13 Mink Street Chapter 234

13 Mink Street Chapter 234

The newcomer looked at Richard in surprise.

Seeing this, Richard understood very well. The newcomer felt a little flattered when faced with the enthusiasm of the old players.

As Richard, who had just joined the team and experienced the humble treatment of newcomers, he thought that he should do something for the newcomers so that he could quickly integrate into the group.

It is precisely because he has experienced embarrassment that he does not want to let other newcomers do it again.

Most importantly, Richard was inexplicably pleasing to the newcomer, and instinctively wanted to get close to him and take care of him.

Immediately, Richard directly put his arms around the shoulders of the newcomer. The newcomer was a little tall, so Richard had to stand on tiptoe:

"Don't worry, I will take care of you in the future, and you will soon feel the unique charm of our team."

The newcomer asked, "You... often go to the dim sum shop?"

"Ha, of course!"

"You know there... well?"


Richard shook his head, trying his best to make his bangs and the evening wind form a suitable angle of encounter, and let his expression match the moonlight to match the appropriate vicissitudes:

"Hey, they are all poor people. It's either that my father owes money by gambling, or that my younger siblings are going to school, so please help if you can."


Richard raised his hand and interrupted: "No way, I'm just so kind..."

At this time, Neo and Karen walked over to this side, and everyone put on masks silently at this time. Every time the captain appeared, it would instantly change the atmosphere of the entire team.

"Introduction, this is a newcomer..."

Having said that, Neo looked at Karen.

Karen immediately answered, "Newcomer Memphis."

The newlyweds are silent;

Richard stretched his elbow and hit the newcomer's chest, and joked:

"It's as ugly as my dad's name."

"Tonight is a clean-up task. There are three Whiplash Squads operating together. Now I have decided to divide our squad into two combat formations;

I, Karen, Fanny, Pei, Wind, Gray, Richard, and Memphis were the first formation, commanded by myself, and the rest were the second formation, commanded by Marlowe.

The first formation is responsible for advancing to spy on the contact; the second formation and the first formation have a sufficient interval and are ready to respond and block at any time. "

Hearing the captain's arrangement, everyone was surprised. They thought it was a simple clean-up task to deal with those crazy monsters, and even thought that their own team would be dispatched ahead of time as usual. Solve the search for the search, and don't even leave the other two squads with the opportunity to clean the battlefield.

But the captain's current arrangement is clearly prepared to retreat as soon as things change. Obviously, the captain believes that the risk factor of this clean-up mission is extremely high.

"I don't want to see a team member die, but if someone insists on being negligent, then I can only choose to attend his mourning service.


action! "

The entire team boarded a freight train bound for the outskirts of the city.

After arriving at the destination, all members jumped out of the car, the first combat formation marched on foot under the leadership of Neo, and the second combat formation rested in place under the leadership of Marlow.

The destination location is a seaside manor, which used to be the fief of a prosperous family, but after the family declined, even the fief was "sold" out.

The business here is naturally not an ordinary business, but more like a replica of another "Allen Manor", but Allen Manor survived, but the family did not.

For a clan with a belief system, the decline of the clan often means that the clansmen are reduced to pigs in the pigsty, and they lose not only their wealth, but also their souls.

Soon, over a small hillside, an ancient castle manor appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

There are electric lights illuminating the manor, and there are many rooms in the castle that are lit, and it doesn't seem to be abnormal.

Xiong arranged a simple shielding aura formation, and everyone rested behind the hillside.

Fanny said, "This was originally Sandro Castle, but now it's Fleiss Castle. The Fleis family is a supplier of Tie Yingsha and has business dealings with the sect, but the latest batch of Tie Ying sent However, there was a problem with the sand composition, and there were many defective products, so three days ago, the relevant departments of the religious religion sent people to be held accountable."

"and then?"

"The people who were then sent out to be held accountable didn't come back."

If the people sent out did not come back, it can explain the problem very well.

If you simply replace the Allais family with the Allen family, would the Allen family dare to mix defective products into the goods directly supplied to the Sect of Order? This is obviously not dare.

In the face of the accountability personnel sent by the Order of God, does the Allen family dare to hold them back...or a more extreme way of handling it, Allen

The family dare not.

