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The Rebirth Of The Fearsome Drunken Celestial Dragon God Grand Master

1 Votes
He cannot remember his time until he became a cultivate everything about those memories are nothing more than a dream. When he started to cultivate Xie Mo Jincheng became known as a genius only at age 100 years old be became an immortal, he was feared everyone around him. He lived a peaceful life until he died by being betrayed by his own family. when he awakened he lost those memories but he became even more powerful then before each time he was reborn he end up being betrayed and died because of someone. His life he has never had peace so this time a strange screen pops up in front of him asking him if he wants to take revenge. Do you want a knew life? Do you want revenge How about you become my host? I shell make you stronger Save it after all I was once known as the fearsome celestial God if this system wants to use me fine lets use each other after all I wonder who am I.
1 Votes
He cannot remember his time until he became a cultivate everything about those memories are nothing more than a dream. When he started to cultivate Xie Mo Jincheng became known as a genius only at age 100 years old be became an immortal, he was feared everyone around him. He lived a peaceful life until he died by being betrayed by his own family. when he awakened he lost those memories but he became even more powerful then before each time he was reborn he end up being betrayed and died because of someone. His life he has never had peace so this time a strange screen pops up in front of him asking him if he wants to take revenge. Do you want a knew life? Do you want revenge How about you become my host? I shell make you stronger Save it after all I was once known as the fearsome celestial God if this system wants to use me fine lets use each other after all I wonder who am I.

The Rebirth Of The Fearsome Drunken Celestial Dragon God Grand Master


The Rebirth Of The Fearsome Drunken Celestial Dragon God Grand Master

(1 Votes)
He cannot remember his time until he became a cultivate everything about those memories are nothing more than a dream. When he started to cultivate Xie Mo Jincheng became known as a genius only at age 100 years old be became an immortal, he was feared everyone around him. He lived a peaceful life until he died by being betrayed by his own family. when he awakened he lost those memories but he became even more powerful then before each time he was reborn he end up being betrayed and died because of someone. His life he has never had peace so this time a strange screen pops up in front of him asking him if he wants to take revenge. Do you want a knew life? Do you want revenge How about you become my host? I shell make you stronger Save it after all I was once known as the fearsome celestial God if this system wants to use me fine lets use each other after all I wonder who am I.
Gloria Drinka
Comments 1
He cannot remember his time until he became a cultivate everything about those memories are nothing more than a dream. When he started to cultivate Xie Mo Jincheng became known as a genius only at age 100 years old be became an immortal, he was feared everyone around him. He lived a peaceful life until he died by being betrayed by his own family. when he awakened he lost those memories but he became even more powerful then before each time he was reborn he end up being betrayed and died because of someone. His life he has never had peace so this time a strange screen pops up in front of him asking him if he wants to take revenge. Do you want a knew life? Do you want revenge How about you become my host? I shell make you stronger Save it after all I was once known as the fearsome celestial God if this system wants to use me fine lets use each other after all I wonder who am I.
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Sep 26, 2024
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