Arceus' Pirate Journey Chapter 1211

Arceus' Pirate Journey Chapter 1211

  Chapter 1211 Changing situation, attention of the real dragon (7k6)

   "Are you kidding, why does my uncle listen to your navy's order!"

   "Although Shichibukai is directly under the World Government, it also needs to cooperate with the navy's actions. Can you cooperate, Your Excellency Bucky?"

   "Since you have said so, then I will cooperate with you, but... you should release... this gravity first."

  Fujitora discussed with Bucky slowly, if he ignored his gradually increasing gravity, then he would really be a kind old man.

  Under the influence of Fujitora's gravity, Bucky, who had just regained his freedom, was pushed back to the ground again. It was not until he agreed to Fujitora's request that the gravity on his body was removed by Fujitora.

   "I'm sorry, the old man is just a recruit after all, and you Shichibukai are all lawless bastards, in order to let you cooperate, this is the only way to do it.

  Please don't play any tricks, otherwise, at a suitable time, the old man will personally go to condolences to you, Your Excellency Bucky. "

Bucky is such a person. Only by giving him enough pressure and deterrence can he be able to do things honestly. Under Fujitora's kind and friendly communication, he honestly took the phone bug to convey information to the navy. .

  As for the fake military orders

  He didn't have the courage.

  As a person who has seen big scenes, Bucky is sure that Fujitora may be defeated, but it is not so easy to keep such a person completely.

  Unless someone is holding back, Fujitora will be able to return to the Navy headquarters sooner or later.

   At that time, he only needs to ask, and he will know what he has done.

  Honestly passing on the word is his best solution.

   "Remember to tell them about the specific situation of Dressrosa."

   "Got it, got it, you navies really have a lot of demands."

  Speaking the toughest words, but his body is acting truthfully. Now Bucky wants to slap himself. He didn't know what he was thinking just now, but he actually refuted Fujitora face to face. This simply violated his life rules.

   Soon Bucky came to an area sufficient for communication, and then directly pressed Fujitora's phone bug. There was a quick communication between the general and the Navy headquarters, and there was no need to dial a number at all.

   "Hello, is it the Navy Headquarters? This uncle is Bucky, and now I want to convey the situation here for your Admiral Fujitora."

He can't distort the facts, but he can exaggerate the propaganda, such as emphatically mentioning that he killed Shiliu, the jailbreaker in the city of advancement, exposed Dressrosa's conspiracy, and rescued the officials and the navy who were turned into toys .

  Although this matter has nothing to do with him, there is nothing wrong with saying that, even the witnesses at the scene couldn't find much fault.

   There is no need to give too much, and it would be great to reward him with hundreds of millions of Baileys.

   "General Fujitora? But"

"Give me."

There was a noise from the phone worm, and then the appearance of the phone worm changed into a bearded one. The biggest disadvantage of the phone worm is probably that it can't hide the caller, which is a very Alternative real-name system.

   "Bucky? Why is Fujitora's phone bug in your hands, and others?"

   "He's trapped inside by Doflamingo.

  Uncle Ben was able to get out of trouble because of his special ability. The phone bug inside has no signal. He specially entrusted me to remind you that he can implement Plan B. "

   "Trapped by Doflamingo? What is that guy Fujitora doing?! What's going on with Dressrosa now?"

   "Well, Doflamingo has turned many people into toys, including your navy soldiers and people from the world government, but under the wisdom of my uncle"

   "Get to the point, don't talk nonsense to me!"

   "Who are you? You're just an orderly, please be more respectful when talking to me!"

  Bucky was very dissatisfied that a soldier answering the phone spoke to him with such an attitude, but the next moment, the voice on the phone made him from dissatisfied to sweating profusely.

   "Marshal Sakasky, calm down, there are no new tables in the logistics department!"

   "Red Red Dog?!"

  Bucky didn't expect that it wasn't a messenger who took the phone before, but Akainu. He was not familiar with Akainu, and he didn't pay attention to the change of the phone bug's face when he was planning his big plan.