How can a family dare to disrespect the religion of order?

But Karen was still a little puzzled. He asked: "That is to say, we don't know what is going on in the manor right now?"


"But the captain said this is a cleanup mission?"

"Having made such a big mistake and causing so much trouble, no matter whether the Ales family took the initiative or forced it, there is no need for it to continue to exist."

Karen nodded, signaling that she understood.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether it's a strange demon or not. The Church of Order thinks that it has been offended, so it must take action.

Although there are various indications that it is impossible for the Ales family to do such a thing as long as the whole mind is not in the water, the order of the gods does not want to go deep into the reasons.

This is indeed a kind of arrogance from the Orthodox Church.

However, for everyone performing tonight's mission, this qualitative method can give them a lot of convenience, and there is no need to worry about taking action. After all, the attack mission is definitely much simpler than the rescue mission.

Richard tore off a grass stalk from his side and put it into his mouth to chew it bit by bit. Although the spicy and earthy smell in his mouth made him almost nauseous, he still maintained an indifferent expression and a sophisticated attitude. look.

Looking at the newcomer beside him, seeing that his body was a little stiff, Richard shook his head and said, "I don't know if you are lucky or unlucky, but the captain actually put you in the first combat formation."

The tone revealed a meaning that only the old team members can undertake such an important task.

The newcomer did not speak.

"Are you nervous?" Richard smiled, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

With that said, Richard patted his backpack.

The newcomer still did not speak, but lay down and looked at the stars in the sky.

Richard felt that this newcomer didn't understand the rules of a newcomer at all, and even when he took care of him like this, he didn't even know how to respond.

Looking up and looking at Karen on the other side, he still wanted to go around and lie down with Karen, so that it would be convenient to talk and not be so boring.


Neo waited for the person he was waiting for.

The two teams came galloping from the road below the hillside. The reason why two groups of people can be clearly seen is because other cars and signs of provocation can be clearly seen during the march.

Seeing this scene, Richard showed a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth, and joked:

"Oh, what a bunch of naughty kids."

After sighing, Richard once again looked at the newcomer lying beside him, who was still looking at the stars.

The two teams stopped at the gate of the Castle of Ales, and two groups of people got out of the car.

The two sides entered the castle together. After they all entered, all the lights in the entire castle were suddenly turned off and became pitch black. This kind of darkness was very strange, because even the moonlight and starlight could not be projected. There, it seems to be isolated from the world in an instant.

"It seems...something is wrong," Richard said.

"What's wrong?"

The captain's voice came from behind Richard, which directly startled Richard.

Turning his head to look at the captain who appeared beside him, Richard swallowed and said, "Captain, how can I know the specifics..."

"It's not an enchantment, it's not a formation, it's a simple shield."

"Shading? How big is its body?"

"The body not only refers to flesh and blood, but anything that can extend from one's body is considered part of the body."

"What do you think it would be?"

"I don't know."

"Then do you think we should take a closer look?"

"I don't know."

"Should I report it directly now and keep watching?"

"I don't know."

Neo nodded. Instead of being angry, he laughed. Although he was wearing a mask, Richard could hear the captain's laughter.

Seeing that the captain and the newcomer were chatting in this way, no matter how stupid Richard was, he realized that the newcomer was not easy. For a time, Richard felt that his face was a little hot.

The captain went to another position, and Richard took the opportunity to reach out and push the newcomer, and asked:

"What did you do before?"

The newcomer turned his head, looked at Richard, then turned back and continued to look at the stars.

Richard's lips flipped, and there was a wave of silent output to the newcomer.

"How do you feel now?" The captain's voice appeared beside Karen.



Karen felt that the captain seemed to regard himself as "the Chasai prophecy mother-in-law".

"I think the following should be very dangerous, but it depends on when the two teams will come out. Or, even if they can't come out, they should make some noise in the manor."

From the time the two teams entered the manor, there has been no movement at all. Of course, even if Karen and others are at a high place now, they cannot see the slightest in the castle.

"My feeling is very strong." Neo said, "The darkness makes me very uncomfortable."

Karen knew that the captain possessed the power of the light system. After the darkness appeared to cover the entire manor, the captain should have sensed something.

