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Living A Good Life Of Widowhood After Transmigrating.

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One day, Chu Huaiyue finds herself faced with two difficult choices after time-traveling: either marry a man in his sixties as his second wife, or marry a dead duke and be a widow for the rest of her life. Without hesitation, Chu Huaiyue chooses the latter option. "The Dukes family is wealthy and influential," she reasons. "As the Duchess, Ill enjoy a life of luxury and power, without having to serve my husband, bear children, or deal with mother-in-law issues. All I need to do is enjoy life to the fullest. This is a dream come true! I must marry him!" However, soon after her marriage, she realizes that life is not as easy as she imagined. She has to deal with a rebellious younger brother-in-law, a spoiled younger sister-in-law, and various conspiracies that come her way. Undeterred, Chu Huaiyue, with her elite special forces background, confidently faces these challenges head-on. She punches the naughty children, kicks the villains, and carves out a beautiful life for herself. Just as she is about to settle into her new life, a bolt from the blue strikes: "What? My dead husband is alive? Wait a minute, this Duke... he looks familiar."
1 Votes
One day, Chu Huaiyue finds herself faced with two difficult choices after time-traveling: either marry a man in his sixties as his second wife, or marry a dead duke and be a widow for the rest of her life. Without hesitation, Chu Huaiyue chooses the latter option. "The Dukes family is wealthy and influential," she reasons. "As the Duchess, Ill enjoy a life of luxury and power, without having to serve my husband, bear children, or deal with mother-in-law issues. All I need to do is enjoy life to the fullest. This is a dream come true! I must marry him!" However, soon after her marriage, she realizes that life is not as easy as she imagined. She has to deal with a rebellious younger brother-in-law, a spoiled younger sister-in-law, and various conspiracies that come her way. Undeterred, Chu Huaiyue, with her elite special forces background, confidently faces these challenges head-on. She punches the naughty children, kicks the villains, and carves out a beautiful life for herself. Just as she is about to settle into her new life, a bolt from the blue strikes: "What? My dead husband is alive? Wait a minute, this Duke... he looks familiar."

Living A Good Life Of Widowhood After Transmigrating.


Living A Good Life Of Widowhood After Transmigrating.

(1 Votes)
One day, Chu Huaiyue finds herself faced with two difficult choices after time-traveling: either marry a man in his sixties as his second wife, or marry a dead duke and be a widow for the rest of her life. Without hesitation, Chu Huaiyue chooses the latter option. "The Dukes family is wealthy and influential," she reasons. "As the Duchess, Ill enjoy a life of luxury and power, without having to serve my husband, bear children, or deal with mother-in-law issues. All I need to do is enjoy life to the fullest. This is a dream come true! I must marry him!" However, soon after her marriage, she realizes that life is not as easy as she imagined. She has to deal with a rebellious younger brother-in-law, a spoiled younger sister-in-law, and various conspiracies that come her way. Undeterred, Chu Huaiyue, with her elite special forces background, confidently faces these challenges head-on. She punches the naughty children, kicks the villains, and carves out a beautiful life for herself. Just as she is about to settle into her new life, a bolt from the blue strikes: "What? My dead husband is alive? Wait a minute, this Duke... he looks familiar."
Comments 1
One day, Chu Huaiyue finds herself faced with two difficult choices after time-traveling: either marry a man in his sixties as his second wife, or marry a dead duke and be a widow for the rest of her life. Without hesitation, Chu Huaiyue chooses the latter option. "The Dukes family is wealthy and influential," she reasons. "As the Duchess, Ill enjoy a life of luxury and power, without having to serve my husband, bear children, or deal with mother-in-law issues. All I need to do is enjoy life to the fullest. This is a dream come true! I must marry him!" However, soon after her marriage, she realizes that life is not as easy as she imagined. She has to deal with a rebellious younger brother-in-law, a spoiled younger sister-in-law, and various conspiracies that come her way. Undeterred, Chu Huaiyue, with her elite special forces background, confidently faces these challenges head-on. She punches the naughty children, kicks the villains, and carves out a beautiful life for herself. Just as she is about to settle into her new life, a bolt from the blue strikes: "What? My dead husband is alive? Wait a minute, this Duke... he looks familiar."
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Sep 26, 2024
The series Living A Good Life Of Widowhood After Transmigrating. contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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