  And at this time, Akainu is full of resentment because of Qiwuhai.

  He just got back from Mary Gioia.

  【Your face is worthless, Sakaski. 】

   This is when he asked Wulaoxing what to do with the Navy and his own face, Wulaoxing responded to him, and then sent him back.

   Immediately afterwards, I heard that Fujitora was trapped in a birdcage, and he had to use someone else's hands to make a phone call.

Fujitora and Green Bull can be directly promoted to generals in the world conscription, naturally they have their strengths. It may be a bit difficult for them to deal with the emperor of the sea, but if a Qiwukai can directly trap the generals, then the navy's organizational system It's better to cancel it.

  Furthermore, Fujitora's style is not in line with Akainu's, and this half-fishing behavior makes him even more displeased.

  He can accept the existence of Shichibukai, because this is the order of the world government.

  At the same time, he also hates the pirates of Qiwuhai, listening to Bucky's eloquent talk, he has no intention of being patient at all.

  Although separated by the phone bug, Bucky felt a more fatal sense of oppression than before. His original plan was disrupted again, and after he briefly and quickly said what he knew, he hung up the phone.

   Then back to the edge of the cage.

   "It's over, but your marshal seems very angry."

   "Well, it doesn't seem strange."

  Looking at Fujitora in front of him, Bucky changed his plan again. He decided to give up his plan of running away alone, and instead led his younger brothers to follow Fujitora.

   It is also reasonable for Shichibukai to act together with the navy. Bucky decided to use Fujitora's force to protect his own safety, which seems to be stronger than running away alone.

   And his behavior naturally aroused another round of imagination of the younger brother, thinking that his boss had reached some kind of deal with the admiral.

   "However. I have a question. What is your Navy's Plan B? Anyway, we are now an alliance. Let me reveal it."

   "It's nothing, it's just that some old guys want to come here to have a look, after all, there are too many dangerous elements gathered here."

  Fujitora didn't answer Bucky, but at the headquarters of the New Navy, Tsuru and Sengoku, who had resigned from the position of marshal, had already sailed with several warships on the way to Dressrosa.

  As Bucky started to walk with Fujitora, the rest of the younger brothers were still fighting those pirates, but the short-term alliance between GOD Bucky and GOD Usopp also completely disintegrated.

  Now Fujitora is still abiding by certain systems, so his goal is to capture the troublesome Luo and the Straw Hats, which makes Usopp, a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, one of Fujitora's goals.

  The little people tried their best to escape with Usopp, but the effect was not obvious, and they were chased by the navy led by Fujitora not long after.

   "Yan Shanggang!"

  A wall of flame rose from the ground, separating the navy from the little people with Usopp.

   "Take the guy to a safe place, and leave the navy to me to deal with it."

After leaving the bullfight arena, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates also began to split up. Marko and Joz went to the port at this time. connect.

  Marco is going to see how the pirates are doing now, and Ace is going to take care of his brother's crew, and they happen to meet Usopp.

  The nature of the little people made them not doubt Ace at all, and after leaving a word of thanks, they took Usopp and continued to run to a safe place.

   "Navy, this way is dead."

   "Sir, this is Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates."

  The inability to see things in both eyes still has a great impact, and the soldiers around him have the duty to report the situation in front of him in time.

   "Whitebeard's remnants? Why do you want to stop me and expose it to the navy? It won't be a good result for you."

  Ace does not have the title of Shichibukai to protect him, and in addition to the previous war on the top, he is also one of the key targets of the navy.

  However, the chaos in the New World coupled with the previous loss of the navy, and an increasingly dangerous beast with unknown motives prevented them from launching large-scale operations in the hinterland of the New World in the past two years.

   "Who told me that was my idiot brother's partner? Having an idiot brother is very troublesome, and the big brother has to clean up for him."

   "I said Ace, this is not right, you are not the only brother of that guy, and in terms of age, I seem to be older than you by a few months."

   "Sabo? Aren't you going to do your thing?"

