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Thirteen Dragon Heavenly Pillars

1 Votes
The world was once peaceful. There were once dragons that flew around the world but after the great war between the gods, humans, and demons the dragon race beytraled by all the races making them suffer a cruel death. Millions of years later the world is in chaos there are monsters that roam around the world the sound of dragons are now nothing more then myth those with dragon bloodline arent even pure dragon bloodline. The most dragon deity god once destroyed by the Sea God but before it died it shuttered its part into thirteen pillars in different places the other half of itself disappeared out of nowhere as for the other thirteen pillars who ever is worthy enough will be the one who is the true heir to the dragons. There are two young boys one is by the demon clan ever since birth he has suffered a cruel death but lost his memories being taken by the Gong Family but they seem to be more of his past then there is to tell while his the prince of demon clan and he doesnt know who he really is he will do whatever it takes to protect those he holds dears. He loves to party and drink liquor and he really doesnt care who dies or lives as long as it doesnt touch his family. The other boy is known to be emotionless and cold heart he was trained to seal off his emotions he was born great abilities since birth but because of that he was always pressured to do the best to the point he felt like he didnt have the time of his own he was strong he came from a powerful royal family. To him everything comes easy one must follow the rules no matter. He will never stand by and watch innocent people die he will raise his sword to pierce the sky. Everyone says that he will reach above all the elders but how can he truly go? When these two boys meet each other they find out there bloodline not just work well together it seem to always complete each other making them perfect for each other but they are like fire and water one loves being lazy and breaking the rules the other is a ruler follow doesnt like when the other person makes him look bad but both of them will protect each other and deepen there friend but what reason why are they connect to each other?
1 Votes
The world was once peaceful. There were once dragons that flew around the world but after the great war between the gods, humans, and demons the dragon race beytraled by all the races making them suffer a cruel death. Millions of years later the world is in chaos there are monsters that roam around the world the sound of dragons are now nothing more then myth those with dragon bloodline arent even pure dragon bloodline. The most dragon deity god once destroyed by the Sea God but before it died it shuttered its part into thirteen pillars in different places the other half of itself disappeared out of nowhere as for the other thirteen pillars who ever is worthy enough will be the one who is the true heir to the dragons. There are two young boys one is by the demon clan ever since birth he has suffered a cruel death but lost his memories being taken by the Gong Family but they seem to be more of his past then there is to tell while his the prince of demon clan and he doesnt know who he really is he will do whatever it takes to protect those he holds dears. He loves to party and drink liquor and he really doesnt care who dies or lives as long as it doesnt touch his family. The other boy is known to be emotionless and cold heart he was trained to seal off his emotions he was born great abilities since birth but because of that he was always pressured to do the best to the point he felt like he didnt have the time of his own he was strong he came from a powerful royal family. To him everything comes easy one must follow the rules no matter. He will never stand by and watch innocent people die he will raise his sword to pierce the sky. Everyone says that he will reach above all the elders but how can he truly go? When these two boys meet each other they find out there bloodline not just work well together it seem to always complete each other making them perfect for each other but they are like fire and water one loves being lazy and breaking the rules the other is a ruler follow doesnt like when the other person makes him look bad but both of them will protect each other and deepen there friend but what reason why are they connect to each other?

Thirteen Dragon Heavenly Pillars


Thirteen Dragon Heavenly Pillars

(1 Votes)
The world was once peaceful. There were once dragons that flew around the world but after the great war between the gods, humans, and demons the dragon race beytraled by all the races making them suffer a cruel death. Millions of years later the world is in chaos there are monsters that roam around the world the sound of dragons are now nothing more then myth those with dragon bloodline arent even pure dragon bloodline. The most dragon deity god once destroyed by the Sea God but before it died it shuttered its part into thirteen pillars in different places the other half of itself disappeared out of nowhere as for the other thirteen pillars who ever is worthy enough will be the one who is the true heir to the dragons. There are two young boys one is by the demon clan ever since birth he has suffered a cruel death but lost his memories being taken by the Gong Family but they seem to be more of his past then there is to tell while his the prince of demon clan and he doesnt know who he really is he will do whatever it takes to protect those he holds dears. He loves to party and drink liquor and he really doesnt care who dies or lives as long as it doesnt touch his family. The other boy is known to be emotionless and cold heart he was trained to seal off his emotions he was born great abilities since birth but because of that he was always pressured to do the best to the point he felt like he didnt have the time of his own he was strong he came from a powerful royal family. To him everything comes easy one must follow the rules no matter. He will never stand by and watch innocent people die he will raise his sword to pierce the sky. Everyone says that he will reach above all the elders but how can he truly go? When these two boys meet each other they find out there bloodline not just work well together it seem to always complete each other making them perfect for each other but they are like fire and water one loves being lazy and breaking the rules the other is a ruler follow doesnt like when the other person makes him look bad but both of them will protect each other and deepen there friend but what reason why are they connect to each other?
Gloria Drinka
Comments 1
The world was once peaceful. There were once dragons that flew around the world but after the great war between the gods, humans, and demons the dragon race beytraled by all the races making them suffer a cruel death. Millions of years later the world is in chaos there are monsters that roam around the world the sound of dragons are now nothing more then myth those with dragon bloodline arent even pure dragon bloodline. The most dragon deity god once destroyed by the Sea God but before it died it shuttered its part into thirteen pillars in different places the other half of itself disappeared out of nowhere as for the other thirteen pillars who ever is worthy enough will be the one who is the true heir to the dragons. There are two young boys one is by the demon clan ever since birth he has suffered a cruel death but lost his memories being taken by the Gong Family but they seem to be more of his past then there is to tell while his the prince of demon clan and he doesnt know who he really is he will do whatever it takes to protect those he holds dears. He loves to party and drink liquor and he really doesnt care who dies or lives as long as it doesnt touch his family. The other boy is known to be emotionless and cold heart he was trained to seal off his emotions he was born great abilities since birth but because of that he was always pressured to do the best to the point he felt like he didnt have the time of his own he was strong he came from a powerful royal family. To him everything comes easy one must follow the rules no matter. He will never stand by and watch innocent people die he will raise his sword to pierce the sky. Everyone says that he will reach above all the elders but how can he truly go? When these two boys meet each other they find out there bloodline not just work well together it seem to always complete each other making them perfect for each other but they are like fire and water one loves being lazy and breaking the rules the other is a ruler follow doesnt like when the other person makes him look bad but both of them will protect each other and deepen there friend but what reason why are they connect to each other?
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Sep 25, 2024
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