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I Transmigrated Into Pet Fish With A Arrogant Unless Scamming System

1 Votes
Dominic was celebrating his eighteenth birthday with his best friends and family when he went to take a short nape he found himself transmigrated into a different world reborn as not a person not a mythical power creature but as a fish! A weak fish! To make matters worse his taken in by the future tyrant cult demonic lord that will be feared by all! But the cute beautiful fish what he sees a pitiful kid who is bullied by other but at the same time the fish doesnt know how cunning this young boy is. System host your job is make sure that the main character in this world doesnt become a villain or fall far from the tree. Huh System how am I suppose to do that when I am just a dumb fish? The system host will find away so do as I say! Arrogant bastard sending me off to my death. Gong Jian acts innocently around his little cute fish always taking care of the cute fish and spoiling it. Those who dare harm his pet has ended up dead in a horrible way that Dominic doesnt know in his mind he thinks little demonic cult prince is becoming innocent but he has fall far from the tree long time ago! Gong Jian your pet fish isnt normal is it? His father once asked. Gong Jian your pet fish seems it has changed what type of pet did you get and where did you find? Gong Jian your fish is so beautiful then any other mythical creature I have ever seen before. Gong Jian I want to buy your pet. Soon Dominic found himself in a world of cultivation taking on mission by the arrogant system saving the prince making sure nothing goes off the coast and also making sure that he keeps himself hidden as well as being a good pet sure. Sure he can do that as soon as his finished with this mission he can finally go home and be with his family right? The system has been two years how come I havent even gotten strong at all? The system never answers his question why is the main propagandist getting overprotect over his small fish?
1 Votes
Dominic was celebrating his eighteenth birthday with his best friends and family when he went to take a short nape he found himself transmigrated into a different world reborn as not a person not a mythical power creature but as a fish! A weak fish! To make matters worse his taken in by the future tyrant cult demonic lord that will be feared by all! But the cute beautiful fish what he sees a pitiful kid who is bullied by other but at the same time the fish doesnt know how cunning this young boy is. System host your job is make sure that the main character in this world doesnt become a villain or fall far from the tree. Huh System how am I suppose to do that when I am just a dumb fish? The system host will find away so do as I say! Arrogant bastard sending me off to my death. Gong Jian acts innocently around his little cute fish always taking care of the cute fish and spoiling it. Those who dare harm his pet has ended up dead in a horrible way that Dominic doesnt know in his mind he thinks little demonic cult prince is becoming innocent but he has fall far from the tree long time ago! Gong Jian your pet fish isnt normal is it? His father once asked. Gong Jian your pet fish seems it has changed what type of pet did you get and where did you find? Gong Jian your fish is so beautiful then any other mythical creature I have ever seen before. Gong Jian I want to buy your pet. Soon Dominic found himself in a world of cultivation taking on mission by the arrogant system saving the prince making sure nothing goes off the coast and also making sure that he keeps himself hidden as well as being a good pet sure. Sure he can do that as soon as his finished with this mission he can finally go home and be with his family right? The system has been two years how come I havent even gotten strong at all? The system never answers his question why is the main propagandist getting overprotect over his small fish?

I Transmigrated Into Pet Fish With A Arrogant Unless Scamming System


I Transmigrated Into Pet Fish With A Arrogant Unless Scamming System

(1 Votes)
Tum Drin
Dominic was celebrating his eighteenth birthday with his best friends and family when he went to take a short nape he found himself transmigrated into a different world reborn as not a person not a mythical power creature but as a fish! A weak fish! To make matters worse his taken in by the future tyrant cult demonic lord that will be feared by all! But the cute beautiful fish what he sees a pitiful kid who is bullied by other but at the same time the fish doesnt know how cunning this young boy is. System host your job is make sure that the main character in this world doesnt become a villain or fall far from the tree. Huh System how am I suppose to do that when I am just a dumb fish? The system host will find away so do as I say! Arrogant bastard sending me off to my death. Gong Jian acts innocently around his little cute fish always taking care of the cute fish and spoiling it. Those who dare harm his pet has ended up dead in a horrible way that Dominic doesnt know in his mind he thinks little demonic cult prince is becoming innocent but he has fall far from the tree long time ago! Gong Jian your pet fish isnt normal is it? His father once asked. Gong Jian your pet fish seems it has changed what type of pet did you get and where did you find? Gong Jian your fish is so beautiful then any other mythical creature I have ever seen before. Gong Jian I want to buy your pet. Soon Dominic found himself in a world of cultivation taking on mission by the arrogant system saving the prince making sure nothing goes off the coast and also making sure that he keeps himself hidden as well as being a good pet sure. Sure he can do that as soon as his finished with this mission he can finally go home and be with his family right? The system has been two years how come I havent even gotten strong at all? The system never answers his question why is the main propagandist getting overprotect over his small fish?
Gloria Drinka
Comments 1
Dominic was celebrating his eighteenth birthday with his best friends and family when he went to take a short nape he found himself transmigrated into a different world reborn as not a person not a mythical power creature but as a fish! A weak fish! To make matters worse his taken in by the future tyrant cult demonic lord that will be feared by all! But the cute beautiful fish what he sees a pitiful kid who is bullied by other but at the same time the fish doesnt know how cunning this young boy is. System host your job is make sure that the main character in this world doesnt become a villain or fall far from the tree. Huh System how am I suppose to do that when I am just a dumb fish? The system host will find away so do as I say! Arrogant bastard sending me off to my death. Gong Jian acts innocently around his little cute fish always taking care of the cute fish and spoiling it. Those who dare harm his pet has ended up dead in a horrible way that Dominic doesnt know in his mind he thinks little demonic cult prince is becoming innocent but he has fall far from the tree long time ago! Gong Jian your pet fish isnt normal is it? His father once asked. Gong Jian your pet fish seems it has changed what type of pet did you get and where did you find? Gong Jian your fish is so beautiful then any other mythical creature I have ever seen before. Gong Jian I want to buy your pet. Soon Dominic found himself in a world of cultivation taking on mission by the arrogant system saving the prince making sure nothing goes off the coast and also making sure that he keeps himself hidden as well as being a good pet sure. Sure he can do that as soon as his finished with this mission he can finally go home and be with his family right? The system has been two years how come I havent even gotten strong at all? The system never answers his question why is the main propagandist getting overprotect over his small fish?
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Sep 25, 2024
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