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The Celestial Heavenly Immortal Path: Chaos Golden Red Dragon Hidden Within

1 Votes
The gate to immortality has been closed off for over two hundred thousands years, the voices the gods, goddess have been forgotten. Mankind has been advice technology with power spirit master that can withstand any kind of creatures. The humans of Mother Star Vilyra invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. With these advancements, they went on to conquer the oceans and discovered new continents. Wars between mankind and demons have been at war hundred thousands years well, while both parties arent willing to fall down the demon race has pushed back. The demon spirit beasts, not willing to fade away, plot an uprising for their survival. In the midst of this, a god from a long forgotten era awakens in the depths of the Great Star Forest to seek vengeance for the demon beasts. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself—Lorenzo Akash Beaufort! Hope for both humanity and the demon spirit beasts race, as the bridge between the two. As Lorenzo slowly finds himself into the doors for the number one most powerful university in the world Lorenzo finds himself making friends, being taught by power spirit masters, makes enemies, finds allies in the hall of Monkenzo Grail Spirit University. He learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends and finds allies, eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Monkenzo Grail Spirit Academy. Lorenzo discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demon spirit beasts plot continues to steadily advance. Lorenzo must learn how to control the mysterious power within his body as he finds his on path.
1 Votes
The gate to immortality has been closed off for over two hundred thousands years, the voices the gods, goddess have been forgotten. Mankind has been advice technology with power spirit master that can withstand any kind of creatures. The humans of Mother Star Vilyra invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. With these advancements, they went on to conquer the oceans and discovered new continents. Wars between mankind and demons have been at war hundred thousands years well, while both parties arent willing to fall down the demon race has pushed back. The demon spirit beasts, not willing to fade away, plot an uprising for their survival. In the midst of this, a god from a long forgotten era awakens in the depths of the Great Star Forest to seek vengeance for the demon beasts. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself—Lorenzo Akash Beaufort! Hope for both humanity and the demon spirit beasts race, as the bridge between the two. As Lorenzo slowly finds himself into the doors for the number one most powerful university in the world Lorenzo finds himself making friends, being taught by power spirit masters, makes enemies, finds allies in the hall of Monkenzo Grail Spirit University. He learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends and finds allies, eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Monkenzo Grail Spirit Academy. Lorenzo discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demon spirit beasts plot continues to steadily advance. Lorenzo must learn how to control the mysterious power within his body as he finds his on path.

The Celestial Heavenly Immortal Path: Chaos Golden Red Dragon Hidden Within


The Celestial Heavenly Immortal Path: Chaos Golden Red Dragon Hidden Within

(1 Votes)
The gate to immortality has been closed off for over two hundred thousands years, the voices the gods, goddess have been forgotten. Mankind has been advice technology with power spirit master that can withstand any kind of creatures. The humans of Mother Star Vilyra invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. With these advancements, they went on to conquer the oceans and discovered new continents. Wars between mankind and demons have been at war hundred thousands years well, while both parties arent willing to fall down the demon race has pushed back. The demon spirit beasts, not willing to fade away, plot an uprising for their survival. In the midst of this, a god from a long forgotten era awakens in the depths of the Great Star Forest to seek vengeance for the demon beasts. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself—Lorenzo Akash Beaufort! Hope for both humanity and the demon spirit beasts race, as the bridge between the two. As Lorenzo slowly finds himself into the doors for the number one most powerful university in the world Lorenzo finds himself making friends, being taught by power spirit masters, makes enemies, finds allies in the hall of Monkenzo Grail Spirit University. He learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends and finds allies, eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Monkenzo Grail Spirit Academy. Lorenzo discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demon spirit beasts plot continues to steadily advance. Lorenzo must learn how to control the mysterious power within his body as he finds his on path.
Gloria Drinka
Comments 1
The gate to immortality has been closed off for over two hundred thousands years, the voices the gods, goddess have been forgotten. Mankind has been advice technology with power spirit master that can withstand any kind of creatures. The humans of Mother Star Vilyra invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. With these advancements, they went on to conquer the oceans and discovered new continents. Wars between mankind and demons have been at war hundred thousands years well, while both parties arent willing to fall down the demon race has pushed back. The demon spirit beasts, not willing to fade away, plot an uprising for their survival. In the midst of this, a god from a long forgotten era awakens in the depths of the Great Star Forest to seek vengeance for the demon beasts. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himself—Lorenzo Akash Beaufort! Hope for both humanity and the demon spirit beasts race, as the bridge between the two. As Lorenzo slowly finds himself into the doors for the number one most powerful university in the world Lorenzo finds himself making friends, being taught by power spirit masters, makes enemies, finds allies in the hall of Monkenzo Grail Spirit University. He learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends and finds allies, eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Monkenzo Grail Spirit Academy. Lorenzo discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the demon spirit beasts plot continues to steadily advance. Lorenzo must learn how to control the mysterious power within his body as he finds his on path.
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Sep 26, 2024
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