   "Ah, it's almost done, and they are capable enough to handle the rest, so I'll come here first."

   "How long has it been since we fought side by side?"

   "It's been more than ten years, and last time I was with those gangsters."

   Said that Sabo threw a water pipe that had just been removed to Ace. Looking at the water pipe in his hand, Ace also thought of the days when the three brothers were young.

  Although they are sworn brothers, but who is the big brother has always been controversial, and only Luffy is the well-deserved little brother.

   After Sabo died, Ace became the only big brother, but now that Sabo is still alive, we can continue to discuss who the big brother is.

   "Then use these navies this time to decide who is the big brother."

There were a few more holes in Ace's head, which were the marks left by the bullets, but they didn't make much sense. Under the filling of the flames, his body quickly recovered, and the two brothers also faced Fujitora. Come Navy.

   "The relationship between the revolutionary army and the Whitebeard's remnant party is really complicated, but you should be aware of it."

  The blade was unsheathed, and the naval battle escalated in an instant.

Generally speaking, those who want to kill Doflamingo and those who want to exchange rewards from Doflamingo for the prisoners have been divided into two factions, and the people manipulated by Doflamingo's parasitic line are also Cannibalism.

  Different people are fighting in this birdcage with different purposes, and Yamato is also very irritable at this time.

   "Doflamingo, bastard, what the **** did you do! Ice Blade Slash!"

  Yamato waved the mace in midair, and directly used the mace to slash a slash-like edge.

  She has already sensed the dense silk threads in the sky with her knowledge, and knows that the source of these threads is Doflamingo.

The front part of the slash carried an extremely cold airflow, which froze Doflamingo's silk thread when it was close to him, and as the slash swept across, it directly cut his silk thread in half, losing Once the control of the parasitic line is lost, the people below will naturally regain their freedom.

   Some of those who continued to fight were also directly controlled by the arms derived from Robin.

   "What's the matter with you? Is there any deep hatred?"

   "10 years ago, he got engaged to me 10 years ago, but he has completely forgotten about me in these ten years! He also had a child with another woman!"

   "No, it's not my fault, I really don't remember you."

   "How dare you say that!"

  Looking at the family conflicts arising from the ethical drama in front of him, Yamato didn't want to continue to intervene. It seems that he shouldn't be beaten to death. After they continue chasing for a while, after venting their resentment, they should stop directly.

   "Speed, Mizeka, Solitia.

  You guys go to deal with the affairs on the island. If anyone is seriously injured, help them deal with it. You should take these medicines first. Diluting them with water should be enough for emergency. "

   "Miss, these medicines are too expensive, isn't it a bit wasteful to use them, this is only for high-level people"

  Looking at the bottles of medicine that Yamato threw over, Speed ​​felt a little pity. These were special offerings from their cadres, and the commonly cultivated fruits and herbs could not achieve this effect at all.

  Only Arceus himself can produce the potion with this effect from the berries spawned by stone slabs. When it is used up, only Arceus can replenish it. Although it cannot bring the dead back to life, the potion is also many times stronger than the sold version.

  The people in Dressrosa had nothing to do with them, she couldn't think of any point in doing so.

   "If you are told to do it, you will do it, and don't worry about other things."

   "Yes, I see."

  Even if she doesn't understand, the order has come to her, so doing it is the only result.

   "By the way, kill those troublesome pirates, Ulti, Peggy Wan, you follow them too, there are many difficult guys on this island."

"how about you?"

   "Me? I'm going to ask that guy and ask him to give me a reasonable explanation."

   Said that Yamato was about to get up and go to the high ground, but was held back by Robin.

   "Wait, have you forgotten that we are here to investigate the situation? At this time, one-sided words cannot be trusted. Even if you want to find out, you have to investigate first.

  Things have come to this point, within a minute or two. "


  Based on Robin's suggestion, the people of Hundred Beasts also started to split up, and Mizeka acted as a human-shaped sprayer, inhaling the diluted medicine from the tail and storing it, and then controlling the amount of water.

