked at the centaurs who were less than three hundred and all in a weak state, and said, "Rescue them first, let's rest for a while, and take them away after they recover."

  The team can bring these three hundred and a half men and horses.

  The situation in the cave is a bit bad, but fortunately, the priests of Astana are good enough for the job.

  Chen Ji was about to leave the cave, but noticed that Mina beside him was looking at something curiously.

  Looking along, Chen Ji found that what Mina was looking at was a semi-black flower placed on a stone table and inserted in a bottle, not a black flower formed by chaotic shadows, but a flower infected by evil breath.

   "Mina?" Chen Ji looked at her.

   "God." The little princess blinked, pointed at the flower, then turned to Alice and said, "Is this the snow lotus? The symbol of the northern snow mountains, Mina has heard of it before, but this is the first time she has seen it."

   After Alice saw the flower, her eyes became sad again.

   "Great God!"

  Enos picked up the bottle placed on the stone table, trotted to him and the elves, knelt down and presented the bottle and flowers together, blushing and said:

   "This is a polluted flower that I found on the top of the snow mountain not long ago. I was reluctant to eat it so I took it back. I, I want to offer it to God."

  Chen Ji smiled slightly, raised his hand to take the bottle in her hand: "I received your gift, I wish you and your sister an early meeting, and also wish you centaurs can avoid such disasters in the future."

   Enos jumped up and asked cautiously: "Great God, have you seen my sister?"

  Chen Ji answered her: "I wanted to tell you later that it was Kelim who asked me to come to Pazola, but she can't come back now, and she needs to wait for a while."

"elder sister…"

  Enos body trembled violently, tears gushing out.

  Her sister found a god, and the great **** saved her people!


   The centaurs who were eating food and drinking water soon knew about this, and knelt down to pray to Chen Ji again, thanking the gods for saving them.

   "You all get up, let's rest first."

  Chen Ji handed the bottle to Mina, and left the cave with them.

  Mina played with the bottle, and quickly handed it to Alice, telling her with her eyes, take this snow lotus flower as a souvenir.

  Alice held the bottle with both hands, and looked in a distant direction again.

   Seeing this, Chen Ji gave up the idea of ​​going back to the carriage, held the snow mountain elf's soft hand, and said to her: "Let's go and see Alice's house, how about it?"

   "Okay~" Mina raised her little hand and agreed happily, and Astana beside her nodded with a smile.


  Alice looked at him, her rosy lips wanted to say something, but she was wrapped around her waist by her **** and flew up, flying faster and faster in the dark sky.

  She saw the familiar snow-capped mountains again.

  After God, Astana and Mina landed, Alice saw only a dead ruin.

  The once verdant forest disappeared, and the tree houses built by the elves on the trees were also buried in the soil. Even the snow on the snowy mountains in the distance became gray and polluted by the evil atmosphere.

  The elves fled here.

  The cheerful voice of the snow mountain goblin can no longer be heard. She still remembers that when it snowed in winter, the snowflakes fell on the leaves.

   Now, there are only sleeping monsters left on the snow mountain, and they devoured everything.

  Some monsters were awakened and squirmed towards here. I don't know how many things are hidden in the twisted and huge torso...

   "God, shall I purify them?"

  Astana exudes pure white and holy radiance, and the evil gods and monsters dare not approach, and linger far away.

  Mina untied the branch of the Starlight World Tree wrapped around her wrist, and was also ready to do it.

"Need not."

   Chen Ji looked at Alice and had an idea in his mind: "Alice, tell me, what was the snow mountain you lived in back then?"

   This will undoubtedly touch the sad memories in Alice's heart.

   But I have to do it.


  Alice did not refuse, nor would she blame her god.

With a soft tone and a smile on her fair face, she told her **** about her beautiful past: "We snow mountain elves moved here from the forest of elves and have lived here for tens of thousands of years. Most of us have The same white and long hair, but become fond of cold and mountains.

  Alice still remembers that most of the clansmen would live on the top of a high snow mountain, make a tree house with a basement, or live near a cave.

  Snow mountain elves like to warm up by the fire when it snows, or take a walk after the snow. In winter, when the mountains are covered by heavy snow, we will take a sled, slide in the snow-covered mountain forest, jump from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and jump between the mountains.

  In summer, the forest becomes very lively. I like to stand on the rocks, blowing the cool breeze in the valley, and listen to the squirrels busy picking pine cones.

  God, Alice also likes to pick flowers that grow on mountains thousands of meters high, very beautiful flowers, magical flowers that cannot be found in the grasslands or the Norman Empire, among them is this white snow lotus. "

  She raised the bottle in her hand, and affectionately told the **** she believed in about her past.

  All the beautiful days she spent in the snow mountains were recalled by her at this moment.

   As she spoke, tears flowed down her face.


  Chen Ji called her.

  Alice threw herself into his arms, grabbed his clothes tightly, and looked up at her with tears in her eyes: "God, Alice and the people are saved, you saved us!"

Chen Ji lowered his head, kissed her smooth forehead, and blessed her: "In my name, I give you the authority to control ice and snow, and give you the symbol of flowers. Ice and snow are your strength, and flowers will accompany you. When the ice and snow melt, the plants that have been dormant for the winter will grow under your gaze, and you will bring the breath of spring to the world!"

Under the gaze of Astana and the little princess, Alice's whole body shook violently, her soft and light body exuded the power of ice crystals, and beautiful snowflakes condensed in the surrounding air. The bottle in her hand, together with the snow lotus in the bottle, Shine bright.

   "The goddess of spring in charge of ice and snow?"

   Astana spoke the words, summarizing the meaning of Chen Ji's words.

   is in charge of ice and snow, which also symbolizes the arrival of spring.


  Alice yelled, and the bottle in her hand flew out, exuding an astonishing chill, and turned into endless snowflakes, falling down and covering the continuous snow-capped mountains.

  The atmosphere of chaos and darkness was absorbed by the snowflakes, and the snow and ice flew all over the sky, killing one after another evil monsters sleeping in the mountains.

  Everyone looked in surprise, snowflakes were flying among the mountains, and the peaks were soon covered with ice and snow, turning from pitch black to snow white.

  But in the blink of an eye, after the snowflakes absorbed the evil, the snow lotus in Alice's bottle bloomed with emerald green brilliance, turning into light spots and falling, melting the cold ice and snow.

  Everything grows, spring is here.

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
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Chapter 214
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Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
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Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
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Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
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Chapter 1
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