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Reborn Dragon All Of You Guys Leave Me Alone I Am Actually A Guy

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In the world there are some who can be reborn, others just die and live a peaceful life, they are some who are born with great power, and other that were born before the world itself, but it has long since been legends ever since people have ever seen those kind of being they are known to be even more powerful then the First Seat God Powerhouse they are full of mysterious secrets and are people who everyone wants to catch make them do what they please. Luis meant a mysterious old man who seemed to know him. His twin sister asked him for a favor to play a harem game about Saintliness and her thirteen mysterious husband he was about to play the game when he felt some kind of mysterious heat and he passed out. Luis woke up inside a mysterious world which figured out he is inside his sisters favorite game, which is a novel, manga, anime TV show, anime movie series. Its like he doesnt mind being in a world where high technology is and where royalty is there with status and everything but he was reborn within a body a six year old who will soon be ruined in ten years! He doesnt want to die nor does he want to be around any of the main characters of the book. His system seems to make things hard for him it has forced him to cross dress to the point that many males have asked for his hand of marriage. Wait a moment but I am a guy I am straight so stop chasing after me! Living a double life isnt fun when you are the one who is doing it! Why are these thirteen main male leads following him stay away from me you idiots who will kill in the near future nothing is going his way but they are mysterious memories within his mind as well what the hell is happening to me? Gentleman stop chasing after me I am actually a guy not a girl so fuck off all of you. The female lead bitch wants to play with fire I will play with fire! I will crush my woman form and my normal form lets see who will win this game.
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In the world there are some who can be reborn, others just die and live a peaceful life, they are some who are born with great power, and other that were born before the world itself, but it has long since been legends ever since people have ever seen those kind of being they are known to be even more powerful then the First Seat God Powerhouse they are full of mysterious secrets and are people who everyone wants to catch make them do what they please. Luis meant a mysterious old man who seemed to know him. His twin sister asked him for a favor to play a harem game about Saintliness and her thirteen mysterious husband he was about to play the game when he felt some kind of mysterious heat and he passed out. Luis woke up inside a mysterious world which figured out he is inside his sisters favorite game, which is a novel, manga, anime TV show, anime movie series. Its like he doesnt mind being in a world where high technology is and where royalty is there with status and everything but he was reborn within a body a six year old who will soon be ruined in ten years! He doesnt want to die nor does he want to be around any of the main characters of the book. His system seems to make things hard for him it has forced him to cross dress to the point that many males have asked for his hand of marriage. Wait a moment but I am a guy I am straight so stop chasing after me! Living a double life isnt fun when you are the one who is doing it! Why are these thirteen main male leads following him stay away from me you idiots who will kill in the near future nothing is going his way but they are mysterious memories within his mind as well what the hell is happening to me? Gentleman stop chasing after me I am actually a guy not a girl so fuck off all of you. The female lead bitch wants to play with fire I will play with fire! I will crush my woman form and my normal form lets see who will win this game.

Reborn Dragon All Of You Guys Leave Me Alone I Am Actually A Guy


Reborn Dragon All Of You Guys Leave Me Alone I Am Actually A Guy

(0 Votes)
In the world there are some who can be reborn, others just die and live a peaceful life, they are some who are born with great power, and other that were born before the world itself, but it has long since been legends ever since people have ever seen those kind of being they are known to be even more powerful then the First Seat God Powerhouse they are full of mysterious secrets and are people who everyone wants to catch make them do what they please. Luis meant a mysterious old man who seemed to know him. His twin sister asked him for a favor to play a harem game about Saintliness and her thirteen mysterious husband he was about to play the game when he felt some kind of mysterious heat and he passed out. Luis woke up inside a mysterious world which figured out he is inside his sisters favorite game, which is a novel, manga, anime TV show, anime movie series. Its like he doesnt mind being in a world where high technology is and where royalty is there with status and everything but he was reborn within a body a six year old who will soon be ruined in ten years! He doesnt want to die nor does he want to be around any of the main characters of the book. His system seems to make things hard for him it has forced him to cross dress to the point that many males have asked for his hand of marriage. Wait a moment but I am a guy I am straight so stop chasing after me! Living a double life isnt fun when you are the one who is doing it! Why are these thirteen main male leads following him stay away from me you idiots who will kill in the near future nothing is going his way but they are mysterious memories within his mind as well what the hell is happening to me? Gentleman stop chasing after me I am actually a guy not a girl so fuck off all of you. The female lead bitch wants to play with fire I will play with fire! I will crush my woman form and my normal form lets see who will win this game.
Gloria Drinka
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In the world there are some who can be reborn, others just die and live a peaceful life, they are some who are born with great power, and other that were born before the world itself, but it has long since been legends ever since people have ever seen those kind of being they are known to be even more powerful then the First Seat God Powerhouse they are full of mysterious secrets and are people who everyone wants to catch make them do what they please. Luis meant a mysterious old man who seemed to know him. His twin sister asked him for a favor to play a harem game about Saintliness and her thirteen mysterious husband he was about to play the game when he felt some kind of mysterious heat and he passed out. Luis woke up inside a mysterious world which figured out he is inside his sisters favorite game, which is a novel, manga, anime TV show, anime movie series. Its like he doesnt mind being in a world where high technology is and where royalty is there with status and everything but he was reborn within a body a six year old who will soon be ruined in ten years! He doesnt want to die nor does he want to be around any of the main characters of the book. His system seems to make things hard for him it has forced him to cross dress to the point that many males have asked for his hand of marriage. Wait a moment but I am a guy I am straight so stop chasing after me! Living a double life isnt fun when you are the one who is doing it! Why are these thirteen main male leads following him stay away from me you idiots who will kill in the near future nothing is going his way but they are mysterious memories within his mind as well what the hell is happening to me? Gentleman stop chasing after me I am actually a guy not a girl so fuck off all of you. The female lead bitch wants to play with fire I will play with fire! I will crush my woman form and my normal form lets see who will win this game.
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