Even Karen felt that the captain should have some kind of premonition earlier than himself. In the afternoon at the entrance of the Lemar Ceramics Museum, saying that he was sleeping in it was a hint, maybe just because the captain didn't want to be this "prophetic mother-in-law" So push yourself.

In short, this is the first time I have seen a captain who has always called himself a hunting dog, so... cautious.

Time, minute by minute.

It has been nearly an hour since the two teams entered the castle manor.

During this time, Neo, the captain, did not issue any orders, and everyone in the first combat formation silently squatted or lay on the back of the slope.

"It's almost time, Fanny, notify the second formation and ask them to report to the Divine Sect in my name. My three squads suffered a strange attack in the manor and were seriously injured. Please ask for support."

"Yes, Captain."

After giving the order, the captain's figure disappeared again, and then on the other side of the slope, Karen saw the captain's figure again.

"Where's your sword, why didn't you bring it this time?" He moved to Karen and asked.

"It's too heavy, and it doesn't feel very convenient."

"Oh, that's it." Xiong reached out and patted the back of Karen's hand, looking at the captain's current position, "Do you think the captain is a little strange today?"

"The captain must have his reasons."

"Of course I know." She gave Karen a white look, and said nothing, but simply lay down and played with her nose ring with her fingertips.

Suddenly, the darkness that originally shrouded the castle of Ales began to dissipate, and the lights came back to life.

A group of people walked out from the gate of the manor. They seemed to be the members of the two Whiplash Squads. They got into the car they came from. The car started quickly and the lights came back on. They turned around and returned to the way they came. , and even, on the way back, they were still provoking each other.

All of this is inexplicably weird.

Because the three teams received the same task, the characterization of this task could not be peaceful. After the two teams entered, they came out again. As a result, there was no change in the castle?

So what do they go in for?

The only reasonable explanation is probably that the ancient castle of Ales gave enough sincerity to apologize, handed over the culprit, and at the same time gave enough compensation to the two teams to let them use that person to deal with each other. After all, the degree of cleanup of the cleanup task is still decided by the cleanup person, that is, the leader of the respective squad.

Now, they are equivalent to completing the task and starting their return journey.

But if things are really that simple, how should the darkness that appeared earlier be explained?

Neo appeared in the middle of the team again, and ordered: "Everyone retreat, Fanny, send a letter to the second formation and let them try to block the two teams."

"Yes, Captain."

In this way, everyone who had been on this **** for almost two hours began to retreat without doing anything, but no one complained.

After traveling back for about a quarter of an hour, a convoy appeared on the small road ahead. Those cars were all parked on the side of the road, the lights were on, and the engine did not turn off.

Marlowe and the others stood on both sides. Seeing that the captain came back with someone, he took the initiative to say:

"Captain, something happened. We were preparing to block the convoy according to your order. When we were moving along the road, we found that these cars were all parked on the side of the road, and there was no one in the car."

Neo came to the side of the road, opened the door of a car, reached out and touched the seat, then leaned back into the car and sniffed, but found nothing unusual.

The two teams clearly came out by car, and there is absolutely no reason to abandon the car and switch to walking here.

So, where did the people from the two teams go now?

Or, who drove the car out?

"Retract the team and wait for the support team!"

Captain Neo gave an order, which also meant that the mission was almost a failure here, and he did not intend to continue.

The team began to travel in the direction of the railway where the train was jumping from. In the middle section, there is an intersection between the railway and the road. The railway is above and the road passes through the hollow of the arch bridge below.

Just when everyone retreated here, inside the hollow

The lights came on, and cars drove out from inside. They honked their horns and pinned their cars to each other. Many people leaned out of the window and gave each other their middle fingers.

The number, model, and license plate of the car are exactly the same as those found left on the road behind.

"Stop the car!"

Neo gave the order.

The team came to the road, and Fanny fired a red flare with a rifle.

The two convoys stopped, the doors opened, and a large crowd descended from above.

Immediately afterwards, two men in silver masks walked out from the crowd of the two teams, and one of them asked:

"Is it Neo Team?"

Another person said: "It must be them, I have heard from Sangpu's colleagues a long time ago that they are like hunting dogs every time, like to steal the meat early, and don't even leave the scum to others.