   Spray healing liquid on the wound according to the degree of injury, while Peggy Wan and Ulti are dealing with some parasitic threads.

   "Really, why would I do such a thing!"

  With the characteristics of the double ax and the dragon ax teeth, it is not difficult for Urti to break these parasitic threads, but she personally doesn't like this kind of thing.

   "Sister Yamato's request, just do it, it doesn't take much anyway."

   "Ah, that guy's sympathy broke out again. I think Tian Yasha is going to be unlucky. Xiao Pei, if you say he is killed by a stick, who will we replace as the dealer?"

   "Get rid of it?"

   "Yeah, you don't think Yamato will ignore him, do you? This kind of thing touches her bottom line. In this respect, she is exactly the same as her old man. If you don't like it, it's probably a stick.

   But that's good, who made Doflamingo cause so much trouble. "

  In Ulti's perception, Yamato is a person who doesn't like oil and salt. It's useless to be weird and useless, and it's useless to get angry. Over time, she has been forced to get used to it.

  Definitely dissatisfied with her mouth, but she will still carry out Yamato's orders. After all, Yamato has been recognized by Beasts, and she is the real third-in-command by default.

  Since this is the case, we can only blame the people at the source.

   "No, I think... old sister, your personality shouldn't be able to think so much."

   "Huh?! Damn, Xiaopei, what are you talking about? In your eyes, I am as stupid as Yamato!"

   "Neck... Let go of your neck, old lady, it's about to fall"

   "Really, why are they still playing at this time, they don't know how to do business at all."

   Looking at Peggy Wan who drew an S shape in the sky, Yamato made complaints silently, and then continued to listen to the person in front of him describe the situation of Dressrosa.

"That was the night of the 10th year. His Majesty King Liku suddenly went crazy, leading the guards to massacre the citizens crazily. That's when Doflamingo appeared. We thought he was a hero, but it turned out that he was the one behind the scenes. "

   "Same as today, it turns out that His Majesty King Liku was manipulated by him."

  "More than that, he turned us into toys and worked in a dark underground factory for 10 years! 10 years! No one remembers me, I can only watch my wife marry another man."

The answers I got were similar, and most people gave similar results, especially those citizens who turned into toys. At this time, they hated Doflamingo even more, but they were afraid of Doflamingo's power , dare not resist at all.

   "Robin, I don't think you need to ask, this guy"

  Robin was about to answer, but a piercing voice sounded.

   "That sign. I recognize that sign! The ship that delivers goods to Doflamingo, as well as the ships that Doflamingo trades with, have this sign on it. I've seen it when I was a toy!

  Don't believe her, this woman is with Doflamingo! "

  The pirate flag pattern on Yamato's body was seen by a person, which caused him to panic on the spot, and this is exactly what Robin wanted to say next.

   "Doflamingo has a lot of deals with us, and is also a subordinate dealer. Killing him will not affect the overall situation, but it may affect part of our capital chain.

  Part of the information and materials he provided have also helped us to a certain extent, and his development in the sea has also taken advantage of us. In a sense, we are actually his "accomplices". "

  Robin's words are a cruel reality. Dressrosa's rule has nothing to do with the beasts, but Doflamingo's success in the underground world is inseparable from the beasts.

   Beasts didn't care how Doflamingo's workers got here, but they were inextricably linked with artificial fruits. Although Beasts didn't buy them, Doflamingo could still find other buyers.

  The result may not change, but Beasts is finally in the game.

  Yamato asked Speed ​​and the others to rescue the people on the island to make up for something. At that time, she didn't think of such a thing at all, but she couldn't get used to it, so she wanted to take care of it.

  But now, Robin's words coupled with the fearful eyes of those around her made her start to struggle.

"Feel sorry."

  Looking at the nationals of Dressrosa, Yamato didn't know what to say. After leaving two words, his figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared here, aiming directly at Doflamingo's position.

   At this time, in Yamato's inner world, a pair of azure pupils loomed in the darkness, and he began to pay attention to Yamato's situation, which corresponded to the pair of red eyes on the other side.

