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Divine Ability Or Human God Body: The Choice Of Fire

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Title: Pyrokinesis vs. The Human God Body Given these options, most would undoubtedly choose the latter. After all, the Human God Body bestows incredible abilities like superhuman strength, flight, speed, and laser-like vision. When Zhao Zheng found himself with this choice, he didnt hesitate to pick option 2. Little did he know, this decision would leave many puzzled and questioning. "Why choose the so-called Human God body, deemed the most useless, over pyrokinesis? Is he a fool?" "What a joke! The Human God is just a flashy waste, and someone fell for it?" "If stupidity had a name, hed be the all-time champion!" In this world devoid of sunlight, eerie monsters roam, and danger lurks everywhere. The once-mighty superhuman body, now considered a useless talent due to the absence of sunlight? Zhao Zhengs smile widened as he realized the truth. "No sunlight? No problem, Ill create my own!" "And hold your laughter, I dont eat beef!" Note: An original urban fantasy with no reading barriers! Chinese raw: 82059
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Title: Pyrokinesis vs. The Human God Body Given these options, most would undoubtedly choose the latter. After all, the Human God Body bestows incredible abilities like superhuman strength, flight, speed, and laser-like vision. When Zhao Zheng found himself with this choice, he didnt hesitate to pick option 2. Little did he know, this decision would leave many puzzled and questioning. "Why choose the so-called Human God body, deemed the most useless, over pyrokinesis? Is he a fool?" "What a joke! The Human God is just a flashy waste, and someone fell for it?" "If stupidity had a name, hed be the all-time champion!" In this world devoid of sunlight, eerie monsters roam, and danger lurks everywhere. The once-mighty superhuman body, now considered a useless talent due to the absence of sunlight? Zhao Zhengs smile widened as he realized the truth. "No sunlight? No problem, Ill create my own!" "And hold your laughter, I dont eat beef!" Note: An original urban fantasy with no reading barriers! Chinese raw: 82059

Divine Ability Or Human God Body: The Choice Of Fire


Divine Ability Or Human God Body: The Choice Of Fire

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Title: Pyrokinesis vs. The Human God Body Given these options, most would undoubtedly choose the latter. After all, the Human God Body bestows incredible abilities like superhuman strength, flight, speed, and laser-like vision. When Zhao Zheng found himself with this choice, he didnt hesitate to pick option 2. Little did he know, this decision would leave many puzzled and questioning. "Why choose the so-called Human God body, deemed the most useless, over pyrokinesis? Is he a fool?" "What a joke! The Human God is just a flashy waste, and someone fell for it?" "If stupidity had a name, hed be the all-time champion!" In this world devoid of sunlight, eerie monsters roam, and danger lurks everywhere. The once-mighty superhuman body, now considered a useless talent due to the absence of sunlight? Zhao Zhengs smile widened as he realized the truth. "No sunlight? No problem, Ill create my own!" "And hold your laughter, I dont eat beef!" Note: An original urban fantasy with no reading barriers! Chinese raw: 82059
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Title: Pyrokinesis vs. The Human God Body Given these options, most would undoubtedly choose the latter. After all, the Human God Body bestows incredible abilities like superhuman strength, flight, speed, and laser-like vision. When Zhao Zheng found himself with this choice, he didnt hesitate to pick option 2. Little did he know, this decision would leave many puzzled and questioning. "Why choose the so-called Human God body, deemed the most useless, over pyrokinesis? Is he a fool?" "What a joke! The Human God is just a flashy waste, and someone fell for it?" "If stupidity had a name, hed be the all-time champion!" In this world devoid of sunlight, eerie monsters roam, and danger lurks everywhere. The once-mighty superhuman body, now considered a useless talent due to the absence of sunlight? Zhao Zhengs smile widened as he realized the truth. "No sunlight? No problem, Ill create my own!" "And hold your laughter, I dont eat beef!" Note: An original urban fantasy with no reading barriers! Chinese raw: 82059
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