Come on, it seems that we are late again this time, and the matter in the manor should have been settled by them. "

Neo walked over and looked at the two captains standing opposite him.

"I'm Neo."

"Hello, Neo, I'm Anthony."


Neo took off his mask, revealed his face, and said to them:

"Please take off your masks now."

"Neo, what do you mean, it's now during the mission." Although he said so, Anthony took off his mask, revealing a thin face~www.mtlnovel.com~What are you doing? Ah? Kansai also took off his mask, revealing a bearded face.

Neo's gaze looked over the faces of the two of them, but he didn't speak.

"Has the manor been settled by your team?" Anthony asked.

"Neo, you can't let us run for nothing!" Kansai shouted, "Anyway, leave me something so that I can treat my men to a late night snack."

"very sorry……"

"Hehe, it seems to have been resolved."

"Go! There's no room for negotiation, anyway, it's a task for the three teams to take over together."

Neo looked at the two of them,


"I'm sorry, I suspect you two are dead."

Anthony and Kansai immediately showed a look of caution. Anthony pulled out the whip, and Kansai had two machetes in his hand, which were in front of him. Seeing his two captains posing defensively, the players behind them also followed suit. into battle preparations.

Neo rolled up his cuffs, revealing a silver watch, and said:

"On the table."

"What do you mean, just weaned incoherent!" Kansai cursed directly.

Neo said:

"Four past five."

Anthony looked down at his watch, his eyes narrowed, and he responded:

"One past five."

Today is an update, the following plot is more difficult to write, I need to scrutinize it.

Chapter end

Chapter 961
Chapter 960
Chapter 950
Chapter 949
Chapter 944
Chapter 943
Chapter 942
Chapter 941
Chapter 940
Chapter 939
Chapter 938
Chapter 937
Chapter 936
Chapter 935
Chapter 934
Chapter 933
Chapter 932
Chapter 931
Chapter 930
Chapter 929
Chapter 928
Chapter 927
Chapter 894
Chapter 893
Chapter 892
Chapter 891
Chapter 890
Chapter 889
Chapter 888
Chapter 887
Chapter 886
Chapter 885
Chapter 884
Chapter 883
Chapter 882
Chapter 881
Chapter 880
Chapter 879
Chapter 871
Chapter 870
Chapter 869
Chapter 868
Chapter 867
Chapter 866
Chapter 865
Chapter 864
Chapter 863
Chapter 862
Chapter 861
Chapter 860
Chapter 859
Chapter 858
Chapter 857
Chapter 856
Chapter 855
Chapter 854
Chapter 853
Chapter 852
Chapter 851
Chapter 850
Chapter 849
Chapter 848
Chapter 847
Chapter 846
Chapter 844
Chapter 843
Chapter 842
Chapter 841
Chapter 840
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Chapter 837
Chapter 836
Chapter 835
Chapter 834
Chapter 833
Chapter 832
Chapter 831
Chapter 830
Chapter 829
Chapter 828
Chapter 827
Chapter 826
Chapter 825
Chapter 824
Chapter 823
Chapter 822
Chapter 821
Chapter 820
Chapter 819
Chapter 818
Chapter 817
Chapter 816
Chapter 815
Chapter 814
Chapter 813
Chapter 812
Chapter 811
Chapter 810
Chapter 809
Chapter 808
Chapter 807
Chapter 806
Chapter 805
Chapter 804
Chapter 803
Chapter 802
Chapter 801
Chapter 800
Chapter 799
Chapter 798
Chapter 797
Chapter 796
Chapter 795
Chapter 794
Chapter 793
Chapter 792
Chapter 791
Chapter 790
Chapter 789
Chapter 788
Chapter 787
Chapter 786
Chapter 785
Chapter 784
Chapter 783
Chapter 782
Chapter 781
Chapter 780
Chapter 779
Chapter 778
Chapter 777
Chapter 776
Chapter 775
Chapter 774
Chapter 773
Chapter 772
Chapter 771
Chapter 770
Chapter 769
Chapter 768
Chapter 767
Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
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Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
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Chapter 725
Chapter 724
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Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
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Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
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Chapter 31
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Chapter 25
Chapter 24
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Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
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Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
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Chapter 1
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