   "Why, are you interested too? Reshiram."

   "This is not her ideal, but this is the reality. The real situation often runs counter to the ideal, and the road to the light is not smooth.

  When ideals conflict, what will she do? "

   "Reshiram, it's really ridiculous to hear you say the word ideal.

  Ideal is not doing whatever one wants, but practicing one's own ideas and abiding by the struggle of one's heart, which is the ideal way. "

   "But your empty ideals will never become real, and if you don't fit reality, how will you let others agree?"

   "So reality is dark, do you want to continue to follow the rules?"

   Reshiram and Zekrom's umpteenth communication broke up again, but this time, Reshiram became more energetic and paid attention to Yamato's performance with a little interest.

"Excuse me, but don't worry, we just have some deals with Doflamingo, you can meet the doctor if you walk about two kilometers east from here, and you can meet the navy if you go north, please do what you want. "

   After Yamato left, Robin also activated the flight function of his combat suit, and chased after Yamato.

  In mid-air, he even met Sanji who was using "air walk" to hurry, which made Sanji lose his mind for a while.

  But this time Sanji didn't get a nosebleed. It wasn't because he lost his mind when he saw a beautiful woman, but because he thought of some very bad things from Robin's white battle suit.

   On the high ground, Doflamingo's situation also began to change.

   Not long ago, he was still calmly attending a meeting.

  As Pika used his ability to gather rocks together to form this highland, the underground factory also came to the surface, but Doflamingo was not worried about the factory being broken.

  The exterior of the entire factory is made of Hailou stone, which is extremely hard, and safety can be said to be the first.

  Cadres from all over the place also gathered here at this time.

   "I said, I said, Dover, I'm sorry about the sugar thing.

  Who would have thought that a person whose hands and feet were bound could scare Granu to the point of fainting, and Granu was holding on, but that guy Bucky suddenly fell like a piece of debris. "

   "The same is true for the competition. The underdog group that was supposed to be divided into a good group actually mixed in with a Redfield. Who knew that old monster would come to participate."

  Torrepol and Diamanti explained their mistakes to Doflamingo.

   "It doesn't matter, I won't turn back the time if I blame you, don't care about this kind of thing, just do your things, and just do the next thing well."

  For the cadres of the family, Doflamingo is very tolerant, unless it comes to the time when they need to die to achieve the goal, otherwise it is okay if the mission fails.

  Under Doflamingo's arrangement, the cadres gradually dispersed, and the Katakuri brothers who accepted Doflamingo's employment also came here.

   "Doflamingo, what on earth do you want to do? Put the admiral and these monsters together, do you want them to come and kill you together?"

   "Hey, Katakuri, don't worry, Fujitora won't make a move. Although he is an admiral, he has a lot of concerns, but letting him go is a matter of endless trouble."

  Fujitora said in front of him before that he wanted to abolish the system of Shichibukai under the king. Such a person is naturally dangerous to Doflamingo.

   "I won't do that kind of thing, and you can't afford that kind of price."

   "Don't worry, don't worry, I know that ordinary means can't deal with him, unless that person is willing to accept employment, otherwise the admiral is a trouble.

  The three of you only need to help me deal with some troubles, such as the straw hat boy's brother and the like.

  Marco and Ace are also your old rivals. "

"Of course."

   "Then there is no problem. I will try my best to solve other problems by myself."

   As he said that, Doflamingo sat calmly on his seat, as if everything was under his control, but as time passed, the situation changed a lot.

First, Luffy, who was brought by Hero, successfully joined Luo, and found the key of Luo's handcuffs through Violet's staring fruit, and found Brook and Von Klein who came here, and then headed towards the top of the mountain together moving forward.

  Facing the teaming up of Luffy and Law, Doflamingo can still handle it, and Katakuri didn't watch the show all the time. He and Owen didn't make a move, but let Daifuku move.

  Even if Brooke's sword can restrain objects like "spirits" summoned by Daifuku's ability, he and Von Clay seem to have a very difficult time dealing with Daifuku.

   "Daifuku, come back!"

  Katakuri seemed to have sensed something, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, even though Daifuku had already gained the advantage, he still forcibly ordered him to return immediately.

   "Katakuri brother, what's wrong?"

   "Get behind me, real trouble is coming."

  Seeing the situation here, Doflamingo was still wondering what was going on, and the soldiers on the side ran up in a panic.

   "Young master! Young master! It's not good! Someone came up! The monster Red Earl came up with Rebecca! He seems to want to."

   "I want to attack you, Doflamingo."

   Before the soldier could finish speaking, Redfield gracefully floated up from the side. He, Rebecca and Padong were all stepping on a huge flying carpet at this moment.

   And this is why Katakuri called to stop Daifuku. He had been predicting the future of the battle just now, and happened to see the scene when Daifuku wanted to attack Brook, and Redfield came here, and then killed Daifuku with one blow.

  Looking at Luffy and Law fighting Doflamingo, Redfield raised his umbrella, and then a blood-red energy turned into a whip, pulling the two of them aside.

  He accepted Rebecca's crusade request because of an exception for personal reasons. In this case, he would never attack a weak person with others, that is not his character.

   "Fight me? Is there any conflict between us?"

   "No, it's just that I accepted a commission from a little girl. I think she is more pleasing to the eye than you, that's all."

  If Rebecca agreed to Redfield's conditions, then Redfield would really directly attack Doflamingo.

   Now, this is only part of the reason why he did it.

   In any case, he couldn't publicly say another reason.

  【I thought you were upset at first, and I'm actually a groupie. You actually want to touch my brother. Do you need a reason to beat you? 】

   "Uncle Ryder?"

  Although Marco has simply popularized the other party's identity, in Luffy's cognition, he still has a deeper understanding of the name Ryder.

   It's better to say that he can remember the word Ledfield, and he didn't give Ledfield any strange nicknames, which is already very good.

   "Luffy, I seem to recognize who he is."

   At the same time, looking at the rejuvenated Redfield, Brook also remembered some past events.

   Logically speaking, he shouldn't remember a child so clearly many years ago.

   But he has been trapped in the Devil's Triangle sea area for many years. During that time, what he does most often is recall the past, recall the past adventures, recall the smiles of his companions, and miss the Rab waiting for them.

   Also included when he was on the ship of the Rumba Pirates, a child once pestered him to ask about the adventure story

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 1217
Chapter 1216
Chapter 1215
Chapter 1214
Chapter 1213
Chapter 1212
Chapter 1211
Chapter 1210
Chapter 1209
Chapter 1208
Chapter 1207
Chapter 1206
Chapter 1205
Chapter 1204
Chapter 1203
Chapter 1202
Chapter 1201
Chapter 1200
Chapter 1199
Chapter 1198
Chapter 1197
Chapter 1196
Chapter 1195
Chapter 1194
Chapter 1193
Chapter 1192
Chapter 1191
Chapter 1190
Chapter 1189
Chapter 1188
Chapter 1187
Chapter 1186
Chapter 1185
Chapter 1184
Chapter 1183
Chapter 1182
Chapter 1181
Chapter 1180
Chapter 1179
Chapter 1178
Chapter 1177
Chapter 1176
Chapter 1175
Chapter 1174
Chapter 1173
Chapter 1172
Chapter 1171
Chapter 1170
Chapter 1169
Chapter 1168
Chapter 1167
Chapter 1166
Chapter 1165
Chapter 1164
Chapter 1163
Chapter 1162
Chapter 1161
Chapter 1160
Chapter 1159
Chapter 1158
Chapter 1157
Chapter 1156
Chapter 1155
Chapter 1154
Chapter 1153
Chapter 1152
Chapter 1151
Chapter 1150
Chapter 1149
Chapter 1148
Chapter 1147
Chapter 1146
Chapter 1145
Chapter 1144
Chapter 1143
Chapter 1142
Chapter 1141
Chapter 1140
Chapter 1139
Chapter 1138
Chapter 1137
Chapter 1136
Chapter 1135
Chapter 1134
Chapter 1133
Chapter 1132
Chapter 1131
Chapter 1130
Chapter 1129
Chapter 1128
Chapter 1127
Chapter 1126
Chapter 1125
Chapter 1124
Chapter 1123
Chapter 1122
Chapter 1121
Chapter 1120
Chapter 1119
Chapter 1118
Chapter 1117
Chapter 1116
Chapter 1115
Chapter 1114
Chapter 1113
Chapter 1112
Chapter 1111
Chapter 1110
Chapter 1109
Chapter 1108
Chapter 1107
Chapter 1106
Chapter 1105
Chapter 1104
Chapter 1103
Chapter 1102
Chapter 1101
Chapter 1100
Chapter 1099
Chapter 1098
Chapter 1097
Chapter 1096
Chapter 1095
Chapter 1094
Chapter 1093
Chapter 1092
Chapter 1091
Chapter 1090
Chapter 1089
Chapter 1088
Chapter 1087
Chapter 1086
Chapter 1085
Chapter 1084
Chapter 1083
Chapter 1082
Chapter 1081
Chapter 1080
Chapter 1079
Chapter 1078
Chapter 1077
Chapter 1076
Chapter 1075
Chapter 1074
Chapter 1073
Chapter 1072
Chapter 1071
Chapter 1070
Chapter 1069
Chapter 1068
Chapter 1067
Chapter 1066
Chapter 1065
Chapter 1064
Chapter 1063
Chapter 1062
Chapter 1061
Chapter 1060
Chapter 1059
Chapter 1058
Chapter 1057
Chapter 1056
Chapter 1055
Chapter 1054
Chapter 1053
Chapter 1052
Chapter 1051
Chapter 1050
Chapter 1049
Chapter 1048
Chapter 1047
Chapter 1046
Chapter 1045
Chapter 1044
Chapter 1043
Chapter 1042
Chapter 1041
Chapter 1040
Chapter 1039
Chapter 1038
Chapter 1037
Chapter 1036
Chapter 1035
Chapter 1034
Chapter 1033
Chapter 1032
Chapter 1031
Chapter 1030
Chapter 1029
Chapter 1028
Chapter 1027
Chapter 1026
Chapter 1025
Chapter 1024
Chapter 1023
Chapter 1022
Chapter 1021
Chapter 1020
Chapter 1019
Chapter 1018
Chapter 1017
Chapter 1016
Chapter 1015
Chapter 1014
Chapter 1013
Chapter 1012
Chapter 1011
Chapter 1010
Chapter 1009
Chapter 1008
Chapter 1007
Chapter 1006
Chapter 1005
Chapter 1004
Chapter 1003
Chapter 1002
Chapter 1001
Chapter 1000
Chapter 999
Chapter 998
Chapter 997
Chapter 996
Chapter 995
Chapter 994
Chapter 993
Chapter 992
Chapter 991
Chapter 990
Chapter 989
Chapter 988
Chapter 987
Chapter 986
Chapter 985
Chapter 984
Chapter 983
Chapter 982
Chapter 981
Chapter 980
Chapter 979
Chapter 978
Chapter 977
Chapter 976
Chapter 975
Chapter 974
Chapter 973
Chapter 972
Chapter 971
Chapter 970
Chapter 969
Chapter 968
Chapter 967
Chapter 966
Chapter 965
Chapter 964
Chapter 963
Chapter 962
Chapter 961
Chapter 960
Chapter 959
Chapter 958
Chapter 957
Chapter 956
Chapter 955
Chapter 954
Chapter 953
Chapter 952
Chapter 951
Chapter 950
Chapter 949
Chapter 948
Chapter 947
Chapter 946
Chapter 945
Chapter 944
Chapter 943
Chapter 942
Chapter 941
Chapter 940
Chapter 939
Chapter 938
Chapter 937
Chapter 936
Chapter 935
Chapter 934
Chapter 933
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Chapter 1
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